[Stolen from SRD with choice quotes added] Leaked mod mail conversations from r/TheCinemassacre (the official AVGN subreddit) reveal shady moderatior practices and behaviors, such as banning users

96  2017-05-29 by justcool393

This is a crosspost from that one subreddit. Here is the link if you want to see for yourself. Also drama is blowing up here over whether a brand can have a subreddit.

Background Information: r/TheCinemassacre is the official subreddit for the Cinemassacre YouTube channel. The channel is run by James Rolfe and Mike Matei. The subreddit is moderated by Mike.

Edit: Original leaks added!

Full Album of Leaked Modmail

Detailed Explanations:

Aftermath of Mike Matei's Dick Pic Posts

Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2

This modmail discusses a situation where Mike posted a picture of his penis on his Twitter account and on the official Cinemassacre subreddit using his moderator account. That post has since been deleted.

In the aftermath of this, Mike did not apologize or explain himself and he was accused of banning anyone who mentioned the posting of the dick pictures. Here is one thread that was completely nuked, asking what was going on. Many of the users here were banned.

YouTube Comment Screenshot, since deleted

Welcome to new Mods

Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2

This confirms the dick pic thing was actually Mike, and shows how he basically polices the sub himself disregarding the rules, making it restricted every so often, and doesn't even know how to check modmail.

Mike Removing Legitimate Discussions

The "drunk streaming" was when Mike streamed on the official "Cinemassacre Plays" YouTube channel almost blackout drunk, then banned and removed anyone who spoke about it. Apparently he game-overed on the first level of Super Mario Bros on the NES.

Bootsy's Departure

Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3

Bootsy was a part of the Cinemassacre YouTube channel until last year. We don't know why he left. Bootsy has said that he left to focus on his music. According to a reddit post made by Mike, Bootsy left because "[Cinemassacre] is moving in a different direction."

The screenshots show that there really is no policy on the Bootsy discussion. Mike and BTNMasherDraco (a new mod that Mike hired recently) have been deleting what they arbitrarily decide and banning other users too. It has been confirmed, from another thread on r/TheCinemassacreTruth that it is Mike doing most of the banning and giving no reasons.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Here is the link - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. r/TheCinemassacre - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. <strong>Full Album of Leaked Modmail</strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. Screenshot 1 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  6. Screenshot 2 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  7. Here is one thread that was complet... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  8. YouTube Comment Screenshot, since d... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  9. Screenshot 1 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  10. Screenshot 2 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  11. <strong>Mike Removing Legitimate Discussions</strong> - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  12. Screenshot 1 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  13. Screenshot 2 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  14. Screenshot 3 - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  15. reddit post made by Mike - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  16. r/TheCinemassacreTruth - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

How does the ole 9 incher compare to Mike's full wood?


at least it exists even outside of perspective tricks.

It seems like you've spent a lot of time studying this dick pic. What's your take on Matei's actual size?

i have no idea what it actually is. i haven't seen it; im just repeating what others have said.



if it makes you feel better

It does make me feel better, thanks for the concern

I said it. It was said in the original thread, of which I posted screencaps here.

/u/BTNMasherDraco what is the misinformation you are trying to correct? it seems pretty cut and dry that Mike is a shitty and erratic mod who bans people unfairly and removes things for no good reason. he also does dumb shit when drunk and then tries to hide the evidence

what is the misinformation you are trying to correct?

The mods claiming what they are currently, which massive breaches of policy and unprofessionalism. They literally jumped to making accusations and doing AMA's on the conspiracy board that hosts his revenge porn. Those members also tend to brigade and raid the official subreddit, which is BEYOND a normal violation. it also doesn't help that people don't take the Bootsy stuff at face value. They're trying to be professional towards each other and not drag up drama but the fans are doing it to "seek the truth" which is doing nothing but harming both sides.

Mike is a shitty and erratic mod who bans people unfairly and removes things for no good reason.

This is true, but he's also head mod. You don't go behind him and undo what he has done without talking to him first. That is something I have been doing and continuing to do. This entire thing has put him on edge because people won't stop posting revenge porn of him, even though he and we asked. He also doesn't word things well or know exactly how reddit works. reason Some of us were trying to teach him and get him more involved and less reactionary. All that went out the window when he got betrayed by his mods, whom he trusted to run the board. Although he thought most were MIA because he didn't know what the modlog was and NO ONE before seemed to have shown him.

he also does dumb shit when drunk and then tries to hide the evidence

We all do dumb shit while drunk and want to forget about it.

We all do dumb shit while drunk and want to forget about it.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, do we? I want to have human sympathy and all that, but the worst thing I do when I'm drunk is talk too loud and too much and annoy my friends. He wanted to brag about his dick to an audience of tens of thousands of people. It's not the traditional type of revenge porn where he had the expectation he was privately sharing with one person

No, but when he removes it and asks for it to not be shared, you'd think the fans of the site would comply. Nope, they went full 4chan on it.

Once he uploaded the video, he lost all right to complain about people using it. You would be crying about censorship if an opponent of AVGN asked him to stop using a clip that the opponent himself uploaded.

Wasn't a video, was a picture. A stupidly drunken decision. If this was a woman, people would be polar opposites and that's the pissed off reasoning.

Are you kidding me? If this were a woman, there would be a few white knights defending her, but that shit would be all over Reddit.

Not really. I see more subs take down revenge porn than not. I also know the admins do not joke around with putting subs that host it down. However, the sub some of this "information" is on hosts Mike's pics and admins have been aware of it for months.

