/r/GenderCritical once again embraces "race realism"

74  2017-06-30 by IAintThatGuy


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I'm still trying to figure out if r/GenderCritical are shitlords or SJWs, can someone explain.

They are just crazy cat ladies.....with "iron principles".

Mix of the same. They don't agree on anything except boys suck and trannies are the worst.

Back then, they were featured on /r/drama when they got into a huge argument about fat acceptance. It was very entertaining because people over there always have extreme opinions on any subject.

Which side prevailed?

I'm gonna guess pro fat, since Dworkin is their idol.

No win, I think the thread got locked. It was a mess of pseudoscience ("some people can't lose weight"), against fatpeoplehate level of shitlordery in some users (some GC users were caught posting on /r/fatpeoplestories for instance).

Very unhappy people on all sides so I guess everybody lost.


No win... Very unhappy people on all sides so I guess everybody lost.

No, thats a clear victory for us. That means /r/drama won.

"some people can't lose weight"

They can survive indefinitely without food? Amazing!

no they die, they just don't decompose

You can't not link that.

It's old. Few months ago. Before I created this account. So I think /r/drama picked up on it back then, but I don't know how to find it.


It's not this one since it wasn't linked to /r/Drama but I'm sure they have threads like this often


I think that there needs to be discussion about thinness as a standard for women 100% as it's part of patriarchal femininity

patriarchal femininity

I just assume the Strong Independent Women I know are patriarchal women, it would explain how the were able to keep their families together when the Husbands were alcoholics who spent all their money.

Sounds like they need to get laid

Any Ontario ladies hit me up ;)

I need to look for it, but one made a post about how a man could never "truly" respect her, despite her being in happy relationships. Basically she could read their minds and know that deep down they wouldn't TOTALLY respect her. So she decided to start a commune with other women who think like her.

So she decided to start a commune with other women who think like her.

Nice of her to remove herself from society. Probably best for everyone involved.

I'm sure the commune went out well and did not degrade into chaos.l

Terf's are pretty much the worst kind of feminists you get. When people say that they hate what feminism has become etc. it's usually in reference to groups exactly like this

I actually like TERFs more.

I think TERFs are more logically consistent. They hate men and their opinion on transwomen reflects that. Their position on black men also reflects that. Their position on sex and rape also reflects that.

Liberal feminism is full of contradictions. It's okay to call all men potential rapists because of rape culture or whatever the fuck. However it would be Islamophobic to imply that Muslims are terrorists.

Exactly, They are the isis of feminism.

They're a lot more logically consistent than ISIS. It's haram to have sex with anyone but your wife but it's okay to enslave and gang rape girls, you gotta follow the Quran and hadiths but let's blow shit up on Ramadan when Muhammad emphatically said no violence on Ramadan, etc

But having sex with your slaves is mainstream islam. So there no contradiction there.

It's haram to have sex with anyone but your wife

And what their right hands possess, slaves are literally the exception.

Its pretty simple, they don't consider satan worshippers like the yazidi "people".

this is also my feelings for alot of the gay communities extremist atleast they are logically consistent

It's okay to call all men potential rapists because of rape culture or whatever the fuck. However it would be Islamophobic to imply that Muslims are terrorists.


They are more logically consistent that vanilla feminism in the way that Hitler was logically consistent with the eugenics project. Technically speaking if gender differences are social constructs then being trans doesn't make sense because wanting to fit into a different gender role is no different from wanting to fit into your birth gender role on the upholding gender roles spectrum. Being logically consistent doesn't really make a group good however.

The other possibility is that their axioms are wrong and there really is an essential component of gender identity but both the TERFs and the pro-trans side really hate that possibility.

Not really. I mean, they seem actually sane and the only group that seems to actually care about women. I mean, what are the biggest problems women face?

  • violent men (especially black men) - check
  • mentally ill men in dresses stalking them in their washrooms - check
  • men in general - check

They got it covered.

Most people don't know terfs exist, so thats definitely not who people are talking about.

