Ghazitard has watched Full Metal Jacket and is thus highly versed in military operations. Argument ensues and trails into deeper and deeper autism.

82  2017-06-02 by lvl99SkrubRekker


This, but unironically.


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Also, Colby "Ghazi is my life" Klaus aka lifestyled is back. Lmao

It'll be much more complete if AngryDM was there as well.

According to his profile, he was back by January 2016. Which is what? Five hot minutes after the last time he deleted his account "forever"?

"Doesn't matter what the piece says, I don't care about that"

Good job.

demanding people read the article before commenting is elitist and ableist

Expecting people to be able to read alone is ableist

it's also racist because capitalism inflicts more illiteracy on racialized persons

I thought that was implied

all of my comments are implied racism yes

I mean, you are not a socialist, of course you are racist


@sweden peaked in october 2016, they went straight from this woke postcolonial feminist nutter over to an anti-sjw doomsday prepper nerd who tweeted about how courageous he was to offend the sheeple with his rad opinions about weed


the internet is full of weirdos

/u/Rinderpest1995 sjws are cancer

Wait I'm confused. The downvoted guy's argument is basically the exact same as the whole ACAB nonsense; that everyone who is a part of the institution is inherently complicate in the injustices some of its members create. Doesn't Ghazi usually eat that shit up? Why is it suddenly different for them when its soldiers?

"No bad targets or bad tactics comrade."

Their principles go out the window when their target is the incorrect race, job or lifestyle.

no, Ghazi is deep into the idea that soldiers are all child-abused street urchins swept up in Bush's imperial wars because they were desperate for three squares a day

Even if they are white men who don't hate themselves? I would love to read that.

I'm sure any day now they'll start talking about "soldiers of color" to differentiate.

Black men are forced into servitude while white men choose to be soldiers instead of CEOs.

I mean, there actually is a large racial demographic disparity between combat arms and support roles. White people want to be heroes, it seems. Not that that makes anything like what this dingleberry is talking about more valid but.

Are you saying there aren't tons of white people in all positions?

But of course, there are all kinds of people everywhere. But combat arms skews white, and logistics skews black iirc. Hispanics are everywhere, Asians are similar.

Maybe black people are afraid of doing stuff and just show up for government benefits.

Hmmm. That's a real thinker.


Why the skew then?

There are a lot of theories. I'm sure it's above my pay grade.

You are no fun. I was just listening to places like Ghazi that tell me black people are forced into it and have no responsibility for their actions due to institutions and cultures spanning centuries if not longer.

Unlikely, if they're forced to acknowledge that minorities exist in the military then they'll unironically slur them as Uncle Tom's because it's a safer thing to say than actually standing up for them.

That's just the fluff & excuses they come up with afterwards.

Ghazi categorizes whole groups as "people" and "not people" based on the far left trends then rationalize it after so they'll never be out of sync with SRS.


I figure the only useful thing you learned in Full Metal Jacket was the importance of giving a reach around.

u/Rinderpest1995 when I was in the infantry I never got the memo that we could shoot women and children, in reality roe was we couldn't shoot unless we had positive identification, basically they had to shoot at us first.

Ahaha you haven't even watched Full Metal Jacket clearly nerd

Yeah but I bet you thought about it once or someone in your group did!

And in many cases during the Afghan "surge," soldiers and Marines on the ground were routinely denied air support and indirect fires to avoid civilian casualties. In those cases a shit ton of friendly soldiers died to protect civilians.

Don't tell mongs like /u/rinderpest1995 that though. Being a preteen during the height of the GWOT has made him and expert on modern warfare.

He's pretty good at Modern Warfare II also

FUCK you for thinking of this first, you clever son of a bitch

And in many cases during the Afghan "surge," soldiers and Marines on the ground were routinely denied air support and indirect fires to avoid civilian casualties. In those cases a shit ton of friendly soldiers died to protect civilians.

"Civilians" who (statistically speaking) probably deserved to be bombed.

in reality roe was we couldn't shoot unless we had positive identification, basically they had to shoot at us first.

Like in the wikileaks video?

Nothing wrong there, get your test levels checked pussy.

Never said it was wrong. Don't act all moral or ethical on a high horse and shit is what I'm saying. Wtf does that have to with test levels retard?

Whoa, cool it with the ableism, okay guy?

Fun fact, you can literally substitute any military personnel as the pilots in this video and it becomes an accurate depiction of their service.

Maybe it's the sentence structure, but I don't get what you're saying.

Do you think that video is at all relatable to ops comment?


Well there's your problem, you're hopelessly retarded!


/u/donaldthelion is correct that units did not need command approval if they were fired upon. But the video shown here is different for a few reasons.

  1. The supposed enemy targets in the video are not firing upon the coalition aircraft. This means that even though PID was assessed (AK-47 and RPG), the pilots needed command approval for a CDE (collateral damage estimation).

