r/circlebroke2 really hates gay people

173  2017-06-04 by cantcer


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

That'll do, snaps. That'll do.

Whoever programmed you deserves the novel prize

Didn't you get the memo? Gays are mainstream enough to hate on now.

Where do you sign up for these memos?

Nah leave trannies along you Truscum.

We're like, one logical leap from "faggot" supplanting "fascist" as the catch-all insult in lefty retard vernacular.

And beyond that the sky's the limit.

"The nigger is the true enemy of the proletariat!"

"The only good tranny is a dead tranny!"

"Spike the kike!"

I could die happy if circlebroke goes this way.

When I was reading about how much the socialists and anarchists HATE liberals, I realized that the sky really is the limit when it comes to being this retarded on the internet.

'Faggot' and 'fascist' actually both derive from the Latin word 'fasces'.


But unironically.

I mean, it's an etymological fact.

White gays are despicable

Gayocide now!

What's up with the never ending battle to become the most oppressed demographic in the history of mankind?

because white people got offended and had to prove how "not-racist" they were by spamming "muh Irish indentured servants!" to claim to the moral highground.

Ever since then, it's been one ups-manship

Whites are essentially Jews at this point tbh

post this is t_d plz

Can't bb I've been banned for a while

The Jews have basically monetized this.

Isn't Google run by (((Russians)))

The goys keep on falling for it, can you really blame (((us)))?

wut is intersectionality akshually??

God this whole comment section actually gave me (gay) cancer.


Nice try schlomo davidstein

time to collect my saurass bucks

Soros is just a jewish front for the real ((((((((world government)))))))

le dep stet

What did you mean by this?

the deep state

rly mkes u think huh?

tbh if there is a secret cabal that controls the world, I really want to be on their side, and that's why I am a sjw

being this retarded

The (((cabal))) is actually conservative, they just use )))you((( to destabilize the world.

>Thinking that the rest of the world doesn't understand main stream economics and that they are thus randroids

At this point I'm literally spouting random bullshit and adding quotes around it.

just ask for (((bussy)))

Yes but women oppression offsets that

""(((allies)))""" let's be real, if you don't support blm, you're probably an asshole

This is so unapologetically sjw that I'm having an apoplexy.

/U/FormerlyPrettyNeat unironically kys

you have a tough time picking up on sarcasm

"b-but it's sarcasm"

shut the fuck up homophobe


cool, too bad it was

Not all sjws!

Except that extremist ideologues like you never let anyone else use that as an excuse (see: the current thing with Bill Maher).


Sarcasm is just a fascist dog whistle smh

Oh no white people are the targeted group of fascist regimes

I see that you are not familiar with the mayocide.

Educate him sista

you have a tough time picking up on sarcasm

Historically, yes.

Well it depends on where the Fascist regime is located. Zimbabwe is basically Fascist.

Have you ever heard of the Holocaust you dimwit fucking cretin

Are you saying Jews aren't white, or are you saying the Holocaust didn't really happen?

lol you're literally just the OP of that thread doing damage control.

what damage

MLK would support a violent organization like BLM?

Yes. You big dummy.

Yes. You big dummy.

Black lives don't matter.

Neither do white, yellow, brown, purple, or Irish lives.



Grimace is Jewish.

He doesn't even have a nose. He can't be Jewish.

Don't be so easily tricked. Those purple Jews are double tricksy.

I mean, they did steal some dudes wedding ring. Called in the police to chase after them all over the country. When finally cornered they threw the ring into fucking lava.

None of us matter in the long run, feels bad man.

whole lotta straightsplaining coming out of that thread smh

But anyone fighting for black rights would look at BLM as a good thing I believe.

downvoted in cb2 lol

Internet leftism, 2017: If you don't love BLM, you're a conservative.

