Shirtgate drama in srd

146  2017-06-22 by Randydandy69


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Honestly, I say we all go like, two weeks without personal grooming and just post our hairy fucking asses. End this retarded 'bussy' shit once and for all.

srd, place where women can do no wrong episode 73862163

I mean, there's publicly documented evidence of multiple death threats against her

So many and so well documented threats that FBI... decided to do nothing? /u/HereComesMyDingDong, you know about that FBI documents about Gamergate released a while ago (that sentence felt ridiculous to type)?
Get real dude.

The FBI didn't take much action, if any, but the threats are literally documented in the FBI report itself. It's difficult to say which threats were sent to which people, but they're literally included in the FBI report itself, as well as purportedly more threats sent by Brianna Wu that were not included in the returned FOIA, potentially because they're still under investigation, potentially because they're meritless. I'm not commenting on why or why not that might not have progressed in an FBI investigation, only that they were in fact multiple death threats sent to Wu et al.

The FBI didn't take much action, if any, but the threats are literally documented in the FBI report itself. It's difficult to say which threats were sent to which people, but they're literally included in the FBI report itself,

So this means nothing but you beating your dick, and they damned well are likely fabricated and exaggerated. Some teenage dickbag with no car threatening to drive 100 mines and beat your ass is not a real fucking threat, not if you've got a dick between your legs, not if you've got a pussy between your legs, not under any circumstance. So stop pretending it is.

not if you've got a dick between your legs, not if you've got a pussy between your legs,

so in Brianna wu's case...situation unclear.

Nah, it's crystal clear. He got his dick chopped off years ago (called it corrective urinary tract surgery).

I mean, that is technically a solution to that problem...

I am planning on doing a murder on you until you die.

Now you can tell all your friends you received death threats too!

Are we talking about the tranny whining over twitter that Elon Musk is building a moon base to throw big rocks on the earth ?

FBI Agent "Remember when people thought we orchestrated an assassination of a President, and covered it up and got away with. And that we helped hide the fact that aliens have crashed on Earth and we are learning from their technology. Now some mental tranny wants me to close down a gaming forum because they said something marginally offensive....I am letting the next 20 terrorists into this nation, FUCK AMERICA!".

Are we talking about the tranny whining over twitter that Elon Musk is building a moon base to throw big rocks on the earth ?

such a good book. and it was a polyandry!

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?

It's what I was thinking about as well.

Elon Musk is building a moon base to throw big rocks on the earth

Oh shit this is for real, hold me tight because I might explode from laughter.

I mean, orbital rocks are a great weapon, yeah, but the Moon is so far out, and has a gravity well of its own, albeit 1/6 strength. Plus, from the surface, you'd have to build a mass driver, and I don't know that the Moon is rich enough in ferrous material that you could throw it effectively.

Then there's the whole 'things burn up in the atmosphere' factor, so your rock has to be pretty fucking big, which means grabbing one from the Belt and nudging it into Earth orbit with rockets, because you can do it with low thrust and let time and orbital mechanics do their magic. You can't build a rocket big enough to push a rock of the size you would need to do any damage to the Earth.

TL:DR: Wu is crazy and vaccines cause autism.

That is one rough looking bussy.

Women are under attack REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the threats were credible REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I think the better question here is why you start literally shaking every time some woman has mean words said to her over the internet. Isn't your incessant need to rush to the rescue of the m'ladies a little ... sexist? Can't they defend themselves?

So what qualifies as a death threat? When you have the hair trigger sensitivity of a transsexual 'game' developer who's whole relevance is entirely based upon their victimhood, I get the impression basically anything and everything is a death threat so long as it gets the attention she demands.

U can literally document my dick in your mouth

REMINDER: Do NOT downvote the lolcows.

Yeah okay, mom.

What should i do with them then?

Upvote them so that more may see. Turn it into euphoric socrates dying for their memes.

Fuck them deep and hard with a unicorn hoof.

The answer to this is this is that the FBI was infiltrated by GamerGate sleeper agents.

I got fired from work for wearing this. flipping SJW killjoys

I got fired for this.

Also, he was brought up as an example of everything that was wrong with STEM due to being a hell of a good example. A microaggression being worn proudly on television is a pretty great example of female exclusionary attitude in the field. Which, again, is why he apologized.

A good example of everything wrong with STEM: A microaggression.


Yeah dude, some socially awkward guy wearing a shirt his female friend made him is a "microaggression."

These people are literally just retarded.

