TrollXers sad when study suggests most women are attracted to few men. Proceed to throw tantrum.

78  2017-06-17 by incelsarepeopletoo


Now with added cancer!


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Hopefully soon.

Feminism and facts are like oil and water

The first is greasy while the other is nice and clear?

This study goes against my narrative. Thus it is false.

This study goes with my narrative. This it is true.

That was bullshit.

Yeah I hate that men are naturally stronger than women so we're going to pretend that it's not true.

Here's the blackpills she's probably talking about:


OkCupid 1

OkCupid 2

OkCupid Personality

GermanLifter Tinder experiment

Joe Tinder experiment

It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to deny all this conclusive and unanimous evidence.

Holy crap that last link alllllmost makes me sympathize with incels. Just a little bit though.

The black Jewish man always makes me question how many of those replies are fakes from the 4chan thread.

That last one though, fucking amazing

I'll buy the land whale one. I know plenty of gentlemen who'll harpoon. But the hot guy tinder experiment? I know it's easier when you're really good looking but can it be that easy?

Yeah dude, it's tinder, lol.

Men and women face different problems in the dating world. The grass isn't always greener. Sure, those broads will put up with dumb texts for a hot dude but after quick night of a one pump wonder, you wake up with some asswipe farting up your bed and talking to you about world war ii anime and he also drank all your booze. You are like "Uh, we should not meet up anymore" and then he gets mad, calls you a slut (which is true and all your hollow sexual conquests bring you nothing but big visa bills attached to experiences you can't even remember) and throws a drama bomb. Or he says cool because he is married and also gave you clymidea. Then his wife/girlfriend/stalker finds out and throws a drama bomb. Eventually you get old as a woman and the only thing that you feel is nothing but regret for all those poor love life decisions that you made that didn't get you anything solid.

Anyways, I mean, I assume. I never have had sex due to crippling obesity and just know what I know from Zoe Quinn's book.

I saved the middle paragraph of your comment for copypasta thanks bro

Ok. A quick hookup is obviously not what I meant . But leading with 'sit on my face and let me eat my way to your heart'. I have a hard time believing that that works on any one who isn't on the jewdank brand.

Your life is a fucking farce

Are you brazilian needles? that sounds like the average weekend in brazil

hot dude

talking to you about world war ii anime

This is the fantasy weebs live in.

underrated comment

Attractiveness for guys is mostly personality so it makes sense for dating platforms which only focus on looks to be skewed.

Attractiveness for guys is mostly personality

I thought she looked super sweet :(

Holy shit, the last one actually makes me viscerally angry. Nuke the world rn

Men were a mistake.

All we need to do is achieve the first clone. Once we do that, we have Y The Last Man evolution ordained gendercide on our hands and we can finally have real life Amazons.

That picture isn't disaggregated by gender though. So it's more that physical attraction in general is a mistake.

Holy crap, I remember the okcupid one but didn't know about all the others.

Could it be that these dating websites are encouraging a certian dynamic as there are much more men on them (apparently the sugar daddy ones are the only ones with more women so that doesn't really look good) and there is an amplification of dynamics that are there in the rest of society but not as strong.

Also what is the black pill.

I think a black pill is like a red bill but it's so grim of a truth it murders your soul.

Oh I get it now, thanks. I wonder how many pills there are right now in internet parlance.

That is more pills than your average hiv positive cancer patient with heart disease, it's almost like the 4chan version of the Tumblr gender spectrum.

I chucked at

respirator protects from the residue of fluoridated water and oregenated pizza

And I don't even get the joke fully

And I don't even get the joke fully

Me neither, I can't understand at least half of what those pills are supposed to be. There was an even larger chart with almost twice as many pills but the text was too small and grainy to make out.

I always wonder who are the ms paint ar/urtist scholars are who make them.



Tinder is hugely distorted cause it's just for casual hookups and men want to have casual sex much, much more than women do. Since men swipe right so frequently women get to be extremely picky.

The same dynamic isn't as significant for committed relationships cause you're not getting a new SO every week.

Tinder is hugely distorted cause it's just for casual hookups and men want to have casual sex much, much more than women do. Since men swipe right so frequently women get to be extremely picky.

