/r/@ starts radical new raddit

66  2017-06-06 by lokichilde


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Where is neoliberalism, the only political stance that actually works?


Someone else already created neoliberal


Wtf I love raddit now.

/f/drama : LOL perfect

Of course the neoliberal one is mostly /u/brocialistslaughter (and the other alts) shitposting impotently

Nowaydaddioh can't ever hope to outshitpost me when it comes to neoliberalism.


fitting username.

Post bussy


It's the best

You're supposed to say BASED

and then the third guy says POLICY

you goon

Based policy goon?

sure, why not

No no, it's POLICY-BASED EVIDENCE, you're doing it backward

Nothing is as precious to me as how upset neoliberal memes make you

You mean /r/WTFIlovetheKochBrothersNow!?



https://raddit.me/f/Fascism is now open for business, lets see how this goes


I'd be really interested to see if they'd ban /f/leftcommunism

There have been two leftcom subs since day one and they still remain.

Maybe try /f/acism?


Actual facism




https://raddit.me/f/Fascism is now open for business



this isnt how daddy marx told me it would go

Who wants to mod https://raddit.me/f/drama ?

I'll mod it although I have to make an account there. will pm you once I've done it

Nice try CIA

Speak louder into the lapel pin, please.

add party parrots.

Make me alpha-beta please.


That place has stone age mod functionality :(

It has to be easily understood by anarchists. Are you really surprised it's incredibly basic and lacks anything even casually resembling and advanced feature?

Make me alpha-beta please.


Is this some sort of Jewish codeword? Oy


Loki wut r u doing with your life? You were supposed to be my jewish baker rent boy, im very disappointed in u. It looks like i converted for nothing

Look bby, I wanted 2 experiment with different kinds of shit-posting, ok? I dun expect u 2 understand.

jk, I've just been on a powerlifting break. I'll be starting back up soon and will come back and post more ass. ilu bby

Well i made some pastrami off the amazing ribs website the other day and i fondled my menorah thinking about you

Did you fondle it for 7 days and 7 nights?

Well i only had enough baby oil for one night but somehow it lasted seven



You murder brown ppl so the rich can take their oil. I hope Jesus is real so you burn in hell..

I haven't murdered anyone yet, that i know of.
I'm an atheist.
Everything around you that is made of plastic was manufactured using oil. That keyboard, for instance.
Thinking Is hard but you'll get three hang of it

You can't b a marine and not be a murderer.whether u pull the trigger or not, you're part of it.

I see that you've read into my post history. Yep. I'm a marine. Been out for 23 years.
We are also called devildogs,baby killers, bard chargers, leathernecks.
Do you live in America? Go to a job? Have a computer? Eat food from a box? You'r a part of IT too, sweetheart

Unfortunately, capitalism exists, so we have to exist under the current system and conditions to survive while actively pursuing socialism and/or revolution. Do you expect us all to be living in holes and huts and shitting in the woods or something? Imperialist. Military bases are neocolonialism. Hope you sleep well at night getting benefits you don't deserve while homeless people starve on the streets.


We are also called devildogs,baby killers, bard chargers, leathernecks.


bard chargers

/u/Mrgonefor20years, explain please.

HARD chargers.

Stupid auto correct

Unfortunately, capitalism exists, so we have to exist under the current system and conditions

They can though, can't they. If they really believe and there are lots of them they can just buy land and settle it be a revolutionary socialist community. Until they achieve self-sufficiency a voluntary tax of 100% can be levied to help out the community and in just a few generations they'll have their idyll. And if it works in practice I'm sure it would grow and grow.

/u/Mrgonefor20years is the hero we need tbh


Do you expect us all to be living in holes and huts and shitting in the woods or something?

No, because I don't expect Communism or Anarchism to ever be implemented.

So is anarchism just satire?


Max Stirner got his shit through the Prussian censorship because they couldn't believe it was serious.

Stirner was a good egoist who did nothing wrong.

He had woke ideas about race as well

Caucasian pride world wide

You spelled "mayocide when?" wrong, just FYI.

