"Woke" members of Ghazi discuss what life was like before "The Change"

117  2017-06-19 by Allahu_Laysa_Akbar


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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oh please the pillocks would need a bloody 15 inch around 3 inch wide to please their frigid nethers.

I do find it amusing how each political wing have their own term to describe their moment of enlightenment. Left wing have woke. Right wing have red pilled.

Drama users have "the day I was diagnosed"

I'm mayo-bussy pilled.

This but unironically.

Nah, usually woke symptoms begin a significant amount of time before diagnosis.

I remember when I became an extreme centrist.

I woke up one day after the primaries and realized that we would be facing Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump. Then I decided to vote for Gary Johnson. Ever since then, I have been under attack by militants on the far right and far left. Nowhere safe to turn I'm forced onto a dark road.

Cue lightning bolt as Sarah Connor drives a Jeep down a desert highway

I know that after today, nothing will ever feel the same.

I woke up

Fucking leftist scum!


In what world is Gary Johnston a centrist, let alone an extreme one?

The people here have the political thoughts of idiotic fifteen years olds. Either girls or boys, take your pick. But none of them have much understanding of, well, anything. Some of them know it and are in characters, others are 100% for real.

I did vote for Gary. I mean I don't live in swing state so my vote was basically a referendum on which party should be on the debate stage in 2020 instead of a useless show of support to a candidate I think is a shitheel.

But Gary was also the more reasonable choice this year. I like to bring it up in every thread just to get the HOW DARE YOU people all riled up.

I voted for him too, mostly because he was approachable and unpolished. Plus I felt like I could have a beer with him and he wouldn't rape my constitutional rights while in office.

i voted for stone cold steve austin because i wanted the texas rattlesnake to stun people

Fuck, I didnt feel like I wasted my vote until now.

It's okay, we can both vote for him next time. It's all about baby steps

Well the current President is the first President to have recieved a stunner first hand and live.

it's not the same tho

I tell people I voted for him, but only when I want to fuck some non-redpilled hilbot chick.

He supports driving licenses, so he's practically a commie tbqhwuf

"Kids shouldn't be able to buy heroin"

loud booes fill the packed YMCA rec room

As opposed to the berniecrats and Drumpfkins literally shooting each other, I'll take the crazy libertarians.

Tfw the commies say north korea and venezula are amazing and the right wing says we need Israel to fufill the prophecy but one guy saying we should stop buying bombs and smoke weed is actually the worst person out there.

Mr. Aleppo just wants us to chill man. That and get upstaged by his VP choice.

When 98% of Americans don't understand that the third letter of ISIS means Iraq War 3: the Return to the sand after 20 years of goddam nothing, but they pretend to know basic geography of Syria because CNN told them it was funny.

Gary, the former governor of New Mexico couldn't even name the former president of Mexico .

a way to excuse this and this.

If Gary can't handle the bantz how can he run the country?

If Gary can't handle the bantz how can he run the country?

I mean the guy running it now rages out on twitter every single night while Hillary blames Russia every week.

I mean in whatever way you think "can't handle the bantz" means it seems he has the upper hand in not being a bitch.

Dunno. Looks like the Libertarian Party chair is taking it pretty rough

I guess Gary can rest peacefully after taking those Koch shillbux.

Oh great more agenda posters over at Salon.com telling me I'm not resisting Trump enough.

I don't see any libertarians going on shooting sprees and beating people because they lost every year.

Which is pretty impressive considering most of them are completely nuts. But that's what the Republicans and Democrats have done- made the libertarians looks like the better option.

Dunno how you can link a Jill Stein voter who hated HRC to the Democrats or how some other nutjob have to do with the GOP but you do you .

implying lolbertarians don't shoot people

Oh wow going back to 2010 to find an example of libertarian violence.

In a year that Gary Johnson wasn't even running.

I mean at least you aren't going to link me a huffington post article about how Trump deserves execution and then tell me I'm the crazy one.

I get it. You like Trump.

I knew you'd get triggered by a salon article. Ofc Salon is trash. But you can't dispute the video.

I've been advocating for Gary Johnson for two hours now.


And what video do you have of Gary Johnson bitching after the election? You know not every party is completely indistinguishable from their candidate like the democrats.

flamebait from 2009

Whew lad you got me.

Gary Johnson libertarian

I'll listen when he breaks down his child slave policy but until then he's a dirty statist.

Johnson is firmly against child slavery, pretty much the opposite stance of Hillary Clinton.

Doesn't want to blow a hole in the middle east. Thinks the government is pretty bullshit and spending too much money. Okay with Marijuana and simplifying the tax code.

What part of this do you think is SUPER EXTREME? Is it the part where he flew on a plane with a pedophile? Where him or his spouse was accused of rape multiple times? That was the other candidates.

Oh, I see what you meant in the previous comment. I thought you were saying that you then voted for Johnston because you were an extreme centrist.

I am. Questioning endless wars, training terrorists and domestic surveillance is the most extreme position one can take apparently. One side is LITERALLY HITLER and the other side is shutting down traffic or starting fires because there's too many white people, but somehow the libertarians and greens are considered far worse and much more insane because they said Aleppo was a pepper.

You need to chill out. I actually voted for Gary Johnston. I just wouldn't consider him a centrist.

I actually voted for Gary Johnston.