The same dynamic isn't as significant for committed relationships cause you're not getting a new SO every week.

the difference there is we all know men aren't fucking her for her personality.

any studies that involve meatspace?

incels actually blackpilled /r/drama

What a weird timeline

So they are saying that women give a shit about the physical appearance of their partners? WHO KNEW. Everybody does that to a point. Maybe that also means that 80 % of men find 20% of women attractive? Nah, we are just sexists .

Also, a special shoutout to a lesbian there, I agree with you, women should stop dating men that are beneath them, this however doesn't mean that they will start dating other women which are beneath them.

Study actually concludes that men "swipe right" more than women.

That's it. It has nothing to do with how attractive someone is.

TIL your willingness to date someone, given only information about their physical appearance, has nothing to do with your assessment of that person's physical attractiveness.

/u/discworldian how do you manage to come up with nonsense like this?

I usually base my swipe directions on the decor.

Seriously tho if she's doing yoga or some shit I'm out, no time for that physical activity bullshit.

Men swipe right more than women.

No. Shit. Next brain buster, guys?

Women get more replies than man

What a next level study

Aw you made a special account just to whine about women and feminism, what a good use of your time !!

This, but unironically.

I mean, aren't people forced to have multiple accounts when whack jobs search through reddit histories to attack you or just get outright lazy and have bots do it for you?

I've always had one alt for commenting on local stuff, but yeah lately I've added a few more for other things I don't want connected to my main account. Nothing nefarious, just separation.

One thing imzy did that I liked was the ability to select a username per community and have it disconnected from your other identities.

That actually sounds like a nice idea. It sounds like about swapping on RES on desktops. I wonder what happens if you have one banned since they would know tyre network.

If I get banned I don't participate on alts.

meh I dont give a fuck anymore

going to try and see if I can get black out drunk today too

all my friends are working or studying though, kind of boring to get drunk alone :/

kind of boring to get drunk alone :/

You just need to practice.

I mean I never give a fuck either which is why I don't really ever change how I talk.

i was wrong its amazing jhow many people you meet drinking alone


what what?

You go to bar you mean and found people?


a hot italian chick

monicaa, jesus she was hot

god bless couchsurfing

Such a bizarre app.

no, is like an easier tinder


I just imagine gypsy porn.


dirty, hairy sex hmmmmmmmmmm

kind of boring to get drunk alone :/

look at this fucking casual

I found friends today

and yet here you are on reddit

How many people did you kill

I have a bunch of different accounts for all my controversial activities tbh

your comment is exactly what i'd expect from a /r/futanaripegging poster. disgusting.

Gotta keep your anti/fem and your hentai accounts separate or it'll get used against you.

no, how are people gonna attack me? I'm a neet with no friends, theres nothing they can take away from me

Join r/incels

Wait is this a jab at /r/TrollXChromosomes posters or them taking a jab at an outsider I can't tell


A while ago, I saw a anti-pot post with a study claiming some adverse changes in the brain for pot smokers. Looked up the study and it had a sample size of 9 whole people and no control. The lady who posted it still stood by the study after I pointed this out, too.

Female junkies wants us to support their habit. Fuck that. Find another sugar daddy /u/darth_dumbass

This thread is just as retarded as the trollX one. Just all around stupid shit theh here and thete.










Cry more bitch.

Tbh i only see a few men that i find visually attractive but when it comes to a partner the visual is a small piece of the attraction. I think that's where men and women differ. I think personality goes a lot further for women. I know incels disagree but they have terrible personalities .

I think personality goes a lot further for women.

I'm not sure of this, it depends on long vs short term relationships it seems like both sexes don't really care all that much about poersonality.

For short term relationships men seem to care much less about looks and superficial aspects of percieved social status than women and more about the physical aspect of sex, I think that for much more women than men casual sex/casual no strings relationships are about social aspects as much as raw physical desire and a guy who is of higher status than you in some respect or way better good looking. There are much more men than women who just want to have sex and are willing to 'date down' in terms of looks or social status.

iirc both men and women who have more sex or want to have tons of casual sex score higher on 'disagreeability' and negative personality scales.

When it comes to long term relationships, I think that there are personality aspects that are really important for both sexes ('agreeableness' and 'joie de vivre' for men and some combination of 'social dominance' and some agreeableness or chivalry for women); men care much more on average how physically attractive their partner is, women care a lot about physical attractiveness but they care much more on average how much cash (or some other signifier of social status) their partner has and their lifesyle/job generally.

