No reason to reply to them, they're low life's that obviously don't have shit to do so they go on stalking other lol
Losers. You're looking at a bunch of losers whose heads we live in rent-free.
I mean while you aren't wrong it's still super rood.
I can't blame people for not knowing the difference between here and subs that track T_D users or autoban them or don't ping them to start fights with people who say dumb shit.
It's likely healthier to be unaware of the Metasphere tbh.
You had a Netherlands flair. Whores and hardstyle are to the Dutch what the baguette and beret are to the French. Was I right for real, though? :)
No problem friendo, unlike the Donald this is a real safe space for us provocateurs. The only catch is that you've gotta swear to do your part when the mayocide comes.
Just went to a festival this weekend, drugs was involved ofcourse. Why would you otherwise spend 12 hours there. And well, no not whores. Unless if you count my ex, to whom I from time to time still refer as 'whore'. So you get 7/10.
Can I swear all caps? To give it some extra drama?
look all I'm saying is that if you were to fall into a crippling addiction leading to an overdose, you'd be doing your part to cleanse western civilization. I dont know why you're so offended
Well, whenever I've fundamentally disagreed with a girl or broken a promise that girl would take a break from sucking my dick until the issue was resolved. I respect that quality in a girl and it seems to be something most Trump supporters lack.
The NSA didn't arrest anyone, the Female Body Inspector did. And they would that to any confirmed leaker.
The Intercept totally fucked up with that leak. They received a very important piece of info, and completely dropped the ball by not being able to properly mask the leakers identity.
Anyway, did Russia attempted something? Well, it's very likely, hardly anything new. Did Trump himself, or his team, colluded with Russia. Nahhhh. At least that's the way I see it as a non american. But hey, I may be jaded by the history of US intervention in Latin America.
also, post bussy, otherwise I'm discussing politics in this sub.
But people in his campaign were in no doubt colluding with Russia. There is no argument whether or not there was anymore. It's just who, to what extent, and how aware/involved was Trunp.
Maybe. I don't know. Honestly I don't think anyone will find evidence of "collusion". I still find it extremely hard to believe there will be an impeachment, even if the Democrats manage to turn things around next midterms.
There are two members of his campaign that had undocumented contact with Russia, as well as his son-in-law was discovered asking the KBG for a private line to Russia before the election.
If they aren't guilty they are trying really hard to look like it.
You know the whole irony here is that Comey presented a written statement today, where (regardless of how dumb and honestly, creepy, Trump is presented) he clearly said Trump himself is not being investigated, several times.
the russia story has as much validity as the pizzagate bs. I'm not even a trumpeter
Dude, there's a fucking special prosecutor. I know you're just trying to counter the jerk, and I get it, the mania of the left over the thought of impeachment is gross, but pizzagate?
how dare you post on an AMERICA FIRST board? Absolutely disgusting. We don't want you on our forums, we don't want your mindless devotion to the Donald we already know you know you and jokes of countries are inferior in every way, and stay the fuck out of country.
u/juzeza u/Comanche_Moon u/folkov You guys seem very prejudiced, I implore you to take the time to actually learn about r/drama pbuh, and witness the beauty and peace it brings to reddit.
Though honestly I don't expect much from a bunch of low-information, racist, hill-billy, cracker wypipo who voted the worst man in the history of the world into the US presidency, you're all a bunch of traitors tbh
It's not that, it's that turnabout is always fair play.
It's not a good tactic, and it's not the target that makes it okay. It's that they used it first. And if you decide to play by some other, 'nicer' version of the rules than the one your opponent plays by, well, let me know how that works out for you.
You people and your sandbox understanding of morality. You are children raised on the simplistic morality of saturday morning cartoons. You're not quite old enough to 'get' why life can't work that way.