Well great. Maybe next time you should vote for GARY JOHNSON.

I just wouldn't consider him a centrist.

Do you have a link to johnstons platform?

The libertarian presidential candidate is a centrist

This is your brain on seriousposting.

Thank you

So Trump is much better?

Shut up kid no one cares

Oh right. Somehow Gary Johnson's shitposting on twitter every night would be much less bearable.

Besides, can't you do better than "no one cares who won the presidential election of 2016"? I understand your need to start a flamewar but you have to provide a bit more fuel.

No, no one cares about your pointless political seriousposting. Everyone is telling you that you are wrong, Gary Johnson is not centrist, and you want to talk about Trump.

Everyone is telling you that you are wrong

Yeah why do you get so buttmad whenever people point out that Gary didn't suck? You have to always show up to deny it.

Yes. I have come to enjoy Trumps shit posting.

No matter what the neoliberals tell you, centrist is not actually just a synonym for best my dude.

Did... Did you see the other options?

Besides being a sickly child eating treasonous republican leftist satanist lesbian Hilldawg is basically centrism in a pantsuit. What are you even talking about.

The guy wants to abolish the Fed and the Department of Education. He is a Libertarian candidate through and through, and in the U.S., Libertarianism sure as shit isn't centrism, not by a long shot.

hur dur department of education

Yeah guess what, in the forty years it's been around we've only lost ground in educational standards and increased costs.

I guess throwing more people in debt for nothing is the "centrist view".

I'm pointing out that wanting to abolish the Department of Education is very far from a centrist position, not advocating for or against it. In other words, I'm making a positive statement, not a normative one.

The Department of Education does nothing other to increase debt.

It's been a complete failure. Throwing our tax dollars at bureaucracy for absolutely nothing shouldn't be viewed as "extremist".

Hell the whole marijuana legislation and Gary Johnson simplifying the tax code isn't extremist either. It just saves money and cuts down on bullshit. Of course it's probably a major threat to bullshit machines like yourself.

Jesus Christ, do you understand English?

You said abolishing the department of education isn't centrism. You said Gary Johnson isn't centrist despite mostly campaigning for staying out of the middle east, simplifying the tax code, marijuana legalization, and abolishing useless government institutions.

Maybe you're technically correct but hell with the Republicans and democrats wanting to increase government bloat, middle eastern wars, and increase domestic spying and prison population I would have to say Gary was the closest to not being an extreme moron.

Maybe you're technically correct

Gary Johnson is libertarian. If that's, what you advocate for, then that's fine. But calling him centrist is in no way correct, technical or otherwise.

But calling him centrist is in no way correct, technical or otherwise.

He was the centrist candidate. Hillary was a liberal but don't kid yourself since she supported massively unpopular legislation and Trump, well.....

Ok, I'm done. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Oh sure go back to your wars and your debt.

I voted for the same guy you did dumbass.

Sure you did.

I love posting about Gary Johnson on the political subs and /r/drama. Everyone gets mad. Makes it hard to tell everyone apart though.

Why would I lie about voting libertarian?

You seem to think people are getting angry about Johnson when they're really just taken aback by your stupidity.

Why would I be stupid?

I admit that in 2012 Obama appealed to more people. But the democrats and republicans really fucked it up in 2016.

When he didn't know what Aleppo was I thought "at least he won't bomb it"

Political spectrums arent just a line with left and right, its a clusterfuck. Just like the autistic spectrum youre on

No shit. Centrism still has meaning, though, particularly within the context of American political environment.

i too remember the day i became centrist around the same time i got married and honestly stopped overtly carrying about sides and more about politicians themselves.

This is just another example how Politics is becoming a modern Religion.

I remember. I wasn't diagnosed, we don't have insurance, but it was when mama said I was a retard and a mistake.

/u/Ziggie1o1 you really think that calling out misogyny in hip hop is racist?

/u/Ziggie1o1 cowardice such as this is why the left is dying

Yes. 100%. If you so much as even suggest that any rap song could be even the slightest bit sexist, you're a racist Nazi who might as well be wearing the white hood. Even if you yourself are black.

I don't care

When you get called out so need to mask it with an exaggerated response.

Correct, except for the part where none of that happened. What actually happened is /u/vegantaco made a bullshit interpretation of something I said (and the comment is still there you can go read it for yourself) and I correctly decided there's no fucking point in giving a straightforward response to a bait comment.

But sure, keep telling yourself its the first one. You never have to examine anything you believe that way.

It's like you realize your opinions are fucking retarded, but you won't go that one extra step and change them.

Imagine being so stupid that you can't realize I'm not being sincere.

Listen, buddy, I don't even have to imagine.

mayocide when brother?

also are latinos mayo? i dont wanna die

This...sounds like an oddly /r/Dram-esque comment.

This is like the point in the horror movie when the hero realizes that the robot/monster is learning, adapting, and evolving. We need to get the guns out of the armory.

Well, I'll give you this: you're the first person on this sub to ever make a comment that was actually kind of interesting. Unfortunately, that's mostly because your comment sounds like a veiled threat.

Unfortunately, that's mostly because your comment sounds like a veiled threat.

Oh, thank God...

Nevermind, everyone, it's a false alarm, they still don't recognize humor.

Hey man don't worry about it, when you find your entire family's rotting corpses on your dining room floor... its just a joke bruh. No need to take it so seriously.

