"I had sex and came buckets All over my wife's ass last night, no condom" - /u/EurasianTiger definitely proves he's not an incel

93  2017-06-19 by IAintThatGuy




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Thinking of white American men in marriages with Asian women makes me sick to the gut.

You're a liar, u/LieAsILie

The thought of WMAF makes you rock hard

It's his own cuck fantasy, with a white bull.

That's cultural appropriation!

Yeah, that's what the blacks are for.

It's hard to get aroused over inferiority. White Americans. Asians.

Wanna buy some opium?


No. I insist. You will buy the opium.

I guess.

Of course you caved. The pissskins are weak by nature.

I'm not Asian nor do I care about Asians. Further, petty interwebz race arguing is dull. Find a chinky girl and go play with her.

This is exactly what an oriental who's lost face would say. You bring shame on your ancestors.

You care about the honour of imaginary, long-deceased East Asians? Why? Is it like a gaming act you used on Asian girls before to pretend you care about their family values or whatever, and now you actually deluded yourself into thinking such a thing matters? hahahaha.



how are they imaginary bro?

I don't have a single East Asian ancestor in the last millennium.

transration: it's ching chong wing wong the whore way down

L-R replacement is Japanese. Ching Chong Wing Wong is Chinese connotation.

Though still not sure why you bother me with Asian stuff.

game line

Found the /r/hapas poster.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 666666666

That was cruel.

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Just for fun let's have a dick-measuring contest: what's the tallest building in pre industrial-revolution Asia vs pre industrial-revolution Europe?

Here's my contest entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Cathedral

Good luck!

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Cathedral

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Not sure why you expect me to care about Asia or Asians. You are the one who somehow defends pairing with them. I just avoid them.

Aw man :( I wish you'd played along

Oh well, so it goes

Wow SOMEONE must be compensating

The central spire collapsed in 1549 and was not rebuilt

there's a metaphor in there somewhere

If by metaphor you mean "Constantinople might have fallen a few years prior, but despite the collapse of the hightower, Lincoln Cathedral remained the new tallest manmade structure on Earth since the Great Pyramid of Giza"

Then fuck yeah PK - what a metaphor you've discovered!

Is the Nazi shtick another /r/drama persona or are you genuinely that pathetic?

Damn, you got me. Nailed me, actually. Spot on.

Better kms now :-\



this is only ~20 meters shorter, was built around the same time, and also looks a lot better

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angkor_Wat

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Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat (Khmer: អង្គរវត្ត or "Capital Temple") is an Indianized temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world, with the site measuring 162.6 hectares (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres). It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple of god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century. It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Yaśodharapura (Khmer: យសោធរបុរៈ, present-day Angkor), the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings, Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu.

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That's a terrific entry! I've studied it and other grand Khmer ruins extensively in person and in class.

But at 213 meters in the unknown 1100's vs 271 meters in 1185 - the comparison isn't really that close

Architecturally speaking one was bush league and the other was avant-garde

i dunno why height is the be all end all for you, especially if you're actually a retard european ethnonationalist

like you probably wouldn't call the burj khalifa a "better" architectural feat than st peter's or the cologne cathedral, right?

Hell yeah Tuptim, or whatever your name is that keeps making me think of the King and I

Especially since the Burj Khalifa was built by the Japanese, I will give credit where it's due, but as an architectural feat it does pale in comparison to St Pete's or Cologne (now that all that industrial shit has been powerwashed off)

I said Angkor Wat was bush league because it's windowless, thick walled, heavily buttressed, and awkwardly shaped. It's more of a Hagia Sophia than a Gothic Cathedral. It's architectural bush league.

But again it really wasn't a bad entry in our penis contest <3

my wife

no condom

Who the fuck says "no condom" in relation to sex with their wife?

Right? Maybe he's trying to assure us that he knows his wife isnt cheating on him with a white dude? He doesn't wear a condom cuz he knows she doesn't have std's!

someone who doesn't have a wife.

My bull says "no condom" in my household.

At least he lets you eat his cum from your wife's pussy, and not from a sad condom.

"I cuck for the best, put me to the test."

Because if he does the sex in the vagina which he totally does, he has to wear a condom. Her womb is only for white men, you know..

I can't blame them, the minority report gets me going too. Love me some Tom Cruise.

It's all about them precogs.

I prefer the generic blonde guy in the video game version of the movie.

I don't know about you, but the eyeball scene gets me rock hard every time.

/u/Eurasiantiger I believe you man. There is no reason why you would lie. <3

During "sex" both /u/EurasianTiger and his "gf" close their eyes and wish he was a white man lol.

It's a sad day when your own hand thinks about someone else.

Hey at least he masterbates without a condom!

gross! an Asian man would be touching his dick!

Who would want to fuck someone who actually uses the name /u/EurasianTiger ?


/u/EurasianTiger misses the days when his more successful mancestors could just Unit 731 Chinigs and mayos. What he doesn't realize is that his incel ass would be, like, a harem boy or something in his yellow power futuregasm.

He's married to a Chinese woman.

/u/EurasianTiger wails about being born in the wrong generation as he tearfully cranks his thimble of a rice chose to the idea of having his own qt Inchon comfort woman.

I've never been more positive of anything in my life.

Wait, I thought he was Chinese?

Half-chinese, full disgrace.

Dude sounds like he's 17 in his videos, all of which are about him being pissed that white guys bang both white chicks and Asian chicks and how he hates his white dad

Yeah I'm not buying it

he's got videos? link?

lmao he looks 17 too, this guy is a national treasure

/r/ccj2 is going to love this.

Just googled his username and there's a youtuber that also goes by EurasianTiger and has rants about hapas and talks about /r/hapas, so there you go.


"My mother's been dead for 20 years and I don't respect her"

Jesus christ this kid has some deep seeded issues with his mom and dad

It's deep-seated you goddamn pleb.

Although that is fitting since white dad planted his seed in his mother.

I'll pretend I did that on purpose

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I watched a lot of his videos. I feel sorry for him tbh. From what he says his dad was a right shitbird and his mom wasn't that better either. Can't grow up in a household like that without issues.

u/Shark_Life, Grandson, isn't this the gentleman you were going to a gang bang with?

"no condom" LOL.

Cucky /u/eurasiantiger has a wife that makes him hit it with a condom 3/4's of the time so as to not ruin her pussy for the white bull.

Because eT is batshit insane and needs therapy.

fucking my super sexy real wife felt so good...like I was cumming hot ropes of...sand...

Go on...

It's coarse and rough and gets everywhere!

I hate them!!

And I hate my parents!

The younglings!

Not just the men, but the women and the children too!

And then then I rub it in to her skin with my penis.

And then it gets the hose again.

Hey u/EurasianTiger is Leo Varadkar a hapa?

  1. eeeew i dont need to be reminded of Hetero fucking

2.thats not how you brag about sex you be as filthy as possible and have no social awareness and make everyone around you from friends to what family you have left slowly leave the room and realize they associate with a degenerate freak.... DUH is that not obvious

  1. ass looks wrong arse sounds filthier and booty sounds sexier

4.also if your gonna come on their arse make sure its not on the back make sure its actually on the arse it looks nice but you cant even bloody smell it and what use is not cleaning off cum if it does not feel good or or you cant smell it.

  1. i believe he is married im married after all and im probably 3 viagra away from a rape charge.

In fact marrying an Asian as a white male and then lecturing people on how to get women is essentially a pedophile lecturing non pedophiles how to get grown women.


/u/Eurasiantiger are you into cuckoldry?

"and by 'my wife', I mean I was triple penetrated by a few hairy guys."

Hapas make the best ladyboys.