/r/Drama pic thread

79  2017-06-03 by chaosakita

It is Friday night, and I'm bored and lonely. Let's post some pics.



Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. http://i.imgur.com/hMzCS2t.png - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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These usually end well.

she's cute is she single


tell her i said hi

Shit must be so cash.

Farkkk yes

hey there dimon

That's Dmitry Anatolyevich to you

how's your vineyard doing

it's lit af

kaalaaa and noodles are gonna be looking over this thread with their dox files handy

implying they dont already have everyone's doxx.

oh no

oh no

Don't you two live in the same city? If that's true I'm legitimately scared for you. Ever considered taking legal action against the kid?

no, he's too incompetent to actually doxx. and i'm not sure i'd have anything actionable. maybe the time he impersonated me to make murder rape threats to /u/McDewJank. but he has to live out the rest of his days as himself, and that's punishment enough

submitted 1 day ago

Wait is she back?

You've been so ensconced in your battle of wills with r/neoliberal you've missed the return of Jewdank.

She is indeed back. She almost fooled us, but inevitably she has returned to post pictures of her ass with the shitty tattoo photoshopped out.


Wait how do we know where Noodles is from?

I think he told us at one point. His main account with more PI was leaked and I saw that he commented on some sports subs with Chicago Fire flair.

He also regularly stated where he lived on Discord

neoliberal took care of that didnt they

Conspiracy theory time:

/r/neoliberal is run by kaalaaaa and noodles.

Oh dear, imagine them teaming up.

Twice the autism, double the dox.

The autistic legion of doom

He asked me for dox once.


I'm kaalaaaa, noodles once asked me if I got any dox on /u/ComedicSans. Was a long time ago though and not really a good story.

but ima ghost

No one cares enough to dox me

"Smoke weed every day"

No results on Google image search


Damnnnn. Google just called her basic.

does that dildo have a face on it

...so it looks like a real penis.

Somebody has been missing their meds

I love that the people are reporting your comments because they're legitimately concerned about your doxx being spread.

Post reports pls

I can't i already hit approve. Report it again and It'll show up.

moderator reports:
justcool393: report it yourself you lazy bum.
user reports:
1: surplus autism.
1: You're a failure of a mod and a faggot.
1: mod abuse.
1: fuck you I won't do what ya tell me!
1: I want to shove bread up my ass. Not really.
1: useless fucking mod.
1: ur not my mom bitchboy.
1: this comment made me cry.
1: don't tell me what to do.
1: is terrible at moderating.

1: We just earned the spotlight of /r/incels & noodles is definitely watching are you sure about this?

Impressive, but chrome? ew.


I can't read those :|

It's those alt-right drinks again. "Nazi Juice" I think it's called?

Pretty sure this is a poster from /r/drunk

That explains the bottles.

There are a few females in there who post nudes


Not saying I enjoyed it. Lemme stay at your place for pride

u tryin' to get lucky? And a likely yes, lemme confirm.

Update: Yes!

Jew and guam butts occuring!!!!

Hagatna Nagila! Hagatna Nagila!

Data was the best character on Star Trek TNG

Wait, you're telling me that's not really cosmicsans?

CosmicKeys is girl? And here I just wanted to know what Snally smelled like.

CosmicKeys, please: what do you smell like!?

Howdy friend.


Hi Uncle Samuel, browsing the archives?

Senor cosmickeys linked it in the irc. Had you tagged and flagged as friend.


Ladies and gentlemen, the woman in the picture is filtering reddit by top posts within the past hour. The forth post down is this one. It was easy for my keen eyes to identify it since it has the word "dildo" in the title. That post is over one year old. Conclusion: The tits pictured are likely old and saggy by now.

What laptop is that?

Fake and heterosexual.

Hey CosmicKeys, I always thought you're the best mod here and I've noticed you're the funniest r/hmmm poster too. No surprise you have such a beautiful and warm smile. And yep, you have really good taste in wine too. How about chatting a bit, on tinder maybe if you use it? I mean, it's easier to chat on tinder. I'm Noodles36 there. Have fun and drink responsibly! Haha, not really! ;)

ohhhh herro there

The American girl I'm in love with just broke up with her longtime boyfriend. How does /r/Drama think I should I ask her out?

buddy I've got some bad news for ya


If you sent her a dick pic you'd probably just be following precedent


Buy a pantsuit, smell like tuna.

Have a couple seizures to seal the deal.

Asking is for betas. Just show up at the end of her workday unannounced, toss her in your cat, and take her to Arby's.

My cat loves aarby's too!


We don't need your face to doxx you when we have your taint.

prove it

I've already tracked you down to Chicago. It's only a matter of time until I've seen every hairy taint in the Windy City.