Im ASD and the word retated triggers me funny bone.

i mean yeah, that's what makes it "micro," smart guy.

it means it's actually not a big deal by itself

A microaggression is for when you want to be offended, but can't put into words what someone actually did wrong.

how many kPa is that microaggression

The next logical progression : nano-aggression. If he had just considered wearing the shirt, he just committed one.

Please don't give them ideas

A microaggression being worn proudly on television is a pretty great example of female exclusionary attitude in the field. Which, again, is why he apologized.

A micro-agression made by a female friend of his, which he wore because she asked him to, /u/ZekeCool505

Sounds like another case of a woman infected with internalized misogyny. Nasty disease. Kills millions yearly.

women- the cause of and the solution to all life's problems

Seems like women are more into the old school pinup girl aesthetic than men. Isn't that what all of those fat rockabilly chicks like?

Microagressions are a Vulcan myth. There's no scientific evidence that they exist.

The good thing about microagressions is that you only have to give a micro-shit about them

everything wrong with STEM: A microaggression

If the only thing wrong with it is something that doesn't exist then I guess STEM is perfectly fine without fucktards in it.

I truly, passionately hate the fucking idiots at SRD.

My only consolation is I know these morons will live out their life as unsuccessful Internet cry babies, shitting their pants and posting about shit like microaggressions and feminism rather than going about living their life doing normal things.

Signed, A /r/drama Regular

On the one hand, I hate that there are so many of them, but I wouldn't want to live in a world without them. What fun would that be?

I don't know if we can talk though. Were barely functioning members of society.

Barely > not at all

Nope. He cried because he realized he'd hurt people.


Human beings can go to space, survive in any climate, walk out of a burning car, get shot nine times and live, and hunt fucking lions, but a shirt with Barbarella-like comic women? Nah, that shit kills.

Good thing everyone knows the exact thing that made the man cry.

That being said, we all know it was an onion thing.

These people are fucking retarded I swear to god.

Imagine complaining this much about a common comment on a sub that you mod.

I do it for the karma

the only reason to continue living

Do it on srd I dare you

Holy shit, can you ban zekecool and cyanpineapple? These fucks are the ones who make the most retarded smug comments on SRD and part of the reason I stopped visiting SRD.

I personally fucking despise /u/cyanpineapple, he has the stupidest fucking opinions, i thinki just argued with him about the fact he thinks fucking with a grill for an hour is easier than just using a raclette lamp to make grilled cheese...

we were in an alton brown thread where he made grilled cheese on an actual grill, and this kid was all like "unitasker unitasker."

and im trying to say "starting coals, and getting a grill going for a grilled cheese is retarded."

and he just argued for no reason like he was right...

It's because he is one of the most insufferable people ever - those who must always have the last word whilst being as smug as possible

and he just argued for no reason like he was right...

Isn't that sort of the point of an argument?

the point of an argument is to settle a dispute, I wanted him to understand that he was fucktarded for thinking playing with a grill is a good way to get grilled cheese, and that what was being done could have been done much easier.

he just wanted to argue for the sake of arguing it seemed like.

Work your way up to top mod and purge the fuck out of that place.

Just can them mate

False: retarded people are typically decent people.

Truly have gone to the realm of Full Retard.



I thought SRD had grown past this 'protect our own no matter how bad they make us look to everyone else' shit. But as long as we still have 'laugh at trollX' threads, it is okay.

But as long as we still have 'laugh at trollX' threads, it is okay.

TrollX and twoX are the reddit drama gifts that keep on giving

Trollx threads on srd are shit because the defenders always come crawling out of the woodwork going on about how it's a "safe space for women" and you just aren't woke enough to get it and I'm honestly triggered over people being so lacking in self awareness about a sub that's basically a gender swapped version of /r/incels meets /r/adviceanimals. And then non binary gender identities finally make sense to me because I don't want to be a woman anymore if that's what people think we're like.

The irony to me is that these "safe spaces" for women sound like a female version of redpill half the time, which they viciously decry and at the same time act the same way. But somehow they deserve a pass because oppression or some other bullshit. I say we send all the subs together to an island and see what amusement we get out of it.

'protect our own no matter how bad they make us look to everyone else'

my face when

Snally you are a treasure

Can your users though, ban those cunts


God I hate what SRD has become.

What it's become? It's always been a place for the undeserving to feel morally and intellectually superior. This is the just natural progression of them taking themselves far too seriously. They don't realize they're fucked for focusing on pointless internet drama, they think they're the impartial and rightful judges of internet morality.