With these different priorities there is some kind of 'status maching' going on but it gets out of whack when there are skewed gender ratios (apparently more women than men = more casual sex/less stable monogamous relationships/women competing with physical aspects, more men than women = more stable monogamy/less casual sex and men competing with earnings and chivalry) or where the economy doesn't allow for as many men to 'status match' with earnings etc.

Haha maybe im just speaking for myself

Ha, fair enough. Well that is what I get for trying to seriouspost in /r/drama.

It is frowned upon.

Who is this bitch

Who me? Just a wannabe drama queen πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘ΈπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ¦„πŸ¦„

Basically it says that women rate men's profile pictures much more harshly, but then go on to send men whom they rated lower anyway.

This argument is garbage because it doesn't account for the total number of messages sent by both genders. There's still a societal standard that the guy takes charge so men probably initiate first overall. If you're an above-average looking girl your inbox on any dating site is always flooded and you don't need to send the first message. So of course female "first senders" will be skewed towards less attractive men that they feel are attainable.

(Disclaimer: didn't look into the data, totally speculating here)


I would think it's the opposite. Wanting to get the attention of someone hot. Although, realistically, it's probably both.

I've gotten quite a few first messages on tinder as a guy, so maybe I just want to believe.

Actually, OKCupid's statistics show that women on average messaged the men who women on average considered "below average" in looks (the least attractive 80% of men). What's happening is that women who are 2/10 to 4/10 ( Who quit no messages from 8/10+ men) are messaging (replying) to men who are 3/10 to 7/10 who message them. There are a lot more 3 to 7. Either that study or another show that women tended to reply only to men that were viewed as more attractive than themselves, not less.

Yeah, statistical rigor aside, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true that men are attracted to a larger percent of women than vice versa. I suspect a larger percent of women than men have absorbed the toxic message that you have to be attractive in order to have worth as a person, and have outfitted themselves accordingly.

Special Olympics level of gymnastics on display. "Yeah women are shitty but it's because of men"

Also, you can't fuck a personality. Even if you could, most of the fugly landwhales have an unfuckale personality as well.

Like in that song of the world's best rapper

I can't have sex with your personality
And I can't put my penis in your college degree
And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams
So why you're sharing all this information with me?

Same sub that thinks walking around with period blood on your hands is nbd tbh

Maybe it's just my evil lesbian side talking, but I will never get this whole ''women are shallow''-thing going around because most of my beautiful friends date guys that are way beneath them.

Maybe just evil lesbians are shallow then, /u/CrankyCrow.

We are. In all honestly we are just well-disguised velociraptors with lipstick and flannel shirts.

And Mad Max Subaru deathmobiles.

There's a step ladder when having an internet argument

Present unpleasant fact

Person rejects fact and asks for sources

Present sources

Person rejects the source, shits all over the place and claims victory

That meme doesn't even make statistical sense. It's talking about standard errors, not standard deviations [sic], and it's a tautology that smaller sample size means a larger standard error because SE is a function of n.

That also means that there's nothing inherently wrong with small samples because the standard errors and test statistics (t-scores, F-scores, etc.) explicitly take the small sample size into account when calculating whether the results are likely to be due to random variation or to some real effect.

Sorry for the seriouspost; I just think it's ironic that TrollX tried to be smugly intelligent and still managed to sound ignorant.

Dude you're going to go through life confused if you believe women are capable of intelligent thoughts.

is trollx brah

what did you expect

The more-fundamental issue is that even if the errors were large this kind of argument isn't used to refute an assertion of a point estimate, it refutes (or fails to refute) a null hypothesis that is never specified. What's the null hypothesis here? That women aren't pickier than men?

And of course failing to reject a null doesn't mean your study is trash, or even that the alternative hypothesis is wrong. It just means you've failed to reject a fairly high burden of proof. Which tbh I'd be surprised if the OkCupid post (don't feel like digging it up) would actually have done anyways.

Why are you so gay?

Years of hard work and studying.

OK, keep up the good work!

To reply with another seriouspost, this is a good point and people screw this up a lot, as you say statistical tests (mostly) take into account sample sizes. To take it a step further, one thing that could go wrong though is that the finite sample distribution of the test statistic under H0 might not be what you think it is, i.e., may be far from the typical normal, student-t, etc. distributions that we're used to. So your p-values/hypothesis tests could be wrong.

