Youtube prankster kills boyfriend in desperate bid to gain more views.

144  2017-06-28 by shitpost953


50 calibur at point blank range. There's a reason why plate carriers contain metal and not a copy of Jane Austin.

Most plates are going to be made of ceramic, but that's none of my business.

Sips tea

You're telling me the material that my mug that smashes from a 2 ft drop stops bullets? As if. XD

Ceramic pussy teacup.

good plates are made of ceramics, but AR500 steel plates are extremely popular

I mean yeah if you're poor

Well they're comparably cheap and they stop bullets just as well, they're just heavy and not as ergonomically shaped. There's really no reason for them not to be popular

They better have anti-spalling on em. Or else RIP in peace.

Ceramics have the added advantage of not being boat anchors worn on the body for operations around water.

ur dumb ok sweaty?

drinkys tea drink

i'm not a gun person but isn't 50 cal like a machine gun

Not necessarily but I wouldn't be surprised if she used one to turn him into a ringed donut.

.50 bmg is used in both rifles and machine guns.

.50 beowolf is an intermediate rifle cartidge used in some rifles (generally ar platforms that have been built to take them)

.50 Autism Express is a pistol cartidge.

.50 Autism Express Lol

Far more accurate than the name given by the spergs on gun forums.

Shoutouts to Gunnit

Post your Nugget, nerd

Arab Eliminator?

Kaz Miller pls

But where is my .50 ratshot?


Its an actual thing

Oh shit, awesome

No, it's the most powerful bullet to put in a handgun though. Think Desert Eagle.

Short story is its meant to shoot through engine blocks in cars, like in Israeli checkpoints, it's so powerful that it's not practical for fighting because you can't even control the recoil.

The bullet would have gone right through the person holding it, though all the walls and out of the house somewhere while the sheer upwards recoil caused this girl to smash her own head with the gun.

Desert Eagle in Resident Evil was amazing.

No, it's the most powerful bullet to put in a handgun though.

No its not. 500 S&W Magnum and 454 Casull are both more powerful handgun cartridges

"Boyfriends react: 500 S&W Magnum"

Won't be much of a reaction there besides Newtons 3rd law.

Well I'm no gun expert but at least I was kind of close

They are all boutique cartridges.

There are also a couple custom .60 cal hand guns, though I've never seen someone shoot one without breaking their nose.

I found John Wicks secret Reddit account

You're thinking of a different type of ammunition than he is. .50BMG is a machine gun cartridge. .50AE is the pistol cartridge. IIRC, the Desert Eagle was originally designed as a tank commander's side arm for the IDF.

The desert eagle one is not the most powerful, but it is powerful enough to eat through a phone book. You can control a DE, I believe you are thinking of the .500 revolver that everyone hates to shoot because it always hurts -- hurts like when yer uncle came to tuck you in at night when you were 8

I believe you are thinking of the .500 revolver that everyone hates to shoot because it always hurts

I've seen a couple of videos showing this. Why do people buy them?

meme gun for mall ninjas, CS players, and drug dealers. And people with a bunch of money. I mean if one was <1000 I probably wouldn't say no.

.50 caliber refers to the size and type of the ammunition. You're thinking of it as a machinegun because this type of ammunition would commonly be used on mounted machineguns, the type you'd find on the back of a humvee for instance. However you can also find rifles and handguns that use it.

It is extremely powerful, a book was never going to come close to stopping it. I wouldn't have thought a book would stop less powerful ammo, such as 9mm or .306, but .50 was suicide without a doubt




What is that in radians?

Kelvins, actually

17.45 radians

With the right attitude.

This is the American education system at work, people so dumb they thought a book would stop a 50 cal

Maybe this is the way to get more funding and less shitty texas-tailored textbooks... "THE CHILDREN DON'T EVEN KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A .22 and a .50!!"

That's not why they are dumb. That's just being uninformed. The dumb part is not testing to see if the bullet passes through the book first. How did it not occur to them to test it first before putting themselves in a potentially fatal situation? This amount of stupidity is confounding

Only one copy of the book.


Honestly, this sounds like a Columbo episode.

They did test it.

She said that he had showed her a different book which the bullet did not go through.

That first book? The Holy Bible.