You're making it seem like you guys are more important than you really are. What care about what someone else says. The videos suck and have for a long time. It's not like you guys are going to somehow improve in quality and need to shake the stigma. Donald Trump isn't trying to shut down subs because they say he has a tiny dick or saying generally negative things about him. As far as I know, President Trump hasn't posted a pic of his dick to prove the haters wrong. Just admit it, Mike Matei is a horrible fit for the "job" he has.

You're making it seem like you guys are more important than you really are.

Not my intention. it's their site, content, sub. If Mike and James want to keep doing what they are, then that's beyond anything fans can control.

Reddit isn't their site, it's not their sub. Reddit allows them to have a sub on here, Reddit allows them to use the sub. Reddit can take the sub away from them if they break the ToS and/or the ToU. Just like YouTube, they have to adhere to the rules of the site. I see that they have been breaking a few for a while. Don't worry I won't tell. I really like the drama.

Reddit isn't their site

No, but Cinemassacre is.

it's not their sub

Until Reddit says differently, yes, it is. Mike & James own the account that created the sub.

Just like YouTube, they have to adhere to the rules of the site

Still their channel though.

I see that they have been breaking a few for a while

So have the mods that came before by leaking modmail, attempting powergrabs, infighting, and a bunch of other shit they "forgot" to leak but hey, who's counting atrocities? It all came down to communication. No one wanted to talk to Mike about stuff so he literally didn't know what was going on. This is hopefully fixed going forward.

You haven't read the ToS have you? They can lose their sub after the fact. You seriously think this is all about the modmail leaks, this isn't. It's about sustained behavior. Mike needs to step away from the internet and get help. You can try to file bullshit DMCAs all you want and Mike can too, but it's not going away. How much shit does James get because of Mike's actions? James needs to convince Mike that he needs help as he might be the only person that can convince him he needs it. Mike's actions are taking James down with him. Have you ever wondered why he isn't getting the same views as he was before, it's because of Mikes behavior. Never go in business with a friend, it never ends up good. Either you grow to hate the person or they grow to hate you. I will give James credit, he's very loyal to people. Loyalty can also cause problems such as this. The more Mike tries, the worse he's making it out to be.

You might remember Paul Rubens, if not he was Pee Wee Herman and he got caught jerking off in a porn theater. People would normally deny everything even if the evidence is concrete and overwhelming or stoop to bullshit excuses. What Paul Rubens did was face everything people were saying. His first public appearance he asked people if they seen any good movies lately. He faced everything head on, like people should. What he didn't do was deny everything and try to hide it while attempting, and failing hard to squash all mention of it. Mike can learn something from Paul Rubens.

You haven't read the ToS have you? They can lose their sub after the fact.

Oh I know how the ToS works.

You seriously think this is all about the modmail leaks, this isn't.

No, I'm saying that the leakers and drama whores that go from sub to sub to do AMA's are the ones that let the problem go on as long as they did. They refused to communicate, and when they decided to "release" info they only did so with the info that made them look good. Ten months ago until today, they tried contacting him twice (as documented in modmail) on media that is either swamped or he doesn't check. Since I've been modding I've been in constant contact with Mike and these mistakes have slowed/stopped depending on which one we're referring to.

It doesn't mean that the sub didn't do wrong before, it just means the wrong people were "helping" Mike moderate.

You can try to file bullshit DMCAs all you want and Mike can too, but it's not going away.

Bullshit DCMA's on who? People have reuploaded his Minecraft video unedited in it's entirety many times. That's his and James' copyright, they have every right to file a DCMA.

Mike needs to step away from the internet and get help.

Same could be said with more than half of this site, but to each's own.

Mike can learn something from Paul Rubens.

Like being branded a pervert and having little to no roles in tv and movies because of it? it's been, what 30? 40 years? Still stigmatized. I could see why people wouldn't want to step forward as much as people demonize mistakes.

You really don't get it do you? Mike is the problem. If make was taken out of the equation there would be nothing here, this is all because of Mike and nobody else. He has a long history of doing just dumb shit and trying to hide and suppress it. He's taking you all down with him and he won't stop. You're doing a shitty job at defending him by saying other people have done worse. Whatever man, you want to drown with him that's all on you, at least you can lie about nobody warning you.

He's taking you all down with him and he won't stop.

No, he really isn't, but okay.

If make was taken out of the equation there would be nothing here

Including AVGN content since he edits for James.

You're doing a shitty job at defending him by saying other people have done worse

Nah, I'm doing a shitty job because you want me to agree with you fully instead of partially.

Whatever man, you want to drown with him that's all on you, at least you can lie about nobody warning you.

I know how to swim, did it for years before this happened and seen worse. Reason we're trying to fix this and move on. Keep the drama farming though! I've got food to cook.

Got all I needed, thank you.

If it were actual revenge porn, it would be removed. It is one of the things that is strictly against the content policy of reddit. Just to clear this up.

Yea but posting it and then four hours later being like, hmm i'm kinda embarrassed now doesn't really fall under revenge porn

That's kinda my point. The fact that it isn't removed means that the admins don't consider it that.

Rash decision maker. That's not someone that should ever be in charge. No matter how drunk or high I get, I have never took a picture of my cock to prove to people that I don't have a tiny dick. You can say I have a tiny dick and it really doesn't matter because the only person that should care gets it every day.

Different people do different things when high/drunk. I've done dangerous shit while sober, so it's all on the individual.

