Gamerghazi is outraged that Laci Green and Sargon are in a friendly picture together

146  2017-06-25 by [deleted]



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Who and who?

Two youtubers, Laci is leftist and Sargon is on the right politically

So Ghazi is losing its shit because two adults managed to socialize despite their opposing political views? Huh. Must be difficult to have your life so centered around politics that you gotta spew vitriol as soon as something like this happens.

It's sad really

"but... but.. but... I don't want to associate with people who marginalize others and promote violence towards oppressed groups and allow platforms for white supremacists and other people with dangerous ideologies... it's a legitimate reason, I swear"

Even though none of them actually do that. Seriously, if you think Chris fuckin RayGun is a white supremacist, you need to get off the internet for a while

I'm fairly certain it's not even politics in general, but identity politics/culture war shit. So, even worse.

Laci is leftist but she's been saying things like "maybe people who say there are only two genders are right in their own way". That fucking neo nazi.

Sargon is a centre-left true liberal™, you cuck

And Laci is an alt-right Nazi anti-feminist traitor.

Actually he is a center of center classical liberal®

Sargon is on the right politically

Bullshit. He's a Lefty, he just dislikes Socialism

sargons a lefty

Hahahaha no he isn't. He's pretty centrist, but leans slightly more center right than center left.

Either way Ghazi would reee out for him being not being a commie.

i actually think he is pretty lefty though, but either way he definitely isn't alt-right ROFL (those ghazi folks be trippin)

everyone who opposes them on idpol/culture war bullshit is alt-right in their eyes

He's still not a lefty though.

i neither know nor care about that thh

Jesus fuck, just tweet him and ask what hand he writes with.

Are you using the mongoloid definition that only communists are leftys?

No. But my definition of lefty also doesn't include any between the moderately far right and centre-right either. Sargon seems centre-right at the very best.

What views does he have that would make him center right? Not liking mass immigration of poor muslims?

that would be one

Is your bar for left-wing being "Does not want to gas minorities"? Sargons a righty, the boi voted for the tories.

Tbh, Torys are probably left by America's standards. Maybe not the current administration though.

I don't think voting for them once makes him a righty tho, I don't think it works like that.

There's also the part where he prefaced that with a video whining about them, followed up with videos about how terrible May's anti-internet-privacy shit is, and two years ago did a video titled "The Conservative Party is Your Enemy".

Sorry to be tardy to the party but he voted for the Tories because to thought Jeremy Corbyn was to weak and crazy to have what it takes to successfully lead the UK out of the EU (his beliefs, I'm not educated enough on UK politics to back them up).

I'm pretty sure he said he never voted for them before and probably won't again unless the left keeps fucking up, and he made an entire video talking about how fucking terrible the conservative platform is right after.

Why do you think he's a lefty? Just curious.

Meh, I get the sense that Sargon's like an old-school leftist who interprets the world through the lens of class struggle. This puts him in conflict with the modern progressive left who ignore class divisions in favor of focusing on racial, gender and sexuality.

He voted them in 2017 though.

I feel like a lot of his positions are typical lefty traditions at least from my perspective, I can't remember everything he's said but every now and then he'll state some position of his and I'll be like "yeah i guess he is kinda lefty." I also think we could just take his word for it but maybe i'm naive idk.

typical lefty traditions at least from my perspective

Thats because you base it on the Amerifat standard. The rest of the world would see him more right-wing.

Isn't he also on the more nationalist side of things?

National Sovereignty is a Center issue.

The funny thing is Sargon is kind of on the left economically, but is just willing to call out the progressive shit and that makes him subhuman alt right scum according to /r/GamerNazis

Chubby faced titty monster and her boob loving penis provider, both of whom pose as virtue signalers on the interweb for fun and profit.

Don't talk shit about Laci, you son of bastard bitch.

I bet you main as Mei. Gas yourself.

I'll have you know, I'm one of the top Mercy mains.

Is Laci the pan face?


Does it bother you that your dear Lacy, after a hard day of progressive feminist blogging goes home with an ant-right guy? Not just any alt-right guy but one who is famous for his views? That her pretty little mouth gets cock choked by a Trump supporter when it isn't telling you what you want to hear? She is cucking her fanbase in private.

Another pic just a few minutes later. Girl has really swallowed the purple pill.

Well she did swallow something.

NSFW link please.

This pic is SFW probably only if you work at a brothel with /u/justcool393's mom.

So that's what she is doing when she isn't agendaposting. The more you know...