That's what I get for skimming.

Now makes me think this might have been some words suicide kinda thing... I'd imagine that caliber bullet would go through any book

Divine intervention, you say....

The author? Allbert Einstein

Nah, she lied that they tested it.

My guess is the poor boy did what he thought would be a sufficient test. Like shooting a book of similar seize but with something either to solid or not solid enough behind it (compared to his own chest.) Only an exact measured bloc of ballistic gelatin with an exact copy of the book in front would have been a somewhat capable test.

They could have even faked it by cutting out middle of the book and putting a piece of iron inside it.

They apparently did test it first and the book stopped the bullet.

Here's a good example

of American gunsanity done right

I love demo ranch.

Vet Ranch is really great too.

> Minnesota

> North of Fargo

It's basically Canada tbqh.

It would've worked if it was the Bible iibqhwu

but knowledge is power I thought

Looking forward to the react video she'll make at her sentencing.

Also...something something "toxic feminity".

So like... is the video ever gonna be uploaded or what?

He deserve at least that much, he gave his life for it

I can't wait to see what thumbnail they'll go with.

liveleak pls

What I came here to see.

In the article it says that the video is considered evidence and won't be released until the case is over.


Youtube comments deliver as always:

He deserved to die. Fully deserved. He was a spic who treated his own woman shitty. He never really loved her. His multiracial babies are going to be fatherless, never to know what a large influence can a father figure have.

fucking idiot... the word is "shittily"... it's an adverb... youtube comments are cancer.

Replace "spic" with "youtuber" and I agree with this comment.

Add the words spic and youtuber together and I agree with this comment.


Sounds like a spicy potato

Well the comment is fairly correct fwiw

this tbh, not seeing the problem here

Srsposting but why are youtube comments so racist, and I don't mean like making niggah jokes, but like legit racist?

Because, in general, only the absolute worst dregs of humanity actually use youtube comments. Couple this with the fact that they are essentially completely unmoderated and you get comments like the ones on the video.

This is why we need mandatory gun education, starting in kindergarten. I mean, it was a fucking .50 cal, not a bb gun, that shit goes through tanks.

This is why we need mandatory gun education, starting in kindergarten. I mean, it was a fucking .50 cal, not a bb gun, that shit goes through tanks sterilization

Do we really need sterilization when they're offing themselves?

Yes. Their dumb 3yo child was there to watch her father got no-scoped.

that shit goes through tanks.

Bro, I'm not sure that's true..

he must mean like fish tanks and shit

It had to have been a handgun. Nooooooo fucking way that tiny girl used a fucking Barrett or something to do that. There wouldn't be much left of that guy's torso if he ate a 50 BMG round.

damn Americlaps have to be taught not to shoot each other in pre-K lmao

You need a particular coating on a rifle round for it to penetrate tank armor unlike your mom who is way easier to penetrate.

that shit goes through tanks.

This is why we need mandatory gun education, starting in kindergarten.

.50 is bullet size. It does not reflect energy of the projectile or the type of cartridge.

Examples of .50 caliber things:

.50 caliber slings for pre-modern slings

.50 caliber paper cartridge for a rifle-musket

.50 caliber rocket ball for palor trick shooting

.50 caliber beowulf for hunting deer and elk where true rifles are illegal for hunting (basically the size can help it classify as a shotgun), alternatively it can reach some of the energy requirements for hunting (ignoring that most bows used in europe barely have 25 joules and US bows have less than 12J)

.50 caliber because adding an extra 0 means it's more powerful right? (the answer is it does not...)

.50 caliber blackpowder OG sniper rifle. Has the same energy as a modern intermediate rifle cartridge.

Soviet 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge. A military cartridge restricted in some countries and US states. Few are reloaded for hunting and sporting purposes.×108mm

NATO 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge originally made to shoot tanks but about 1 year have it was made a standard cartridge it became a popular hunting round. Today most countries allow the 12.7x99mm and the 12.7x96mm French (the french just shortened the case and made it more dangerous so that they could make them for civvies...because safety isn't as important as legal loopholes) legal cartridge are in use as hunting rifles.