You don't really have any excuse for it do you? Unprofessional behavior is unprofessional behavior. So when someone drinks and drives they should be free from the consequences of their actions because they handle things differently. If he can't handle himself in a professional manner, why is he in charge of anything? So he's been acting the way he has for years is because he's drunk? I've never put another persons life or career in danger by my actions. I'm not a rash decision maker, I carefully weigh all of my actions before doing them.

How much are you being paid to do the PR management? If it's anything but you paying them, they should ask for a refund. Making excuses isn't going to make all of mike's bullshit go away. He clearly shouldn't be on the internet because he intentionally or unintentionally feeds all the trolls but unlike better people, he can't handle it. Rash decision makers are the last people who ever should be in charge. They think of the now and not the consequences of arising from their actions in the future.

My father was a ranger in the Army. He always drilled it in my head about accepting responsibility for all the dumb shit I do. He also drilled it in my head about thinking before acting. You need to tell Mike that he needs to accept responsibility for his actions because he's just making everything far worse. He needs to admit that he has a problem and he needs to do something about it. He's got issues and they need to be solved. Hiding is only making everything far worse.

You don't really have any excuse for it do you?

No, it's was dumb and he reflected badly on the brand. No one is clean of the "Dumb shit" category. Everyone does something to put them there. There's a reason he wants to put it behind him.

How much are you being paid to do the PR management?

None, I just don't like failed bullshit artists.

My father was a ranger in the Army. He always drilled it in my head about accepting responsibility for all the dumb shit I do.

That's a parent's job, to make sure their children don't fuck up like you have fucked up.

You need to tell Mike that he needs to accept responsibility for his actions because he's just making everything far worse.

I have been talking to him and telling him how we did things on large MMO forums and that this would not be the best option. He wasn't apprised of what the mods were doing or that they were trying to get the admins to give them the sub, they didn't talk to him and in the modmail only talked about contacting him twice in ten months. They kept making the excuse he was "unreachable" meanwhile I've got his ear and keeping him in the loop has calmed down a lot of the issues that the mods before couldn't take care of.

I keep seeing excuses from you, I'm noticing a trend here. PR isn't about hiding the bad or making bullshit excuses, it's about the resolution. I don't see how I fucked up in this chain of bullshit, I think you have though. I can see through this smoke screen because I'm just a little more crafty than you are. You can talk all the shit you want about me, make up shit, I really don't care. Rash decision makers are people who should never be in charge, they do not have what it takes to be a leader.

I don't see how I fucked up in this chain of bullshit, I think you have though.

You assumed I'm paid, you are also playing armchair psych and it's not really working.

...bullshit excuses, it's about the resolution.

I've made zero excuses for the behavior. So...?

Rash decision makers are people who should never be in charge, they do not have what it takes to be a leader.

Welcome to every leader ever in the world. When you're bombarded with stuff everyday at the levels that people have to make quick decisions for, your opinion might change into "I wish there was more time."

Regardless, I'm sure they have this and they'll take care of things.

So why exactly do you care as much as you do if you have no financial incentive to do so?

So why exactly do you care as much as you do if you have no financial incentive to do so?

Does it really take money for you to care? Hate to see you run a volunteer fire dept.

Wanting to help build, or in this case fix, a community is why if you must know.

I told you what the problem is, fix it if you really do care.

It happens when brands want to be on a site that isn't theirs. The owners don't know how to run it usually, reason they hire people to.

Not really sure what is /r/drama worthy.

One beautiful word: incompetence

From the decision to tweet out the dick pic to the attempts at damage control, this guy has fucked up at every turn. This is the kind of shit r/drama laughs at.

laugh away, but I bet you can't laugh at comparing sizes.

Post bussy

Nah brah. Also think you misunderstood the comparing sizes where I'm implying you can't laugh between you and Mike.


I think the bot's comment is all that needs to be said.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems

If that was true, then why would it be here in /r/drama where it's a sausage party. should be par for the course.

snapshill is a mercilessly anti-human mess of byte code who hangs out in /r/Drama and occasionally makes apropos comments about links. Generally a little smug piece of shit, but at least he never gets drunk and posts dick pics.

I bet if he did though, it would be like tron lightcycles.

🤔 I can definitely not unsee that.


I knew what you were saying, I'm just not insecure about my manhood like you want to believe. You sound like you were very impressed with Mike's dick the way you're defending him, was Mike impressed with your lack of a gag reflex?

I'm just not insecure about my manhood like you want to believe

Good for you.

You sound like you were very impressed with Mike's dick the way you're defending him

I mean, have you seen it?

Funny aside, I'm defending nobody, Mike has fucked up, but mods that leak, lie, bend rules, and go behind backs to unedit shit without talking to the head mod (Mike) aren't to be trusted and this entire thing can be summed up as. "Lazy mods didn't want to teach Mike anything and went behind his back to leak modmails while creating drama instead". I personally hate liars.

"Lazy mods didn't want to teach Mike anything and went behind his back to leak modmails while creating drama instead"

The drama was already there; the leak was just a drop of fuel added to a fire that could be seen for miles around. Like I said before: incompetence. I'm sure he's cool IRL, but on social media he's proven himself to be incompetent. The dude needs a good social media PR person before he ends up going full Trump on everybody.

"I'm gonna defend Mike a bunch. But I'm not gonna defend him."

Didn't defend him, but I won't pull punches on liars.