Reads like a religious sub for hardcore "born again" people.

Well, the are a cult.

horseshoe theory in action

ReginaldRimCrim 12 points 14 hours ago Family Matters. Even before all the Red Pill anti-feminist shit started, I thought Urkel was a mega creeper who should've been slapped with a restraining order.

Jesus Christ.

Maybe the philosophy that encourages abuse, sexual assault, and rape is mysoginistic?

I thought Urkel was a mega creeper who should've been slapped with a restraining order.

Just another white guy scared of a black teen who dindu nuffin.

Gamerghazi - appropriating the word " woke" since 2015.

It's funny because their lord and savior, social critic and scam artist Anita Sarkeesian, says that the more you think you're unaffected by the media, the more likely it is you are.

So when Ghazi calls themselves "woke" and acts as if they see every injustice in the media, that means they're actually the ones who are taking in its messages to heart.

/u/AonghusMacKilkenny you're not actually "woke." You're just a pasty mayo trying to be cool. And you're appropriating African American culture by using the word "woke" like that. You should be ashamed.

Of course they are taking it's messages to heart, how else would you even fucking discuss harm from movies and video games?

How is "woke" African American culture?

It's been co-opted by the left the same way you can spot an intersectional feminist by their use of "y'all" and "gross".

you can spot an intersectional feminist by their use of "y'all".

Plenty people use y'all and English needs a plural form of "you" and y'all fits the bill

The pleural of "you" is "you"

Nah y'all is better

It ain't

It is tho

It's broken English

I like how they compare gender roles to racism. Slaves and housewives = literally the same thing

Feminists have been doing that forever.

It helps them claim women were oppressed, and helps them claim innocence for the oppression that took place.

They claim women could not vote but it isn't like boring was widespread until recent times anyway.

When was anyone ever raped in American Pie? Except for the pie of course.

The flaky crust and warm apple filling implied consent.

What sad miserable people inside, the y should prolly just kill themselves now.


Why woke and not awake? AAVE?

I wonder what life is like when you take everything this seriously? I sometimes wonder how these people manage not to hang themselves when this is how they look at the world.

Took the words out of my mouth. Imagine being this lame and unable to enjoy anything.

I imagine it is the trouble of finding rope and structure that will hold them.

It's a shame since the brain damaged caused by the rope snapping mid way through might fix them.

They're leftists. They don't do manual labor.

I'm amazed at how these people manage not to hang themselves when this is how they look at the world.

I'm saddened that they don't massively choose to end their suffering.

Seriously. Whatever happened to laughing at bad stuff?

Even back then when Married in Children came out it was clear that Al Bundy is an unapologetic asshole. But that's what made the show so funny.
And it's even funnier nowadays with all the outrage babies waiting to pounce on anything remotely 'wrong'.

Haha, I'm banned for commenting:

"You are a whiny bitch."

I got banned for saying that the rape scene in revenge of the nerds wasn't that bad because he ended up with the girl.

If you say "woke" and you're not joking around, just know that everyone else is picturing you in a fedora. Same goes for "redpilled" famalam.

Black people don't wear fedoras. I figure if you unironically say "woke" you definitely don't know what your father looks like.

disregard wokeness, what kind of shit taste you gotta have to like american pie and revenge of the nerds?

I'm scared to go back and watch Married With Children

What a stupid gay baby.

I'm scared to go back and watch Married With Children

"Show us on the doll where Al Bundy touched you."


Nah, we all know how Al felt about the fatties.

I was just thinking that if Married with Children came out today, it would likely be more controversial than it was at the time it aired.

Al Bundy insulting fat women would cause many "literally shaking right now"s.

"Married with Children" would receive IRL the same reactions that "Psycho Dad" received in the show.

Haha that shit was funny. I wanna check that show out. Is it on Netflix or Hulu or whatever?

No idea. It's on Piratebay though.

They were literally proud that Peg stayed at home and did nothing.

And sabotaged her husband's happiness, don't forget that

did nothing

She shopped all the time, but on the other hand she also wanted to fuck all the time. The only show I can recall where the wife is hounding her husband to try and get laid.

I never said I didn't like Peg. I loved the show. I just think it is absurd that they celebrated her as a feminist because she tried her hardest to make her husband miserable, do nothing around the house, not work, and spend all his money.

I agree with all of that except

tried her hardest to make her husband miserable

I don't think she was intentionally trying to make his life miserable, although I guess you could argue that by doing all of that other stuff she had to have known she was making him miserable. It's been a while since I've seen the show so idk what I'm talking about.

Any time Al tried to accomplish something that required planning she would go behind his back to ruin it for him and get joy out of his failing.

That sounds about right, now I have to find my old 'no-ma'am' shirt and rewatch it.

I love the slamming of 90s classic PCU.

while I remember it putting authority figures and the conservatives in the film as the real menace, I also remember the "Womynists" discovering, "Wait, if you're nice to men they bring you things?"

"this statement hits too close to home even 25 years later so I am offended."

That's what I loved about PCU, they gave everyone shit.

Good reminder that I should watch PCU again.

The movie is blatantly and openly anti-feminist, depicting feminists as irrational loud mouths.

So, too realistic to be funny.

Probably for slightly different reasons, but the not-so-quiet endorsement of mass surveillance in The Dark Knight always gets under my skin these days.