Yeah but that would mean going to Chicago. Disgusting

show me ur taint jeff

Deep dish soup pizza is pretty fucking dope, Hyde Park is pretty in the fall, and don't get me started on the crippling depression from living in the Regenstein library.


is that rly accurate when i say it every 3rd comment

lol no state budget

Chicago has become emancipated from the State of Illinois. We're the Dubai of the Midwest.

Full of slaves and human rights abuses?

But look at our glimmering buildings! Stop focusing on the negative.

But with no money


hi hru

Eh, alright, modmail is a bit quite :(

Hows you?

yeah, it's died :(

good, you?

Why tho?

ooh. Is it nice? I hate moving?


oh god is it really him

Why are you licking me?

yes the neighborhood is lovely!

That's good to hear, more importantly, how's the kitchen?

incredible. double oven with a gas range (i had electric at my last place and loathed it) and a huge integrated griddle

Sorry friendo but nobody should do this in a sub where noodles exists.

Besides everyone, who is noodles now?


Oh fair.

I knew it. This whole "date" thing was Noodles trying to catfish me again.

Nice try! Date's off!

no bb come back i'll let you get an app and dessert

ooo a dessert. That's worth being doxxed for.

yes let me do this

Can i get a quick run down on this noodles situation?

Me too

jeff be serious kthx

nice r u single

well you are riemann, so no.

this sort of anti-riemann discrimination is not what MLK died for

you're right, its not.

i accept your concession

thank you for agreeing to date me

you're paying for dinner

okay but you pick the place

you don't let the person with the rape dungeon choose where to eat, smdh

have you learned nothing from online dating, rierie?

You bastard, how dare you cheat on me!

post russy

u 1st

I'm not a riemann, I can't.

I'm covered in hives, so no thanks.

Lemme seeeeeee

Can't. Hospital

Can't. Hospital

Post pictures of other people. That's probably okay, right?

Are you discovering any miraculous talents?

Who are you?

ok this is pretty weird, but I'm actually waiting for the police to show up right now - I just went out and while walking to another club, my friend literally got robbed. Someone just came up, and stole her purse, screamed slurs at us, and then I got a picture of him. We're waiting for the cops now, please let us know if you've seen this guy

its darqwolff

Yahtzee stole your friend's purse?!

thats the real guy fawkes

This Guy Fawkes

Where are the tendies???



Imma dox. Imma take a picture of you at gay fest 2017

I've already shown my butt here

So i can post butt with handprint?

Only after gayfest 2017


dog bussy. Jesus! It still has gender!

Its all Greek to me.

trying to combine the two into a new word eliminates your opportunity to utter the finest poetry in the word. That two word haiku: Dog Pussy.

Say it. Listen to it.

Dog Pussy....

Like the chime of a church bell from atop a pristine mountain.

You are a port in the truest sense.

tnx fam

Welcome, post busy?

blushes. bosts bussy

That is some busy.

you type like you're shitting.

What if I am?

nothing. I hate autocorrect, too.


Okay this one I believe

it's projectmayhem666 he stopped posting here shortly before he married our resident jew poster lovelyleah

token jew

>implying this sub hasnt been (((compromised))) since day 1

Yeah but she was the public relations Jew. Her position is to paint Jews in a positive light for the 1/2 of the sub that is (((them))).

Still the weirdest internet thing I've ever seen

motivating as hell, if neonazi can get sum jewish pussy I can do it to

just need to fix my face somehow

Wrong hand, normie.

Would post a selfie but I don't want this thread to turn into /r/RoastMe

🌯🌯🌯 <--- me


Slightly older pic, can't find a very recent one.

Your eyebrows are like two fuzzy caterpillars leaning in to kiss

I admit I've never plucked my eyebrows. Can't say I feel a great deal of shame about this.

Oh but hunni u should.

Edit: incels, feel free to catfish with it.

Why would they use a picture that girls would find repulsive?

Desperate times lead to desperate measures.

I think you're overestimating incels here.

is your name Chad? you kinda look like Chad

Mental illness targets without discrimination. Fortunate as one may appear to be at a glance, one may be quite troubled on the inside.

I largely live my life as a shut-in despite knowing I'm physically attractive. It's a piece of experience that causes incels to be abhorrent to me. They place so much blame on their physical appearance and blame normal women for their issues. Foolish and shortsighted.

I never asked for this

Yeah, pretty much.

I've been in several long-term relationships and I wish I could tell the incels that losing that connection is worse than having it in the first place for a mentally fragile person. But they won't listen. They're too busy de-humanizing women to realize they would be more mentally broken after a break-up than if they never had it. "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved" only holds true for normies.

I lost a five-year relationship with a divorcee with three kids I slowly came to see almost as my own kids. It's like losing your own family to a degree. Incels are retarded children who only fantasize about the first fuck and have no long-term vision.

