Founder of r/Fuckthealtright agrees his sub has ironically become a hate group.

138  2017-06-19 by Edgar__Friendly


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Accreate as always


At first I thought the bot was lucky.

Now I realize that the sub is just the same shit, so it just about always will be on target.


The alt-right are subhumans who deserve to be gassed, so I don't see how that sub is a hate group. If anything, they're milquetoast accommodationists.

You missed the point. The subs new mission is to brand all republican/conservative as nazis. Founder disavows. Drama.

From the founder:

""It's actually sad how much this sub just objectively sucks. I guess its problem is that I created it expecting Hillary to win and for there to be alt-right related violence in the aftermath of the election. Even after Trump won, it still had a use because we had a growing r/altright that was a self-described haven for white nationalism on this website. But when they got banned, this sub's purpose pretty much evaporated, and what was left was a bunch of "bash the fash" antifa people who were convinced that, as you said, every Republican is an alt-right Nazi.

Modding this sub was a pain in the ass even when it had a point, but once every normal person that just didn't like Nazis left and we were stuck with bash the fash people it literally became unbearable. I definitely agree though, this subreddit is just really bad.""

That has nothing to do with my point: the alt right are subhuman trash who should be gassed and incinerated.

You got that right. See, according to Cocteau's plan, I'm the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind if guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal? I've seen the future, you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sittin' around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener". You wanna live on top, you gotta live Cocteau's way. What he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Your other choice: come down here, maybe starve to death.

This man once told me that the world will change for me I'm not a sharp tool shed Finger to thumb, stupid BREW "L" form

Well, these years, it will not stop According to the rules, and fell to the ground There is no meaning to life Your brain is intelligent, but its heart is dark

So many things to see So it happened on the street? You never, never know If the light does not shine

Come on, now, you're a star, a game, Hey, now a rock star Hey, listen, question All worth gold and light gold To break the superstar's pattern

According to him, a good place is cold Now, wrap, wait But nine preliminary planetary minutes Look at the hole in the satellite images

Skating on our thin ice is enough For heating the water, so you can swim My world is on fire. and this? So I do not feel jirueul explain how.

If someone asked me, I could unload We have to leave. He also said at some point I use some fuel We can change what

Well, these years, it will not stop According to the rules, and fell to the ground There is no meaning to life Your brain is intelligent, but its heart is dark

So many things to see So it happened on the street? You never, never know These lights.

All worth gold and light gold To break the superstar's pattern

Your proving that you should March into the gas chamber right along with them. Not fit to live.

Your proving


the altright are your betters, superior to you in every way.

that's the reason why you hate them


oh ok

looks like they're having a good time

It'd be better if they were on fire.

"I you extinguish the fire, the fire wins!" - Justin Trudeau

The subs new mission is to brand all republican/conservative as nazis.

Are they wrong? That's why the alt right needs to be fucked.

The founder of the sub thinks they are wrong. Do you think all republicans and conservatives are literally nazi's?

Nazis or moronic supporters of Nazis

"Can't talk to a psycho like a normal human being..."

That doesn't even make sense.

nice username bro

I remember when that guy used to post in /r/WikiInAction.

Good thing the CTRL left is too weak to even pull a trigger, otherwise I might be in trouble (If they even knew how to use the damn thing).

Helicopter rides for everyone!

The mayocide is apolitical.

Not sure about hate group but the sub is definitely completely unhinged, their master post of "Brief History Of The Alt-Right" where they blame the "alt-right" for pretty much every major event in human history since 1619 made me think it might be a satire sub at first.

I also thought it was satire at first.

I'm still not 100% certain.....

You weren't lying, they even manage to blame the alt-right for the rape of nanking.

I also struggle to imagine it's not satire, but some people really are that crazy.

It's a well known fact on Tumblr that the alt-right killed the dinosaurs because they were actually PoC from Africa.

Yfw alt-right is the reddit version of "the jews".

pretty sure "the jews" is the reddit version of "the jews" fam

If you're suggesting Jews gon Jew I couldn't agree more

Shut it down.

You're right, jews are the same everywhere.

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
and the Catholics hate the Protestants
and the Hindus hate the Muslims
everybody hates the Jews

That would be weird because it's leftists in Germany/France that are strong-arming the EU[SSR] into housing millions of jew-hating invaders "refugees" that are exploiting government welfare to continue boosting their populations' already-high reproduction rate and eventually take over Europe from the inside. The jews are going to encounter at least the second most intense persecution of their history, if not the worst, and it will all be thanks to globalist politics and the leftists worldwide that welcome them in the name of virtue-signaling

thank you for proving my point, you raving spastic

that in no way proved your point, fam

(((white nationalist)))

smh it's [[[them]]] for reddit, let's be consistent now.

