Kathy Griffin Gets Ax from Last Theater in Comedy Tour

52  2017-06-03 by A6MZer0


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Who is this person? I never heard of her until this shit.

a d-list celeb

You're being generous here.

she was on seinfeld once

Andy Dick, he got Phil Hartman's wife using again and she killed him

Kathy Griffin really is the Andy Dick of women.

Andy Dickless if you will

Luckily there's no other comedian better placed to work her way back into America's heart.

Or cut off their head.

Her tour was only 7 dates? She really is D list.

You reap what you sow

It is amazing that NBC, CNN and all these others have higher standards for a comedian than Republican voters do for a president.

I don't necessarily want celebrities to have a massive downfall, but every time it happens it's hilarious like this.

Wake me up when that lizard looking bitch kills herself.