If someone tries to kill me, I'm trying to kill them right back, whether killing is wrong or not. And if someone wants to destroy my livelihood for my opinions, I will destroy them for theirs. It's not 'no bad tactics, just bad targets', it's Tit-for-tat, and that's an entirely different thing.
u/Tajikistan the mods here asked a long time ago that if you have proof of actual brigading/harassment etc of the sub to send the evidence to them so they have a record to show the admin,make sure you do it if thats the case.I have been a member here from the start and there has been a huge increase in the threats/harassment through PM's etc,l actually believe now they run lists of trigger points and act when someone here mentions them.I posted on the Clinton Whitewater scandal from the 70's to give background on another post and it must have triggered something as for nearly 2 months l received Pm attacks referencing it and rarely from the same account, l just ignore them and simply block the user although l am sure they are all fake accounts.Reddit is largely a failed echo chamber now and l have been making sure to unsub from subs that are a waste of time ,now l get the new daily notification from reddit admin that l should not only visit here and join more subs LMAO PS everyone on this sub should be using a ad blocker or you are part of the problem,the only thing this site admin care about is revenue.
Wait a moment, just realized this is directly linked to the thread. God I wish the admins weren't such assholes and hypocrites because this shit would get us in trouble.
Anyways, if you're interested in cuckholdry, the_donald is the place for you as it is a support subreddit for the 45th president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump. I believe there are a few cuckhold subreddits where you can see if you're genuinely interested, as it sounds like you are my good man.
Anyways, if you're interested in cuckholdry, the_donald is the place for you as it is a support subreddit for the 45th president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump.
lol /u/TheDodoLurker why didn't you respond to this? Does it cut a little to close to the bone knowing you are regurgitating shit tier memes from /pol/ even though you know that the degenerates there don't want anything to do with you people
Because I've been on /pol/ longer than I've been on reddit. I kinda realized half way through the bullshit that I don't need to explain myself to some tough guy on the internet though so I didn't bother replying. But since you asked so nicely.
/u/Tajikistan, you obese fuck, these "roles" can't "be reversed" because spreading around lists of "cancer mods" and SRS users and whatever has been a practice amongst right-wingers for like half a decade already.
/u/NorthJersey908 we harass leftist retards and actual retards at least as much as T_D retards you perennial bottom bitch. The admins don't care because they're too busy dealing with dumbfucks like you guys and the /r/anarchism mods. When they do have free time they take the opportunity to finger spez's balloon knot and count their Shareblue money.
/u/subpoutine your execution of that pasta was so perfect I will continuously make Italian handsignals in approval of it once my caretaker removes the straight jacket
Yeah its a violation of Reddit rules but since they're talking about us, the Admins won't stop them. They can "harass" me all they want, I rarely read messages.
yeah iTs a vioLatIoN Of REddIt rUleS But sinCe thEy'Re taLkIng AboUt uS, The ADmiNs wOn'T sTop theM. THey CaN ""harAss"" mE aLl thEy wanT, i raReLy rEad MesSageS.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-06-07
Error in fetchQuote() line 4 character 0: 400 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - could not connect to server
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
Look even snap can't handle this evil level of persecution
I'll fill in: "The need did this"
n/a a_normal_human 2017-06-07
>taking the bots bait
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
n/a Imgur_Lurker 2017-06-07
I mean while you aren't wrong it's still super rood.
I can't blame people for not knowing the difference between here and subs that track T_D users or autoban them or don't ping them to start fights with people who say dumb shit.
It's likely healthier to be unaware of the Metasphere tbh.
n/a hakkzpets 2017-06-07
You know who else lives rent-free in my head? Nazis, literal Nazis.
You think it's a coincidence only t_d users and Nazis lives rent-free in my head? I think the (((evidence))) speaks for itself.
n/a a_normal_human 2017-06-07
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
The frightened mom at the end makes the video.
n/a Ennui2778 2017-06-07
Also, aren't we still blaming /u/phedre for us being popular?
