/r/holdmyfries reaches critical mass and transforms into /r/fatpeoplehate, and some people are FED UP.

127  2017-06-27 by Ultrashitpost


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Oh my god, oh my god, NSFW this, my eyes are melting.

t. Skelly, skinnyfat and obese people

I'm sick and damned tired of the french fry hating posters. French fries are delicious and baked potatoes can go fuck themselves. So sick of this PC bullshit you guys.

French fries are delicious


baked potatoes can go fuck themselves


Now ya dun trigger me.

If you have to slather butter, cheese, scallions, bacon, and whatever else onto a food to make it edible then it wasn't that good to begin with! Just my opinion but I'm right and you're wrong.

butter, cheese, scallions, bacon, and whatever else onto a food to make it edible

baked potatoes are pretty good with just salt & pepper, the rest of those are just dank additions

fite me irl

not even some olive oil you healthy trimmed sexybeast??

told you i am so sick of these potato justice warriors i knew this shit was going to happen fml irl

healthy trimmed sexybeast

absolutely not, i just love taters

you know that reminds me tater tots dont get the respect they deserve. this whole idea that all forms of potato are equal really chafes my thighs.

Tater Tots are the result of miscegenation between potatoes and onions, they are an abomination and contributing to the downfall of potatoes everywhere

You're all pronouncing potatoes wrong.

you sound like the kind of person who prefers sweet potato fries.... weirdo

It's like you stared into my soul.

me 2 ur not alone

Do you eat your French Fries without a condiment you fucking degenerate?

Do you eat fucking pizza without cheese, sauce, or toppings? Do you need to eat everything raw like a caveman?

baked potatoes are awesome, but mashed potatoes can fuck off tbh

mashed potatoes can fuck off tbh


also, unban me from CB2 jeff

you got banned? lmfao

yeah idk when but i went to comment on some thread recently and there was no reply button and it made me feel extremely hurt and vulnerable :'(

sadboys :(

/u/celocanth13 why did you ban our poor baby riemann?

Got tired of his shit

well that's not very nice at all

i feel personally attacked

oh haven't we all

this, but unironically

What is with the drama hate?

probably to intentionally hurt my feelings

I'm gonna hurt ur bussy


oh god you must have a chromosomal abnormality to believe this

i'm so triggered right now you guys


by the looks of it, there's many who are fed too well.

yeah that was the joke i was going for

eh, its early. my shitposting engine is slow to start this morning.

lubricate it with alcholol

This here. It will also make socializing and sexual harassment much easier at the office.

like we have jobs jigga please

Quit oppressing me with your assumptions.
Could be applied to welfare office, councilors office, principals office, doctors office... cheeze. As long as your drunk and commenting on everyone's ass what does it matter?

I offer my most humble apologies for violating your snowman. Thanks for reminding me about my errands today too, I'll hit up most of those places. I got crazy about my taters and just ran willy nilly into making an ass out of myself with assuming. Please forgive me senpai

Hahaha this faggot doesn't get paid to shitpost

which piece of that pie includes "paid to shit post" ?

Just like sex.

Fed out?


/r/Holdmyfries always was /r/fatpeoplehate. It was part of the fatpeoplehate network. It's just gotten popular recently cause reddit loves gifs for some reason. Fatties are getting butthurt about being made fun of when they are the majority.

Learn from white people fatties, when you're the majority people can shit on you with impunity.

Learn from white people fatties, when you're the majority people can shit on you with impunity.

Or when you're too slow to fight back

I never realized that but you're totally right - it's is one of the few places you can insult fat people and not get banned. /r/fatlogic for example removes and (temp) bans you for calling people anything remotely derogatory, in a sub specifically about the stupid fucking shit fat people do.

reddit loves gifs for some reason

Because they aren't total dogshit on mobile and never have ads.

They only started that after the fattening on reddit.

/r/Holdmyfries always was /r/fatpeoplehate.

I never understood how people were apparently unaware of this.

It happens every time.

"How did all of these Nazis get into my totally wholesome /r/cringeanarchy??????"

HMF literally started because of FPH. It was not even a takeover.

"How did /r/drama get filled with a bunch of fabulous gays??"

Well that's 50% a true statement.

Is the "fabulo" half the true part, or the "us gays"?

Wait, nevermind, answered our myself.

You think I'm fabulous?! /.\ blushes blows you a kiss

We're all such lovely fags here.

Like sensitive little pussies and SRD, amirite?

Oh and just so you know. The Nazis lost in WWII and they lost here. Any of that altright BS shows up here help us out and use the report button so we can deal with it.