It's like someone saw communism and was like "this, but even less practical"

I love how they actively defend participating in a capitalist system, while in the same breath speaking the ill of it.

/u/gnuworldorder Acknowledgement of your unethical behavior doesn't absolve you of it.

This is you bro.

Berneri Bros

there is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. also this is you http://i.imgur.com/NG6rFF2.png

Go to North Korea and never come back

ahh yes because i support worker selfownership and democratic control of the workplace, with a loose association between unions instead of a centralized government, i should move to a brutal dictatorship run by capitalist oligarchs from the military.

le not real gommunism


How the fuck is it real communism? How the fuck is it even close to anything like communism?

DPRK are capitalist

The wewest of lads

DRPK are communist

WTF I like DPRK now

Monarchism is capitalistic now?

No real communism means EVERYTHING is capitalist.

I don't really know what the DPRK is but it's probably not socialist or capitalist under any common understanding of either

It is a fucking disaster no matter what you call it. I at least consider it socialist to start out.

being governed by a king and a handful of his advisers who own everything is the same as people's ownership of the means of production

You're retarded.

As though people ever owned shit in any of the other countries like the USSR?

You are a fucking mongoloid that can't read basic shit.


that's why it's usually called "state capitalism".

You are too stupid to even understand that DPRK changed over time and was literally started by communist parties supported by the USSR.

Somehow you managed to embarrass yourself every time you try arguing with me, mostly due to a lack of knowledge

Thanks for the warning, idiot. As though you are the first smug retard talking about no true communism I have ever come across.

Monarchism sure as shit isn't communist.

democratic control of the workplace

Have you ever worked in an office? Motherfuckers can't even plan an office party by committee.

vs working under managers and directors and vps who talk like dr suess and have no fucking clue what they actually want other than something stupid like a "proactive defense posture of big data in the cloud" or some other dumb shit like that and when it eventually works its way down to the engineers and architects, they bought the wrong product and are undersized and underfunded? sure ill give you that, since youll give me mine, but i dont see what that has to do with having a democratically controlled workplace.

Sounds like you just work at a shitty place.

i work in the real world, where fortune 200 companies do this on a daily basis.

Ah, you're just there to profit take it down from the inside, amirite?

Starbucks, I'm guessing?

ive seen it happen at barclays, siemens, exxon, and my current employer. i suggest get a big boy job, close your mouth and open your eyes and ears for a bit, and start getting some workplace awareness. I'm sure this isnt unique to IT

I've worked at and with dozens of nonprofits implementing products chosen by committee. It's wayyyy worse.

picking the isle layout at goodwill doesnt count

Neither does sweeping the IT closet at Barclays

look at /u/prince_kropotkin with the bantz! youre pretty ok when you arent licking boots

lol! I think p_k is off somewhere sperging out because /r/neoliberal exists.


on a serious note, it was nice to see this didnt devolve into a total shitfest like normal. i have shit to do at work now :\

Cheers and good luck with whatever godawful "cloud deployment" product you got saddled with because a conference booth babe flirted with a junior marketing exec.

naw its compliance stuff :(

oh gross. take drugs.

Wait do you think OP is my alt?


not realisticly, but it is kind of your MO

I don't use alts and don't have one.

it's aisle, there are no goddam islands in Goodwill

Implying they work and don't live off NEETbux.

Implying they are not 13 and still in middle school.

but i dont see what that has to do with having a democratically controlled workplace.

Now this might surprise you, but Capitalism is not a mirror image of Communism, only with different values.

In particular, under Capitalism you're free to start your own business or seek employment in a business started by a fellow communist, with as much of democratically controlled workplace as you can tolerate getting stuffed up your butt.

Unlike it would happen to a capitalist workplace under communism, no capitalist jackbooted thugs will come and put you into a capitalist gulag for organizing work according to an anticapitalistic ideology.

And yet you don't do that, none of the other people don't do that so you can't find a co-op to work at, why is that, how do you think?

Say enough general feel good words and you can make anything sound good.

Now if only sanders would also go in there it would be great.