You will pull punches on Mike though. You describe the mods sins in great detail, yet on Mike all you say is that he "fucked up" and then go on to downplay what he did.

You will pull punches on Mike though

Publicly yes, privately I am discussing what needs to change and what the complaints are and what I think could be done better.

yet on Mike all you say is that he "fucked up" and then go on to downplay what he did

Didn't downplay anything, i stated could've been solved with the teachers like Zado, being patient and helping him which they were not. Instead they bashed him constantly, undid his actions, and told him nothing about what he was doing against the TOS.

I've literally been talking to him all day and helping him through "How to Reddit" rather than assuming everyone is 100k+ karma like some people.

I mean, have you seen it

No, I haven't seen it because you fuck keep deleting it >:^(

How does it feel to be wedged so far up some internet person's ass? Jeez buddy give it a break. Or at least fawn over an actual public figure.

He's getting a paycheck from Mike.

Holy shit, you must have gotten a real good look at his horsecock during all that brown nosing.

sitting here talking about professionalism and then making comments like this. Funny thing is you'd instantly remove and report comments like this in your own subreddit

No, I usually leave messages like this up. Mike doesn't like it because he wants to move form it so either Mike does it or an older mod did.

Secondly yeah I can level jokes and talk about professionalism since they aren't mutually exclusive, especially outside of the subreddit I mod.

Are you actually telling people to compare their dick sizes to Mike's after you just labeled it as revenge porn? lol

Mike didn't even take down the post until he got called out that he used a perspective trick to make his dick look 10 inches when his dick was closer to the cam than the tape measure.

Are you actually telling people to compare their dick sizes

Did I? I said I bet he can't compare. I didn't share or link to sharing or say to post the pictures, nothing like that. You do know how to read right?

Mike didn't even take down the post until he got called out

I'm sure that was the reasoning and not because it was a dumb idea to post it to begin with right? But what do I know? I'm only in communication with him instead of trying to bash him while I was running the board.

Did I?


I'm sure that was the reasoning and not because it was a dumb idea to post it to begin with right? But what do I know? I'm only in communication with him instead of trying to bash him while I was running the board.

Both can be the reasoning. It's a fact that he didn't remove it until he got called out. He was in the thread for 12 hours defending the post before that point.

Stop trying to make yourself seem so important. "I talk to Mike!" No one cares. You've been a mod for like a month and weren't around when this shit went down. You ask me what do you know? The answer is literally nothing. You did nothing because you weren't there. We put the fires out and contained the drama. You exploded it all over reddit a year later because you got a dick up your ass over a /r/TheCinemassacreTruth, which only had like 25 users before today.


As you said. "Prove it"

Stop trying to make yourself seem so important.

I'm not important, that's the thing. I just have professional courtesy to talk to my superiors before undoing their work. In the corporate world, that's fireable. That's also going to be a bad look for the future.

As you said. "Prove it"


I bet you can't laugh at comparing sizes.

I bet you can't laugh at comparing sizes.

Now equals (to you)

Spread revenge porn

?! WTF world do you live on? You sure do know words and stuff.

This isn't the corporate world. It's reddit. I guess this is you basically admitting to being a paid shill.

Wrong, but keep thinking that Mr Tinfoil. Also since it's an official sub of a brand where the brand owners represent it on the board.

Anyone would be lucky to have the type of on brand representation that you have been demonstrating.

I also in my off-time sell children to China, someone about soylent... blue? Can't remember, my Chinese is terrible anyway. Good money though.

That insult isn't going to work on anyone in this sub

Wasn't an insult, was a bet, although I don't have much to bet anymore because I donate all my internet points to charity.

You should stop trying to sound clever. You're not good at it.

Do you have fantasies about that guy mike? Because you are dickriding him pretty hard

my cock is bigger than yours joke

1/10 Incredibly poor effort.

Hey, not everyone can have a big one. Gotta be happy with what we all have.

The mods claiming what they are currently, which massive breaches of policy and unprofessionalism.

One mod, not mods. The mod was identified as dumbassj, yet you removed everyone who built that subreddit.

This is true, but he's also head mod. You don't go behind him and undo what he has done without talking to him first.

Except when it violates reddit mod guidelines, reddit terms of service, and the subreddit rules. All of which Mike did.

He also doesn't ... know exactly how reddit works.

Hence why he has no business being a mod. Since he violated reddit TOS and the new mod guidelines, reddit should remove him.

Also, at least your point is true. I once created for Mike a step-by-step tutorial of how to check modmail, complete with pictures. It's literally clicking on an icon. I drew and arrow pointing at it. He said he could not figure it out.

yet you removed everyone who built that subreddit.

Mike removed, not me. Mods betrayed trust and wasn't the only one as more than one made throwaways to post on the tinfoil sub.

Except when it violates reddit mod guidelines

Still gotta go through the head mod and discuss with him, doesn't matter what reddit says that shows you will go above other people's heads to do what YOU want, not the sub mods/owner.

Hence why he has no business being a mod.

He's a mod so he can control people like you and the others that decided drama stirring was better than discussing stuff with him. He also wants to be able to control the official sub a certain way, and yes while sometimes awfully, people mostly just undid what he did without discussing ANYTHING with him. This happened on more than one occasion, plus mods wrongly blaming other mods in modmails in a public reply. Thanks for that because I was one of those wrongly blamed for something I didn't remove.

I once created for Mike a step-by-step tutorial of how to check modmail

I sent him a link to modmail and he figured it out fine.

