[Retro Drama] /u/Jontron has a much different view about the blacks than our current day Jon "Aryan" Jafari. Rest of the thread is also a shitshow.

36  2017-06-29 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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What the fuck is this? How am I supposed to ping people who aren't even on Reddit anymore?

Jon Tron took the red pill.

More like a black pill, to be honest.

more like a capsule filled with shit tbh

Jon Jafaryan

Also JonTron's reddit account was /u/JonTronShow.

Only an idiot would think this is the actual Jontron.

You're very smart. I'm happy for you.

This is ancient drama. Is there a subreddit for Internet archeology where this could be posted instead?

I dont know. Is there a /r/snallygaster out there?

yeah there's no way that's the actual Jontron. Probably a fan who stole the name, since the actual guy avoided reddit like the plague (and, considering his own fan sub had the title of "most shitposty place on reddit" across a fair bit of the site, who could blame him?)

Yeah it's obviously not the real Jontron. I just thought that it was ironic and should be shared. Plus it's impressive how much racial controversy existed before the election to bring about this bullshit.

Great fucking investigation. You realized that this account from 4 years ago isn't the actual JonTron.

JonTron had been living in California until only a few years ago, then moved to New York. This is most definitely not him though.