Are they going in together? I can support that.

well duh, bernie killed rosa rosa luxemburg

I knew he was old but I didn't realize he was that old. You mean this Rosa Luxemburg?

When approached to denounce anti-Jewish pogroms, [Luxemburg] responded with this heartwarming declaration: “Why do you come to me with your special Jewish sorrows?… I cannot find a special corner in my heart for the ghetto.

Is that the same one? Because she was juden herself.

Of course so was Marx and he didn't like them either.

Communism and all it's proponents are just self hating Jews who are too pussy to join a proper Nazi party.

Above all one must at all times live as a complete human being […] read only the good ones, not such kitsch as the “Spinoza novel” which you sent me. What do you want with this theme of the “special suffering of the Jews”? I am just as much concerned with the poor victims on the rubber plantations of Putumayo, the Blacks in Africa with whose corpses the Europeans play catch […] they resound with me so strongly that I have no special place in my heart for the ghetto. I feel at home in the entire world, wherever there are clouds and birds and human tears.”

She wasn't asked to denounce anti-jewish pogroms, she herself was a jew and someone who faces antisemitism. She was saying that the suffering of the Jews is no more important to her than the suffering of everyone.So you are critiquing her for caring about everyones problems?

I'm critiquing her for downplaying the threat of antisemitism in Europe in 1917. Nothing really bad happened in the years to come, right?

I think, as a Jew living in the era, she maybe. Just maybe, knew about antisemitism, considering how she herself was a victim of it. She was not asked to denounce anti-jewish pogroms, she was asked to read an author who was writing as if Jewish problems are the single most important problem. She never said antisemitism wasn't a problem. She never said she hates the jews. She said she also cares about what was happening in Africa, and to the slaves in South America. In case you are too stupid to realize, the Jews were not the only ones getting fucked over.

Think globally, act locally, sugartits. Antisemitism was on the rise to become the single most important problem in Europe shortly after.

There were other concerns at the time. Are you seriously criticizing her for not predicting the holocaust 20-30 years before it happened? You are acting like ANYONE gave a shit about what was happening to the Jews at the time. America didn't. Britain didn't. France didn't. Germany didn't. No one did.

She refused to acknowledge the pogroms occuring in Russia after the revolution because it conflicted with her silly idea that anti-semitism would just disappear post-revolution. You know who did give a shit? All the other fucking Jews. Nobody else gave a shit and look what happened.

She experienced the Warsaw pogrom in 1880. She led a political party that fought against anti-Semitism and denounced the pogroms. I've seen nothing of her denying the pogroms in Russia after the revolution and she was a huge critic of Lenin and the Bolsheviks so I don't see why she would do that.

Indeed, Luxemburg believed that the Jewish question as such did not exist; it was merely one of a thousand social inequities resulting from a class-ridden society. She wasn’t indifferent to Jewish suffering or anti-Semitism, but believed that when capitalism was defeated and socialism triumphed, anti-Semitism would automatically disappear as a social reality. She told one Bundist leader that Jews “didn’t need Yiddish, but the language of the surrounding people” and “unity with the Christian proletariat.” To the end of her life she dismissed Zionism and referred to Yiddish as a jargon. She and Jogiches wrote, in 1892, that Jewish workers were breaking away from the “narrow traditions and views of the Jewish people” in order to “unite with the great internationalist labour army.” Jews might be the “most enslaved of all the subjects of the tsar,” they wrote, but they didn’t have any “special tasks.”

But neither Luxemburg nor Jogiches had much understanding of the lives of Yiddish-speaking, working-class Jews, who mostly chose to join the Bund rather than the SDKPiL. 

For all her brilliance, she was incapable of rethinking her beliefs about anti-Semitism or Jewish self-determination. In 1906, she wrote that pogroms would no longer continue now that revolutionary workers were on the rise — and when they persisted, she attributed it to the backwardness of rural Russia. In 1917, when a Russian friend told her that pogroms were occurring even in revolutionary Russia, she believed the reports to be fabricated. “I can sooner imagine pogroms against Jews here in Germany,”  she wrote to Sophie Liebknecht.