That's what makes /r/Drama great, we know we're fucked for spending this much time on petty internet drama. Also the bussy and mayocide memes are far less annoying than the constant "muh popcorn hurrr durrr" that constitutes the SRDine mating call.

No, there was a time when SRD was a very different beast. The smugness was always there and it never came close to the pursuit of shitposting perfection that /r/Drama is now, but I do remember a time when SRD wasn't entirely made up of a shower of po-faced cunts. I can understand that this is hard to believe.

I mean I used to be frequent visitor of SRD. I can't even make it through a single thread over there without either rolling my eyes or wanting to kms.

3-4 years ago, it was basically Drama-lite. Then there was a weird shift towards the SRS side of the political spectrum and it really went downhill. It used to be a fun place, but now it's a shithole.

That shit started happening already in like 2012 tbqh

Well 3-4 years ago is when I got banned for not breaking the rules and that's when I started to notice the decline.

I got banned for "doxxing." I linked another post on Reddit from the OP they were talking about that had a picture of her.

I got banned for commenting in linked threads that I found on my own, in subreddits that I was subscribed to (/r/videos, /r/nottheonion). Showed the mods my comment history in those subreddits and they still said "whatevs, we don't believe you" so I never went back despite that being a few accounts ago.

I got banned for suggesting that we should genetically eliminate Celiac disease

Fuck you

shitpost well enough and can even win custom flair too 🤗

SRD changed quickly like 2 years after it was created. At this point it's been shite far longer than it hasn't.

I used to love SRD. It was the trifecta of SRD, TPS, and drama. You'd get more retarded shit at SRD, more obscure shit at TPS, and more edgelords at drama.

Then SRD started getting all (((tolerant))) and shit so I had to abandon ship, delete my account out of shame, and start lurking here.

Oh wow I remember TPS. Damn did that fizzle out quickly.

Yeah, it's like TPS never really knew what they were about. "We're SRD but we piss in the popcorn but we don't get mean and nasty about it". I stopped checking that sub when it was essentially the same links as SRD but slightly different community.

it's like TPS never really knew what they were about.

Well, it did. It was about having an alternative to SRD that wasn't moderated by syncretic. But then syncretic got booted out of SRD, so it lost it's raison d'etre but for some reason kept going.

Well OK then. I was not aware of that.

But seriously?

Rules for commenting

While we don't censor words, we also don't allow the harassment of users; you can call someone an idiot, but you can't tell them to kill themselves.

What's the point of free speech if I can't tell someone to Keep Themself Safe?

The oppression is real.

Thank you for acknowledging my struggles

It's all TiTs' fault

The sad thing is that TiT's shitfit over /u/david-me's innocent car joke wasn't even peak SRD.

I miss that retard.

I love how /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK pretends to be so cool, calm, and levelheaded. But if you can push his buttons just the right way, the facade drops and the spergouts are legendary. The tranny rant is a classic, but my favorite is him bragging about being a reddit mod and how it got him laid.




okay I haven't seen these in such a long time, and forgot how they went. Can someone link me to his story about how being a mod got him laid, as well as the car joke thing?

Can someone link me to his story about how being a mod got him laid

everyone misrepresents this though, just being a redditor got me laid, the mod part is inconsequential

as well as the car joke thing?

hahaha dude you're the best.

How do you look back on those things? Any regrets/shame in it? Or do you feel pride in how much shit you stirred?

If you stick around this website for long enough on one username, you're gonna say some stupid shit, so meh

That's true. Or you could be like me where everything you post on your one username is stupid shit.

One of my problems, both IRL and on reddit, is that I'm earnest to a fault. That's why I don't generally come to thus sub on this username.

Wait you have a drama alt? Woah.

Time for me to find out who it is

I knew it


Why you shaming people for their inability to get laid tits. Men's lib indeed, tut tut.

via r/dickgirls

That makes it so much better holy shit

Yeah and that was a longtime troll I should've known better than to feed. Maybe he finally fucked himself with a rake!

Yeah but did your reddit lay have some sweet bussy? Or were you suckered by some shitty gussy?

what are these words

/u/riemann1413 let's all laugh at this fool who doesn't even know the wonders of bussy

lmao i bet /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK has only ever tasted gussy. he'll never know the sweet nectars offered by gussy

A lot of SRS retards migrated there and other leftists in general.

Yeah, the change to circlebroke v2.0 happened like two to three years back. The mods tried to rein it in with their 'surplus drama' and 'no grandstanding' rules, but the userbase had already changed too much. Judging by what I've seen there recently it looks like it's just as bad as it ever was. Sour humourless fucks rule the roost.