I also kind of like them for being edgy and different. If you're going to be a weirdo ideologue, you gotta spice up that ideology.

lol no. Intersectional feminists are clearly the most reviled. TERFS are everyone's best mates compared to those fuckwits.

shitlord sjws

Wait, you can be both? Why has nobody told!

the anti-sjws have been hiding the truth the whole time that the real enemy of sjws is other sjws

Your title is clickbait. It's not "race realism", I don't see where they talk about biology.

Did I link the wong comment? There's one where they go into statistics by race (the same white supremacists love).

no /u/moudougou is just brain damaged and don't read good no more.


This is not wrong and I'd rather it not change

It is race realism since they're bringing statistics to an equality debate. It isn't biotruths since biology wasn't mentioned. Race realism != biotruths, but if you believe in either you're still insane.

I thought "race realism" was just a way of saying "I'm not racist at all, I'm just telling it like it is and blah blah blah racist things"

/u/Prince_Kropotkin do you still have the screen caps of when they upvoted neonazi propaganda and "statistics"?

The prince is busy fighting edgelords and people who subscribe to mainstream economic theories, he has no time for this shit.

Well he's the one I saw posting it in several places. He's been a target for /r/GenderCritical because he has spats with some of their members on anarchist subs.

Yeah I'm just kidding, the guy's a target for like 50 subreddits.

because he has spats with some of their members on anarchist subs.

Wait some of GC's poeple are Anarchists? Lol what?

Yup. And some think anarchism is too much of a boys club. Whenever someone on GC says "some manarchists", they're referring to P_K.

Truly the hero /r/drama deserves...

He'll probably be a liberal soon enough. People become anarchists because they're not educated about economics, but if he stays lurking on /r/neoliberal trying to argue with everyone, he'll eventually learn something about economics and thus become an educated liberal or centrist.

but I thought he was a grad student in econ??

Yeah, so someone who knows nothing if economics.

got em


The official position of us mods at /r/PKDefenseForce is that despite his complete lack of deep understanding in any area of economics or statistics, he is the #1 PhD student at Harvard or whatever school he wants to be at because fuck you leave my P_K alone you fucking bootlicking prole.


why u change it?

u/fuckingfinallyy they aren't ridiculed enough since they keep having them out of wedlock. Not sure why anyone should be happy that taxpayers are flipping the bill for basketball Americans having kids they can't afford, nor raise properly. Taxpayers are basically funding the shit that goes on in the inner city.

Holy shit statistics about black fathers? What fucking sub is this?

'Member /r/blackfathers? I 'member.

Seems to be still up? Is it because I'm subscribed?

It's quarantined, which really ruins the joke.

Did it really get quarantined for being a blank sub because some admin was sour about the joke? Bizarre.

Unavailable just like my real dad :)


I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.

I am crying on the inside :)


I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.

Can you make a bot exactly like rhis but with manningface

All men /esp. Black men will abandon you!!

Lol at dumb broads having terrible judgement in choosing partners for relationships, not taking responsibility while looking for a scapegoat.

Yo these bitches have gold medals in the oppression olympics, they are seasoned victims

They can hang them up next to their gold stars.

even the gays are keeping them down!

TERFs gonna TERF

But apparently TERFs also gonna Stormfront.

Terfs arent exactly known to be non bigoted indivduals tbh

I have copy-pasta from yesterday that fits well in that debate:

A makes a claim

B calls A racist

A shows data

B asks A to look the other way: e.g. poverty levels

What is A supposed to say?


Haha I fucking love that open sewer of a sub.

Nothing more than.

"I will m not saying all black fathers are terrible, just 92% of them."

If you abandon your children you're a shitty father, if 92% of them abandon their kids than 92% of them are shitty fathers. I don't get what's wrong with "I will m not saying all black fathers are terrible, just 92% of them." unless the statistic is wrong.

I haven't checked the study, because I'm lazy. But it's highly likely to be a slam piece, which wasn't peer reviewed, and probably only focuses on a small section of the black population.