Were we watching the same Dark Knight?! Batman's mass surveillance is what causes Lucius to part ways with Bruce and is a clear example of Batman's crumbling morality and questionable compromises.

The Nolan Batman films successfully transform Batman from an iconic hero to a living totem of libertarianism and I felt that was strangely appropriate. BRAVO NOLAN

small rant i hate the nolan films because i am one of those people that likes really stupid shit that takes itself completely seriously.

The goddamn Batman.

It's also what put the "Dark" in "Dark Knight", which is the point Nolan hammers home during the whole movie trilogy.

Also batman as a character is supposed to be ambiguous in his morality. The best writers of his character have always acknowledged the fact that he is at his core a violent fascist and his mental stability is questionable. That's what makes for interesting fiction

Only children desire protagonists who are unquestionably just and moral.

And that's why I think they're memorable. Every Batman post-Frank Miller has had a strong streak of wealth/authority privilege and fascist undertones, and nothing shows it quite like the Nolan Batman films.

Were we watching the same Dark Knight?!

Remember, this is the same Dark Knight that had "media critics" jumping on the idea that it was a pro-George Bush film rather than riffing on current events to try and get it through the viewer's thick skull that this Batman wasn't going to be the Adam West afternoon TV unambiguous goodie goodie.

Hahaha, FAMILY MATTERS! Family Matters? Urkel?

Imagine being as delicate as /u/ReginaldRimCrim

Oh, for fucks sake, what a bunch of fucking children... I can't imagine how badly they would flip their shit over media older than the average college student. Andrew Dice Clay, Richard Prior, Larry Miller... Hell, The Honeymooners might actually send them into a coma.

Fucking kids these days...

Fuckin Wonder Showzen was on MTV during the "older than the average college student" days. And it was fantastic and would have caused a shitstorm now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-KUbflnMEs

that's actually hilarious

Had a similar discussion with a friend of mine the other day about "In Living Color" - once hailed for it's mostly minority cast, it would never see the light of day today. Especially the "Men on Film" skit.

Isn't it interesting that none of them mention the rape scenes in children's films that are played for laughs?

Oh wait, it's only male rape

Deliverance wasn't played for laughs

Name 6 kinoflicks where this happens.

rape scenes in children's films


Have you never seen Nutty Professor 2?

Nope. Don't think I've seen the first either.

Some guy gets raped by a giant hamster

lmao that's awesome

Imagine a giant Kevbo raping all the drama users.

He humps the shit out of this stuffed bear we got him a while ago. Really goes to town on it.

Does the bear consent? Is he learning from his owner? So many questions before I become woke.

Yeah, they're in a consensual relationship. You think I'd live in Portland and not have all this arranged ahead of time?

You are a swell guy, Zach.

Thanks buddy.

Children's films

lists 1 PG-13 trash movie.

Really makes you think.

Nutty Professor 2


I thought this was about menopausal women. It's not.

It kind of is.

there are no women on ghazi

No pre-menopausal women.

Young men will try to emulate this in real life

Remember when the world mocked retards like Jack Thompson for claims like this? Now it's mainstream.

I don't think any remotely intelligent young person saw AP and though "hey I want to live like that"...though I'm sure a few apple pies were raped/received a cream filling. Just retards like you who are so paranoid thought a film was reality.

Anita Sarkeesian is basically Jack Thompson. It really made me lol at last year's E3 when all the streamers I watched complained about guns in video games and REEEEEEEd every time a shooter was shown, which I seem to recall being the exact opposite of the old take on video game violence.

You played yourself watching the opinions of Youtube personalities and Twitch streamers.

what streams were you watching?

The one I recall it happening on the most was the Laser Time stream. But they also live in SF so I shouldn't be surprised.

True everyone in SF deserves death

games "journalists"

It was two years ago actually. And it was that Jonathan guy raging against the Doom reboot that had me in tears. Moreso when Bethesda made a statement that maybe Doom wasn't the kind of game for pissbabies.

I woke up this morning and took 3 red pills.

"Hey guys remember that show in the 80's where the sexist was a pig, so much sexism, it's 2017 for fuck sake!"

followed by

"Dysfunctional families are bad people...I didn't see the show but I can judge them all, not a single member of MITM was good and everything they done was out of evil. Fuck Poor people can't they all just die already!"

from Glensather

Oh Bourgeoisie feminism....tbh it's almost to hard to joke about, it's scary how these people can't see how they are.

Having just rewatched not too long ago, that whole discussion on The Office is some of the funniest shit I've read in a long time.

Jim: The above, plus the psychological stuff he pulls on Pam while she's engaged to someone else, and the completely random and unnecessary verbal abuse he levels at her.

Jim is an emotional terrorist now? What in the fuck? You gotta be so unstable and insecure to believe that.

I was never into the show, but I do recall getting that impression from the episodes I saw. The Jim guy seemed super super thirsty for Pam and it was kinda weird how he seemed to live his life around waiting for her engagement to break up.

She kept him on a hook, flirting with him and kissing him while drunk and shit. She obviously wanted him but was afraid to break up her engagement.

Regardless, it's a tale as old as time itself and this new-era perspective on it is completely retarded.

Jim and Pam were shitty funny people who deserved each other.

Nah, those lena dunham loving pedofiles think of "woke" as whatever spy kids is out next.