Wait a minute. She didn't even support the Russians who were carrying out the pogroms. And the areas where the revolution did occur jewish pogroms went way down. At that time in the revolution, anti semitism was forbidden. Obviously small scale pogroms still happened, but the revolutionaries were far far far better than every other faction involved. So the big complaint against her was that she was overly optimistic that the revolution had changed Russia. Cool story.

I never accused her of anti-semitism. And the idea that the red army pogrom'ed less than the counterrevolutionaries made it ok is disgusting. The Soviet Union also tried covered up all of the civil war pogroms by denying they were based in antisemitism. Stalin continued on persecution but (poorly) hid it under words like "zionist", "counterrevolutionaries", and "reactionary nationalists".

Your downplaying of communist disdain and persecution of the Jews echoes the #alllivesmatter bullshit. Be a communist, but don't fuckin' blow smoke up my ass like it doesn't have serious issues with anti-semitism.

Are you trying to be butthurt?

Rosa is my favorite commie, because the Freikorps smashed her smug face in.

Rosa Luxemburg deserved it, SocDems did nothing wrong.

i thought you love communism?

NK is how it always ends up being.

chankiri tree!

if you mean anarchocommunism and not tankie MLS bullshit sure i guess, but that isnt what north korea is. also im an syndicalist not a communist

I'm a Frost DeathKnight with a minor in Accounting.

can you hit sindragosa? thats all that matters

Trap: sprung.

I also support self-owns.

i should move to a brutal dictatorship run by capitalist oligarchs from the military.

How the fuck do you think communism works? Jesus.

Were you born yesterday? Most people don't want to give up shit they worked for, and if asked to would say no. How do you think you force people to do that?

That's right my newly born friend, someone (see, totalitarian government headed up by "godly" figure) needs to use fear and violence to project their power.

Honestly, it's like people on your spectrum (both politically and autistically) have had their eyes closed for the past fucking forever.

Even low scale communes where a bunch of hippies live in a compound where they share all their shit ends with everyone drinking kool-aid laced with poison, or weird rape god shit before the building burns down.

Wake up.

You first

Exactly. Your position is that there is no ethical consumption under a capitalist system. Acknowledgement of your unethical behavior doesn't absolve you from it. You actively choose to participate in something you detest because it's easier than truly following your ideals. You're as much bourgeois trash as the rest of us.

This is your bro

So anticapitalists should fuck off in the forest instead of organizing and fighting? Ignore capitalism rather than fight it?

fighting capitalism means you have to use capitalism


To be frank, I think tankies should just fuck off in general.

Also how exactly is larping and posting edgy messages on sites like reddit fighting capitalism?

never said it was

Y-yes? Is that even a serious question?

Well you can't call anticapitalists hypocrites for not doing anything and then tell them to not do anything.

I don't care about hypocrisy or anticapitalism or whatever. I just know that there aren't any power outlets in the forest so the anarchists won't be able to use reddit anymore.

Do you know what that comic is trying to satirize and failing miserably, or do you just repost what you see on your commie boards? The actual argument is that you hipsters are all to complacent in buying expensive stuff like iphones that are made in virtual slavish conditions and bring back a huge profit to the investors, when you could look for stuff made in your country even if it may not have the same value for the price. I haven't seen anyone call you hypocrites because you own a phone.

even if it was made in the US, it would still be unethical since we exploit 3rd world nations to mine metals, and wage labor is by definition exploitative. That is unless you believe that profit just magically comes out of nowhere instead of extracting it from the value that the worker created.

the point is that you can still criticize and try to change the society while being in that society because the only other option is living in the woods in a cave by yourself. you nearly have no other option unless you want to be homeless and starve, but you can make an argument you still benefit from the system and that doesnt accomplish anything

wage labor is by definition exploitative

Right, just like how acting in porn is exploitative, i.e. it isn't because it's consensual and mutually beneficial you witless tankie

Wage labor is not consensual lol. Your options are work or starve.

Calling an anarchist a tankie

High holy shit where do all of you anarcunts come from, did school get out where you live or what?

Wage labor is not consensual lol. Your options are work or starve.