"{{{They}}}" is for Jewish-White nationalists

What about {[(us)]}


Nah you're confusing alt-right with Russians, tho I guess these guys don't really see a difference.

I've been called a Nazi by multiple people from that sub and there's literally nothing in my post history that could possibly point to Nazi.

In fact, a large portion of my post history is anti-Nazism. They really are unhinged.

there's literally nothing in my post history that could possibly point to Nazi

4 submissions to /r/SRSsucks = nazi. If you're not on board with hardcore SJWism, you're a nazi.

Which tbh is offensive to us real nazis. It dilutes our brand. We're considering suing the left over this.

Modern Nazis are a pale imitation of the original. They spend too much time denying atrocities the original Nazis would have embraced.

Oh, yes, Hitler was notoriously honest about his past actions and future plans. smh

Hitler was straight up calling for the extermination of Jews from day one and had plans to invade and colonize most of the world, publically.

Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in 1933–1939.

The agreement was designed to enable Jews fleeing antisemitic persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to their refuge in British Mandatory Palestine.

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HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 82190

Yeah, let's learn some history.

Borrowing the stock arguments of antisemitism from before the war, Hitler declared in numerous speeches that the Jews were a race of parasites who could only live by subverting other peoples, above all the highest and best of all races, the Aryans. Thus they divided the Aryan race against itself, both organizing capitalist exploitation on the one hand and leading the struggle against it on the other.34 The Jews, he said in a speech delivered on 6 April 1920, were ‘to be exterminated’; on 7 August the same year he told his audience that they should not believe ‘that you can fight a disease without killing the cause, without annihilating the bacillus, and do not think that you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care that the people are free of the cause of racial tuberculosis’. Annihilation meant the violent removal of the Jews from Germany by any means. The ‘solution of the Jewish question’, he told his listeners in April 1921, could only be solved by ‘brute force’. ‘We know’, he said in January 1923, ‘that if they come to power, our heads will roll in the sand; but we also know that when we get our hands on power: “Then God have mercy on you!”


My Struggle has been seen by some historians as a kind of blueprint for Hitler’s later actions, a dangerous and devilish book that was unfortunately ignored by those who should have known better. It was nothing of the kind. Heavily edited by Amann, Hanfstaengl and others in order to make it more literate and less incoherent than the rambling first draft, it was none the less turgid and tedious, and sold only modest numbers of copies before the Nazis achieved their electoral breakthrough in 1930. After that it became a best-seller, above all during the Third Reich, when not to own a copy was almost an act of treason. Those people who read it, probably a relatively small proportion of those who bought it, must have found it difficult to gain anything very coherent out of its confused mélange of autobiographical reminiscences and garbled political declamations. Hitler’s talent for winning hearts and minds lay in his public oratory, not in his writing. Still, no one who read the book could have been left in any doubt about the fact that Hitler considered racial conflict to be the motor, the essence of history, and the Jews to be the sworn enemy of the German race, whose historic mission it was, under the guidance of the Nazi Party, to break their international power and annihilate them entirely. ‘The nationalization of our masses’, he declared, ‘will succeed only when, aside from all the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated.’

muh six gorrions

Yeah, that's what I thought, take a seat.

Here, ill sit next to this pile of soap and lampshades.

Yeah, keep trying dude.

You got put down, take a fucking seat.

you should blow the shofar and call for backup, because the goyim do indeed know.

How retarded do you have to be to support a failed ideology that was formed on the back of a fake book, a poorly made fake book.

An ideology founded by someone so retarded he got duped by one of the worst fakes of all time.

lol fake book. "my god says im chosen and i am entitled to this desert land even though my people come from the hills of poland hungary and russia" lol fake book indeed.

Yeah, I'm talking about the protocols you mongoloid.

This diabolical manifesto caught people’s attention. The Protocols itself is conveniently vague, outlining the Elders’ general strategies for world conquest, but omitting any specific names, dates, or locations. This meant it has proved infinitely adaptable. As Richard Levy put it, the Protocols offered up a “veritable Rosetta stone of history, the single key that unlocks all the perplexing mysteries of the modern world.” Anything that happened in the world could be explained as the result of the Elders’ secret machinations. Observant readers needed only fill in the blanks with whatever societal ill they wish to pin on the Jews. The French and Russian revolutions? Orchestrated by the Elders. The First and Second World Wars? Ditto. The economic crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression? You guessed it. The wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and the Gulf? Elders, Elders, Elders. And they aren’t only behind such lofty endeavors as igniting wars and revolutions. According to some of the Protocols’ proponents, the Elders have a penchant for micromanagement. They’ve been accused of everything from popularizing jazz (of particular concern was “the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes” and the “indecent dancing” that it encouraged) and distributing chewing gum (in an effort to make women more promiscuous), to encouraging prostitution, alcoholism, and even, for some reason, dog exhibitions.