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-06-07
Well they do have 6 million users and are keeping Reddit alive, not to mention other ant-normie sites like Voat and 4chan despise them.
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
Wait serious question before pinging - should we post in cyrillic so they can understand their oppression?
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
Just speak NEET to them
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
goddammit I've been trying to quit anime tho
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
Half the comments in this thread are from you. Why so bussy bombed?
/u/DwellerMike I'll ping you buddy! What's it like banging whores and dancing to hardstyle all day?
/u/CedTruz Everyone left out can join the party. What do you think about Trump intervening in Syria?
n/a DwellerMike 2017-06-07
How did you know about me banging whores and dancing to hardstyle. Don't think i've mentioned this anywhere, but it's spot on. Creepy!
But thanks for Pinging me. I'm now officially one of the baddies.
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
You had a Netherlands flair. Whores and hardstyle are to the Dutch what the baguette and beret are to the French. Was I right for real, though? :)
No problem friendo, unlike the Donald this is a real safe space for us provocateurs. The only catch is that you've gotta swear to do your part when the mayocide comes.
n/a DwellerMike 2017-06-07
Just went to a festival this weekend, drugs was involved ofcourse. Why would you otherwise spend 12 hours there. And well, no not whores. Unless if you count my ex, to whom I from time to time still refer as 'whore'. So you get 7/10.
Can I swear all caps? To give it some extra drama?
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
The sidebar says yes:
n/a DwellerMike 2017-06-07
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
so in other words you're a degenerate ruining western civilization? if you truly support trump's ideals you'd end yourself
n/a DwellerMike 2017-06-07
I support people because they best reflect most of my talking points. Not all. So eat me, you fucking bigot cockholster.
Your comment is a clear reflection of your general braincavity; full of air and short of any meaningful content.
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
look all I'm saying is that if you were to fall into a crippling addiction leading to an overdose, you'd be doing your part to cleanse western civilization. I dont know why you're so offended
n/a DwellerMike 2017-06-07
Oooh all the Drama... oh hold on a second.
Insta-spez: am I not doing this right? It is /r/drama right?
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
this shit wasnt even coherent are you seriously high rn
n/a evannever 2017-06-07
goddammit, we don't need more trumptards here that I'll have to grudgingly upvote when they point out the utter shit show that is the American Left.
n/a HuckleberryFN2187 2017-06-07
We can still rally 'round the Prince!
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
With a pocket full of shills
n/a CedTruz 2017-06-07
I think it's a shit idea.
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
So why are you still sucking his dick?
n/a CedTruz 2017-06-07
So you have to agree with someone 100% of the time or you have to stop sucking their dick? You've never had a girlfriend before, have you?
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
Well, whenever I've fundamentally disagreed with a girl or broken a promise that girl would take a break from sucking my dick until the issue was resolved. I respect that quality in a girl and it seems to be something most Trump supporters lack.
n/a chanilastname 2017-06-07
So maybe these Trumpeteers are like abused women, they don't know how to make a stand for themselves so they keep worshipping daddy.
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
That's probably it. Maybe he roughs them up from time to time but the guy is such a sweet talker and who else would take care of them?
(I just want to add that I don't abuse women or force them to suck my dick if that wasn't totally clear...)
n/a chanilastname 2017-06-07
I didn't get that impression but now i do feel bad for comparing abused women to trumptards.
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-06-07
You should tbh fam. What the fuck is wrong with you?
n/a chanilastname 2017-06-07
Hmmm where to start
n/a HuckleberryFN2187 2017-06-07
Unresolved Oedipus complex/oral fixation.
n/a the_popcorn_pisser 2017-06-07
come on dude. the russia story has as much validity as the pizzagate bs.
I'm not even a trumpeter or trying to defend them or the cheeto in chief.
n/a TehAlpacalypse 2017-06-07
n/a the_popcorn_pisser 2017-06-07
The NSA didn't arrest anyone, the Female Body Inspector did. And they would that to any confirmed leaker.