This is not irony to many of them. They literally cannot imagine a world in which someone could not support BLM but also not be racist. It's...astounding on any level. Hilarious on a dramatic level. But very fucking sober and sad on a political level, if lean to the left.


not to these people

I mean, I'm putting my CB2 cap on here.

Theres talk about gays, and then talks about BLM being terrible.

Can you link to the comment that made you feel the way you feel? Where someone was accused of racism for not loving BLM?

What do you think asshole means to cb2 lol

Are you high

Not at the moment, just wondering wtf you are commenting about as it seems quite disconnected from whats being talked about.

So again, what did you see that triggered your comment?

I'm triggered because I'm a rape survivor with PTSD, thanks.

It's not our job to educate you, shitlord.

I lean to the left, but by their standards I push people out of helicopters.

DAE white gay men are the REAL Nazis???

I mean they don't mind COPS being in their pride parade, like wtf!! Don't they know FASCISTS used cops to suppress LGBTBBQXZY<×÷???

Imagine being so white that you don't even literally want to murder all cops

Fyi the modern term is LGBTQF. Where "F" stands for "Furry" of course.

I honest to god can't be sure if you're joking.

Please don't fursecute us

I thought it stood for "faggots"

This was right after the pulse shooting and some guy trying to bomb a pride parade, of course there's going to be a big police presence.



/r/drama was a mistake

Why are you sperging out all of a sudden after a whole day passed? Also the status quo is good because it keeps autists in check.

/r/drama was a mistake

I don't think anybody would contest that claim, but okay. Is it your first time here?

I think I have like a sperg line -- where reading /r/drama on and off all day eventually just makes me angry enough that I need to comment.

At least I know what to name my hemorrhoids now.

eventually just makes me angry

Thank you, this literally validates all the time I waste here.

Mayocide, Mayocide!

It boggles my mind that these people think they're the progressive "good guys." Just reading that thread they are all such massive assholes

To be fair, I'm pretty sure someone that hates others this much probably hates themselves more

let's be real, if you don't support blm, you're probably an asshole


Revaluate your life

Reevaluate your socks. Socksoff.com

I appreciate this gimmick.

It's not nice to hate people. Some people are born black, others grow up to identify as black. Some people are born gay and others choose to be gay. Some people have gay thrust into them. We are all different in many ways and alike in many ways too. Many people have feet. Often they wear socks. Socksoff gives an equl opportunity 50% discount on socks. This fabulous deal is available to every customer who uses the discount code 50%OFFSOCKS at socksoff.com. Socksoff, because not all discounted socks are equal. For the discriminating customer who wants quality discount socks. Socksoff.com.

I am one of those people who identity as a person and is attracted to people with the same fetish. It hasn't always been easy, but luckily I have found a loving and caring community of like-minded people. We can talk for hours about our experiences, hopes and dreams, and the desire to buy high quality socks at an affordable price. This is why I buy all my socks at socksoff.com. Finding a company that does not discriminate against people who sexually identify as persons, and who like to meet up behind the McDonald's dumpster to fist people who feel the same way has been a lifesaver for me. I love socksoff.com. Their inclusiveness and generosity is as warm as their socks.

i actually think that part was problematic, too, but it was sort of a stream of conciousness. i'm not perfect. and have my own personal struggles with sex positivism, and that part makes it kind of clear that i'm still very malleable at least when it pertains to not policing myself.


You dont have struggles with sex positivism, you are jealous you cant get laid you shut-in

I feel you. Both in frustration at those who conform to a hetero ideal, and at feeling imperfect in your politics. I've been known to (probably somewhat unfairly) rail against white feminist nonsense, so I'm certainly not perfect either. Being a "perfect ally/activist" is kinda a gross ideal, anyway. We grow through talking through our flaws & trying to call each other in. We don't need the self-loathing gaybros who don't care about anyone but themselves to continue our own intersectional work.

Is this performance art?

When did cb2 got this bad?

/u/evanharper hold me fam

shhhhh...... it's going to be ok bb.........