The shocking revelations contained in the Protocols, coupled with its ability to explain any and all ills and upheavals in the world, earned it a place in history. The Protocols has been printed and reprinted around the world, in books with titles ranging from the relatively benign Secrets of the Wise Men of Zion, to the somewhat alarmist The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem (a commentary published in the United States by Henry Ford), to the outright apocalyptic The Jewish Antichrist and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (the title of an edition published in Nazi Germany in 1938). Millions of copies have been sold or given away. One scholar estimated in 1939 that, in terms of distribution, the Protocols was second only the Bible.

There’s just one small problem, of course. There are no Elders. The Protocols is a fake. And not even a good fake. To quote the historian Norman Cohn, the Protocols is an “atrociously written piece of reactionary balderdash.” It is a shoddy, obvious, callous forgery, wantonly and lazily plagiarized from a handful of more obscure sources. The story of the Protocols’ creation is a tale of conspiratorial intrigue in its own right. But the Protocols didn’t single-handedly invent the myth of the Jewish world conspiracy. It was centuries in the making.

blah blah blah muh 6 gorillions and muh antisemitism.

now tell me about how Hamas does stuff too, and throw in some bullshit about Iran being 6 months away from a nuke (just like for the last 26 years).

Literally just an uneducated, incoherent moron.

Don't even know what Israel, Iran, or Hamas has to do with anything I've said here, you seem to just be throwing random shit how because you got bent over.


Yeah, keep throwing random shit out dude.

Random shit, like how israel is an apartheid state, or how israel steriled ethiope hebrews? that kind of random stuff?

What does Israel have to do with any argument being had here.

You didnt lern 2 history, you posted some bullshit from a book that never happened and totally ignored historical facts im pursuit of your glorious eternal victimization. lol fuck you, and all your lineage.

A) I'm not even Jewish.

B) the book being cited:

The Third Reich Trilogy is a series of three narrative history books by the British historian Richard J. Evans covering the rise and collapse of Nazi Germany in detail, with a focus on the internal politics and the decision-making process.[1] According to Ian Kershaw, it is "the most comprehensive history in any language of the disastrous epoch of the Third Reich",[2] which has been hailed as a "masterpiece of historical scholarship."[3] The three volumes of the trilogy were published between 2003 and 2008.

fuckin aye, quote Schindler's List next.

Wooo. say im no true scotsman too.

omg what does israel have to do with jews omg

The guys actually a Nazi. Don't bother.

you fool, nazis have been gone for 7 decades a counter semite.

Pal, I've been called homophobic for saying butthurt. The madness is real.

Yeah you're just a boring fag.

Tbh if you believe in extremist Nazi myths like X/Y chromosomes or calories then how are you not one yourself?

Where's that master post?

/u/Zachums getting all bussy-bothered over in SRD.

Just following (((rules))), fam. Of course that excuse is how the Holocaust happened, too, so I really have no excuse.

OP should have stirred the pot more.

Two months you've been a mod of SRD and you're already getting cuckolded by TiTS. What happened to you....

I put him as my least favorite mod on the survey just because he also mods (((SRD)))

Just following (((rules)))

No, you are just following your own disgusting agenda.

The Jews are out making shekels, giving their children a statistically better education than other kids, keeping kosher and minding their own business. Don't bring them into this, you anti-Semite.

Why are you using NP links you are worst than Hitler.

so is he stalin? stalin's worth about 4 hitlers or so

What would you trade for my Pol Pot and Dick Cheney cards.

i don't like to trade cards, i collect them instead. More fun that way

Is the Dick Cheney holographic?


Ok I'll give you 2 Mao Zedong's for it.


Meet behind the baseball field after class.



Nazi mods banned it

They actually banned a bot? wtf I hate the drama modteam now?!


Ziek Heil NO


Not surprising. Any group/subreddit that's defined only by what it's against is gonna be a Circlejerk of Hate. Coincidentally, that's what I call Tuesday nights

Any group/subreddit that's defined only by what it's against is gonna be a Circlejerk of Hate.



