How are future /r/hapas posters made : Asian dishonors his "strict" family by getting a slut pregnant. Goes to /r/Advice to know how he can change her mind on abortion.

20  2017-07-02 by IAintThatGuy


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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/u/dindiacreo what a shamefur dispray! You should commit sudoku.


Nigga what did you expect to happen when you started raw dogging a single mother in her early twenties?

It should have been suspicious to him that such a roastie would go for asian dick in her early twenties. She wants a provider, and /u/dindiacreo was the right color (especially if he comes from a "strict" upbringing I'm betting he doesn't have a degree in Feminist Dance Theory).

She's keeping the baby even after I told her I will never be involved in the child's life. She's not taking how I feel into consideration. The kid is in for hell because her son's dad is in the child's life but I will NOT be in my child's life so when that child grows up its going to question why he/she doesn't have a daddy that loves them.

taking a page from the /r/blackfathers handbook I see

I'm going to abandon my child to leave the mother to raise them all alone. Can't you see that it's the mother who is the selfish one in this situation?!??!

He's not going to get away from paying child support.

I hope the judge rakes him over the coals during the proceedings.

I mean she could just vacuum the fetus out tho

The kid will probably end up depressed and suicidal because the mom decided to let me go raw in her.

/u/dindeacreo your story was already stretching plausibility till you wrote this. Fake as shit, and you should abort yourself right now.

This is not how hapas are born. At least, this is not how fucked up psychofuckchildren like u/Eurasian_Tiger are born.

He's asian, she's white. No matter how much of a deadbeat dad he is, r/Hapas and r/AznIdentity will think he's totally boss.

She's biracial

Is her father white by any chance?

Dig deep enough into any degeneracy and you will hit mayonaise eventually...

Mom white dad black

Dude classic mistake. Those chicks are usually hot, with a mess of daddy issues. But if you get them pregnant, they stay pregnant. Especially the ones who already have kids. I'm actually sorry I made fun of you. Is there a word for a yellow dude with jungle fever?

Here in China everyone would love your mixture babies. Don't you want to have a mixture bay-bee?

Feichang kawaii.

lol I'm Indian which is still in Asia, I'm not yellow but yeah she's hot and successful, has her own business and owns a nice house so she's not on welfare or anything but damn the bitch is fertile

She's 22 with 1 kid and 1 on the way. She could have way more.

How does she have a business and house at her age? I can't think of many businesses that would finance that in only a few years.

She's a web developer and she has a team of like 5 developers under her I think.. don't remember but I checked her out on property appraiser cause I thought she was bluffing and trying to impress me (which happens when people learn im in med school)

She's a web developer and she has a team of like 5 developers under her I think..

That doesn't negate a black girl's unrelenting need for attention, and the power a kid gives her over you forever. If a monkey is worth a lot of money and teaches to code, does that mean it'll stop throwing shit?

Probably. I mean, that sounds like a smart ass monkey.

Sir I would like to buy your monkey.

Who wants to bet this guy is larping as his father in some attempt of self therapy

If it's her body and her choice alone, why should he pay for shit that comes out of her body? /u/dindiacreo you did the right thing.

why should he pay for shit that comes out of her body?

Because taxpayers will then pay for the welfare, until she sues and the state gets it from /u/dindiacreo's pockets.

Depending on the state, she won't even have to do anything. If she takes welfare, the state will go after him for her.

Because a man should take care of his kid, not be a fucking bitch.

It's not a """kid""" yet and he doesn't want it to be one. Why should he pay for it if only mom wants it?

Because providing for your family is part of being a man. He could be a punk instead, but I hope he doesn't expect anyone to respect a deadbeat.

He's not a deadbeat. He didn't abandon his "child" or his "wife" or his "family". He doesn't want those and clearly expressed it before it becomes inevitable. It's solely the wish of the woman to bring that child into the world against his wishes. She should take full responsibility for her decision.

I clearly said I didn't want a child, therefore I have no child

Are you a retard? It doesn't matter what the little hedonist shit wishes for. He made the decision to nut in some broad, and it's his responsibility to man up and take care of the kid when it shows up. The mother has nothing to do with whether he has duties to his own flesh and blood.

Because providing for your family is part of being a man.

Yeah ok Archie Bunker

I posted that literally days ago. I'm on other stuff now, you weirdo.

Hapas are only made by white guys with azn women

He's approaching this the wrong way. He just needs to get her to the top of a flight of stairs. Let gravity/fate take care of the rest.