Sort of unrelated, but this thread made me think of the flipside to the conversation that alt-right douchenodes must have, and how depressing the 'What stuff can you no longer enjoy because you are redpilled'. That must be a sad, sad thread.

Self awareness = 0

I assumed that comment was satire.

Implying that ghazis can even grapple with the concept of satire unless it is incredibly heavy handed and directed at their enemies.

This seems self-aware.

"I can't watch Birth of a nation anymore..." the guy's gone from KKK to sjw. That's one hell of a 180.

"Now I kind of thing /r/watchniggersdie is wrong".

180 is the only number of degrees radicals can turn.

What are they talking about over there? It's been a while since I last watched The Dark Knight, but I seem to distinctly remember the movie portraying mass surviellance in a very gray light, sort of as a last resort. I guess the issue is it kinda works in the movie? You know, like in real life.

That is better than 24 handled it at least.

Jack basically never did anything wrong ever and his extreme measures always worked .

Wow. Who downvoted me? That seems oddly selective in this thread.

Imagine being this sensitive.

The movie is blatantly and openly anti-feminist, depicting feminists as irrational loud mouths.

u/meslier1986, so you're saying it was ahead of its time and accurate?

Don't tag me in here.

Dont tell me how to live my life!

Don't be an asshole; if you respect consent you should apologize to /u/meslier1986 and stop tagging them.

What did I ever do to you folks?

you posted in drama to put it bluntly its 4chan-lite but without the overt hatred of the left, we hate everyone and mock everyone here including and primarly ourselves so come on pull up a chair and enjoy actual people you would not want to know in real life.

I don't come in here and try to stir up trouble. I don't care what you folks want to do over here.

I wish you'd show me the courtesy you ask me to show you, and leave me alone.

Jesus, I must be going soft, I deleted my post before submitting since you sound like you could use a hug.


Thank you. That was both reasonable and kind.

Yeah, the fucker should be b& for it.

And they say r/gamerghazi is cliquish.... /sarcasm

Ur just jealous cuz drama is the cool clique


>still spooked by morality in 2017

0% woke.


I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

You're not woke if you still believe in morality

If you say so.

I believe in morality. (If you must know, I believe there are such things as objective moral facts.) Of course, you and I have a difference of opinion as to what is moral to do, and that helps to explain our political differences.

I also largely agree with what people say over in Gamerghazi. I realize this means that, from your perspective, I'm rightly understood as the target of ridicule. I don't really understand why, because I don't mock or bully people who I disagree with. As much as I might find things you say frustrating, I will never mock you or bully you. I may hope that one day you'll see mocking and bullying people you disagree with to be immature. There are more and better ways to oppose leftist ideology.

Would I describe myself as woke? I don't use that word myself. The first time I saw that word used was quite recent, and on Reddit. But I've been a leftist for a long time, even though I grew up conservative. And that's a change I wanted to talk about with like minded people, who have had a similar experience, in the thread you are mocking.

There is a thing I dont quite understand though

If you have a highly revisionary view of morality, why would you be shocked that the world, and the media that it produces, doesnt conform to your morality?

and if you are not shocked by that fact, why would it be so uncomfortable to watch media that doesnt? i mean, if I am judging by the examples you guys gave in that thread, literally every piece of media semi-adult is morally wrong

Is like going into a ultra catholic church voluntarily and still getting offended, it doesnt quite make sense in my head

You're right that I do have a very different set of ideas about morality from most people in our culture. I fully acknowledge that.

Am I shocked that most media does not reflect my values? No, I'm not shocked. I'm well aware that most media does not reflect my values, and I've read a fair bit of academic literature about why that difference exists.

Do I think every piece of adult media is wrong? I don't, and people gave examples of adult media they still watch. In fact, we're not monolithic; some of the things I watch are things that might make others uncomfortable. For example, I really like House and Dexter. And although I rarely watch Family Guy these days, I do watch Rick and Morty.

But I'm fully capable of critiquing House, Dexter, and Rick and Morty. I enjoy them, laugh when I watch them, and I can converse about which parts I thought were disturbing or what cultural messages were being broadcast. I can also discuss whether I think those messages, on the whole, were good messages.

This is what people have been doing with art for as long as art criticism has been a thing. And it's part of how I take my interaction with the world seriously. It's something I enjoy doing -- and something I do with ie romantic partners on the way home from a date where we say a movie together.

I don't think that thread is like walking into a Catholic Church and being offended. If I walk into a church and hear a sermon -- something I've done plenty of times -- not only do I expect to hear things I disagree with, but I know that the space I've walked into isn't my space. (By the way, I think walking into a church and being offended is more comparable to you surfing over to Gamerghazi and being shocked at what we say. Folks walked into our space and were so shocked at our discussion that they decided to create an entire thread about how shocked they were.)

There are two differences between that Gamerghazi convo and the church.

  1. Folks in Gamerghazi are like minded people, many of whom grew up watching conservative media and find themselves no longer wanting to consume the same media. We want to discuss that experience with others who feel the same. This is like people who grew up Catholic, are no longer Catholic, and want to talk to other ex Catholics about how odd it is to see Catholic materials now that they are no longer part of that. It's decidedly not like walking into a church and being shocked.