This argument only works if I'm a hardcore libertarian who wants literally all social safety nets abolished. Spoiler: I'm not.

Calling an anarchist a tankie

What, you think being a far-leftist somehow inoculates you against spouting apologia for far-left dictatorships? No, it fucking incentivises it you dip

The only anarkiddo I know of who doesn't go to bat for at least one of the following: DPRK , USSR, Khmer Rouge, Mao's China, Assad- is PK, and even be can't help not-real-communism posting either.

Fun fact: Assad autocorrects to ass-wipe on my phone lol

Holy shit no anarchists support any of those regimes lol


I get it, it's so fucking stupid because you oppose all authority and shit, but it just ain't so, Joe

Same with grocery stores.

It's bullshit that my options are do my own food shopping like a responsible adult or die a skinnyfat death.

Here are your options before you have a job interview:

  1. Starve
  2. Collect welfare/charity
  3. Grow/forage/hunt your own food.

Here are your options after you have a job interview:

  1. Starve
  2. Collect welfare/charity
  3. Grow/forage/hunt your own food.
  4. Accept the job.

The evil capitalist has increased your choice amount by 33%.

Your idea of breaking free of capitalism still makes you look retarded when you're raging on the internet via a $1000 smartphone and/or $2500 computer.

Lmao, do you leave your country everytime you have to criticise the government?

Nah, I just scream "Am I being detained?!" whilst turning widdershins thrice until I become a sovereign citizen.

tfw when your neighbor hacks into your personal blockchain and steals all your memecoin and tranfers it into his neighborcoin chain and you are forced to wage labor to him to get it back and you can't do anything about it because Well Fargo brand mid-level manager condominium suites is not responsible for person to person interactions.

Worst William Gibson novel ever.

Yeah we know what you mean, it's not that deep, and we know what profit is, it's not that complicated, we're just fine with the whole concept.

it would still be unethical since we exploit 3rd world nations to mine metals

So why not just go balls out and buy an $800 phone made in butt fuck Mauritus, after all you live in society, whaddya want, to unlive in society?

you're just hypocrites

iphone price is 80% brand and status symbol. that's how you, the person who is against exploitative capitalism, spend your measly barista salary: status.

those $500 you wasted would have stopped two preventable deaths in the developing world, if you weren't such a narcissist.

Pfft, /r/drama funded a worm holocaust. What have you done?

It's cute you think slavery and serfdom is comparable to a bunch of whiny limp commies whining about how they don't want to get a job and need everything handed to them

Your whole wrong mindset is represented here. You believe in post modernist deconstructionism, that there is always a struggle to be found somewhere in oppressed vs oppressor that you can overturn. It all rests on the assumption that the people of the past did not make progress and that the workers have not already won.

God thing all capitalism is immoral or I might have to make ethical decisioms on what to buy!

Watching this fail is gonna be funny.

It already failed, raddit has been a thing for a while now but it barely got any traffic.

It literally just came out within the last 30 days. The only thing that raddit has been is various people hosting the in development version of the site for testing purposes.

I checked it soon after it became a thing and it was dead. I'm checking it now and the level of activity is similar. When exactly do you think it'll start being a success?

It will never be super active. It is a community designed for our subreddit, and for other allies groups. It has no intention of competing with Reddit. It will see more activity if the Admins continue to ban our mods and users.

I mean as active as your subreddit you autist. Regardless I already made an account so I can stir some shit and post it here if it ever gets popular, which it won't. Which is funny btw considering fucking voat is more successful.

Voat is multiple years old, is filled with human trash (so you guys would all fit it in there) and is the result of multiple mass exoduses from Reddit. Again, we haven't had our "mass exodus" yet. It's generally a smart idea to create a new community before you need a new community yeah? Or is that concept too difficult for you to grasp.

Voat is multiple years old

Well yeah but it was popular immediately after it was created, unlike raddit

is filled with human trash (so you guys would all fit it in there)

Rood, but I agree

and is the result of multiple mass exoduses from Reddit. Again, we haven't had our "mass exodus"

And this is my point, which is why your website is, and will always be a failure, even if reddit bans r/@ completely (which I really hope they don't, the drama they generate is always juicy)

Again, we haven't had our "mass exodus" 

Y8iu still havent had a mass exodus from your parents basements yet so it might be a while


Or is that concept too difficult for you to grasp.