Whoah its crazy to see /r/pussypass being culturally cleansed from the mayos.

Fatties are getting butthurt about being made fun of when they are the majority.

By count or weight?


I found it a while ago, but I remember all of the posts having an actual fuckup in the gif.

This chick is just dancing. I mean I don't like it, but I was waiting for her to trip over or something.

True that. Even the president is a fatty, how is making fun of them not punching up?

they're also overrepresented in government

A sub making fun of people light-heartedly ended up becoming a sub of genuine hatred towards the thing they're making fun of? I'm shocked.

That sub was never light-hearted to begin with - it was always part of fatpeoplehate and since the mainsub got banned now is the main tumbling place for "fatpeoplehater".
this is such a fucking silly term to write holy shit

This is why I love /drama. There's no need to pretend, it's just pure unabridged hatred. Direct and to the point, woof

kys you mayo niggerfaggot

Look at this user guise! He's funny because he said niggerfaggot! Everyone please laugh now.



Mayo niggerfaggot is a delicious insult. Worst of both worlds.

mayo niggerfaggot

why am I picturing a fast food burger? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

because mayo is also the name of the white man's third greatest mistake

Oooh edgy

What? No hate here dude. Keep Yourself Safe.

/r/drama is a confirmed hate sub, take it or leave it

/r/drama is a subreddit of peace. There may be a few isolated extremists, but they're not what the sub is really about.

Thanks fan I apprec-


Broken link you niggerfaggot

Mobile is more autistic than I am.


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


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Don't patronize me

"/u/RagingSemicolon" is not insulting me. He is trying to communicate to me that he feels a debilitating powerlessness to respond intelligently to me. I can feel his pain. I have presented him with a model of the world with which he cannot begin to grapple, and I present this model with such force that he can only feel rage and rebellion; all he can do is succumb to a desire to shriek "no! no! it isn't so!".

"RagingSemicolon" is not the first person to encounter a text that presents the reader with two simultaneous impossibilities: (1) a different view to a reality he does not recognize but feels he should, and (2) such a powerful model (or set of models) that the reader has two choices: (a) to bow to and accept it, or (b) be steamrollered by it. The failure to deal with such impossibilities causes people to take to the street to protest against high prices of necessities, to fight globalization with riots, etc. The /right/ way to deal with it is of course to challenge the underlying model, but this requires both skill and intelligence; hence his profound sense of powerlessness.

"RagingSemicolon" is the kind of person who needs texts that are squarely in the mainstream, such that every idea is expressed with few words and requires no thought of its readers. Because he is not intelligent enough to recognize when other people are more intelligent than he is, he truly believes that those who disagree with his models of the world are wrong, or mad. People of that category have risen to the role of president of the nation he posts from and probably lives in.

The impotent, futile rebellion of "RagingSemicolon" exemplifies the inability of the illiterate and uneducated to deal with the expression of ideas that require a background different from the one they barely succeeded in securing. (Hence his preoccupation with high-school drop-outs.) Now, contrary to what some people believe, you can be illiterate and uneducated and still have an academic degree -- the system is not bullet-proof in weeding out the useless. One may hold a PhD and yet be culturally illiterate, unable to place information in a larger context, much less question it and see it questioned. Yet the more "approved" such a maleducated person is by his peers, the more he may believe that the /exclusive/ models characteristic of those of meager resources is also the fundamentally correct way to approach models, i.e., that alternative truths threaten all the established truths and that those who offer additional models have intended to dethrone the accepted models, violently.

"RagingSemicolon" has also watched me try to shake people out of their sleep, so he believes that being brutal is the acceptable method of getting somebody's attention. The problem is that he has yet to figure out when to apply this methodology and behaves much like a president of one country who has memorized that the military could free a country from an oppressor and therefore becomes an oppressor and attacker of another country's leader because he is too goddamn stupid to figure out the difference between attack and self-defense. We should therefore give people in the formerly great United States of America a lot of lee-way at this crucial time in history. Their bumbling moron of a leader has been elected and is supported by the "RagingSemicolon" category of people. It is about as fruitful to ask these people to get a grip on themselves as it is to ask an illiterate to go read a million words before he opens his mouth again. It may be the best advice they could get, but it would take years to do it, and the recipient of the advice would not grasp its benevolent nature.

If the United States of America cleans up the systemic flaws that led Donald Trump to the presidency, perhaps its ignorant masses will quiet down and once again accept that if somebody does not agree with them, it could be because they know better, but as long as this dangerous retard is their leader, we should expect that a large number of miscreants want to be taken seriously like their president, who is one of them. "RagingSemicolon" is just a symptom of a tragedy unfolding on continental scale. His powerlessness and his clear expression of /fear/ of something superior to himself that he cannot control is simply to be expected. He posts from Columbia University, in New York City, so he is probably still reeling from the shock of finally having to deal with reality.