Is this really her? Nah I cant be

Sexy if true.


Reverse image search says "Laci Green."

Someone please confirm if it's her

3D nudes? Eww gross 🤢

/u/FearOfAnSJWPlanet you need to see how far Laci has gone.

Lmao is this real?

Ive cut off people from my life (REAL life, not just unfriending them on FB) for having similar views.

/u/kobitz are you for real? You've legitimately stopped being friends with people you know because they have some socially conservative beliefs? (Because let's be real, that's all Show and Skeptic are, just kinda conservative.) That's pretty sad. I, and probably most people, value friendship over political disagreements, but hey that's just me.

Yea but now those people don't have to be friends with an idiot from ghazi.

Best present a ghazi "person" can offer.

Best thing to happen to them tbh

Some people build their whole life around identity politics, nothing new there. It's kinda sad.


Is your keyboard broken?

Öhh! Fan gör du här Norci?


They sound like such a fun person to be around, I'm sure all of their IRL friends who failed their litmus tests to be Ghazi enough were shattered to know they would be forbidden contact with them.

SJWs are literally the worst people to hang out with.

I'd rather hang out with straight up redhats than SJWs and I hate Donald Trump.

I'd rather hang out with straight up redhats

Huh. I always figured you for a Temple OS guy.

HolyC is the greatest pun in the history of computing.

kys you fucking nerd


I know, right? whotf are these people and how do they go outside without dying

They don't.

/u/kobitz you must have a very miserable life with such a close minded existence full of hate and bitterness

Implying they read friends in the first place.

tbh if I found out that a friend of my posted on ghazi (or for that matter somewhere like KiA) and cared deeply about the youtube culture wars I'd probably have to stop being friends with them. Though not because I believe political progress is made by ostracizing people with different views. It would just make me uncomfortable to know that my friend's entire identity is built around consuming content made for autistic 14-year-olds.

Yeah, while I say I can be friends with conservatards and bleeding heart liebruls (and I am), I'm honestly not sure I could be friends with the Ghazette. That said, I can't imagine hanging out with someone and not realizing (and disliking) that they're like that in the first place.

being an an adult means asking yourself hard questions like, "do i really want to spend time with racist Youtube trolls?"

believe it or not, i'm serious. i don't known of many dudes like Sargon who don't end up spending their adult years being periodically bounced from friend groups: they are liabilities on a clock.

(Because let's be real, that's all Show and Skeptic are, just kinda conservative.)


These people are so mad just because their favorite youtubers had lunch with people who they dislike. Fucking lunch.

Lunch is the most important part of the day, where people discuss politics and religion and what they put in their ass the other day, and if they enjoyed it. Of course they enjoyed it? Who wouldn't. Anyways, arguing over lunch indicates that you actually truly agree with the other sides views, no question, I agree with that.

As much as it qualifies as a defense of their behavior, most of them probably barely leave the house, so it's relatively easy to avoid social contact with people holding opposing views.

I thought this was going to be a socksoff ad.

From Laci Green to Laci Braun in 5 1/2 inches.

I feel a bit bad for a lot of these people.

In case it seems like Ghazi's losing all of its heroes; here's a reminder. Anita Sarkeesian called this guy a piece of garbage to his face.

I guess the culture wars are won then /u/mrbaryonyx

You can all rest easy. I'm sure after that rousing victory you'll all go from strength to strength.

And because you're all retarded /s

Sigh. Okay, Reddit. It's time for you and I (not you and me or you and myself) to sit down and have a talk about the fucking concept of sarcasm. I, and others like me, have a sarcastic sense of humor. Sarcasm is an ironic statement in which we say the opposite of what we actually think as a form of ridicule or mockery of a given subject. I, for one, am tired of being downvoted because you overly literal motherfuckers can't learn to discern the difference between a legitimately moronic statement and a sarcastic one. "Oh," but you retort. "Reddit as a community has decided to implement the /s tag to denote sarcasm!" I, as a sarcastic person call bullshit on that excuse. Tagging my sarcastic statements literally vacuums all the fun out of using sarcasm in the first place. Sarcasm is intended to initially cause visceral shock followed by a humorous realization that it shouldn't be taken literally. If you tag a sarcastic statement, you remove that effect. And it makes you, the downvoter, fucking lazy and clueless. We are all aware of the concept of sarcasm. So, how about next time you see a comment that on its face seems inane and utterly stupid you might consider the distinct possibility that the commenter is being sarcastic. Then upvote because sarcastic people are fucking awesome. Rant over. Downvote to hell, I probably have more karma than you.