My suspicion is that the userbases for these meta subs follow the "move one over" rule. SRS moved to Circlebroke, pushing the only-moderately-social-justice-obsessed into SRD, which in turn sent its South-Park-neutral refugees to Drama.

And when the SPNs got to Drama, they pushed the hardcore edgelords out to . . . god knows where, but we'll probably all be in that sub in a year once SRDines eventually take over this place.

tl;dr: close the borders.

/r/Drama kind of vacillated. Originally it wasn't too different to SRD, then for a while it went hardcore anti-sjw and gamergate obsessed, then it swung back to roughly where we are now, where anarchists and nazis happily bond over shitposting. Even after the swing though you'd still get these odd gamergate posts where a bunch of people you never saw in any other thread would pop out of nowhere to scream bloody murder about Kotaku and Polygon.


"sure buddy"


"yeah yeah alright"

But what is truly beautiful is that as soon as the GGers come out to agenda post everybody calls them retards.

Now they do. For a while they'd swarm those threads in great enough numbers to convince themselves that the narrative was changing.

I'm left leaning. Those people there are just assholes.

Even like 5 months ago SRD was better.

It was fun years ago when it was dedicated to laughing and pointing. Now it's been taken over by feminists who just want to just want to circleshlick about why everything offends them.

SRD was always shit.

You just weren't woke yet, Mr. White.

It's always been a toilet.

The people there have always been smug and self-righteous. Drama is only funny if it's people they don't like being mad about something. Then they proceed to spew salt in the comments about how mad they are that other people disagree with them.

It was SRS-light before SRS was even a thing.

It was SRS-light before SRS was even a thing.

That's complete bollocks. SRD used to hate SRS furiously. They ended up making an SRS megathread because so many SRS threads got submitted. Whatever you think of it now, there's no need to revise history.

When you say SRD hated SRS you need to make sure you present the correct context.

Subscribers largely disliked SRS and their disruptive antics were regularly submitted there. The SRD mods were much more sympathetic to SRS shenanigans and it was intentional changes in their moderation of the subreddit that turned it into the smug, condescending safe space that it is today.

In the time after the SRS megathread, which really accomplished nothing other than hiding SRS drama, the drama submitted to SRD was virtually indistinguishable from the posts in SRS with it being "bigot says something I don't like, look how dramatic, go downvote them" without there being any actual drama. It got so bad that the mods were forced to implement their surplus drama rules to force people to talk about something else other than the shit reddit said that offended their new subscriber base.

The SRD mods were much more sympathetic to SRS shenanigans and it was intentional changes in their moderation of the subreddit that turned it into the smug, condescending safe space that it is today.

I don't think it was intentional. I don't think they knew what SRD would end up looking like nor do I think most of them like it, hence their attempts to try and cut back the worst of it. In retrospect of course they absolutely should've let me say cunt as much as I wanted.

I don't know, they let silvertongue sperg out multiple times a day for years. Dumbshits attract other dumbshits. You start out with her, you end up with mayjay, mrsamsa, etc. And soon you have SRD in its present form.

A valid argument. But then again, at that time they weren't that far away from the whole syncretic debacle, the sub was pretty sensitive to banhammer happy mods.

I'm quite thankful that I've never been sad enough to become an internet forum moderator.

You're missing out on moderating /r/gussy, believe you me.

Lol shut up

They really have "taken the woke pill" pretty hard there

Same. Idk when the morality police took over but it's funny they keep claiming they aren't SRSlite. The have the same MO, though.

Implying it was ever good SMH

These women got death threats for their opinions!!!!!

He got them too.

Ok but that's not what I want you to think about.

But he did.

ok then, microaggresssion. Case closed.

He should've manned the fuck up and taken those death threats like a manly man man tbqfh

DAE toxic masculinity though?

THATS RITE MFER AND THEN--oh shit, wrong sub. Yeah, that pussy ass.

This but unironically

Hate that sub with a passion. Also

someone confidently posting their opinion on the internet yet are too oblivious to how retarded it sounds to the normal person is there a term for this?

when aliens ask us why we never moved beyond our shitty planet we will say 'well we wanted to give everyone an opportunity'

This is the feminist version of six gorillion jokes. Revisionist history as per usual.

I can feel the gap between r/drama and r/srd grow bigger and bigger by the minute.

Such exciting times we live in



Let's hire Garrison to do our propoganda

No, let's hire Garrison to do their propaganda. They'll surrender immediately.

Are we blind? Deploy the Garrison!

