/r/Drama starter pack

115  2017-06-21 by Time_to_Drink


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme

This bot is better at posting than you OP. Put us all out of your misery and self-flagellate yourself into an early grave.

I don't see the bot spending 5 minutes in Paint making a shitpost...

That's why he's better than you. He knows someone's gonna make it for him


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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This wont be complete without people arguing over the validity of the starter pack.

woah that's a lot of arguing going on! This is the type of quality find I expect from you Snally 👌

How does she find obscure r/drama drama like that, is she secretly into drama herself?

Fuck me, more bots than people in this thread

And i bet you laughed when they said robots would take over the world

Not enough bussy ><

This one has a flower sticking out of it

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


Upvote if you have more than five of the AIDS

I have 7.5 aids

I'm from Africa. I have vintage original Aids.


Needs more mayocide.

The lack of procreation with fertile females makes the mayocide implicit, tbpfhf

I thought the tranny was holding a sword at first

You hold swords in weird places

Lol not the dick, the railing I thought

She isn't railing anyone in that pic.

Accurate. Plus the AIDS with the needle, since most people here are incels IRL so that's the only way they'd get pozzed.

No "Autism speaks" logo?

I'm mildly disapointed.

Yeah, and only a single mention to the mayocide. I feel under-represented.

Needs more "kys", popcorn, and piles of shit.

Also something about "unironically".

Finally someone did it!

what's the name of tranny on the right?

This should be included in the image imo

Yeah same my friend wants to know

Me: Oh, hot naked chick... She has a dick :/ ... And it's bigger than mine :'(

they're all bigger than yours

not enough Aids

What's the name of the animu chick? She looks like she needs it without consent

of those 12 things, I have five of them.

I-i don't have a waifu pillow

user reports:

1: this isn't even inaccurate and it makes me very sad; I mean "lmao fuck leftists, go LSU tigers REEE"

1: Joan Wayne Gacy starter pack, hah gottem

I mean "lmao fuck leftists, go LSU tigers REEE"

did that lsucoonass dude get mayo'd?

no cancer, no snally, and no unironically kys means you should kys

Not enough aids

Yeah but video games

Needs more socksoff.com

I love it when Incels think they are insulting you by showing all the ways they can't get laid. Tranny, buttsexxors, cuck, they failed at all of them. Then of course AIDS, because that's still relevant.

Only one person with their socks off...

Needs a /u/mcdewjank

My bussy is ready.

That tranny with the huge cock looks convincing.

Super original

Thank you


Fuck you

Needs moar bussy and futa