I like the guy who talks about native German black people.

"gaybros" a.k.a. white "straight acting" gay males are by far the worst community in the entire universe.

i was talking about in real life.

/u/spookyjhostwitch have you ever been in the real world? or is your life all about reddit?

Lmao are gay guys all supposed to be have effeminate accents and help their platonic girlfriends through their relationship issues to be actually gay?

YES otherwise they are literally nazis

The only nazi I see here is /u/spookyjhostwitch

I honestly saw someone saying this shit, their justification was that the oppressed shouldn't act like their opressors or something. They've gone full circle on discrimination for socially devoating behavior.

p homophobic of cb2 :/)

It's pretty simple: the people who post in these "spaces", or, let's face it, the people who unironically call these things "spaces", invariably have built their personalities around an inconsequential, superficial trait. If they're black, they're black, if they're gay, they're gay, if they're trans, they're trans. To them, their race/gender/sexuality/religion/whatever is not only their primary, but their sole identity. And thus, anyone who downplays the importance of their chosen key trait is in their mind essentially insulting their very person, so you see this sort of vitriolic lashing out at anyone who would much rather be seen as, say, a breakdancer, as opposed to a gay guy who sometimes breakdances.

Old school SRS baby!

tfw stereotyping gays as flamboyant and feminine is progressive now

That seems to be the stereotype that does partly have truth because of the community.

A friend was surprised our mutual friend has not changed scince coming out (besides being actually happy but I think no one else knows that part)

It's like just being gay doesn't mean we have to be some sort of queen. I said it nicer than that.

It sort of makes a twisted kind of sense though. If someone truly believes that masculinity is a toxic thing (and therefore a straight male thing), then the only 'good' gay men are those who act femme; rather than the far more masc individuals usually in gaybros.

They could even go so far as to decide that femme gay men are the 'natural' way that a homosexual guy should act.

And spookyjhostwitch might be one of those people.

/u/spookyjhostwitch is just envious and mega-butthurt that white males kickstarted and lead the modern LGBT rights movement to phenominal success in only a few decades.

/u/spookyjhostwitch id like to hear more about how exactly you demand queer men perform to conform to your moral standards

On their knees

/u/spookyjhostwitch you just went on a full-blown, stereotype-laden, homophobic rant about how much you hate gay people. Somehow, you think you're doing this from a place of socially progressive moral authority.

Tell me more about this "straight-acting." What is the difference between "acting straight." and "acting gay." Gay men are only okay if they're walking stereotypes to you? It's not okay for a gay person to be a full, three-dimensional person who happens to be attracted to members of the same sex, they gotta be human cartoons, right?

Unironically kill yourself you flaming piece of human refuse.

I loathe the term straight acting. Especially how it implies that gay guys are hiding their true self, masculinity is bad and "straight acting" is due to internalized homophobia

like wtf does that even MEAN unless you have some shitty stereotypes about how gay people and straight people act

it's like saying a black person with a college education and a white-collar job is "white-acting," like wtf r u doin with that shit outside the KKK

Acting white is not an uncommon accusation. Moving out of the (bad) neighborhood, valuing education, having the "erong" views, etc can get that accusation from peers and family

Some fucking retarded shit tbhfam

That post was hilarious in its absurdities. Then again she is a srsster

wtf i hate redditors lmao

t. redditors of /r/circlebroke2

Yo, /u/gamegyro56 how the fuck is

Actually the reasons why I dont agree with their ways sometimes, is because they resemble Malcom x's way of doing whereas I always looked up to MLK.

speaking on behalf of dead people?

Those are /u/aguad3coco's words. I wanted to know what they thought BLM specifically did that they thought was against Martin Luther King's philosophy. They said they never made that claim, because that would be "speaking on behalf of dead people." My point was, if they think that making that claim is "speaking on behalf of dead people," then they did that in the above quotation.