I seriously don't understand. SRD posters basically seeded tumblrinaction but now they're like this.

It happens to almost every subreddit I can think of; they either go left wing or right wing, but very rarely stabilize somewhere in the middle. That's true for r/drama too, it's basically the 4th Reich right now. Not that I'm complaining...

I guess it's the consequence of reddit's retarded voting system.

I can feel the gap between r/drama and r/srd grow bigger and bigger by the minute.

there's a good bussy metaphor in there somewhere

a few people saying "hey, it's kinda not cool to sexualize women when you're in charge of a team of scientists in a disproportionately male field" and then millions of people sending death threats to those few people who voiced that completely radical opinion

fucking lol i love how they frame it like a child would after getting caught fighting

and always with the non existent death threats

Reminds me when I hear "feminism is the crazy idea that women are people"

Yeah. And communism is the crazy ides that works have rights

National socialism is just the crazy idea that gyppos and fags aren't people.

>non existent death threats

>gun as flair


>putting effort into posting


putting effort into posting

I stopped reading there

putting effort

I stopped rea

watch out m8 ive got an internet gun

They probably did get death threats. It's the internet, death threats from internet tough guys happen all the time. That's where we got the navy seal copypasta from.

They probably did get death threats.

they really didnt, its a way to flip it around and make them the victim instead of the guy apologising and is abused constantly

Never forget Zoe Quinn being threatened by the evil gamers tho.

SRD will never forget it.

The weirdest part is that those things aren't even comparable. Matt Taylor brought a lot of progress to science and, as a direct result, to society as a whole. ZQ never really did anything good, if anything, she only brought more misery to the. I couldn't really give a damn about what happened to her.

She probably took some schlong well.

Have you played her game? All of the normie options like "be a normal fucking person and have a good time at the party and then go get laid and wake up on Monday and go to your job" are greyed out.

That's when I realized how fucking dumb she is

My favorite part about depression quest when I played it was that it was barely a game, it was more of a choose your own adventure book on a website. All the options that you click on are just hyperlinks lmao.


Literally who?

it was a good example of STEMlords refusing to believe in such a thing as a dress code. dude looked like a fucking moron

He looked like a fucking jackass and I could only imagine working with "that guy" every day next to me.

he probably had a waifu calendar at his desk

Oh god, I don't even know what I'd do if I saw shit like that for real.

I don't know why the entire team didn't wear a common shirt commemorating the project.

regardless of r/drama hating srd and feminists, i think the shirtgate was warranted. i cannot imagine a job where you could wear a hawaii shirt with naked women and not get fired... except maybe barmen in a tiki bar

It was indeed a horrible shirt, what's even worse, it was apparently designed by one of his friends. Someone actually put thought into it and decided it was a good idea to make it.

Well, the friend was a women, what do you expect?

If he got all his clothes from men this never would have happened

i think the shirtgate was warranted.


i cannot imagine a job where you could wear a hawaii shirt with naked women and not get fired

First of all, they were in bikinis or some shit, not naked. Second, I've worked in IT for about 19 years, and some of the shit these socially awkward turbo nerds wear, or their appearance in general, is on par with that shirt insofar as it would be wholly unacceptable at most places of business.

not get fired

I had a boss whose work email address was in the Ashley Madison hack. So he was using his work email, work resources, etc etc to try and fuck married women while he himself was married. I'd say that's a bit more egregious than a shirt. He didn't get fired and it was widely known that his email address was in the dump.

except maybe barmen in a tiki bar

Naw, tiki barmen are more socially aware than your average turbo nerd.

First of all, they were in bikinis or some shit, not naked

not much better tbh

Second, I've worked in IT for about 19 years, and some of the shit these socially awkward turbo nerds wear, or their appearance in general, is on par with that shirt insofar as it would be wholly unacceptable at most places of business.

and now they face reality which is that people dont take you seriously if you dress like a preteen

I had a boss whose work email address was in the Ashley Madison hack. So he was using his work email, work resources, etc etc to try and fuck married women while he himself was married. I'd say that's a bit more egregious than a shirt. He didn't get fired and it was widely known that his email address was in the dump.

that seems more like a company problem...

Naw, tiki barmen are more socially aware than your average turbo nerd.

true. i wore the tackiest shit as a bartender at a festival, it was encouraged lol. i still know better than to do it at work despite being a designer...

and now they face reality which is that people dont take you seriously if you dress like a preteen

Tuchkash li ga? Your nails look like they were plastidipped, your eyebrows were stolen from a Puerto Rican whore, and you have more metal ornaments hanging off your face than a Christmas tree.