I lost a five-year relationship with a divorcee with three kids I slowly came to see almost as my own kids. It's like losing your own family to a degree.

I want to hug you but I know being hugged by a fat bisexual jew isn't really going to help.

I know some asian chicks however...

yeah, my best friend lived in phuket for ~10 years and tried to get me to travel there for wimmenz. I have trouble travelling 100 miles without benzos.

If you want to send me an original copy of protocols that I can sell for exorbitant sums to retarded arabs that would help though. You could probably write it in your own hand and they wouldn't know the difference.

Every copy must be written in the blood of a Christian child and ejaculated on by at least four men called Chaim, preferably in a church graveyard.

These days we make do with a Sainsbury's or Gateway carpark... never Walmart- fuck those people.

I'm physically attractive

lol no

Wtf kind of goony shit is this. Stop being retarded.

i choose to believe this

aren't you the one who only fucks bisexuals mens?



fuckin mutants

[Hi, I like friends](Me irl https://imgur.com/gallery/uI3pJ)

I'm too handsome to self doxx for you loserds.

I feel like u r the handsomest one here.

Here. Have some pussy.

Now that's a hairy pussy.

I've considered shaving it but the pain isn't worth it.

is there seriously no bussy in here

delete this fucking worthless sub and planet earth in general

Shes just bored and lonely. Looking for cool guys and girls on
R/ drama which is full of cool dudes and chicas by the looks of things.

nice try, noodles

I remember kaaalaaaa but who was noodles again?

Noodles was the guy who got catfished by some former FPH mods and jerked off on cam wearing a dog collar. Now he spends his days stalking peeps on /r/Drama because he got banned from here.

You really sure you want to be asking people here for pics? This is all you're getting (technically NSFW).

Trim that 70s bush before birds start nesting!

Way too lazy for that shit.

That is technically the correct use of "technically"

How about some vacation pics?



It's a pretty slow day so I'll probably just keep at this. SAVOR THE DRAMA

Nice habibi I'm currently in here in Cuba


That's one hell of a vacation - you probably get a great rate on your room.

You takes these pics on your phone?


No, on this trip I have a Fuji X-E2 and a few prime lenses. All of these have been taken on a pair of old manual lenses - a '69 Minolta 28mm, and a '78 Jupiter-9 85mm (good old Soviet manufacturing!).

Oh nice. Didn't mean that as an insult I was just wondering if phone cameras got this good already. Regular people used to carry around those dinky slim digital cameras but now everyone uses their phones.

I figured you didn't, but it was kind of funny :)

And in all honesty, yeah I totally understand both why you might have thought that, and why the market for that intermediate point-and-shoot is basically dead. Frankly, in good lighting, especially when you're talking about your standard sorta-wide, everything-in-focus landscape shot, phones these days are capable of some great results and are usually "good enough". Here are some snaps from another trip off my older model iphone, and I think they came out very well.




In poor lighting things tend to go to shit very fast, that's where the small sensor really lets you down. Even so, sometimes you get some surprising results.


But even after heavy noise reduction and crushing the darks, you can't hide just how noisy the image has become. Still, we're getting into edge situations, and no matter what you are shooting with, you can find a way to showcase its weaknesses.

Modern camera phones are awesome, and they're always in your pocket. That's kind of amazing. Really, the reason to own an enthusiast camera with different lenses is that it lets (or even forces) you to make creative choices that are just out of your hands on a phone, both during shooting and processing. The quality difference is not really that important, and you can take terrible photos with anything. I usually do.

Shit, the new dual-camera phones even let you be a "simulated" bokeh whore with a phone. Amazing.

How about some vacation pics?


Post bussy?

that's a gayboy belt, get an actual replica cheapskate

Nice chest genetics you subhuman

My muscles can't hide my loneliness.


I got your bussy right here!

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?


You seriously have to get laid

Me? But my ex roommate won't put out. :(

Search for other dudes?



Any "nice" orbiter guy that you know? You are cute enough to know at least one

In case of needing it just low your standards

I wish I had an orbiter guy.


Be more direct too, so many women wait for the guy to make a move

If you are not getting any that is a terrible thing to do, just be straight

yo chao I found dudes for you

The incel server on discord

lol I was just thinking of ADF right before I opened up my computer and saw your reply

You fools couldn't handle the sight of my Mufasa mane let alone the sight of me with my high and tight. You can barely handle me posting bussy.

people actually post pictures of themselves on the internet

Yeah, enjoy fearing for your well-being whenever you post a controversial opinion on the internet.


I don't know what I expected.

He's so domesticated damn.

Do me a favor and be hotter next time.

You first

But i'm already such a handsome man.

READY FOR THE MEME FUTYRE http://imgur.com/vqawUgu

Here's a pic of me: http://i.imgur.com/L1rBAQo.jpg