Would /r/Anarchism mods appreciate your blatant ableism?

Says fucking autistron. Shut the fuck up you fucking crybaby loser. Did your mommy and daddy not give you enough attention growing up that you decided to grow up to be a pathetic worthless human being?

Would /r/Anarchism mods appreciate you doubling down on the the ableism and going after another user with autism?

I'll tell you what, feel free to be a whiny little ass and taddle on me if it will make you feel better. Or, alternatively, feel free to jump off a cliff and end it all. Your choice.

Would /r/Anarchism mods appreciate you telling fascists that they can do whatever they want?

Ableist slurs like that would get you exiled in the commune.

Awwww are you gonna cry too? Did you precious fee fees get hurt you fucking cuck? Here's a solution: kill yourself

You definitely need a better way to handle the bantz.

Unlike you I don't really try and get along with trash.

Telling people to kill themselves should be off limit for everyone. But my point was more that you make yourself more of a target when you freak out like this.

PK is a proud liberal like us, please don't bully him

Ableist against a) suicidal people with mental issues and b) people with certain sexual kinks.

Gas yourself comrade

if the Admins continue to ban our mods and users.

fingers crossed

Have you considered setting up an anarchist society in your tree house? No rules, except you have to be inside by dark.

I'm sure you thought that was somehow clever or funny?

Well duh, but you think Anarchism is actually a viable concept so you wouldn't know clever if it was sodomizing your asshole.

Well duh, but you think Anarchism is actually a viable concept so you wouldn't know clever if it was sodomizing your asshole.

What else would it sodomize?

Your mouth. Sodomy isn't just anal. Get with the times puritan

Hey just because it counts as sodomy when you're sucking a dick

Admins continue to ban our mods and users.

This wouldn't be an issue if you people were not constantly plotting murder, sharing bomb manuals and publicly masterbating to the thought of burning normal people alive.

What fucking bomb manuals? You mean the book all about how to grafitti and dumpster dive? You fucking cucks didn't even read past the title before crying like the complete fucking losers you are. There has been exactly 0 murders plotted on our subs. And Anarchists have killed exactly no one, while you fucking cucks seem to be on a killing spree lately. But no, we are the real terrorists right?

And Anarchists have killed exactly no one,

No wonder they keep getting BTFO. Ever think of joining a less pansy ideology?

so either we're unhinged terrorists, or we're pansies because we haven't killed anyone...


lmao, ok. sounds like your entire worldview is mostly driven by the deep, entrenched fear that someone might have a bigger penis than you

Obviously. I'm on /r/drama.

It's been around for months under a different version.

Also it's hosted a thread about crowdfunding my doxx and murder so I'm going to go ahead and say that giving eeplox your username and password is a ridiculously stupid thing to do.



PK if one of them ever actually finds you will you move or are you gonna stand and fight ?

Fighting is stupid. I'd let the cops sort it out. If you're going to attempt to murder someone because they have slightly different opinions than you on an Internet forum, then you're a clear and present danger to society.

I mean I would say that the problem is they want to murder you in cold blood but we both know that they are not gonna do that. So yeah the cops could prob handle anything they actually sent your way.

I'd know about it anyway since I hang with radicals here. I can definitely say that I'm more worried about unhinged neoliberals spamming my department with every comment I've ever made on Reddit than I am about nowayaddioh coming after me with handfuls of rabbit shit.


If I also swear allegiance to Stalin will it even out?

What are you, a communist from 1939-1941?

Claims to be anarchist

"Ill let the cops sort it out"

Ya I'm not going to go around fighting off people who want to murder me. This ain't Mad Max.

Your totally an anarchist though. But youll run to the police if you're threatened, because they're necessary and just doing their job. But still, definitely anarchist

Are you seriously saying that you'd fight off people who are attempting to murder you? Will you dress up like Neo too? Let me know when you graduate from high school and realize that most adults don't feel like fighting stalkers in death matches every weekend.