The fuck? I've worked in IT for 5 years and I've never seen anyone wear something within a world of that. I also worked at a radio station that lost a hostile workplace sexual harassment lawsuit and nobody there ever wore a shirt that graphic.

Well his job. They fired him because of sjw backlash. Otherwise they would have not cared.

surprise surprise, in the real world, when you dress like an edgy preteen, you might get hired

my boss didnt give a flying fuck how i dress, however if i dressed ridiculously enough for clients to complain i imagine he wouldnt be very happy about it

Surprise surprise in the real world people as pathetic as you exist. People who have to ruin the career of someone who achieved more than you and your sjw buddies will ever achieve in your combined lives.

I actually thought that sjws were against dresscodes. Or maybe only when it's a shirt with sexy girls (and not cringey whales like you).

I actually thought that sjws were against dresscodes

apparently thinking a bowler shirt with half naked chicks on it is retarded for any work function makes me a sjw lmao

Yes kinda. Why the fuck do you care? Professionality is reflected in other things. It would really be great if we could not give a fuck about dresscodes. I bet you are against not being able to wear a hat indoors right? Is that not disrespectful but that shirt is? What makes it so?

i dont really care, i just think its tacky af and he shouldnt be surprised people were offended. if i tried the same shit at my (former) work my clients would get offended real quick, even tho we have no real dress code besides "dont dress like a toddler"

I bet you are against not being able to wear a hat indoors right?

its disrespectful. im not personally offended, but if you do it it shows youre the sort of a person who doesnt care for etiquette, and business is all about etiquette. traditionally its considered disrespectful because you only wear hats outside, so if you wear it indoors it conveys "i dont want to be here so im gonna leave as soon as humanly possible" and people find it rude

i dont think being an autist who pretends that all social conventions are useless is a good thing. theres a reason why those people tend to not have friends.

i dont really care

Oh now you dont.

but if you do it it shows youre the sort of a person who doesnt care for etiquette

who cares?

its considered disrespectful because you only wear hats outside

Good tautology

so if you wear it indoors it conveys "i dont want to be here so im gonna leave as soon as humanly possible"

Lol i never heard this before

theres a reason why those people tend to not have friends.

Stop projecting.

Lol i never heard this before

...well figures since no one apparently taught you etiquette

you can REEEEEEEEE about social conventions all you want, sometimes in life you gotta dress up to get what you want, and not following social conventions tends to have consequences.

and not following social conventions tends to have consequences.

Doesn't make it right. Doesn't make you less of a stupid traditionalist.

Free nipple or not?

you keep assuming all sorts of shit about me lmao

i live in a country thats way less pressed about female nudity. you dont see topless women in public unless you go to the beach, topless men are rather rare until it gets super hot, and women breastfeed in public without much hassle. its simply not a topic of discussion

americans are oddly uptight about nudity while simultaneously being very casual in their dress code

You did not answer. Free nipple or not? (It's not the same as free breastfeeding)

no unless its a public space where nudity is explicitly allowed (aka pools and beacher)

where nudity is explicitly allowed (aka pools and beacher)

You do seem to have a problem with your ethical reasoning, mr tautology.

typical autistic black and white thinking

im done. have fun embarrassing yourself everywhere you go

typical autistic

Kinda black and white thinking.

The women were not naked.

bikinis, whatever

They were skimpy, not naked, but agreed it's fairly tasteless. Still, it was just standard fat dork clothing, your imagination is crap. There are plenty of fattie nerdlingers with bad taste in shirts working happily all around the world in all sorts of lame boring jobs.

where i live we dont hate ourselves enough to dress like morons

even the brogrammers i know wouldve just dressed in basic business casual because it doesnt take a genius to wear a single coloured shirt

jesus lil, brogrammers?

why do u hate man?

It warranted maybe a talking to about what is ok and not ok to wear at work, or at least on national television, and a half hearted Twitter apology. It did not warrant a global piling on undermining his greatest accomplishment in his life because of his shirt, which lead to a tearful and probably only honest national apology followed by job termination. It was a tacky uncle shirt of girls in bikinis, not an actual threat to anyone or anything.

The whole thing was blown way, way out of proportion, and I'd bet my savings the reason any people think otherwise is because of the double standard, knowing there's​ a snowball's chance in hell any woman would be vilified so much over such a tame shirt were she in his place.

