r/ainbow decides to REEEEEEEEE about libertarians because working at McDonald's is shit

18  2017-06-19 by Kysbu


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Snapshillbot on point

/u/Awildbadusername literally any bit of production planning software is a shit show of badly designed features. Until we bring back tarring and feathering these programs will continue to be terrible.

Please vote and help drive this necessary movement forward. http://www.strawpoll.me/13227671

I've used some older PLC programming software that is terrible for anything you would actually want to use it for but considering that I'm using it in an educational setting only I only really need basic IO capabilities and it actually works for that. No LCD integration and no networking just basic IO for crying out loud.

I feel like people have responded to the whole baby boomer bootstraps mentality and gone to the other extreme where any kind of progress or success is literally impossible and nobody has ever done it

"You mean I actually have to make choices and participate in my own life in order to improve its current state? Fuck you, successful asshole who has actually done that very thing!"

That's how I read their childish, self-defeatist responses.

There's nothing childish or self-defeatist about wanting a minimum wage you can actually​ live on.

If only we could choose our jobs

  • "But I should start in management right off the street!"
  • "Flipping burgers/waiting tables/fulfilling pretentious "coffee" orders should pay $50k per year! "
  • "I chose to drown myself in student loan debt. I deserve to be paid enough to finance the lifestyle I was told having a degree in whatever would afford me in spite of my poor choices!"

My favorite is "what would we do without frycooks! Everyone needs to be thankful."

I think america would flourish in a country without fry cooks lol

There is when you'd rather sit around bitching about how life's not fair like you're fucking ten years old than making choices that could better improve your current situation.

Cry me a fucking river because your McJob can't pay your rent, student loan debt, and all your other bills.

No, there isn't. But currently minimum wage alone isn't something you can live on. We all know this, make your choices accordingly. Maybe those choices include voting for higher minimum wages.

Work more than one minimum wage job.

Oh, I'm absolutely personally against a higher minimum wage. I'm against there being a minimum wage at all.

I'm just saying if you want to make more money you should make different choices not just bitch on the internet.

Being this is Reddit I just assumed. Most of these idiots think that simply raising wages suddenly makes everyone rich.

Totally fair assumption.

I've been a staunch advocate of raising the minimum wage to $100/hr for many years now. As I've been told that wages have nothing to do with the actual cost of products, this should let everyone be wealthy enough to afford most things. But these stupid boomer Republicans want to keep me from making that much while I get high and constantly fail to follow basic instructions.

minimum wage

you can actually​ live on

Who's starving?

No, the new mantra is "its luck."