  2. We believe that the values espoused by the majority are harmful, and cause suffering. As such, we have consequentialist reasons for wanting to see society change to something we think would be better for everyone. It's not just that we are sometimes offended; people are offended by all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons. It's that we think society could be better, and we think there are things in society today that are causing harm.

You gotta keep your word count to sub 20 if you wanna keep someones attention.

I don't think that thread is like walking into a Catholic Church and being offended


and I can converse about which parts I thought were disturbing

this is what I meant

a lot of the people in there were disgusted by some movies or tv shows. That is exactly what I meant by my example. In every piece of media that you consume you will be "grossed" out if you expect for it to conform to your morality, and I think some people in there were ( maybe not you )

I am not saying that thread was like a church, I am saying that getting offended by something you know it will happen and allowing it to happen is borderline irrational, is like getting voluntarily hurt. Someone who watches media and has such a revisionary morality like many or most ghazi users is someone who will find something that doesnt conform to their morality all the time, literally all the time. To expect something different is naive.

Is like a puritan social conservative going to the local party zone and getting offended at seeing people making out drunk, what did you expect to see in there?

That said if all ghazi users were as reasonable and friendly as you I wouldn't have a problem with it, but having a revisionary morality and passing a lot of judgement isnt a good combination, and is insufferable in ghazi users in the same way, and for the same reasons, a puritan sex negative conservative is. Just because they are your "side" doesnt mean they cant be insufferable.

You're not getting what I was saying.

I was not saying that thread was like a church. You were saying that people in the thread had watched media that likely disagreed with their various ethical or political stances, found stuff to be disturbing, and were complaining about it in a thread. This is supposed to parallel to people who wander into a church, find the sermon disturbing, and then to Reddit to complain. I don't think that analogy holds up, and I explained why.

But consider folks from r/drama wandering into r/gamerghazi, becoming offended, and making an entire thread mocking a particular gamerghazi post. That does seem entirely analogous to walking into a church, being offended, and then writing about it on Reddit. In other words, your argument does nothing to impugn gamerghazi, but does plenty to impugn r/drama.

That said if all ghazi users were as reasonable and friendly as you I wouldn't have a problem with it,

Thank you. That's very kind -- and I want to extend a thank you for treating me with some level of respect in turn.

Just because they are your "side" doesnt mean they cant be insufferable.

Oh, that's absolutely true. This isn't sports; I'm not arbitrarily rooting for a team. In fact, this is one reason I could never really get into sports; I don't feel any kind of commitment towards any kind of team, and people who feel commitments to teams always seemed alien to me. That extends to a broader context: I feel no particular commitment to any particular political party or country or race or nationality or gender or whatever. Perhaps I have subconscious biases one way or another; I don't know, and I wouldn't claim otherwise. But I find sports fandom weird; I find patriotism weird; and I find blind allegiance of any sort weird. I guess this is part of the point of that thread; I feel no blind allegiance to television programs or movies that I grew up with and long found entertaining. Given the political views I now have, my experience watching those movies and television programs is very different from what that experience used to be.

If a leftist did something I disliked -- and I can think of plenty of times when leftists have done things I disliked -- I'm willing to say so. I won't necessarily call them out, because I have trouble with the thought that this is always the best way to resolve problems. But I do have regular conversations with my close friends about particular leftists whose actions I didn't like. For example, when Kathy Griffin recently made some artwork depicting a decapitated Trump, I had a long conversation over text with a friend of mine about whether that was an okay thing to do.

But let me clear. Just because I don't always side with all leftists on everything doesn't mean that I'm going to side with you on this particular issue. We disagree and you've yet to convince me that I should think otherwise.

Fair enough

That said I am also a consequentialist, funny how two people can disagree so much about what is a better world, and how to achieve it

I think consequentialism is basically right. So, that's a point of agreement between the two of us.

funny how two people can disagree so much about what is a better world, and how to achieve it

:) It is, isn't it?

So help me to understand something. Why mock people whose positions we find absurd? I wish no ill-will towards you. I think both of us, and many other people, would be better off if you adopted my views, but presumably you think something analogous about your own views. We both need to live in this society together. Why cause the other distress? What does that gain us, other than a world in which we're all miserable?

You're a total faggot and probably fat as fuck

Thank you for your concern about my weight.

I can assure you that, according to my BMI, I am of average weight.

Gross, bourgeois moralizing.

If you say so.

If you say so.

I believe in morality. (If you must know, I believe there are such things as objective moral facts.)

lolwut? On what logical basis?

I'm not here to get into a debate with you over metaethics. Instead, I'll mention in passing that moral realism -- the position that there are objective moral facts -- is a mainstream and popular position within contemporary academic philosophy. You are free to disagree -- I give literally zero fucks whether you think all of this is stupid or whatever.

If you are interested in the topic, you might want to read Philip Kitcher's 'The Ethical Project' and Russ Shafer-Landau's 'Whatever happened to good and evil?'. Those two books will provide you an overview of two distinct approaches to moral realism and the different reasons those two authors have for rejecting both moral nihilism and moral relativism. You might also read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on moral realism: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-realism/

I am well aware of the current trendiness of moral realism in philosophy circles, and the absolutely absurd conclusions derived from it (like claiming Marx was a moral realist for fucks sake), I'm also well aware why the trend is mostly nonsense

I'm asking you why you are a moral realist. And in what sense. Are you like a Rawls constructivist? Or some Moral-Realism Lite subjectivist?