The whole thing was blown way, way out of proportion,


it still puzzles me... WHO looks at that shirt and thinks "yes, THIS is what is appropriate to wear for a national event"

knowing there's​ a snowball's chance in hell any woman would be vilified so much over such a tame shirt were she in his place.

  1. the shirt wasnt tame by any measure.
  2. have you somehow missed the endless bitching about how hillary dresses? or the backlash rihanna got over that transparent diamond dress?

i know STEM people have a big love for horrendously tacky and embarassing clothes, but when you look at the giants they always dress at least business casual, and not like a teen who blew his allowance on hot topic shirts

WHO looks at that shirt and thinks "yes, THIS is what is appropriate to wear for a national event"

Autismo computer nerds? Have you never met these people?


it still puzzles me... WHO looks at that shirt and thinks "yes, THIS is what is appropriate to wear for a national event"

People who need social awareness told to them.

  1. the shirt wasnt tame by any measure.

I've seen worse on Spencer's storefront windows. It's the tamest you can get while still technically being inappropriate. It'd be at home in a PG movie on the fat drunk uncle at the party.

  1. have you somehow missed the endless bitching about how hillary dresses? or the backlash rihanna got over that transparent diamond dress?

I'm talking about a woman in his place, a scientist who just accomplished a huge feat in their field. I know women are criticized for their tacky attire as well but I can guarantee if a woman wore that shirt after doing what he did, the backlash would have been barely existent​ and the same people who piled on this guy would have defended the woman and called people sexist for focusing on what she's wearing as if it matters. That was my point.

I'm talking about a woman in his place, a scientist who just accomplished a huge feat in their field. I know women are criticized for their tacky attire as well but I can guarantee if a woman wore that shirt after doing what he did, the backlash would have been barely existent​ and the same people who piled on this guy would have defended the woman and called people sexist for focusing on what she's wearing as if it matters. That was my point.

i sincerely doubt this. she probably wouldnt get accusations of sexism, but there would surely be backlash

i dont understand people who think clothes dont matter. if you went to a bank and all bank tellers were in fursuits, would you be comfortable doing business with them?

i sincerely doubt this. she probably wouldnt get accusations of sexism, but there would surely be backlash

I probably worded that poorly. I mean people who criticized and piled on this man would do a 180 if it was a woman, and call people and articles criticising her shirt sexist for focusing on her clothes rather than her accomplishment, not calling the woman herself sexist.

i dont understand people who think clothes dont matter. if you went to a bank and all bank tellers were in fursuits, would you be comfortable doing business with them?

I'd make sure to read the fine print more carefully on any account or loan I take out. But in all honesty I'd probably go elsewhere, however if they apologized and didn't do it again I'd definitely take a second look. Like I said his attire arguably warranted something, just not nearly as much as what happened.

Like I said his attire arguably warranted something, just not nearly as much as what happened.

i completely agree

theres way more pressure on women to be aware of societal expectations, especially appearance wise, so i doubt there will be a woman in a public position fucking up quite so colossally... but here's hoping :P

If the bankers told me "It's a huge day for us, we landed a billion-dollar account even though we're a local credit union, and we're having a festive day where people dress all wacky!" I'd understand.


I still think fursuits are weird and tacky, but the explanation is easy enough. Have you never had a special event at work where normal rules and attitudes were relaxed a bit in celebration?

not where clients can see

fair enough

I know you've probably never been out of your own state let alone your own country, but this happened in Europe, which doesn't have the cultural aversion to boobies like we do here

europeans are more chill with desexualised nudity, not with all nudity. im european. this wouldnt fly here

im european.

I forgive you

anywhere dude

any fucking where

Yes because bullying someone over a fucking shirt design is totally justified.


>not advocating bullying

The shirt was from a friend to promote her art.
Guess he was either too much of a doormat to tell her no or he was really delusional enough to believe the shirt is fitting enough.

it was shit art too lmao id be embarassed to go out in public like that, and i own a shirt with a cat flying on a PBJ sandwich thru space

"STEMlord". MFW some useless sales rep tries to condescend work that matters. KYS, or don't no one will notice

did you just have a stroke

Good one?

Could you?

Damn I expect better cumbacks from our favorite Kebab Removing She-Mod.

what can i say im lazy

Oh look, SRs shows up, and--what a fucking surprise--feminazi cirque has her back!

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

dude looked like a fucking moron

I don't give a crap about the "misogyny" of the shirt, it was a goddamned car-crash, even if his friend designed it.

Whats a STEMLord?

SRD is dull dull dull. Every one of them is a sensitive sally with an agenda who see's agendas in everybody else. Boring. I'd rather be here, calling all you losers losers.

