Poor man's karma takes a hit when he suggests that misandry shouldn't have a place in TrollX. Legbeards scramble en masse to cuntsplain why their misandry is just a-ok. BONUS: features a retelling of the "PEE-ON" story!!

95  2017-06-03 by DeepDickedHillybilly


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Well first of all this is a women's space. Coming in and mansplaining how you think we should conduct ourselves is intrusive, creepy, and gross.

Second of all if you're not a woman you could never possibly understand. When women discuss women's issues, your job is to listen, believe, and understand. It is not to interject with whining about so-called "misandry" and "but what about the menz????"

If you want to be an ally, stop concern trolling and start understanding.

I wanted to quote a line but the whole thing is some sjw cunt bingo. I'd think it was made up unless the OP has am extensive post history in the sub.

Edgy people tend to be unstable messes

This ones special and transcends to lolcow. I think she's been posted here before.

He's the genius who wrote the PEE-ON story and the "get owned by gamergate bitch" story

Yeah I remember that. Knew I recognized. There's something about the way she posts. It always reads like a TL;DR summary of a feminist frequency video or some ghazi copypasta.

she posts.

Everyone on the internet is a man unless you have verified otherwise by seeing them naked. In this case, thats going to be a lose lose unless you are into betas for fat chicks.

Holy shit that's a disturbing yet entertaining user history.

Either u/tryitidareyou is a damned good troll, or a monster that needs to be put down.

I would say u/aetherix and u/mynamebaby are for for real, though. Imagine thinking women are oppressed!

I kept going back and forth in my head on if that account is a legitimate troll. I'll be damn ashamed of myself if I fell for bait twice in 2 days.

There's no way "pee on" can be real

Well it obviously didn't happen, but the question is whether it's a batshit """feminist""" making shit up for attention or an entirely falsified troll telling stories for keks.

You know, I hate "the man", the elite, whatever you want to call them. But the way the establishment denigrates and ruins any movement is fucking impressive. Bit like how most dictators are bat shit insane, but by fuck do they run a tight ship with that violent oppression.

u/tryitidareyou maybe men would treat you better than dogs do if you weren't such a fucking cunt.

You're a flaming idiot. Bye!

Imagine being creeped out for someone replying to you on reddit

Coming in and mansplaining how you think we should conduct ourselves is intrusive, creepy, and gross.

There's absolutely no way this account isn't a troll.

Nah, genuine people really do talk like that.

Twox is something else, like a week ago some broad was bragging how she went on a date 4 months after her fiance of 7 years passed away, pretty sure it would take me longer to replace my dog. They were patting her on the back and I realized maybe incels is right

Ugh ew gross. What kind of brogressive gamergator neckbeard just goes and dies like that? /#mandying /#slayqueen

TwoX has a disallowed autoban bot now. They told the people they banned it's giving them belated messages because they were actually banned before. Nobody buys that.

You know why nobody views these women seriously ( I'm talking about threads like this one). I'm gonna mansplain you why:

a) most of them are white.

b) most of them are american.

c) most of them have never been oppressed in any way.

d) most of them act like teenage girls while they are in their mid 20s - early 30s.

e) most of them are middle to upper - midlce lass.

f) if you showed 1st,2nd or even early 3rd wave feminists what their movement has become they would probably kill themselves, because only the complete minority of women in subs like that one are feminists at all, they just like to reeeee.

And this are the reasons why they have no right to REEEEE, because they look pathetic. I get it ladies, you like to joke about men ( who doesn't, but change the sex and it's sexism), but stop pretending that you are doing this for some higher cause.

Is this the women's version of incels?

More or less, but somehow more passive aggressive and righteous in their communication.

So a women's version of incels?

Yeah, expect if we are to believe them a good portion have a significant other, yet still manage to match /r/Incels sourness..

Do you think more than 10% of them have ever had a second date?

Most of their significant other is a cat with a name that starts with "Mister"

if they fuck good, there's always someone willing to put up with the bullshit.

I snorted..... take your fuckin' upvote

women and men larping as women

He finally got to me, and the dudebro who sat two chairs away (I had to put my bag/gym bag down in the chairs next to me so he would stay away) pointed and said "PEE ON!!!" The class roared with laughter and the men started chanting "PEE ON, PEE ON, PEE ON." The professor finally calmed them down and said "...OK, pee on." They burst into cheers while the women looked down dejected. I was so angry that I just stood up and left the classroom. On my way out the professor said "I bet her menstrual cycle just started!" while I slammed the door. I went to the bathroom where I shrieked and vomited at the same time, luckily mostly into the sink.

What on earth.

I feel like I'm missing a good 50% of the "story" here.

Saying that misandry doesn't belong in TrollX is like saying that basketball doesn't belong in the NBA. He has a fundamental misunderstand of why TrollX even exists to begin with.

/u/Ocelot180 were you expecting a different reaction there? Bless you for trying, but /r/TrollXChromosomes is basically every bad stereotype of feminism rolled up in one waddling package.

Haha, I got the answer I was looking for within the first 10 minutes I suppose. From the lady that treated me like an adult. After that it was mostly... that.

Don't even take that shit personal, fam. Most of the sane chicks on reddit leapt off the TrollX train a long time ago because of this retardation, so it just gets progressively worse and worse. They give chicks who break the jerk the same kinda shit they gave you.

I have long suspected most of the users there a collection of WUMs, mostly male, playing a fetish version of feminism. Any real female who holds those views is just trash anyway.

/u/Ocelot180 Stuff like this is why I hate women. Everyday I thank my stars for being gay so I don't have to deal with the vaginal jew, whose thoughts are constantly obsessed with how she can gain status through the manipulation of the male. Feminism is just a tool used by power-hungry females to use men's better nature against us. Don't fall for the trap of feminism.

this but ironically

Come on, you guys. He was totally manquestioning.

it's mostly just that this is a safe place to vent about men who have hurt you without being dogpiled with "not all men" kind of stuff. There are, unfortunately, a LOT of women who have had one or more man in their lives who have been hurtful or abusive :(

Oh so it's like TheRedPill

Coming in and mansplaining how you think we should conduct ourselves is intrusive, creepy, and gross.

Intrusive, creepy, gross, shallow and pedantic, surely.

'Creepy' and 'gross'... What the fuck are they like 12 years old?

"Gross" has now joined "problematic" in words that make me cringe even when used in appropriate context.

problematic, creepy and gross cuck sjw. Stop gaslighting me or I'll sealion you.

/u/tryitidareyou mansplaining isn't a real thing. Using that term just announces your retardation.

That guy concern trolled me in the past with a healthy dose of sealioning. He apologized and we went our separate ways but it still makes me uneasy and uncomfortable to see him post.


Hahaha imagine being this pathetic. Literally shaking when you see a username on reddit.

'When I do it, it's just venting. When you do it, it means you're a hateful subhuman monster who wants to rape and torture women!'

Are these cunts for real?