Why do you hold such a patently absurd position?

I'm a constructivist, though not of the Rawlsian variety.

Why are you assuming that I'm either a constructivist or a subjectivist? I tend to think of my own view as a kind of pragmatic, constructive realism.

At any rate, I'm not here to debate metaethics.

Why are you assuming that I'm either a constructivist or a subjectivist?

I'm a constructivist,

Well apparently because I have an accurate perception of reality.

At any rate, I'm not here to debate metaethics.

How dull

You correctly guessed that I'm a constructivist. My own views are basically Kitcher's, so if you want to know what I think, read his book.

But I also recommend Schaffer-Landau's book, and he's a hardcore robust realist. I used to be a robust realist, but my views changed last year or so. As far as I can tell, nothing I've said here suggests either constructivism or subjectivism, and my political views certainly haven't changed since the time that I was a robust realist. So that's why I was confused that you had assumed I was some sort of subjectivist or constructivist. (In fact, I had specified that I believe in objective moral facts and therefore already stipulated that I reject subjectivism.)

I believe in morality


agree with what people say over in Gamerghazi.

Anyone who posts on Ghazi has no morals, frankly I don't think you have souls or are even human.

I don't come in here and try to stir up trouble. I don't care what you folks want to do over here.


I wish you'd show me the courtesy you ask me to show you, and leave me alone.

The day people stop posting dumb stuff on the internet is the day I stop commenting on it.

I am here because I was summoned. And now I'm responding to messages people wrote addressing me. No where did I belittle anyone or say anything aggressive.

Where did I lie?

I didn't tell you to stop posting to the internet. I asked that you leave me alone.

You cant just swing a dead cat around and complain when people make fun of it.

Why would you make fun of someone swinging around a dead cat?

If I saw someone swinging around a dead cat, I'd be fairly disturbed. I'd wonder if that person needed psychological help. I'd think about my pet cat, who I love very much.

I wouldn't make fun of them.

Have you ever heard comedy is one of the most common and best ways to deal with tragedy, weird and /or sad stuff?

I have. I'm wondering what your point is.

I still enjoy comedy. My tastes have changed over the years. That Gamerghazi thread is a place where people who have undergone similar changes are discussing their common experiences.

their experiences with brain damage

If you say so.

Let's not insult the people who have an excuse for being this shit.

What if they swung your cat, would you try to help the person still?

I never said I would try to help the person. I did say that I'd be concerned for their mental well being, and very sad/disturbed about their treatment of a cat.

If I saw someone swing around my cat, I'd probably tell them to fuck off and call the police.

I'm waiting to hear what your point is.

Because your concern has no value whatsoever because it doesn't actually change anything. Your concern quickly changes the second it actually affects you. Once it becomes personal you quickly turn into a normal person instead of some virtue signaling weirdo that hangs out with "woke" people trying to get more offended than the next person for social status.

All this stuff on that sub is LARPing for a sense of belonging and purpose among freaks.

If I were looking for social status, I wouldn't make efforts to participate anonymously in a discussion.

I don't understand how our back and forth about cats indicates anything about me "quickly turn[ing] into a normal person".

Social status can be achieved even among internet groups. You don't see instances of clique behavior and high handed moderation and power grabs?

I was pointing out you would only be concerned until it involves you and then it would quickly turn into anger at them for literally the same action.

Let's be clear: I would be upset and angry if I saw anyone mistreating a cat.

You are right to point out that I would be more upset if my own cat was being abused. I'll gladly admit that. I'll also gladly admit that I have no moral high ground in which to stand; I'm not perfect and don't expect anyone else to be.

None of this changes that when I espouse views on Gamerghazi, I do so because I honestly believe the things I say. I don't understand this idea that we leftists couldn't possibly be honest with others about what we think. All I can say is that I've been absolutely honest with you and that I'm not playing some silly game of social grandstanding.

Well, in that case, /r/gamerghazi is definitely not the place for you. That sub is toxic as fuck and lives to moral grandstand. You should take a look at what caelrie does to excuse horrible views by Hillary Clinton concerning prison labor. The idea of leftists giving hero worship to a neoliberal is hilarious, but caelrie only cares about propping up a woman at any cost and silencing the herd.

Any sub that only allows groupthink is pure shit.

Try /r/LeftWithoutEdge since you actually seem decent.

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll look into your recommendations.

Holy shit dude. The swinging the dead cat thing was a fucking idiom. It means you and your group of mentally deficient rejects make a huge stupid scene about completely innocuous things and then act outraged and befuddled when people here mock you. Christ almighty, you fucking people...

I know it was an idiom (or a metaphor or whatever). I was asking for clarification on what it meant and -- until now -- I had yet to receive it. Thank you for providing some clarification.

Part of what made the idiom difficult to understand -- as I pointed out -- was that I don't think people who act in ridiculous ways should be mocked. Notice that I have yet to mock anyone here. But the other reason the idiom was hard to understand was that I don't see the humor in mocking someone for doing weird things with a cat carcass. To be sure, that's a weird activity, but is it a good metaphor for making a "huge stupid scene"?

At any rate, I'm not befuddled that people here find our views odd. There's nothing confusing about that. But the effort to get me to see why I ought to be mocked -- premised on the principle that absurd people are okay to mock -- is not going to get through to me. I reject the underlying presumption that it's okay to mock anyone.