The Intercept totally fucked up with that leak. They received a very important piece of info, and completely dropped the ball by not being able to properly mask the leakers identity.
Anyway, did Russia attempted something? Well, it's very likely, hardly anything new. Did Trump himself, or his team, colluded with Russia. Nahhhh. At least that's the way I see it as a non american. But hey, I may be jaded by the history of US intervention in Latin America.
also, post bussy, otherwise I'm discussing politics in this sub.
n/a lickedTators 2017-06-07
Hey, that's why you should trust the experts of meddling in other country elections. We know it when we see it.
n/a Karmaisforsuckers 2017-06-07
The Intercept got the leaker arrested on purpose because Greenwald and all his ilk are on Putins payroll.
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
But people in his campaign were in no doubt colluding with Russia. There is no argument whether or not there was anymore. It's just who, to what extent, and how aware/involved was Trunp.
n/a the_popcorn_pisser 2017-06-07
Maybe. I don't know. Honestly I don't think anyone will find evidence of "collusion". I still find it extremely hard to believe there will be an impeachment, even if the Democrats manage to turn things around next midterms.
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
There are two members of his campaign that had undocumented contact with Russia, as well as his son-in-law was discovered asking the KBG for a private line to Russia before the election.
If they aren't guilty they are trying really hard to look like it.
n/a alibix 2017-06-07
He's being investigated boy
n/a Scummy_mofo 2017-06-07
So was Hillary
Look what that yielded
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-06-07
Yeah but you have to consider (((who))) was doing the investigation.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-06-07
The FBI never investigated pizzagate, it was just the literal autists on the internet.
n/a the_popcorn_pisser 2017-06-07
You know the whole irony here is that Comey presented a written statement today, where (regardless of how dumb and honestly, creepy, Trump is presented) he clearly said Trump himself is not being investigated, several times.
n/a Ultimatex 2017-06-07
n/a evannever 2017-06-07
Dude, there's a fucking special prosecutor. I know you're just trying to counter the jerk, and I get it, the mania of the left over the thought of impeachment is gross, but pizzagate?
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Я начну пожалуй.
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
i wasnt aware of this
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
channerrifc - turned mainstream way of laughing on the Internet. Born of the proximity of letters х and з он зе сириллик киборд.
Южуалли мент ту репрезент каклинг/саркастик/айроник вей ов лафин.
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
i was just gonna say theyre not close, but then i remembered i never actually use the serbian keyboard on my computer...
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Serbian layout differs from Russian and Ukrainian.
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
ya i switched h and x in my head because im retarded
we also use both cyrillic and latin, meaning online we use 90% latin. tbh i only turn on our keyboard when i need to fill in forms...
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
I am aware. You also have some fucked up Cyrillic characters.
Бат ат лист ю кен андерстенд ми райтинг лайк зис, райт?
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
ya russian only has a few extra characters compared to us. also my mum would yell at us in russian so i can understand some
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Your mum was Russian?
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
only a quarter, but she grew up speaking russian
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Lol, you Balkan people sure are weird.
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
It's just weird to hear "a quarter Russian".
I myself a half-Russian tho. :D
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
well she's russian, german, czech and jewish. she just happened to grow up with the russian inlaws.
almost everyone in my family has eloped with a foreigner
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Fair enough. Have a great day, lil :)
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
/u/juzeza whats your PO box so we can send you your gold star?
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
/u/theWhiteEnglishLion /u/Corruption_overload
how dare you post on an AMERICA FIRST board? Absolutely disgusting. We don't want you on our forums, we don't want your mindless devotion to the Donald we already know you know you and jokes of countries are inferior in every way, and stay the fuck out of country.
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
How cucked do you have to be to worship Trump all the way from Australia? They should hang you for treason tbqh.
Lucky California's open online voting allowed me to vote for Trump in your election :) Thanks leftists!!