The 12.7×108mm cartridge is a heavy machine gun and anti-materiel rifle cartridge used by the former Soviet Union, the former Warsaw Pact, modern Russia, and other countries.

It is used in the same roles as the NATO .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) cartridge. The two differ in bullet shape and weight, and the casing of the 12.7×108mm is slightly longer, but smaller muzzle velocity, allowing it to hold slightly more of a different type of powder. The 12.7×108mm can be used to engage a wide variety of targets on the battlefield, and will destroy unarmored vehicles, penetrate lightly armored vehicles and damage external ancillary equipment (i.e.: searchlights, radar, transmitters, vision blocks, engine compartment covers) on heavily armored vehicles such as tanks.

.50 BMG

The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.) is a cartridge developed for the Browning .50 caliber machine gun in the late 1910s. Entering service officially in 1921, the round is based on a greatly scaled-up .30-06 cartridge. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard cartridge for NATO forces as well as many non-NATO countries. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants: multiple generations of regular ball, tracer, armor-piercing (AP), incendiary, and saboted sub-caliber rounds.

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Instead, the bullet went into her boyfriend’s chest as the couple’s 3-year-old daughter looked on.

Oh god ducking dammit. These two morons just forever ruined the life of a child. That shit is going to be mental scars forever.

Now I'm just upset

Probably won't remember. 3 year olds are fucking dumb.

she may not realize what it is at that point but i guarantee you that's a ton of therapist sessions waiting to happen

That's normal for all women.

Trauma at an early age can have a massive impact on child development, especially at 2-4 when neuroplasticity is at its highest. Kid is gonna have some big problems to work out. And think of the teasing in middle school once it gets out that her mother shot her father to get like and subscribes on youtube

Plus the inevitable knockoffs. Elsa shoots Spiderman in chest!

Oh god those. At least one of the channels just got demonitized, so hopefully that puts an end to them.

How did you find that out?

It's fucking snally, she just knows when internet drama happens.

hey /u/snallygaster I'll post bussy if you give yourself a flair that says the drama whisperer

The bussy whisperer ;)

Elsa has standards tho

It's going to seem especially embarrassing if/when youtube stops being popular.

So basically what you're saying is, this kid's gonna grow into a female Dexter who kills youtube pranksters?

That would be the best outcome tbh

choked on a piece of meat when I was about 4. Now I've got a fucking gag reflex when Im eating any kind of meat (fish and chicken included). The only workaround I found is frying the shit out of everything, macdonalds style. So yeah, such a small trauma can become a huge inconvenience later on.

Nah, 3 year olds can develop memories. Especially for things like seeing their dad shot to death.

Hire a stunt double.

3 yo will turn into a supervillian fighting for men's rights

She is 19, which means they had the daughter at 16......and they have another kid on the way

I think these weren't the smartest people to be honest

Yeah, I'd say the guy deserves a Darwin Award, but he apparently has already reproduced (twice, no less). So who am I to talk?

Seemingly the most entertaining pastime of morons is to fuck, bring children into the world despite being financially and mentally unprepared, and then doing their utmost to turn the child into a moron just like them.

More than likely, the kid won't remember the event.


the only way it makes sense is if she told him the book would stop the bullet, and when it didn't she could be like "OMG PRANKZED!"

Again, that's a failure because I assume a .50 to the chest won't leave a lot of time for "what the hey? I thought the book would stop the bullet. Aw hell ya got meeeeeuuuuuurrrghhhhhhh".

Would it have stopped a .22?

Not if you miss.

probably depends on the book

The army pranks terrorists everyday.

9/11 was just a prank lmao why did everyone get so mad about it

.50 cal bro, it's just a prank!! (((GONE SEXUAL)))

bet he pissd

can you be pissed if you're dead?

or did you mean he pissed himself? bc I'm pretty sure that happens when you die

To see if it would go through

Perhaps holding it out to the side would've been a better idea instead of holding it in front of your body then.

.50 caliber

What the fuck? That's millitary grade caliber. Why would a civilian need that? The race war hasn't even started yet.




I bet they loaded a blank into it, or if it was black powder just loaded a sabot without the bullet thinking it would be harmless. A wad of cotton might not sound scary until it's traveling at 3,000 fps

Because its what fits in my gun, boyo.