You don't seem to grasp what idioms are. He isn't literally talking about swinging a cat just like you wouldn't expect someone to amputate your leg if they told you to "take a knee." The saying isn't hard to grasp if your aren't a complete fucking moron.

At any rate, I'm not befuddled that people here find our views odd. There's nothing confusing about that. But the effort to get me to see why I ought to be mocked -- premised on the principle that absurd people are okay to mock -- is not going to get through to me. I reject the underlying presumption that it's okay to mock anyone.

Ok. I'll use an example to speak to you:

One of the movies that keeps getting mentioned there is American Pie. The points that keep getting brought up is that it's sexist, mysoginist, and rapey. The top comment was the person is afraid that young boys will see that movie and want to reenact it. Let's talk specifically about the scene where they set up a webcam to catch Shannon Elizabeth getting dressed.

The characters in the movie are portrayed as sleazy and desperate losers. They're the main characters in the movie but they aren't the heros. The humor comes from us laughing at how pathetic they are. You retards in that thread don't seem to realize that we aren't suppose to cheer for these nerds and in fact, the only guy that has a girlfriend is the guy that isn't a weirdo.

We're the ones that realize what's humorous about this movie and you're the ones getting in a stink about it because you don't understand humor and think that other people don't get it either and will do this shit too. You people are like the anti-gay pastors that talk about how evil gay sex is only to be later found out that you've been molesting the alter boys.

As for whether there are cliques or power grabs in Gamerghazi, all I can say is that I have yet to see any. But I haven't been there long. I can admit that you may be right; maybe those folks are less genuine than they appear.

All I can tell you is that I'm honest about my beliefs. You're under no obligation to believe me about my honesty, but you should notice that I've done nothing to suggest otherwise.

Are you telling me that someone who overanalyzes jokes and has no sense of humor posts unironically in r/gamerghazi? STOP THE PRESSES.

Where did I say I have no sense of humor?

I said explicitly that I have a sense of humor and name dropped a show I find funny.

You are literally unbuttered wheat toast personified.

LO-fucking-L, dude.

Why would you make fun of someone swinging around a dead cat?

If I saw someone swinging around a dead cat, I'd be fairly disturbed.

I don't think you understand that you were summoned here from a sub/thread where what everyone was saying was about as normal as swinging dead cats about their heads. The sad (and hilarious) thing is that they were all doing it seriously as if it were perfectly normal.

I don't think that conversation was abnormal. It mirrors many that I've had with friends IRL.

But I know you think it was sad, hilarious, absurd, whatever. My point was not to convince you that our conversation was normal. My point was that no matter how abnormal our behavior seemed, I don't understand why you'd mock us. And that's because I can't relate to anyone who mocks others. That's not something I do.

So if I saw someone swinging a dead cat, yes it would bother me. I'd feel very upset. What I would not do is mock them.

You weren't summoned, you aren't a genii or one of the myriad sepherim. You were mentioned.


You can turn username pings off.

I used the word "summon" metaphorically. I haven't been on reddit long, but I've used the same metaphor on other sites.

I didn't know I could turn username pings off.

Suffer no longer.


I am here because I was summoned.

Are you some kind of spirit? /r/tulpas did it again.

My advice to you: disable comment replies, disable ping notifications (at least for the next few days), and block everybody who has replied to you. Dramatards are the scum of the Earth.

Thank you for the advice. I might do that.


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I don't see a problem with fantasy armor. I fought wars in speedos, just saying.

These guys are softer than the_donald: http://i.imgur.com/TcoY8zJ.png

/r/drama brigadier

I didn't realise that /r/drama used British military ranks. I'm imagining you with a clipped, military moustache, now.

The really sad thing? All in the Family, which actively worked to tear down those stereotypes and combat bigotry, would be #1 on their hitlist of (((problematic))) media

They get offended at everything yet they root for Bane in the Batman movies.

I've apparently been automatically banned there already, cast from heaven as it were, if heaven was filled with oversensitive, rainbow haired cultists with hardons for being upset about unimportant shit. I wonder which den of iniquity I'm currently subscribed to that qualified me as irredeemable and forever unworthy of standing in their righteous light.

Sort of unrelated, but this thread made me think of the flipside to the conversation that alt-right douchenodes must have, and how depressing the 'What stuff can you no longer enjoy because you are redpilled'.

That must be a sad, sad thread.

so...so close to self realization there, /u/H0vis

I just imagined being either one and no longer being able to enjoy r/drama.

I promptly imagined kms

I just imagined being either one and no longer being able to enjoy r/drama.

I promptly imagined kms

i like the conversation in there speculating about the alt right doing the same thing they are and calling them losers for it

literally zero self awareness

Thank god my life isn't as boring as these chucklefucks. Can you imagine

/u/meslier1986, i know that severe autism can make having fun in life hard, but im sure with a little effort you could pull it off.

I have fun all the time. I mentioned activities thar I find fun in this conversation.

In fact, this might surprise you but -- I find this conversation fun.

rhetoric as South Park and Family Guy -- that if you care about something political, if you are willing to get up in arms about some injustice, then there is something wrong with you

They obviously care a lot. just not about the things the daily show teaches you to care about or mock.

does it get tiring being offended by anything and everything?

Ghazi continues to guarantee a Trump 2020 sweep.