I'd trust my neighbors over other murderers, but let me know when you learn what anarchism is

I know plenty about anarchism. You're just a LARPing teenager trying to act edgy for their e-friends. Boring. It's not like you'll ever be fighting off people who want to kill you unless it's in Call of Duty.

"I know a lot about anarchism"

"Having a violent and coercive policing system is fine if it can benefit my white ass"

I don't think having a police system is fine. But if someone is literally trying to murder me then I'll let them take care of it instead of pretending I am in a movie.

"I don't like the police, but ill still run crying to them for help"

So if a gang of Nazis shows up to murder you will you just deal with it yourself and refuse to call the cops? Like I get that's a privilege that white people have and all that. But I'm not a fucking idiot and I don't feel the need to assert my ultra-masculinity.

You have the same attitude as the gun nuts who keep fantasizing about blowing away a half dozen armed intruders. It's not going to happen.

Oh, well you taking full advantage of your privilege is fine if you acknowledge that's what your doing. And I don't have any fantasies about fighting hordes of Nazis, I just don't have faith in police to protect me from them.

So if a gang of people were coming to your house to kill you, you wouldn't call the cops on principle? What a fucking idiot.

Police forces have been infiltrated by groups like the KKK, even the federal government has acknowledged this. Police also have a history of siding with fascists over leftists. Its not just a principle thing, i wouldn't know if the police would actually help me or cause more trouble. But yeah, the fact that people of color have that issue tenfold does increase my hesitancy. Although I guess calling principles idiotic is a nice change up from calling them edgy

I'm assuming you're a white kid who is under 17 year old. I might be wrong, but that is very much the vibe you are radiating.

Wrong on age, right on white but I'm also a Jew and yeah I'm paranoid about hate groups infiltrating police

Of course they have, that's been very well documented at this point. Fuck the police. But I'll take my chances calling them if someone is stalking me and trying to kill me rather than don a trenchcoat and buy an MP5. You people gotta stop making a huge deal out of nothing.

Yeah, complacency with the police is a pretty big deal, and that's what a decent amount of your posts show.

I think the real problem is that you're so edgy that anything short of screaming about killing cops is viewed as "liberalism". This is not incidentally why tons of you reddit "socialists" spend all their time posting memes and talking about who you will murder next while in real life absolutely nothing gets done.

You literally have no idea who i am, how do you know whether or not im organizing? And I have comrades that are anarchopacifists, but you are definitely not one of them.

Just a pretty good hunch. The fact that people who talk like you never show up in real life for anything while all the people you deride as "liberals" are actually doing all the work.

Again, how do you know? Im very different in real life, do you expect people to be yelling BASH THE FASH when planning a protest? To be honest, i have a hunch an anarcho centrist like you hasn't shown up to other peoples shit much less help organize their own. Especially when your calling antifa activists "liberals" (lolwut do you have any explanation for that?)

So online you call everyone you disagree with a "liberal" and talk about killing people but IRL you're a nice quiet organizer who gets along with everyone? OK then.

I've been involved in shit but because the people you hang around with keep threatening to doxx and murder me I can't talk about it or give any details whatsoever. People I work with aren't into this "everyone I disagree with is a liberal" bullshit.

I'm not talking about antifa in general but the Clinton antifa who are just mad about trump. They are out there, they don't give a shit about socialism but just think Trump is this unique event that needs to be stopped by any means necessary instead of the natural evolution of American politics that needs to be understood as such.

Yeah, those 15 antifa teenagers are dickheads. Most in that crowd probably don't fit that description. I don't really talk about killing people, although I defend that violence against Nazis and government officials is justified. Tbh, I was a pacifist before I realized how much violence was required to uphold the system. Back when I was a 17yo teenage anarchist ;)

Well see if you don't open by calling me a bootlicking liberal we can have a reasonable conversation. I doubt our analyses of the police, the violence built into states and capitalism, etc is that different.