My point wasn't that I think they are speaking on behalf of dead people, but that they do, based on their own definition.


I'm not going to re-read that conversation to make sure you're right, I'm just going to blindly trust you.


uFormerlyPrettyNeat why are you so homophobic?


the generalization about party drugs + sex apps is a lil sus.

i actually think that part was problematic, too, but it was sort of a stream of conciousness. i'm not perfect. and have my own personal struggles with sex positivism, and that part makes it kind of clear that i'm still very malleable at least when it pertains to not policing myself.

holy shit that sub is so fucked up

Sex positivism leads to HIV positivism

But the real disease is logical positivism, so we're fine.

hmm, yes, I agree, that shit I just said is very problematic tbqh. But I can't "police" myself, cuz acab.

Circlebroke2, aka SRS, aka we are so fucking unhinged and consumed by our whackjob beliefs that we are basically indistinguishable from 19th century racists.

 H   E
O     O
R     H
 S E S

Bronies ruin everything, man

One of the post is litterally copied from Srs

That intersectionality shit is pretty easy when you just eat yourselves alive eh

Ironically it seems to cause so much division.

Breaking down into more and more groups until they fall sort always

"gaybros" a.k.a. white "straight acting" gay males are by far the worst community in the entire universe. straight minorities are blessed that they don't have to share a space with them.

u/spookyjhostwitch mind explaining why are you such a fucking homophobic cunt?

Seriously who the fuck says shit like this

I don't hate very many people but the sheer intolerance and hypocrisy oozing from that comment is so fucking disgusting.

Whoever wrote that must be deeply unhappy with themselves, because no normal, decent human being thinks shit like this.

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch

Well, yeah, it's /u/spookyjhostwitch


That's a new one. I like it

Didn't gay marriage fail to pass in California because all the niggers went out to vote for Obama because he was black and also voted against faggots because they hate them?

Has CB2 gotten worse? I remember them being bitter but this is just them outright hating gay people, what the fuck

But they're gay white men so it doesn't count

waddup nerds

Why do you hate gay people and the disabled?

hey nerd

Hey homophobe.

how are things, nerd?

Are you having a flashback to highschool?


i also really enjoy you nerds. don't ever change

Sodomise thyself.


HIV is a progressive disease

I would had gone with undesirables

As a jewish faggot i am appaled by the remarkable decline in victim-points my Abrahamic horns and well-stretched bussy entitles me too.

Gone are the days when i could shut other people down by announcing that they sounded just like Josef Gobbels or Rick Santorum.

The one advantage of all this is that, when these bright little sparks are done with their little purges and have relegated the faggots, the trannies, the kikes, the high-yella coons, the Uncle Toms, the japs, the chinks, the turks (they oppressed the Armenians), the Armenians (they're basically mayos whith big noses i.e jews) and the white women there'll be so few of them left that they'll be pretty easy to ignore.

i'm just copying my srs post which was cathartic to type, even though i know it's a generalization:

"drama posters" a.k.a. white "retard acting" gay males are by far the worst community in the entire universe.

people in the real world are blessed that they don't have to share a space with them.

the rest of us are stuck with them.

they take, take, take, take, take, take from black, latinx, femme, lesbian, and trans members of the community, but do not seek to help us.

they have contributed nothing whatsoever to the reddit community but mayocide and bussy, but redirect attention to themselves and their "struggles."

i really can't stand them.

they truly are good for nothing.

i can't name a positive thing about them.

not one.

not a single damn thing.

their entire community is rather wretched.