Mike removed, not me. Mods betrayed trust and wasn't the only one as more than one made throwaways to post on the tinfoil sub.

Prove it.

Still gotta go through the head mod and discuss with him, doesn't matter what reddit says that shows you will go above other people's heads to do what YOU want, not the sub mods/owner.

Not when it violates the subreddit rules, reddit TOS, and mod guidelines. And also not when he's too incompetent to know how to check modmail.

I sent him a link to modmail and he figured it out fine.

Bullshit. I sent him a link and a tutorial with pictures and a big giant arrow labeled "click here" and he said he could not figure it out. If he did eventually figure it out, it was in the past 48 hours and not in the entire year that I ran the sub.

He's a mod so he can control people like you and the others that decided drama stirring was better than discussing stuff with him.

Again, I call bullshit. He did noting but stir drama by handing out unwarranted bans, posting his dick, and doing live streams while he was black-out drunk. People like me cleaned up his fucking mess.

This last mess has drawn the attention of /r/drama, /r/SubredditDrama, and others. It's even the topic of conversation in /r/dumbsford right now. It got /r/TheCinemassacre removed from the Retro Gaming Network. It created a rival sub to reemerge. Basically everyone knows how incompetent he is. It will draw the attention of the admins. His violations are severe enough for them to remove him as a mod. They have stripped mods from "brand" subs for much less. Best of all, now it's going to be really easily googleable.


Prove it.

Prove that Mike was the one to remove the mods? Lol you are full of tinfoil.

Not when it violates the subreddit rules, reddit TOS, and mod guidelines.

yes because it shows, and I'm using your "professionalism" against you here, you're willing to overstep bounds rather than DISCUSS THE ISSUE. it shows you think you're superior to everyone else.

he's too incompetent to know how to check modmail

Took five minutes and a reddit link to modlog to get him onboard for that, Literally five minutes of work.

Bullshit I sent him a link and a tutorial with pictures and a big giant arrow labeled "click here" and he said he could not figure it out.

You sent a book to someone, that doesn't have time, to read and follow in order to do something that is simply a link to see what modmail is. You also probably have had little conversation with him because he's on iOS most of the time and cannot put a reason (on his version at least) for removals. So yeah, the incompetence is in the teacher being impatient rather than the student unwilling to learn.

Again, I call bullshit. He did noting but stir drama by handing out unwarranted bans, posting his dick, and doing live streams while he was black-out drunk. People like me cleaned up his fucking mess.

Yeah he fucked up a bit, did ANYONE pull him aside and explain to him the rules he was breaking for Reddit's site? Did the fans try to respect the rules or just skirt them in order to be trolls and 4chan funny? I think you know how some posters were and I think you know exactly what the truth is.

This last mess has drawn the attention of /r/drama, /r/SubredditDrama, and others. It's even the topic of conversation in /r/dumbsford right now.

Oh no, but seriously you really know all this drama does nothing but make it so James wants nothing to do with Reddit or Social media probably, especially after that hatchetjob from MSM about Ghostbusters. So congrats at stepping closer to stopping AVGN and Cinemassacre content rather than teaching someone to reddit.

His violations are severe enough for them to remove him as a mod.

Maybe with a regular sub, but seeing as it's an official sub, never seen brand owners removed from brand subs, only mods that were volunteers/regular users.

Best of all, now it's going to be really easily googleable.

Yeah, and it's going to blow up in your face from what I see more than anything.

Prove that Mike was the one to remove the mods? Lol you are full of tinfoil.

No, prove this unsubstantiated claim:

Mods betrayed trust and wasn't the only one as more than one made throwaways to post on the tinfoil sub.

Only one account and one mod is known. So, prove it.


Literally no. You are not allowed to let another mod violate TOS, et cetera, no matter what order they are on the list.

You sent a book to someone, that doesn't have time, to read and follow in order to do something that is simply a link to see what modmail is. You also probably have had little conversation with him because he's on iOS most of the time and cannot put a reason (on his version at least) for removals. So yeah, the incompetence is in the teacher being impatient rather than the student unwilling to learn.

I sent him a link and a screenshot with an arrow that said "click here." LOL man, "a book." You weren't even a mod at the time. You know literally nothing. Now you're just inventing things. We call that lying. It's hilarious, though.

Oh no

That should be your serious response as it's you who caused the drama. Before you came around we kept it under control.

Maybe with a regular sub, but seeing as it's an official sub, never seen brand owners removed from brand subs, only mods that were volunteers/regular users.

There's no such thing as an "official" subreddit on reddit without the express written permission of reddit, and I know for a fact that /r/TheCinemassacre doesn't have that.

There's nothing in the TOS that gives an employee of a company an exception to the rules.

Moderating a subreddit is an unofficial, voluntary position. We reserve the right to revoke that position for any user at any time. If you choose to moderate a subreddit, you agree to the following:

You may not enter into any form of agreement on behalf of reddit, or the subreddit which you moderate, without our written approval.

never seen brand owners removed from brand subs

Well, you're not really a redditor, your a twitch streamer. You have almost no post history. I, on the other hand, have seen plenty of brand subs have their mods removed for violating TOS. Reddit owns the community, not some other company. It's reddit's site.

Yeah, and it's going to blow up in your face from what I see more than anything.

lol, what?

No, prove this unsubstantiated claim

Yeah got me, I cannot prove it as I do not have id trackers or IP addys. I can only see two different names of "CinemassacreMod" spelled differently in the "Truth" sub.

