Gamers use anecdotal and completely unverifiable stories to compete in the oppression Olympics. Bonus points for using racism to complain about racism.

46  2017-06-01 by [deleted]



Cool story, bro


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Apparently blacks aren't harassing people over their race

Jacob Zuma wants that mayo land.

Just like girl gamers don't harass male gamers over their gender


Just like muslim gamers don't harass other gamers over their religion

Muslim suicide bombers are really just LARPers who are too enthusiastic about their role-playing hobby.

In a variety of games, I have been killed through suicide bombings by men shouting "Allahu Ackbar" and detonating themselves/their vehicle near me.

I can only assume this is done by real muslims to commit e-terrorism on me.

GTA 5 Online

it has been white guys. (at least if we are going by voice).

Voice is the new race I guess.

To be fair, the lack of "bux nood mothafucka" and "shiiiieeet" really gave the race of the speaker away.

Sometimes you can tell though based off their voice.

Like, whether or not they use complete sentences.

/u/redroverdover listen to Dunkey and guess what race he is

Is it racist if I hate all gamers and think they deserve each other?

Absolutely, that's the beauty of it, everything and everyone is racist.

I agree, gamers are scum and they deserve to have to hang out with each other in the repetitive hateful hells of their own creation.

TYPICAL! Gamer manbabies just have to defend their dumb toys. They pretend to care about the gigantic number of racist/sexist comments for a whole two seconds before starting in with the sealioning about HOW HARD it is to be a white dude when people of color point out that your hobby is super racist. This is just like with Zoe Quinn. "Let me tell you about how she didn't receive any harassment, now let me get back to calling her a whore"


Oh you are one of those "gaming is racist, sexist and homophopic and being white anywhere in the world = easy " people. Cry me a river.

Best example of Poe's law I've seen all week.

I had to look up poe's law, but it sounds like an excuse for you to discount the views of women and POCs, pissbaby.

You are good at this, but the term "pissbaby" is ableist and ageist you colonizer.

I know this sub is full of misogynerds, but THIS is over the line. Stop trying to gaslight people.

On the off chance you are serious, this sub is called drama, it's about pointing out the humor behind abandoning logic and resorting to base emotion. Poes law again though because I don't know if you are serious.

Just looked at your post history, you are pretty good at this. Troll on sweet prince. Troll on. (Not even being sarcastic)

I'm not a troll! One of my most recent comments is shitting on The Witcher 3. What could be more feminist than that?

Plenty of things. Have you checked out r/tumblrinaction

I quit going there when half of the posts were obvious satire. Sad

You don't even need to set the hook with some of these retards.

I mean there is objective evidence that she is a salacious harlot after all.

Another manbaby's claim isn't OBJECTIVE evidence, sweetie. And policing women's bodies? Really? You people are so gross.

Hey now, being a whore is a choice I support to the fullest extent.

Y'all don't deserve any better. Although I do have net upvotes right now. I'm going to retool this and come back with more baby talk and fewer randomly capitalized words.

GET owned by gamergate BITCH

Oh look! Another loser who uses misogynist language when it can't get its way. Didn't see that coming.




Godspeed you basement dweller.

"Let me tell you about how she didn't receive any harassment, now let me get back to calling her a whore"

Exactly, I'm tired of the alt-lite and conservative community (of which I used to side heavily with) pretending they care about free speech while bashing and silencing their opposition. Through their influence on the internet they've actually instilled hatred in their viewers, they've given all the "cucks" and "sjws" real reasons to complain about oppression. Also, I don't care about whats free reign on the internet, I don't get why its wrong to teach people to be kinder...

I don't know what to do with this. I didn't see it coming and I have no gameplan.

The internet gives the power to be an edgelord, online games are full of teenagers or neckbeards/legbeards who want to be edgelords. Of course people will be insulted. On the other hand, there comes a time in life when you understand that the world outside mommy and daddy is cruel and nobody gives a shit. Nobody needs professional victims, you can fight racism and xenophobia or sexism online, but question is where is the line what is really it and what is just stupid insults.

People don't have to be held accountable for their actions, and little people tend to get brave when they're anonymous.

It definitely comes down to this. I would not mind at all if Steam made it mandatory for you to have to upload your personal info including picture to your account for their internal purposes and if you violate/harass you can be publicly outed on their website.

John Smith , banned for racist harassment and his picture and gamertag right there.

Let people know they can be fucked with for fucking with other people. Some accountability, like you said.

I just want to play and have fun and escape. I may have to hop on the EU servers and see how that is. Because its a pile of shit being a black guy on the US server man.

Fuck you are one retarded racist /u/redroverdover to think doxxing people will work in your favor.

Have you tried not getting upset and flinging shit everywhere when people are mean to you online? Or maybe not calling yourself BlackDicWhiteChic in online games?

Lmfao yeah like how do people even know your race in games unless you call yourself "BLACKMANBLMFUCKTRUMPDINDUNUFFIN"

tbf that is a fucking great handle

How does doxxing people not work in your favour?

I would not mind at all if Steam made it mandatory for you to have to upload your personal info including picture to your account

Blizzard tried to do just that like 10 years ago and everyone lost their fucking minds. I think they called it RealID but I'm not sure.

They ended up canceling that project and it was forgotten in time.

If only people could remember and apply the old adage you can't change other people only yourself. But safe spaces and feelings are the soup du jour.

How does doxxing people not work in people's favour? Doxxing is predominately used for blackmail. Your post is almost as dumb as his.

Listen retard, if everyone's information is easily available online and all it takes to expose is some reports and cries of racism. This dipshit would get doxxed the first day.

"Downy"? I'm loading my script kiddie tools as I speak, hope you enjoy pizzas, bigot.

But seriously, I think you misread his point. Doxxing is a nuclear option when it comes to online trolling, and he's willing to cause mutually assured destruction to combat racism. So that's not a good argument against his favour.

As I see it, he doesn't realize the repercussions of his own scenario and would get a rude awakening when some crosses got burned on his lawn combined with the hundreds of dildos shipped to his parent's house under his name.

/pol/acks don't walk outside of their basements, so no cross burnings, but the thousands of dragon dildos and pizzas would be a given.

It's funny, the guy you were arguing with doxxed me and publicised the wrong address, even sent some psychopathic murder threats to me and my girlfriend if I didn't delete my account. So pathetic

I may have to hop on the EU servers and see how that is

He doesn't know Europe is the Mos Eisley of racist shittalk.

Mos Eisle






/u/Pizza_Wizards definitely fits the profile of every generic 13 year old on XBL.

Uh, try 10, idiot. Post boipussy.

/u/redroverdover try killing yourself for your shit taste in games.

user reports: 1: Told me to kill myself

i dont think /u/redroverdover is familiar with r/drama

You can usually guess a bunch of things about someone from how they talk and their voice.