I reposted this to r/Againsthatesubreddits . They wont touch the topic. Doesnt fit their narrative, I guess. Zero comments.



Its on the front page.



T_D is the most terrorist-friendly subreddit.

/r/syriancivilwar has literal errorists posting on it and /r/AMA had a Terrorist get killed during one of his AMAs just how out of touch are these people, no wonder their vote counts for less then mine.

Is this your fucking job bro? Relax!

you don't seem very chill and I would reason to bet you aren't really a sysadmin either

Oh good thing I don't give a fuck what you think. :P

clearly you do, as you proved by replying to my post

riddle me this: how booty bothered are you that daddy donnie won?

Hey, do your parents know you're on the Internet right now?

seeing as they're in heaven with jesus and all the saints, probably

so then: very butthurt or just a mild pain?


Why would this be a bad thing though? Hate isn't inherently bad, it's bad to hate the wrong targets. For example, gassing Jews is a bad thing, but gassing 8chan users is a good thing.

I don't know man, the gas feels more worth it to use on actual criminals and terrorists, not sad 8chan fucks.

seriousposting in /r/Drama

Have you no shame, sir? At long last, have you no shame?

But I was trying to go along though famalam.

the wrong targets

How do you define "the wrong targets"?

Krautchan users. They should be spared.

People who disagree with me.




The only gas we need is for the helicopters.

Don't forget the nitrous gas for recreational purposes and whipped cream.

shit meme

I was so cunfused about that mod making a complete 180, but then I realized the post is 4 months old

Its still stickied at the top of r/Fuckthealtright

When I made that post it was right after the Milo thing and while r/altright was still active. Once r/altright was banned and it didn't pop up on this website again, FTAR became essentially a moot point of a subreddit, only we still had 20000 users with a voracious appetite for terrible posts.

FTAR became essentially a moot point of a subreddit

Did it though. Even if FTAR is a cesspool of shit, banning /r/altright doesn't mean that everyone who used that sub went away. Hell we have a few regulars here who probably found that place cozy.

Yeah, banning subreddits like that is as effective as trying to get rid of bees by smashing open a beehive with a baseball bat.

There are people I would encourage to try doing that.

Lol you're a self described nationalist trump supporter, so triggered by that sub that you posted a link to this commnet on EIGHT different subs today.

FuckTheAltRight, and fuck you too probably idk

Stick a cantaloupe up your butt and give us a full report Javert-style on that goes for you

You're used to letting daddy make your asshole gape again, I'll let you be the top scholar of ass Dynamics

Who's "daddy"?

I had indian neighbours once, their house smelled of curry

more like alt-wrong, right? reddit?

/u/Edgar__Friendly, could you self-promote any harder?

r/SubredditDrama SRD. I dont understand the rules. I did a thing yesterday. u/Edgar__Friendly Tried to submit here but... Drama. u/Zachums , I still didnt read the rules.

r/drama was digging it.

Topmindsofreddit was confused.

Republican and conservative threads. Notice the dude chiming in. Hes the guy, the founder.

And the haters over in r/Fuckthealtright ...

Are you having an aneurysm?


Also r/drama is for losers suck my dick from the back

/u/GuyBelowMeDoesntLift Gladly! Post bussy plz.

/u/GuyBelowMeDoesntLift Gladly! Post bussy plz.

Glamour shots incoming

I guess its problem is that I created it expecting Hillary to win and for there to be alt-right related violence in the aftermath of the election.

Once again, the expectations of the left are dashed against the jagged rocks of reality.

Instead, Hillary lost and there's violence from the alt-right anyways.

Well yeah, there's violence from almost everybody lately.

Sikhs need to step their game up, though.

Jains have been pussing out like the entirety of history too.


Also r/drama is for losers suck my dick from the back

/u/GuyBelowMeDoesntLift how does it feel to run a hate group just as bad as the one you claim you oppose? Does it satisfy you?

Does it bother you knowing you'll never get as much bussy as even the incels who lurk here?

People hated Nazis. I don't see the difference?


It's actually sad how much this sub just objectively sucks.

Also you:

Also r/drama is for losers suck my dick from the back

Every member of r/conservative has a crippling addiction to cuckold porn

Every no pussy getting nerd currently reading this post should realize there are more productive things they could be doing than reading metadrama posts on

It's truly a wonder how that sub objectively sucks when the people in the sub act the way you do. Lemme guess, you're normally one of "the good ones"?

No features

All the anti right, anti trump subs are circlejerk hate groups. They also break site rules like brigading.