A school of SRDines goes berserk over whether or not it's okay to rate your girlfriend's looks on a numerical scale

32  2017-06-19 by HuckleberryFN2187


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Always in point, little buddy.

I'd also like to object to the use of a 10-point scale in rating trolling attempts. To just say 3/10 is to dismiss the effort they put in and dehumanize the troll. Can't we just say "I find your bait to be subpar" and leave it at that?

you know who else assigned people numbers?


Did they give people numbers? I thought they only numbered the Jews.TIL.

if we are going to consider women people then we might as well consider jews people tbh

You don't even get a number.

I can't really figure out why someone who's 5'3" and weighs 225 pounds objects to the rating system so much.

Probably another 2/10.

I'd give you a numerical rating, but I cannot abide the dehumanization that inherently comes with a mathematical reduction of your human effort to bring mild joy to my life. Your post is so much more than that. You and your post carries a character that cannot be adequately stated as a simple number.

To simply say "8/10, nice drama" would be, quite frankly, disgusting of me. You do not deserve such vitriol. Please, enjoy the following comment meant to convey my appreciation of this post while affirming your humanity:


I got in some serious shit with an ex once because she was clearly fishing for compliments and said "I'm like a 5, what do you think" and I replied with "Nah babe, you're at least a 6."

She just exploded.

She just exploded.

Main reason I tell my kids to steer away from dating Muslim ladies

Women just don't understand numbers and math.

"A 5? Not even close."

Can we talk about the important thing here which is that /u/Rattus_Laboratorius thinks Aliens > Alien?

Isn't it?

user reports:
1: Having shit taste in movies.

Putting Neanderthals to death isn't in the mod tools, unfortunately.

It's the thought that counts. 😘

Why would an action movie involving mowing down hundreds of minions be better than a character driven horror/drama with one very tough monster?

Two words: Bill motherfuckin' Paxton.

Aliens is MRA propaganda which depicts the xenomorphs as a matriarchal society, and promotes gendered slurs (i.e. "get away from her you b-slur")

By contrast, Alien is a movie about a woman's struggle against patriarchy. The crew at the start of the movie represent a peaceful, harmonious, and diverse culture. They soon learn about Whiteness through contact with a dead culture (western culture).

Ripley, drawing on her natural feminine intuition, recognizes the danger and advises the crew not to interact with Whiteness. they do anyway, and Cain becomes infected by it. The corruption of masculinity grows within him and soon bursts forth as patriarchy.

It's worth noting that although the characters in the movie appear to be gendered (Cain for example may be assumed by many to be male) the only actual male in this movie is the xenomorph. The alien is the physical embodiment of masculinity. Its blood is acid - literal toxic masculity. It kills indiscriminately ("patriarchy hurts men too"). And a phallus extends from its mouth, symbolizing the way that so-called free speech is used to rape women.

The message of the movie is that Woman but tear down society (blow up the ship) in order to finally be free of patriarchy. And even then, she may have to strip down to her undies and blow it out of the goddamn airlock.

The subtext is that cats cure that intangible loneliness (which is probably also the fault of men)


I'd say a systemic neglect for the romantic needs of ugly people is more hurtful than a single microaggression.

But no one is entitled to romantic or sexual attention, and I say that as a fat autistic person who forgets to shower sometimes. xP

Peak SRD!

Fucking disgusting, Jesus Christ

Can we make that comment a sidebar image?

Bash the SRDine

Day of the Can can't come soon enough.

You ever notice that the fat fucks who always go on and on about inner beauty get triggered as fuck when they're called ugly?

Dude, grow up. It's super sad that you're trying to start shit, and it's a waste of my time.

2/10 reply.


What is that emoji? That you've shat in a bowl? Is that what it's trying to convey? Very juvenile.

Nope, still 2/10 even with 🍚 .

All that means is you think rice is 0/10

Yeah, you'd totally be going out for a run if it wasn't for me.

??? I've lost forty pounds this year, are you seriously trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm lazy?

You should be thanking Tar-mairon for taking your attention away from your Doritos bag tbh.

I've lost forty pounds this year (so far), so I really don't know what you think you'll accomplish here.

I've lost forty pounds this year (so far), so I really don't know what you think you'll accomplish here.

Oh, wait, yes I do. You're upset that I called somebody out on their childish behaviors, so now you think that you can fatshame me into submission. That's. Really. Pathetic.

I've lost forty pounds

It's good that you've realized there should be less of you.


Excuse me, but if you could stop with the ableist insults we'd greatly appreciate it. That type of language can be very damaging to society as a whole.

As my old friend used to say, beauty is skin deep, but ugliness is to the BOOOONNNNEEEEE (say bone like Vincent Price)

And I'd argue that grades 8n school is indeed a problem because it books people down to a number.

Found the Evergreen student


I used to use numbers. When I was a teenager. Now I try not to dehumanize people. Shocking, eh?

Because making a statement about whether someone is attractive or not is okay, but as soon as you try to quantify that, all of a sudden you're dehumanizing? Wat?