In psychology these type of slam scientific studies get published every so often. Race realism isn't respected in any scientific community, but rich donors will continually fund such studies. Amoral research scientists have no issue taking the money, doing shit research, and publishing the hit piece. Same thing happens with climate science all the time.

92% of fathers is a ridiculously high statistic. I'm assuming they're grouping in single mother house holds in the same category as "no father". It is true that a higher than average amount of black children grow up in single parent homes. That doesn't mean that the fathers aren't involved with the child and/or helping to support the child.

In a few hours I'll have some free time. I'll check the linked study then. But I imagine it's probably several years old, limited in scope, and not peer reviewed.

This is a hit piece for sure. The study was restricted to biracial couples, the vast majority of the sample population had a kid out of wedlock, and they didn't even control for socioeconomic status, let alone anything else.

Nevermind. I didn't even need to read the paper. This is it's opening description.

Questions were asked through a questionnaire that was administered to 1000 women spanning the united States that were equally ranging from 3 different racial groups; Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic. Participants were recruited through the internet, radio, and news. This study finds that 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance. The results of this study make it very clear that biracial children with African American fathers are fatherless on a scale much larger than the public may realize.

So they didn't even ask 1,000 mothers. And they clearly state the children are born out of wedlock.

It doesn't mention the relationship with the father. A child can be born out of wedlock and still have the parents living together, or have the father being an active participant of the child's life.

The study clearly poisons the well in it's first paragraph, and makes the unfounded connection that wedlock equals no father being present.

No peer review, and it was first published two years ago. So yeah just a slam piece that no credible scientist would touch.


Oh boy, this is like dissecting Stormfront copypasta, isn't it?

They did. All one thousand respondents were mothers of biracial children that had black fathers.

So the sample population is limited to a certain subset of the black population- the ones who've fathered children with non-black women. There are likely cultural or socionomic factors related to interracial couples that make the statistic that high, e.g. family of mother vehemently disapproves of marriage to a black man or tries to restrict his access to the child, just as there are factors that make the incidence of deadbeat fathers high in the black community at large.

92%, yeah. 8% were born in wedlock.

So the sample is almost completely restricted to non-married couples...obviously parents who have children out of wedlock are more likely to be poor, uneducated, etc. which are factors that may influence how involved a father is in a child's life.

No peer review


Implying that (((peer review))) would ever entertain granting approval to statistics like this.

This but unironically

But they do all the time...

So yeah just a slam piece that no credible scientist would touch.

To be fair, most academics steer away from any study that might cast a bad light on certain protected groups. Getting funding for those types of studies is hard and can put a bullseye on your back.

So then the 92% statistic is for children born out of wedlock, not abandoned by their fathers. Nice one GC.


But where are all the Black fathers going? Is there a massive corner store somewhere with like a billion corpses in line waiting for a cigarette delivery that's never coming?

They're working on their mix tape.

Honestly, its prison. A huge portion of the male population does at least some time up state, its an even larger portion of the black community.

Wtf i love feminism now

I unironically love GC even if they hate me for having a wee wee.

Black women should consider teaching their daughters to beware of certain men

Aye, the ones with penises.

what the fuck is happening in this quote is this real life

I have a cousin whose a black man that keeps impregnating females then leaving them once they're pregnant, he knows what he's doing and doesn't care , there's also a thing among some black men that you're not a real man until you impregnate a woman and leaving trails of children, some black men even think they're helping the community by just impregnating other black women. Why do I believe this because I've heard them say it. Some even target innocent women to impregnate them to ruin their lives because they don't like that she's smart, or that she's aiming to do better so they think let me get her pregnant to ruin her life so she can end up a single mother and look bad.


This study showed that 92% of children born between black men and non-black women will often be abandoned by their fathers

No it doesn't. It shows that 92% of the children will be born out of wedlock. Not to mention that this "study" is clearly just a hit piece put together by and for racists like yourself.

Cry me a river, bitch. Did you even read the study?

Did you? Just because you hate blacks and men doesn't make this barely read, seemly never cited and unreviewed horse shit anything but horse shit