  2. The targets in the video were considered "Fleeting Targets" because they were on the move. Fleeting targets typically need command approval to fire upon but only a hasty CDE is required.

  3. Notice the mosque near the targets. This meant that the pilots were to use the minimal amount of force necessary to subdue the targets.

  4. Command granted approval based on the pilot's verbal assessment. In 2007, command elements did not have real-time battleground visuals from helicopters so they relied on pilot assessments.

  5. Command declared there were no coalition or Iraqi military forces in the area. The Wikipedia page on this topic covers why the Apache helicopters were in the area that day as well.,_2007_Baghdad_airstrike#Military_legal_review

The legality of the U.S. Army's decision to fire upon the van's personnel who were attempting to evacuate the wounded is questionable. However, it was discovered that the journalists were traveling with insurgents. This explains the anti-personnel weapons and the RPG found among the dead.

The door gunner wasn't even an average soldier in the movie lol, he was an anomily.

This weird mindset that everything in life is or has to be perfectly representational up and down the scale is autistic as fuck.

/u/colby-klaus Is being a ogre and not having anything in your life besides bitching on ghazi and politics still working out?


/u/Rinderpest1995 do you retard realize that back then not everyone had a choice to go to Vietnam or not?

"Real conscription has never been tried"

/u/Rinderpest1995 when you wake up in the morning, does it physically hurt being as big a fucking retard as you are?

u/Rinderpest1995, school going okay for you? having any trouble fitting in? i know 14 can be a rough age for a lot of people, but it doesnt last forever, i promise

For better or for worse, this individual might actually be 22.

its a false flag

Right on track for that golden age of 27. That would be a good time to kick off

Nah he's just lashing out at the world because he failed his finals.

I wonder how they'd stop a blood crazed war criminal like myself. Hopefully not with violence, that shit is


/u/Rinderpest1995, Full Metal Jacket is a work of fiction.

That feeling when someone is too deranged even for Ghazi...

/u/Rinderpest1995 as a former combat soulja, I feel like you don't appreciate how fun it is to shoot Muslims. You should give it a try.

It doesn't matter what they do afterwards, how repentant or enlightened they claim to be, they were still murders. Innocents died because of him.

Innocents meaning other soldiers.... the ones you just said are murderers.

You ever seen Full Metal Jacket? That scene with the door-gunner shooting fleeing women and children? THAT is the average soldier, not some apolitical grunt or doe-eyed innocent.

/u/Rinderpest1995 if I wanted to understand what feminists are really like, what movie should I watch?


Oh, I see. You believe nobody is capable of being reformed. Sorry about that.

Don't bullshit; you believe it too.

Paths of Glory is Kubrick's better anti-war movie.

Full Metal Jacket guy has a point, Ghazi parrots his views when it comes to the police, why the different standard for soldiers?

The only series or movie with "Full Metal" a Ghazelle has watched was "Full Metal Panic" or "Full Metal Alchemist".

I don't care what their background is. Plenty of poor-off people get suckered into doing terrible, inhumane things.

Like building whatever you used to type this comment /u/Rinderpest1995

but we are pissed off that the warmongers and the chickenhawks have claimed these days as their own personal property

Uhhh, does this bitch know what "chickenhawk" means? lmao

I liked the article quite a bit and thought that person's response to it was stupid. That being said...

but we are pissed off that the warmongers and the chickenhawks have claimed these days as their own personal property

I can't read the word chickenhawk without thinking of pedos lmao

I liked the article quite a bit and thought that person's response to it was stupid. That being said...

The article was meh flamingo fam. The guy admits to being against the war, being too much of a pussy to draft dodge, and was a back line soldier. So, I suppose he has more of a luxury towards not feeling deserving of praise.

Knowing Vietnam vets myself, while they dont take necessary pride in the war itself they do appreciate having their service recognized after being despised for decades. Guy seems like a bit of a over thinking prick tbh.

but we are pissed off that the warmongers and the chickenhawks have claimed these days as their own personal property

I can't read the word chickenhawk without thinking of pedos lmao

Also yes, likewise. Lol

Aye fair enough, I don't think the article was perfect or anything, and you bring up a decent point about him probably feeling removed from the idea of what a "hero" is in this context.

Idk if I'd call him a prick, but I can see why other Vietnam vets with a worse time of it would take exception with him, especially since as you say they've been vilified for decades for something kinda outta their control.

Also, hey Skrub, send me some pics of some highways pls.

Totes agree. You got it guy. Just message me on discord sometime. I got tons of pics.

He's a veteran of the culture wars.

Have some respwct for his service.

Sure, and by transitive ethics, we're all murderers for participating in capitalism, unless you can clarify some sort of bright line of "distance from violence" where you're not guilty of perpetuating some sort of kyriarchy.


These people exist.

I say trave their ips and send them to the DPRK to enjoy the fruits of a socialist paradise.