But will it fit in your bussy?

The race war hasn't even started yet.

in spite of my constant insistence

Military grade is just a marketing term.
The only military group that uses the desert eagle is Poland's counter terrorism group.

only group that uses it

Does the IDF not use it anymore? They're the ones who developed the shit in the first place.

They don't. They typically use a uzi because at 10 feet they can unload without having to aim.

IDF's private IMI made the Desert Eagle as a commercial meme gun. No one uses them seriously.

This reminds me of an interesting case. This company was selling "military grade" shit to the chinese so the principals were arrested for espionage because the canadian government apparently can't parse

Military grade

This is how I know you're talking out of your ass

You only had to read my username

Youre one of my favorites drama tags

Now show me your dirty Arabic bussy

dirty Arabic bussy

Unless he's written something on his bussy, it's "Arab" or, better yet, "camel jockey".

I'm going to liberate your asshole of its oil with my big red rocket of democracy

You only had to read my username

Oh i'm not pretending, my knowledge of firearms is limited to which end is the shooty part and which end isn't.

military grade

You must be military grade retarded to think that that means anything

.50 is bullet size. It does not reflect energy of the projectile or the type of cartridge.

Examples of .50 caliber things:

.50 caliber slings for pre-modern slings

.50 caliber paper cartridge for a rifle-musket

.50 caliber rocket ball for palor trick shooting

.50 caliber beowulf for hunting deer and elk where true rifles are illegal for hunting (basically the size can help it classify as a shotgun), alternatively it can reach some of the energy requirements for hunting (ignoring that most bows used in europe barely have 25 joules and US bows have less than 12J)

.50 caliber because adding an extra 0 means it's more powerful right? (the answer is it does not...)

.50 caliber blackpowder OG sniper rifle. Has the same energy as a modern intermediate rifle cartridge.

Soviet 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge. A military cartridge restricted in some countries and US states. Few are reloaded for hunting and sporting purposes.×108mm

NATO 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge originally made to shoot tanks but about 1 year have it was made a standard cartridge it became a popular hunting round. Today most countries allow the 12.7x99mm and the 12.7x96mm French (the french just shortened the case and made it more dangerous so that they could make them for civvies...because safety isn't as important as legal loopholes) legal cartridge are in use as hunting rifles.

Pedro Ruiz

Sending illegals home one 50cal at a time

"I wish they wouldn’t have done it,” Claudia Ruiz said. “I wish he would’ve just done another prank"

Thanks for that.

Should have done the ducking under a swinging chainsaw video instead

This is the one thing we didn't want to happen.

"I wish the things that happened that I didn't like hadn't happened. Instead, i wish that other things, which I would prefer over what actually happened, has transpired."

was it actually .50 cal or is that just creative journalism?

My shekels are on the second option.

.50 cal from a golden Desert Eagle 🦅

Article says it was a desert eagle, so yeah, .50cal

Presumably, a Deagle chambered in .50 AE. The Desert Eagle is a thoroughly garbage firearm.

.50 Action Express

The .50 Action Express (AE, 12.7×33mm) is a very large and powerful American caliber handgun cartridge. Developed in 1988 by American Evan Whildin of Action Arms, the .50 AE is one of the most powerful pistol cartridges in production.

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didn't read the article at first, just clicked her channel and saw her little daughter. :( common sense is dead

I mean even if the book stopped the bullet how in the world is that a prank?


Are the Darwin awards still going? Folks we have a winner...

Unfortunately he got an offspring, so disqualified.

Not if she pranks the kids too!


"I wish he would have done another prank"

jesus christ

Book was critically hit in the chest for 100 damage. The blow causes the book to shudder violently in a spray of paper.

Pedro Perez was critically hit in the chest for 95 damage. Unfortunately, his spine is now clearly visible from the front.

ITT: People conflating .50 Caliber BMG and .50 Caliber handgun rounds.

Is .50 Calibur not a large handgun round?

It is but it's not the same as a .50 caliber rifle round.

The largest commercially available (to my knowledge).

However, .50 BMG has a lot more powder and flies at about 3000 feet per second and the desert eagle round flies at less than half that speed around 1400-1500 feet per second. .50 BMG is used against vehicles because it can destroy an engine block. A .50 caliber handgun will fuck you up, but people were saying retarded things like "omg 50 cal takes down tanks".