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
That never made it on the ballot. You just got confused with your Eurovision vote.
That was pretty poor, I expected more from a subreddit named /r/drama
n/a shamwu 2017-06-07
You're not worth more the than the tiniest effort.
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
If you expect my A game, you gotta stop lobbing soft balls. Show us your bussy and stop wasting my time.
n/a rsaahhuul0 2017-06-07
This but unironically
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-06-07
This but anally
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
Post bussy.
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
sorry we're against autists who put in effort on the internet
n/a MG87 2017-06-07
Be less retarded
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
Post bussy then KYS pls
also live stream it
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-06-07
live stream the bussy or the kys?
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-06-07
Lol, voting for Trump in CA is like pissing in the ocean to spite it.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-06-07
Lol an Australian Trump fan? Talk about a cuck, needing a daddy from another continent cause your booty is swelling so much
n/a Thhueros 2017-06-07
Sure it did sport
n/a Time_to_Drink 2017-06-07
Pretty cucked by the looks of it. What a loser
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
what does that sound like with a bogan accent?
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
Use your imagination.
n/a _youtubot_ 2017-06-07
Video linked by /u/goofylimp:
$quote Episode 1: Darren wants to borrow Damo's lighter. Damo &...
Info | /u/goofylimp can delete | v1.1.1b
n/a Sarge_Ward 2017-06-07
You're doing it wrong
n/a TheWhiteEnglishLion 2017-06-07
Hey baby.
n/a Hitlery_Clinton 2017-06-07
n/a kitemail 2017-06-07
u/juzeza u/Comanche_Moon u/folkov You guys seem very prejudiced, I implore you to take the time to actually learn about r/drama pbuh, and witness the beauty and peace it brings to reddit.
Though honestly I don't expect much from a bunch of low-information, racist, hill-billy, cracker wypipo who voted the worst man in the history of the world into the US presidency, you're all a bunch of traitors tbh
n/a Thhueros 2017-06-07
It's actually more similar to the Ancient Roman proscriptions.
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
/u/northjersey908 here's what is against the rules: collection and/or distribution of personal information .
What information violates this rule?
Legally referrable names (Your First & Last name)
Addresses of business or residence
Social security numbers
Phone numbers
Email addresses, and accounts on other social media
Any other information that provides means of contact off of reddit.
What information does NOT violate this rule
What is NOT against the rules:
Taking note of who has participated in what subreddits, where the "who" would be a reddit account.
/u/ mentioning a user from a different subreddit.
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
wow rude
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
fite me.
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
omg wtf this is just like the holocaust I'm calling the geneva convention
n/a goofylimp 2017-06-07
Lol the halocaust can't be real because angels aren't real.
n/a LadyVetinari 2017-06-07
I'm glad someone was brave enough to finally say it
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-06-07
Fuck the Geneva Convention. The Catalina Wine Mixer is where its at.
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-06-07
Excuse me, that's private medical history that she doesn't have to tell anyone.
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
You need to lurk more and shut your whore mouth
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
I stop metaredditing for a month and have gone full plebbitor
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-06-07
Are you aware of the 50% off socks deal?
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
one sock for the price of two socks?
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-06-07
No i think you get 50% of 1 sock for the price of a regular sock.
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
We talking about jizz socks or nah
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-06-07
Every sock is a jizz sock.
n/a Sarge_Ward 2017-06-07
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
woah expat? i'm not white therefore i'm an immigrant thank you very much
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-06-07
It's not that, it's that turnabout is always fair play.
It's not a good tactic, and it's not the target that makes it okay. It's that they used it first. And if you decide to play by some other, 'nicer' version of the rules than the one your opponent plays by, well, let me know how that works out for you.
You people and your sandbox understanding of morality. You are children raised on the simplistic morality of saturday morning cartoons. You're not quite old enough to 'get' why life can't work that way.