(Also talking about Hillary antifa kind of gives you away as a cryptofash, the right are the only ones who think American antifa like hillary)

Btw, the "larping for your efriends" is becoming your "snowflake." Beaten into the ground, and it wasn't a great insult to start

why is it so hard to admit you're just a fucking liberal? why do you feel the need to cling to the anarchist label, even though you don't have anarchist beliefs?

Because you assholes define anarchism as "being 14 and talking online about how you want to kill people you don't like", which is just edgy nonsense. I've been around here for a while and I've noticed that my most vocal "critics" never really talk about anarchism, just physical violence against whatever upsets them that day.








      L I B E R A L  
    / I         / I  
  /   B       /   B  
L I B E R A L     E  
I     R     I     R  
B     A     B     A  
E     L I B E R A L  
R   /       R   /    
A /         A /      
L I B E R A L        

Im not one of the lwse people. Im not a bloodthirsty person. So those critiques are bullshit to me. Why do you suck fashy ass and push liberalism if youre an anarchist?

I don't do any of those things. You just don't know how to disagree with people without calling them fascist or liberal.

All PK has to do is see the anarchist first and assume their gender to neutralize them.

I am shocked and disappointed that you would give such misleading advice, Your Highness.

Everyone who is concerned that your personal information is insecure, PM it all to me and I'll store it for safekeeping!

Reddit is no fun without enemies to rail at.

Of course, nobody does in-fighting like leftists, so maybe it will work!

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)


Just shove a tube up my bussy, pour gassoline in and light my ass on fire while blasting this jam in the backround tbh.

That's hot

with endless subs dedicated to promoting hate and 'joking' about 'helicoptering' (murdering) anyone who isn't a heterosexual white male

Literally one sentence in and they've already fucked it up. Helicopters have nothing to do with identity politics it's about purging retards like the mongoloid who wrote this shit regardless of the kind of pipo they are

Anarchists seriously can't do anything right

I thought helicoptering was spinning your dick around.


Ironically enough, though, this is why we need mayocide. The hapless cumskin lefties don't realize they're part of the problem.

Mayocide would happen to clear out a good portion of the reddit lefty population, though, so it should still be the focus

The Ameriburgers too.

Yeah, helicopters are specifically for communists. Probably also anarchists because same same ting ting.

I give it three months.

It'll die before Voat.

so will u



it's been around for longer than three months

The internet is a pioneering catalyst for the formation of communities of likeminded groups of people to gather. However, the tendency to hive off and form an echo chamber is a pervasive one. Regardless of their differences, being tolerant of others opinions is a mark of rational intelligence. Smart people know that Socksoff.com has a vast selection of socks to choose from. At socksoff you can find a pair of socks that express who you are. You are unique, your socks should be too. Socksoff.com

Can't have boots to lick wothout socks!

/u/brocialistslaughter killing Jihadis is basically the same as killing Nazis so you should be thanking us.

I remember the time I saw my CO split open an insurgents head like a coconut. Funny stuff

pics or didn't happen

Lol, google .556 head wound if you want an idea.

Oh goody, now they have their own stormfront-esque crazy party.

So when several leftist subs got mass-reported by fascists and then banned by the admins,

Other than LeftWithSharpEdge, what subs were banned?

Various LWSE clones

Like, three subs in total. Sharp, sharper, and sharpest. The latter two had lifespans measured in minutes.

Do you know it's the way of rape, enslavement, institutionalised murder and exploitation of the third world for the benefit of Americans? And are you okay with that?

Are you not?

Voat, Imzy, Raddit, make all the shitty knock offs you want tyou'll all be back.

They're like G+ and Ello

I'm seeing an unusual amount of [removed] in this @ thread. Isn't it odd that a community dedicated to spreading the idea of a society without rulers has a ruling body that enforces a social contract on its members?

When are the anarchists and commies going to turn on each other? Their ideologies are incompatible, and I really want to see what slap fights between the two look like

When/if the revolution starts, same as always.


SRS already beat them to a punch and SRS's version is somehow nowhere as autistic.

How is this drama, chucklehead?


jfc are the admins left or right-sympathising would you people make your damn minds