I'd like to see someone fight a tank using a DE.

Ok, but for our purposes we only need to work out whether .50 cal takes out books.

Yeah. A .22 probably could go through an decent sized book. What they did was so stupid on so many levels. But the only thing that would stop a .50 would probably be a stack of encyclopedias.

.50 is bullet size. It does not reflect energy of the projectile or the type of cartridge. Examples of .50 caliber things: .50 caliber slings for pre-modern slings .50 caliber paper cartridge for a rifle-musket .50 caliber rocket ball for palor trick shooting .50 caliber beowulf for hunting deer and elk where true rifles are illegal for hunting (basically the size can help it classify as a shotgun), alternatively it can reach some of the energy requirements for hunting (ignoring that most bows used in europe barely have 25 joules and US bows have less than 12J) .50 caliber because adding an extra 0 means it's more powerful right? (the answer is it does not...) .50 caliber blackpowder OG sniper rifle. Has the same energy as a modern intermediate rifle cartridge. Soviet 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge. A military cartridge restricted in some countries and US states. Few are reloaded for hunting and sporting purposes.×108mm NATO 12.7mm/.50 caliber cartridge originally made to shoot tanks but about 1 year have it was made a standard cartridge it became a popular hunting round. Today most countries allow the 12.7x99mm and the 12.7x96mm French (the french just shortened the case and made it more dangerous so that they could make them for civvies...because safety isn't as important as legal loopholes) legal cartridge are in use as hunting rifles.


The 12.7×108mm cartridge is a heavy machine gun and anti-materiel rifle cartridge used by the former Soviet Union, the former Warsaw Pact, modern Russia, and other countries.

It is used in the same roles as the NATO .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) cartridge. The two differ in bullet shape and weight, and the casing of the 12.7×108mm is slightly longer, but smaller muzzle velocity, allowing it to hold slightly more of a different type of powder. The 12.7×108mm can be used to engage a wide variety of targets on the battlefield, and will destroy unarmored vehicles, penetrate lightly armored vehicles and damage external ancillary equipment (i.e.: searchlights, radar, transmitters, vision blocks, engine compartment covers) on heavily armored vehicles such as tanks.

.50 BMG

The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.) is a cartridge developed for the Browning .50 caliber machine gun in the late 1910s. Entering service officially in 1921, the round is based on a greatly scaled-up .30-06 cartridge. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard cartridge for NATO forces as well as many non-NATO countries. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants: multiple generations of regular ball, tracer, armor-piercing (AP), incendiary, and saboted sub-caliber rounds.

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now I ain't no gun doctor but I think they both hurt

Yeah the level of retardation in this thread is high even by drama standards

A .50 BMG pistol sounds amazing, though.

This is peak feminism.

You go gurl! #SLAY

Where the fuck is Halstad? I've lived here my whole life and never heard of it.

Goddamn the stupid...

And they even managed to breed first, too.

She doesn't look too upset in her mugshot. Hang her, I say.

Holy crap this is reality!

I was expecting to hit r/writingprompts or something when I clicked.

Im pretty convinced that nobody could actually be stupid enough to do this, and that this was actually just an elaborate murder plot.

Now he is really going to give her the silent treatment.

She probably would have gotten more views from the video of him shooting a load on her chest.

So, out of all those people watching, no one tried to stop it? No one bothered to say, "hey, why don't you do you test run on the book first just to see what happens"

And nothing of value was lost.

I mean, in one of her videos she's driving her kids around and vlogging simultaneously without her seatbelt on. She's no Einstein...

To the cops: it's just a prank bro

A fucking .50 AE coming out of a Desert Eagle? The blunt force imparted on the body when the bullet hits the book is enough to break ribs and possibly kill you alone. Are you kidding me? Couldn't have used like 9mm frangibles or like, idk, not do it to begin with?

Him: I got a great idea for a video baby.... shoot me in the chest

Any sane person: .....You got to stop drinking

haha that's really sad :(




Those videos are considered evidence and won’t be released until the conclusion of the case.

Can't wait

Whaaaat the fuuckk