So be nice to "RagingSemicolon" and his like for the time being. When their stupid president has gone to war and their currency has become so cheap we Europeans can buy up the whole country instead of paying for more members to the European Union, we have to act like true gentlemen towards the infirm and the losers in battle. After all, it was we Europeans who subjugated war to the rule of law, which the uncultured Americans and their doddering lubbard of a president has yet to grasp what means. An angry American who hurls insults at this time is really an incredibly pathetic display of an attempt to reach out and ask for approval and validation of his helplessness. History will judge "RagingSemicolon" and "Drumpf" much more harshly than we could do here in a newsgroup supposedly about programming languages, so the illness should just be allowed to run its course. With any luck, the population of the United States wakes up before the next election. Most of us can wait patiently for them to regain their senses, so we should sit by their sickbed rather than beat them up when they have violent fits.

I strongly recommend that whoever can still read this in the heavily censored United States try to band together resistance groups so you can recuperate some of your nation's glory. The right to bear arms was instituted precisely to protect against wayward presidents and politicians who led the country astray. It is not too late, you can still be a civilized country. If you think other countries need to get rid of bad leaders, set an /excellent/ example by removing the single most dangerous man on the planet from power, so maybe Saddam Hussein will resign nicely because he saw how effectively it worked.

We can deal with "RagingSemicolon" and his like after the important matters.

I feel like this is pasta

Fresh and delicious.

Fresh and delicious.

A 15 years old rant by a man who's been dead for more than half of that doesn't sound very fresh to me.

I think you sort of spun out there. Did you forget your meds again?

No one reads this crap.

Wait, so people whp specifically love watching fat people fail are drawing a moral line in the sand about how personal the attacks are? Lol Wew.

I missed FPH and did not know about r/holdmyfries. Thanks

The reason HMF is becoming "worse" and "worse" is because SJWs couldn't even handle it when it was a relatively good-natured sub and went around advertising it everywhere as FPH2.0. That's how I found out about it. Thanks, fatties.

No man. I'm here to help. And eat.

Just so everyone knows - We are fully allowed to shit on fat folk here.

Someone should. They are wasteful, burdensome and lazy.

They are wasteful, burdensome and lazy.

I dunno, sounds like the pot calling the kettle black in this sub. But then again this place is just a bunch of white people calling for mayocide.

Dunno if anyone has noticed this.. but what in the world is /u/JimmyButler? Is he a bot, or just a gigantic weirdo? This is one of the weirdest novelty accounts, with a name that isn't associated with the novelty, that I've ever seen. Peep the comment history

Looks like automated responses, likely for gaining quick easy karma before being scrubbed and sold off.

Actually, going through their submitted history, they admit it's a bot but say it really was just to make people feel good. So I guess it was just a gigantic weirdo in the end.

He replied to my comment as well today, very weird.

Haha the bot got 40 downvotes!

Free fatpeoplehate!


Are your autistic comments the result of post masturbation shame to the sexy dance?

Confirmed, you're fat.

only a fat person would realize I'm retarded

jesus what shitty bantz. this level of retarded unoriginality was always the worst part of fph tbh. good bantz is the only redeeming quality of the mouthbreathing edgelord.

were you dropped on your head as a child or is it congenital?

You fat steaming pile of delusional shit.

It's honestly just pathetic. You're worse at shitposting than SJWs. You should really kill yourself, fam, you're wasting good air.

Ironic comment coming from a fat fuck of a loser.

did you have to beat up your tard wrangler to get access to the internet or is this free internet time a reward for taking a day off from masturbating in your handler's shoes?

I just picture him running around the room screaming as his handler attempts to get the phone back from him.

"joshie you have to give me the ph-"


Runs around shitting all over the room

Who's the one who spends hours upon hours feverishly masturbating at telling off fat people?

Sounds pretty loser to me TBH. Better Keep Yourself Safe just in case

your insistence paid off

πŸ…±ost πŸ…±ussy

Lol why do you think I chose this username?

Sherlock holmes over here gets a golden banana sticker.

Fat chicks turn me on


M n

Honestly, fat people should be put in a room with a doorframe slightly wider than they are, and no other exit. Lose weight or die here, tubbo.

lol whats hateful about that, shes trying to dance and failing because shes fat

that's such a boring gif, holy shit

You mean fat people are FED UP.

Or are they still hungry?