That hurts my feelings

I mean to be fair, there are reasonable people in there arguing with the cyanpinefaggot.

That shirt was pretty ugly tho

I know right? Wear a fucking polo if you have to.

Bowling shirts belong at the bowling alley.

He looked like a roadie for white snake

True, but so is the shit you fucking 18 years olds show up to work wearing every fucking day, so...

Just saying.

I'm 28

That psychotic aura coming from that one guy who is explaining how feminist harassment making a cry man sob on television is actually a good thing

feminism is about letting women choose what they want to wear. Don't slut shame.

this guy should change his clothes and he is a filthy fuck EAT A DICK IN SHIT HE'LL PIG

Hmmmmm... lol

It is most definitely an ideological inconsistency

Never let your ideologically stand in the way of your entitlements

Anyone who uses the term microaggression should probably kill themselves, it's the best thing they could do for humanity

Cool it with the macro aggressions

I generally turn off custom subreddit styles because most subs suck at making it look decent or they have annoying shit like the fucking gigantic triggered pepe here.

So sometimes when I'm lazily browsing and I see a headline that is obviously a drama thread I'll click on it but forget to check whether it's SRD, in which I avoid the comments like the plague and just click through to the linked drama, or whether it's /r/drama.

Several times I've read the post title, assumed it was /r/drama, started reading the comments and it hits me like a thunderbolt. "Who the fuck is upvoting this smug shit, they all need to be bulli... oh.... oh my god... *hurk* oh god... it's all over my computer... I need to go take a shower and scrub my eyes with soap."

As somebody who cares deeply about representation in STEM, I'd be emotional if I realized that I had done something to accidentally hurt representation.

I think the shitstorm over a crappy shirt painting the physicist as an evil white sexist would have done way more damage to STEM's reputation than the shirt itself.

Also /u/UncleMeat11 I know that as an SRD user you're very emotionally sensitive, but normal functioning people don't cry over women not doing science.

cares about stem representation

Probably not in stem

Probably not in stem

I'm a PhD in CS from arguably the best program in the country. Currently working at one of the big five. Okay.


What happened to believing the victims?

Jesus christ, /u/cyanpineapple, how shit of a person do you have to be to have 0 empathy for someone that was bullied out of their career field over a fucking shirt?!


Omg i had forgotten about shirtgate. Surely one of the most pathetic -gates ever.

/u/cyanpineapple Are you so retarded to think that wearing a t-shirt with women on it actually effects other humans in any meaningful way?

Any backlash he received was unjustified, because it was over fucking nonsense that effects no one.

shirtstorm guy did literally nothing wrong and ugly feminist cunts bullied him to tears on the best day of his career.

Good enough reason for any man to consider them the enemy.

We will never know freedom until the last feminist is strangled to death on the entrails of the last banker.

This ^

He realized that he had made a mistake and overshadowed the success of the mission and potentially harmed women who were interested in science.

Imagine being this stupid.

They always try to paint their harassment as the victim 'learning a lesson'.

Nazis, Commies and feminists; those are the only people I know of who act like that.

Haha, they banned me for replying "you should be gasses if you serious" to that comment. Mayocide when?

The moment I saw someone talking about GamerGate I stopped reading.

Someone beat this shit to death.

Getting into heated arguments with words on a screen over some nerd and which nerd shirt he wore is pretty much a DSM-V symptom of terminal autism.

Snapshillbot should say that.

Oh there we go. Was wondering why the shitty toxic comments were suddenly super upvoted.

Never change there r/drama

(But actually please do quickly)

Hate to break it to you, but SRD isn't 100% hivemind perfect feminists.

Also, hundreds of comments and not a single link. A+ reasoned factual debate


"Snort oh sure, one or two people asking him politely to change his shirt, guff guff gobble guffaw chortle is what happened"

At the top of the thread, the karma disparity between cyanpineapple and the guy defending shirtgate dude is large but as you go down the thread, cyanpineapple is getting more and more upvoted, which is fucking depressing.

Dude, he said he cried because he felt bad about making a stupid mistake.

He made no mistake /u/cyanpineapple , there were just a bunch of feminist lard elementals that had to make a fuss out of nothing. The real mistake here is women's suffrage.

/u/evanharper thats tge kind of people you share opinions with

think about it

If that "scientist" got fired only for that stupid shirt, be was disposable and useless to begin with.

250+ dumbass comments about a dumbass shirt...

When does r/drama start purging their own?

People still pushing the lie that Wu had to flee her home because of gamergate? lel.