Me too thanks

Top anti-bullying work there Anita, you're really setting an example.

In case it seems like Ghazi's losing all of its heroes; here's a reminder.Anita Sarkeesian called this guy a piece of garbage to his face.

Sorry to break your heart (hope it doesn't drive you to kys) /u/mrbaryonyx Anita Sarkessian sat with extremely transphobic serial harasser Germaine Greer and Transphobic serial harasser Meghan Murphy and praises them. She is an anti-choice feminist. Wheres you're love of marginalised groups now? Wheres your concern for transexuals when you ignore this fact?

You have no heroes, you have no morals, you have no cause, you only abuse and exploit people while promoting the platform of hate bigotry and harassment. If I were you I'd look in the mirror and kms immediately.

You pretend you care about the harm Laci is doing to others but this is about nothing more then the betrayal of your cult.

wtf i love anita now

I'm just annoyed goobergate/ghazi is still around

Actually I think just about now GG drama is becoming good. It's like lutefisk or fermented shark or those eggs Chinese make, you know?

It never left. It has coincided with the huge swing in identity politics on the internet to where it is everywhere. The video games part of it is laughable and really the least relevant part because lol video games.

Hell, I remember MORE politics about racism over getting Hillary in office than a literal black man for instance.

Both GamerGate and GamerGhazi evolved into generic political shitflinging, it's no longer about ethics in video games.

TFW the whole thing kicked off and I thought "oh actually I think there should be rules against developers dropping cash and benefits on reviewers.... ohhhhh and it's retarded now"

I appreciate that you posted nothing and still it's the most relevant comment

That's the joke'

I know

holy shit those people are crazy

In case it seems like Ghazi's losing all of its heroes; here's a reminder. Anita Sarkeesian called this guy a piece of garbage to his face.

Our brave girl. Using the weapon SJWs fear the most: mean things.

... in front of a crowd of her supporters while he was politely listening. In a situation where if he had responded it would have been "harassment" and he'd be thrown out. Someone give that woman a medal!

It's funny cause it's allegedly against the regulations; if she won't get kicked off the panel, the organizers are complicit in harrassment in an anti-harrassment event.

Straight white men are immune from harassment, only the weak can be harassed. They define weak as non-white, female, or gay btw.

Lol yeah true

It's not harassment if you don't have the power advantage. Even if Anita was a UN spokesperson and receive thousands on Patreon she has the right to threaten some youtuber.

TFW everyone but the sub is moving on.

Says the mayo that replied to a 2 day old comment. Cide yourself.

I was busy shaggin' yer nan m8, didn' t get to it till now.

didn't know you were a fan of bussy

m8, what sub ya in m8?


I would blow loads on that face.

Laci is cute too.

I won't be impressed until I see footage of Steve Shives blowing him.

How long do u think until Laci is saying that holocaust deniers are "just asking questions" and starts questioning the numbers for no fucking reason.

Imagine living in this world.

Step 1 is taking pictures with Youtube personalities.

Step 2 is denying that the Holocaust happened.

Somebody summon BOOC from the dead for one last effortpost about gamergate. It might be the only shot we have.

happened to jontron

He's half Iranian, the anti-semitism was bound to show up at some point.

Yeah but he identifies as a spoilt white brat

no fucking reason

There's plenty of reasons to question the official numbers. Laci is just asking questions!

It would be more accurate to say soon she will start asking questions about all the death threats that SJWs get on the internet that never end up reported.

No idea who they are. That chicks face looks like a melted Mr potato.


A 4 changes her political opinion after getting positive attention from a 6; news at 11.

...her casual anti-trans opinions...

What's the most recent anti-trans opinion Green has espoused ...?

I haven't watched any of her videos...

Oh for fucks sake...

Could you try being less of a total hack /u/Myghazithrowaway

/u/Myghazithrowaway you are a piece of shit. Judge people from a position of ignorance and continue to lecture the world. Disgusting.

Isn't it terrifying, the fact that in public you might be around someone...with a different opinion?!?!?!

Look at this Jem

Calling someone names is not the same as bullying.

how the fuck can you be this deranged and retarded at the same time.

They're doing it about something else now. I like a good rage as much as the next person but they must be getting tired.

He looks like he has Down's.

Who the fuck are these people?

Didn't Laci Green turn all /r/TRP or something recently?