If we're going to bring up the Central Limit Theorem on /r/drama, we should at least try to tie it into this place's usual interests.

Something something asymptotic bussy.

The sum of independent bussy who don't need no man is approximately normal bussy

It's the statistical equivalent of "What is heavier: a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers?"

I mean, you just said what is inherently wrong with smaller sample sizes - they by definition give you larger standard errors. Sure, they could have just pointed to the large standard errors as their criticism, but I'm guessing they wanted to tie in the methodological flaw that is responsible.

It's why looking at one bussy is not always enough to be sure if you're gay or not and why it's essential that so many are posted.

but I'm guessing they wanted to tie in the methodological flaw that is responsible.

Really? You don't just think they don't know?

But they didn't really get anything wrong. It's a little redundant if you want to get real technical, but overall this is some pedantic nerdery going on right here.

"your conclusion means nothing"

why it's essential that so many are posted.

nobody ever actually does it, though. like, we can't even get the /r/WeHaveSeenTheButthole guy to stop by.

Please post this in trollx, would love to see their -hysterical- response.

You should be sorry, you're complaining about women's inability to understand math.

What's next, the sky is blue?

You should be sorry, you're complaining about women's inability to understand math.

What's next, the sky is blue?


Maybe it's just my evil lesbian side talking, but I will never get this whole ''women are shallow''-thing going around because most of my beautiful friends date guys that are way beneath them.

Its probably because men tend to pay for shit, and women find being someone's rented property a easy existence and this can forgive a disparity in attractiveness. You think millionaires ogres have hot wives because they earnestly lovetheir personality?

Guaranteed if more hags were able to promise me that I can quit working and just fuck them in the afternoons, my standards would be much lower thn they already are.

Like girl, you are stunning and your boyfriend has a chain connecting his wallet to his cargo shorts smh

We do this to keep female greedy claws away from said wallet.

just my evil lesbian side talking

Is there another side to lesbians? Or women in general?



bearers of the moon curse

We need realistic sexbots and/or artificial wombs. Feminism won't survive either one.

They are on the way. We need to start designing the ships to launch the womyn into the sun asap.

Maybe if the other 80% of men weren't so butt ugly it wouldn't be an issue.

I love how they're spewing anecdotes about how this doesn't translate ti real life for them. Of course it doesn't, this is talking about broad trends across society and they are a completely unfuckable subgroup within that society.

And that, kids, is why we need diversity in STEM and academia. Diversity in personal and cultural experiences will introduce diversity in the way we interpret the same data and reduce conclusions that only confirm one person's particular view of the world.

this but lol

Retards, all of them.

Sure, STEM should have diversity when the population is diverse, but the whole point of STEM (science in particular) is that literally anyone can do it and get similar results. Doing further research excludes other possible conclusions, not having a panel of diverse people decide the conclusion. Especially in these kinds of studies, where people might feel the need to "defend" their sex/race/etc from "negative" results.

I'm bi and I noticed the same thing with my friends. Some of them are pretty matched attractiveness-wise but a lot of them, the woman is significantly more attractive than the man. The men dress like crap and don't take care of their bodies and the women at least make some effort.

/u/iamkoalafied what does you being bisexual have to do with anything whatsoever? Could that observation only be made by somebody who is bisexual?

The person I was replying to mentioned being a lesbian as possibly swaying her opinion. So I mentioned being bi. Also why did you not reply to my post and instead quoted it in your own reply? That's not how reddit works.

But that isn't not how /r/drama works

My b, I didn't realize you posted this in a different subreddit. But yeah via context you should have been able to tell I was responding to someone who mentioned being a lesbian, therefor I mentioned my sexuality as well. Sexuality has the ability to shape people's opinions on attractiveness, so I just wanted to tell her I held the same opinion even though my sexuality is different from hers. So actually my point was the opposite of what you were claiming in your reply to me.

It obviously did work for him.

Yeah sorry, I didn't realize this was in a different subreddit because I just looked at the message in my inbox.

Instead of screeching about how its bad to be attractive, maybe people should just put more effort into being attractive.

If you have standards you are bad and you should feel bad.


Oh boy. First we had /pol/ agendaposting here, and now we have legit incels agendaposting here and getting lots of upvotes. Summer reddit is gonna be fun.

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Oh no, women -- like men -- are not attracted to literally everything that moves. Whatever can we do to rectify this grave injustice?