MFW unironic ACAB rhetoric unironically getting upvoted

well, at least as much as the word "unironic" has any meaning when talking about CB2

imagine being the kind of person who posts on a meta sub complaining about another meta sub

u/anne-tifa you're lack of self awareness is astounding

Some meta subs are for complaining. This is not one of them.

suck my cock dude

Post bussy and I'll consider it

This is rape culture right here

Shut the fuck up, shitlord. If you want to be a cop, you are 100% likely to be a sociopath and a racist. All cops should be maimed and tortured to death, they're all heartless, gutless, violent, thugs. The fact that people actually DEFEND the police makes me sick, you have to be some shill for the force. No one likes Cops, kids don't like them, religious people don't like them, no one. No one cares if a Cop dies, because it's a fucking blessing. After everything the police force has done to minorities and innocent people in this country, everyone of them deserves a violent and agonizing death, along with they're families and children to prevent sociopathy from spreading genetically. Now, repeat after me; THE ONLY GOOD PIG IS A DEAD, MANGLED, VIOLATED ONE.



*teleports behind you*

nothing personnel... cop

Oh shit, I didn't want this to happen. I was fucked up last night, and I made a huge shitpost. I don't really hate the police, nor do I think they should be excused for crimes some of them commit, but I just had a mental aneurysm and now I'm apart of gossip. Hmmm.

You know what, I'm going to take this time to say: I hate how Reddit can't notice satire unless you put /s in the post. C'mom now, I was literally thinking of the most hateful things to say possible, and people actually believe it? It wasn't like I was acting smug about it, or I even tried to make an intelligent point.

Poes law in action.

this is some good shit

IMO, a lot of gay white men who gravitate towards performances of hyper masculinity or "bro-ness" do so out of 1. internalized homophobia and 2. >respectability politics (which comes from point 1—the desire to appeal/cave to heteronormativity). It's also because they already have a lot of privilege, so >they leverage their homosexuality in a way where it can be normalized and palatable. At the same time, I feel you on being exhausted by white gays who use >their sexuality as a shield to deflect criticism about misogynist/transphobic or white supremacist behavior/thoughts.

Yeah! Anyone who doesn't conform to my perception of gay people is a internalized homophobe and a sexist racist!

i'm going to assume that those links detail incidents where less than 1% of people associated with BLM committed violent acts, which i think would speak for itself

What even are the other 99% doing, anyway?

People seem to have really strong opinions on the bureau of land management

i'm just copying my srs post which was cathartic to type, even though i know it's a generalization:

"gaybros" a.k.a. white "straight acting" gay males are by far the worst community in the entire universe.

straight minorities are blessed that they don't have to share a space with them.

the rest of us are stuck with them.

they take, take, take, take, take, take from black, latinx, femme, lesbian, and trans members of the community, but do not seek to help us.

they have contributed nothing whatsoever to lgbt community but sex apps and poppers, but redirect attention to themselves and their "struggles."

i really can't stand them.

they truly are good for nothing.

i can't name a positive thing about them.

not one.

not a single damn thing.

their entire community is rather wretched.


Ok so in one comment you have this person assert that all gay people should act like effeminate flaming queers, that gay men are promiscuous and only care about sex and recreational drugs, and they are attention whores who pretend they are oppressed when they're not. How is this guy different from my homophobic racist grandpa again?

He is supported by the patriarchy

/u/spookyjhostwitch is a disgrace to faggots everywhere, and a closet racist.

the entirety of gay culture stems from black, latinx, femme, lesbian, and trans members

The fuck?

i'm just copying my srs post which was cathartic to type, even though i know it's a generalization: "gaybros" a.k.a. white "straight acting" gay males are by far the worst community in the entire universe. straight minorities are blessed that they don't have to share a space with them. the rest of us are stuck with them. they take, take, take, take, take, take from black, latinx, femme, lesbian, and trans members of the community, but do not seek to help us. they have contributed nothing whatsoever to lgbt community but sex apps and poppers, but redirect attention to themselves and their "struggles." i really can't stand them. they truly are good for nothing. i can't name a positive thing about them. not one. not a single damn thing. their entire community is rather wretched.

Damn, you weren't exaggerating. They actually do hate gay people.

Thank god cb2 is not a worse circlejerk than anything they.could ever link