If someone tries to kill me, I'm trying to kill them right back, whether killing is wrong or not. And if someone wants to destroy my livelihood for my opinions, I will destroy them for theirs. It's not 'no bad tactics, just bad targets', it's Tit-for-tat, and that's an entirely different thing.
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
> Thinking this isn't a pro stormfront sub
n/a IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-06-07
That's stale pasta
n/a glmox 2017-06-07
we really out here bois
n/a glmox 2017-06-07
ty for new pasta /u/cookiecutterhipster
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
/r/TheDodoLurker how much cuck would a woodcuck cuck if a woodcuck could cuck cuck?
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
/u/TheDodoLurker how much cuck would a woodcuck cuck if a woodcuck could cuck cucks?
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
A woodcuck would cuck no amount of cuck since a woodcuck can't cuck a cuck.
n/a hakkzpets 2017-06-07
I have always wanted to ask a real cuck this, so I guess now is my chance.
Don't you ever get a bit jealous when some other dude is going at it with your wife?
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
Lol, they aren't kidding when they say that liberals are the worst projectors. Can't you come up with your own insults rather than copy us?
n/a hakkzpets 2017-06-07
Insult? I'm asking a genuine question, since I'm curious how cuckolds feel and I figured you were a cuck from the linked t_d thread.
I have nothing against cuckold, my good cuck.
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
Wait a moment, just realized this is directly linked to the thread. God I wish the admins weren't such assholes and hypocrites because this shit would get us in trouble.
Anyways, if you're interested in cuckholdry, the_donald is the place for you as it is a support subreddit for the 45th president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump. I believe there are a few cuckhold subreddits where you can see if you're genuinely interested, as it sounds like you are my good man.
n/a hakkzpets 2017-06-07
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
I don't know what you are talking about. You came here after I shared a tounge twister with you.
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
How'd you get my username in the first place? I'm here because you saw my comment in the thread this post directly links to.
n/a froibo 2017-06-07
Dude you are paranoid.
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
It was supplied us by the deep state
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
all imma say is, post your porn history
n/a JumbledFun 2017-06-07
You're just copying pol though, you guys didn't come up with those insults stop pretending
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
lol /u/TheDodoLurker why didn't you respond to this? Does it cut a little to close to the bone knowing you are regurgitating shit tier memes from /pol/ even though you know that the degenerates there don't want anything to do with you people
n/a TheDodoLurker 2017-06-07
Because I've been on /pol/ longer than I've been on reddit. I kinda realized half way through the bullshit that I don't need to explain myself to some tough guy on the internet though so I didn't bother replying. But since you asked so nicely.
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
Awww thanks fam p flattering tbh
n/a pepperouchau 2017-06-07
Thanks for noticing! 😚
n/a Immalurker 2017-06-07
Just imagine if we still had the Christmas theme up.
n/a SpotNL 2017-06-07
/u/ThaProfBaws, if you ask people nicely, I'm sure some user(s) will show you.
n/a ThaProfBaws 2017-06-07
Listen pal, I shouldn't have had to ask for bussy. This has 24 updoots and I didn't receive a single bussy pic from any of you.
Utterly shameful. I'm disappoint with the direction this sub is heading.
More so disappointed that my bussy collection did not expand exponentially.
n/a thefran 2017-06-07
/u/Tajikistan, you obese fuck, these "roles" can't "be reversed" because spreading around lists of "cancer mods" and SRS users and whatever has been a practice amongst right-wingers for like half a decade already.
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
Are you triggered or are you an SRS user?
n/a Pyrepenol 2017-06-07
lets get SRD in here so we can find out
n/a thefran 2017-06-07
Uh oh here come the triggered jokes, outsmartin' coming through!