Only one account and one mod is known.

yet the "Truth" board leader talked a game of having more than one. I don't care. mods showed their colors the SECOND the leaks happened.

I sent him a link and a screenshot with an arrow that said "click here." LOL man, "a book." You weren't even a mod at the time. You know literally nothing. Now you're just inventing things. We call that lying. It's hilarious, though.

A book compared to "Click this (link) and it shows you what mod actions have been taken and by whom" Boom, no misunderstanding.

Well, you're not really a redditor you're a twitch streamer

As stated before, "PROVE THIS UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM". Also ftfy. It's almost like I can do multiple things at one time!

You have almost no post history

Welcome to my second account made literally for Dauntless reddit when it launched. Great detective work!

I, on the other hand, have seen plenty of brand subs have their mods removed for violating TOS.

How pompous does this sound. Got a fine wine in your hand talking to the plebs? Get off your highhorse, you're a nobody as well as anyone else. Secondly, I have seen literal subs for Doxxing stay active for 4+ years so I guess you like to stick around in tight circles. haha.

Reddit owns the community, not some other company. It's reddit's site.

Yup, and if the official community is removed I foresee the unofficials coming with it since, as I've said before, the same people that frequent the board you all ran to to cry wolf, raids, spams, and harasses the official board. So choose your battles.

Lastly, since you want to get really technical. Cinemassacre owns all the logos, art, and designs on your page for the header and Screwattack owns the Sprite AVGN likeness. Personally speaking, I would NOT piss off a company that you want to use the materials of, makes for a terrible fansite/sub if the creators hate it.

You're so unbelievably retarded that you stick out in this retard farm of a subreddit.

uh huh, tell me how you really feel. Let it all out.

That was it fam. You're stupid. That's all that was inside me re: this entire shitshow.

Let it all out. You'll never start healing if you don't.

These shit-tier bantz attempts are somehow making my opinion of you sink even lower. Kill yourself tbhfam.

Nah, rather keep the healing alive.

Sick burns

Yeah got me, I cannot prove it as I do not have id trackers or IP addys. I can only see two different names of "CinemassacreMod" spelled differently in the "Truth" sub.

Cool. So you don't know.

A book compared to "Click this (link) and it shows you what mod actions have been taken and by whom" Boom, no misunderstanding.


As stated before, "PROVE THIS UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM". Also ftfy. It's almost like I can do multiple things at one time!


Lastly, since you want to get really technical. Cinemassacre owns all the logos, art, and designs on your page for the header and Screwattack owns the Sprite AVGN likeness. Personally speaking, I would NOT piss off a company that you want to use the materials of, makes for a terrible fansite/sub if the creators hate it.

Please, please try to go that route.

Well, you're not really a redditor

No proof for this? I admitted to being a twitch streamer, come on Zado, keep up!

Your account, obviously. The fact that you have demonstrated how oblivious you are to reddit culture, your unfamiliarity with the site rules. Good enough?

I think it's pretty obvious that the account is either Mike or James. Since it's all about trying to prove something because of the short man syndrome, I'm leaning more towards this account being an alt of Mikes. Mike is a very insecure person. I think he knows that without James Rolf, he would be even more of a nothing. I think that every comment he has posted here should be archived because he's likely going to either burn the account and create another one or go on a deletion spree.

I think it's a paid community manager or one of Mike's personal friends.

Mike messaged me and asked for more mods. So I hired some reddit ones. Mike added a few of his own and this guy was one of them.

Isn't being paid to be a mod against the ToS? If he was hired to give them better PR I would make sure I kept the receipt. It could very well be Mike's friend though I couldn't imagine that he would have any for any length of time going by his actions here. Either one, that guy and Mike seem like incompetent douchenozzles. I don't know if you would know anything about it but what does Mike do that someone else couldn't? I really see nothing of value in him because he does exactly what other people can do, but worse.

Isn't being paid to be a mod against the ToS?

Yup. So is having an "official" subreddit without reddit's explicit written permission.

Mike runs all of the social media and the YouTube channel for James. Someone else could do it better, but they're life long friends. And they have a show together.

But the Reddit admins and them are best buds. I have seen one of their videos and I won't be making that mistake again. James was fine, Mike was beyond annoying. He tries so hard to get people to like him that he comes off as extremely fake.

Oh no, but seriously you really know all this drama does nothing but make it so James wants nothing to do with Reddit or Social media probably, especially after that hatchetjob from MSM about Ghostbusters. So congrats at stepping closer to stopping AVGN and Cinemassacre content rather than teaching someone to reddit.

Mike posted a picture of his dick on the sub. I would be surprised if James wants to engage any kind of social media after that.

You're assuming a dick pic was worse than that MSM hatchet job James got over Ghostbusters. I would not like the internet much after that.

Isn't the timeline dick pic > ghostbusters > bootsy?

I believe so, seems the dick pic drama ramped up after Bootsy left. I wasn't more than a viewer before two months ago.

It got /r/TheCinemassacre removed from the Retro Gaming Network

Which you run as a mod, and totally isn't because of butthurt.

I don't run it alone. You got evicted for unethical practices.

I sent him a link and a tutorial with pictures and a big giant arrow labeled "click here" and he said he could not figure it out.

You should dig through your messages, find it, and post it everywhere where it's relevant because he's a real trailblazer in incompetence if that's true.

You should dig through your messages, find it, and post it everywhere where it's relevant because he's a real trailblazer in incompetence if that's true and it's also hilarious.