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
So both, basically. kay.
n/a nmx179 2017-06-07
Uh oh here comes the passive-aggressive sarcasm, totally proving how triggered you arent
n/a evannever 2017-06-07
...are we in SRD in 2014?
n/a rultes 2017-06-07
n/a zahlman 2017-06-07
... Am I missing something? The link there is an archive of the recent 2017scape thread, and doesn't mention them at all?
n/a peter_pounce 2017-06-07
go to the bottom of the thread, it's me posting trumptard users
n/a TrailerParkBride 2017-06-07
/u/NorthJersey908 we harass leftist retards and actual retards at least as much as T_D retards you perennial bottom bitch. The admins don't care because they're too busy dealing with dumbfucks like you guys and the /r/anarchism mods. When they do have free time they take the opportunity to finger spez's balloon knot and count their Shareblue money.
n/a JohnBlind 2017-06-07
/u/subpoutine your execution of that pasta was so perfect I will continuously make Italian handsignals in approval of it once my caretaker removes the straight jacket
n/a subpoutine 2017-06-07
n/a Mexagon 2017-06-07
Like i dont already get death threats. Come at me, antifs fags.
n/a thefran 2017-06-07
why do you post in r/nba? whites imitating non-whites is degenerate art
n/a ahbslldud 2017-06-07
tfw you try to accuse people of being antifa but you're so retarded you mess up a six letter word
Yup, sounds like a /r/the_dumbass user.
n/a JumbledFun 2017-06-07
Being this retarded is why you will never make decent money
n/a evannever 2017-06-07
When they send /u/Mexagon, they're not sending their best.
n/a King_satan 2017-06-07
Guess what Trump is already better than obama in everyway don't like it leave the country that you hate so much
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2017-06-07
Trump everyday is looking more like a globalist cuck, especially when he has rich Saudis around making him hot and bothered.
n/a Minimum_T-Giraff 2017-06-07
Trump globalist...yet tries to stop immigration and put tariffs.
n/a 444455555666666 2017-06-07
too bad his jewish and saudi (((friends))) keep him in line
n/a Minimum_T-Giraff 2017-06-07
And his Cabal Hitler ( ( ( Bennon ) ) )
n/a Pyrepenol 2017-06-07
"expat urself, fagget"
n/a Hemingwavy 2017-06-07
The person running the country is a Jewish business partner of Soros. Globalists win this round!
n/a scatmunchies 2017-06-07
Post bussy
n/a JumbledFun 2017-06-07
You meming or is your dick actually in a family member right now?
n/a OldOrder 2017-06-07
Reported for kink shaming
n/a HillaryDidNothnWrong 2017-06-07
Shindler's DListed would be way better imo.
n/a Pyrepenol 2017-06-07
the_donald acts a cool game but as soon as they see dat bussy they freak out like a bunch of virgins. typical trap life
n/a Pyrepenol 2017-06-07
yeah iTs a vioLatIoN Of REddIt rUleS But sinCe thEy'Re taLkIng AboUt uS, The ADmiNs wOn'T sTop theM. THey CaN ""harAss"" mE aLl thEy wanT, i raReLy rEad MesSageS.
n/a Fiery1Phoenix 2017-06-07
/u/tajikstan /u/northjersey908 and /u/frisco09 are racist trump supporting crackers
n/a ChipChippersonAMA 2017-06-07
/u/tajikstan /u/northjersey908 and /u/frisco09 are racist trump supporting crackers
n/a SirEvilMoustache 2017-06-07
Do we have to say it thre times to summon them? Do we also need a mirror and a signed version of "The Art of the Deal"?
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-06-07
Let the covfefe flow
n/a Cephaliarch 2017-06-07
petition for a remake of schlinder's list except instead of a girl with a red coat there's a neckbeard in a red MAGA hat
n/a lokichilde 2017-06-07
And instead of being hidden in an attic, they just hang out in their mother's basement.
n/a _lilPoundcake 2017-06-07
relevant sidebar :D
n/a HuckleberryFN2187 2017-06-07
/u/NorthJersey908, I've never told anyone to kill themselves but you should kill yourself. As a gun owner you have access to the most painless method.