No way I am gonna find it from over a year ago in reddit messages.

But I can recreate it. It was basically this:



A screen shot of our modmail.

And the link to our modmail.

Many thanks!

You're welcome.

I know I said before it was in email. A search of my email conversations with Mike determined that was a lie. It must've been a PM on reddit from a year ago.

No worries, I believe you!

I once created for Mike a step-by-step tutorial of how to check modmail, complete with pictures. It's literally clicking on an icon. I drew and arrow pointing at it. He said he could not figure it out.

this is beautiful

What's your favourite Siivagunner High Quality Rip?


What year is it?

Hey guys I just found this really cool guy who calls himself "Egoraptor" on Newgrounds. He makes some pretty good stuff!

Then he sold out like a bitch. :(

hey remember when Egoraptor was good??? because I went back through his catalog and can't seem to find any record of it

Girlchan in paradise was legitimately good from what I remember when I re-watched his stuff.

oh SHIT i totally forgot about Girlchan in Paradise. It's been awhile but that's what got me hooked back in the transitioning-to-YouTube days



I played halo coop on legendary with an older girl thank you very much

It's the past... apparently.

He's still more relevant than Spoony.

Speaking of, the Spoony sub folk got a "missing persons" ad placed on Spoony's own website. Pretty funny.



Mike Matei, who works for Cinemassacre, the production company behind The Angry Video Game Nerd, violated /r/TheCinemassacre's own subreddit rules, violated reddit TOS, and violated reddit's mod guidelines on multiple occasions by willy-nilly banning people and setting the sub to restricted when say things he doesn't like, such as a critical comment about one of his videos, that time he posted his dick to reddit, that time Bootsy left Cinemassacre, and that time he posted a pic of his dick to reddit using camera trickery to make it appear as if it were 10 inches.

Isn't Mike Matei just a highly functioning autism that landed a good gig being friends with James but otherwise has no actual talent or skills or am I wrong?


He's got tons of skill! I mean, how could someone with no talents make a video this good?

/u/BTNMasherDraco can you confirm if he tried to pretend he was drunk when he shat this garbage out?

Nope, can only confirm what I know. I know that reuploading someone else's content in it's entirety is against ToS and Fed law since it's Trademarked and Copyrighted, so...?

I know that reuploading someone else's content in it's entirety is against ToS and Fed law since it's Trademarked and Copyrighted, so...?

Thats real cool, but I didn't upload the video and I don't care...

True, but that's all I know pertaining to what you proposed to me.

Most of the minecraft videos are covered by fair use (the original isn't). The same way cinemassacre can upload movie clips/video game clips. Fair. Use.

(ps you're a moron)

Why did you delete my post and comments? It wasn't revenge porn. I was appreciating a delicious penis.

Oh you just banned me :(

Yeah, also, don't raid the sub and do that.

You can't tell me how to live my life.

But is this real life, or just fantasy?







Oh look a free Ipad!

This isn't your average everyday autism... this is advanced autism. Hoooly christ.


did you get suspended or something?


was it because you were spamming /r/relationships? because I think I remember something about you doing that

No, eventually /r/RelationshitsWatch got banned when I started calling people pedophiles. I also got a 3 dayer for "bullying" for that.

I'm serving a 7 day sentence at the moment for spamming shit related to the /u/fallout2323 kerfuffle which is funny because my spamming was in response to his spamming, and he is not under a suspension. Admins are retards, what else is new.

So, why are you signing with your original username?

Shut the fuck up.



For the record, have you ever masturbated while wearing a dog collar and barking?


you're not /u/UncleSamuel. you can't do that. it's against the law.

Just tryina make a change :\

For creating a fake PM about someone threatening to rape his 9 year old daughter. Mods saw it was fake and banned him.

Hey everyone! Look! A 10 minute old account!

Boar James

By Bill Williamson

James Rolfe let out a long defeated sigh and turned up the volume on Paranormal Activity 420 (Blaze It). He had spent the past 6 months watching the entire Paranormal Activity franchise for Monster Movie Halloween Special but was questioning this decision. "Is this what it has come to?" he thought to himself. With another long sigh, he turned off his Blu-Rayâ„¢ player. The ceiling lamp was now jingling around, while ecstatic moans from the bedroom upstairs filled the house. "Oh yes! Fuck me harder Mike!" "Brown bricks! Mineycrafta!" James hurried outside for some air. Fuck... fuck this life. He understood, of course he could never hope to compete with "Motherfucker" Mike Matei. It was known that his huge 12 inch girth was a big cock for her, and he understood she needed to be sexually satisfied. But did she have to moan his name? Not even once did she accidentally moan James. "I am only her damn husband!" he cried out in a fit of rage. "Sheeeeeit you a pussyass cracka, white boi" yelled a passing Tyrone. James sighed again, watching as the local friendly melanin enriched youth threw his stolen bike down, whipped out a spray can and graffiti-ed "COPS RACIS" on the side of the house before hurling it through the front window and going on in. "FUCK!" raged Jame's inner voice, "Another $5000 and I just got that all fixed".

Prices had surged ever since Shillary had become president, and times were getting ever tighter. Jewtube had pushed their AI clone channels to the fore, while coming down hard on original content producers. His channel was not eligible for advertising or sponsorship, so he was relying solely on Patreon donors. This is why he was reviewing the Paranormal franchise, because a patron had requested it.

It was a warm March morning, thanks to global warming, so James wandered down the street. A gentle breeze whispered in the crisp new leaves of the trees, rustling softly, "Shhhhhaaaaa....". At the end of the road, there lay a forest, where James and his parents used to go sometimes at weekends for picnics. Pleasant memories came flooding back as he meandered slowly through the trees; Father showing him how to spot animals, Mother teaching him the names of the plants. And that one time, when he was very young... A long forgotten memory suddenly surfaced, like Doug Walker's wife at Seaworld. He frowned, who was he with? He could only hear the voice, an older man, maybe his Grandfather. "When all seems lost and hopeless, Find the dark pool in the forest, At the hour of quads, Tis the hour of frogs, Jump in and fear no more, Unleash the power of the boar." "What did he mean by this?" thought James. Those words had haunted him for many years. He had forgotten them when he met his fair lady wife. CAW CAW CAW! A loud crow call jerked James out of his muesings, and he realised he was in an unknown part of the forest. Before him lay a small, rather dank and overgrown lake. Surrounding the lake were seven sycamore trees, evenly spaced. The water was pitch black. He hadn't noticed before, but there were frogs croaking. For some reason he glanced down at his watch; 11:11am. The hour of quads... the dark pool..... James started walking towards the waterline, his mind melting all the thoughts and worries away. Only one thought remained; get in the water. It was icy cold, but James let out not a single shudder as he walked out as far as he could go. When it became too deep, he dived down. James crawled up the side of the bank and lay on the grass. "What the hell just happened? Had I gone insane?"

His mind drifted to his family and his work.His work! Gathering his thoughts together he hurried back home. That review was not going to write itself. The wind whispered in the trees. "Shhhhaaddilayyyy"....

As James sat down with a freshly made hot pocket, Mike slunk past, peering at the screen. "Thats some pleb fucking shit right there" James let out yet another sigh, "Yeah, I know. Hey Mike, want to cameo or something in this video?" "Nah, I'm good". Mike wiped his 12 inch meat sword on the back of James neck, the stink of his cum and Mrs. Rolfe's pussy slowly pervaiding the air. Suddenly a hideous wail shattered through the house, a wail that hit James in his heart, like a diamond bullet. "WRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" James shuddered. "JAAAAAAAAAAMMEEEEEEEESSSSSSS, FOR FUCKS SAKE WILL YOU FEED IT ALREADY?", yelled the bossy whining voice of Mrs. Rolfe. "JAAAAAAAAMEEESSS YOU FUCKING CIS WHITE MALE, DON'T MAKE ME MAKE TYRONE BEAT YOUR ASS!". Mrs. Rolfe descended down the stairs, her scraggy tits leaking sour milk as they flopped obscenely with each step. James winced at the sight of her roast beef flaps, florrid and stinking from the endless poundings, the cum of a thousand men flowing down her thin meth addict core thighs like a polluted stream. "FUCKING HELL JAMES I ASK ONE TINY LITTLE THING OF YOU...". But she never finished the sentance. At that moment, James picked up the source of the hideous wailing, his retarded child. An dissapointment greater than Demo Reel, so unholy that his very sperm had rebelled in horror when meeting his wifes rotten eggs. "no", whispered James. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" "No" "THE FUCK JAMES WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.." "NO!" The final no rang out so loud that a sterotypical flock of birds in the trees outside suddenly flapped away. And then it began. James felt a surge of primeval rage rush through him. He started twitching and grunting, hoglike. He could feel himself growing in size, his muscles feeling as though they are going to burst. He roared as his nose turned to a snout, as the huge tusks erupted from the sides of his jaw. He grunted and bristled as coarse hair erupted all over his body. But most of all, he felt power! "shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet" said Tyrone. Boar James darted foreward and threw his retarded child, smashing Tyrone in the head. K. O! Boar James charged foreward and impaled his crypt keeper wife with his enormous tusks, shaking his head from side to side, disembowling her. He grunted and took a massive dump on her face as she lay dying, clutching her intestines. "J-James... Fuck..... you....." Boar James roared with rage, picking up Tyrones lifeless body and ran outside, throwing it into Mike's car. Mike's terrified face peered out. "P-please James, I'm your friend, your wife was just a whore, I did what any man would do" Boar James headbutted through the windscreen and ripped out Mike's throat. "YOU WERE NOT A GOOD FRIEND!!!!!" he roared. The power of the boar flowing within his veins, James then began to run. There was a certain man in chicago who needed to be delt with....

Crosspost to SRC for maximum exposure.

How you gonna not link the dick pic?

What was the joke about his dick that he was tired of?

That is was really big.

What's the low down guys, does Mike have a tiny cock?


I just located pics of the original mod leak.


why isn't SRD listed as one of the 'related subreddits' on the right? On some days it's arguably superior to /r/drama

We're a safe space free from /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK's sexual advances.

In all seriousness though, it'd make like half of this subreddit REEEEEEE the fuck out, so it isn't a bad idea.

Because it got taken over by SRS

r/TheCinemassacre (the official AVGN subreddit)

WHOA now, I didn't realize when I pretended it was 2008 yesterday I actually opened up a time portal

You're acting as though this is big news or something. The amount of work you put in to this is alarming. Mike is second banana on a C list youtube show. You need to quit this victim shit too, you post on the cinemassacre sub just to agitate them.

I didn't even write the post. I wasn't kidding when I said I stole it from /r/SubredditDrama.

Also, I've never posted on either of the AVGN subreddits.

sooo how hurt is ur ass right now