Trump personally steps up the meme war.

501  2017-07-02 by HivemindBuster


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Hundreds of thousands of man-hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent as we speak in the endeavor to create a self aware AI.

Fucking /u/justcool393 does it by accident with a link archival bot for the most pathetic subs on Reddit

I, for one, welcome our new overlord Snappy.

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.


cumskin trump supporter comes to reddit to fight a bot. you mayos are going to be extinct soon.

Sand-Nigger terrorist steals old computer from local hardware store to try and interact with a society that isn't a white man's bitch for oil.

say whatever you want you people wont be around for much longer you and your families will spend the rest of eternity burning in agonizing pain inshallah

Your religion is fake and your people are disfigured and stupid.

You subhuman baboon. You literal cumskin.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Hunter Tanner Chase the fourth. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that white people can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the American jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the mayo's nature. It would still be the greatest pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Khalid a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. White people's obsession with having their women cucked by them is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution whites has made to the world. The MUH WESTERN CIVILIZATION sentiment in the average cumskin american is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your pink hairless fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of melanin injections into your body every morning will make you brown.

You cumskin.

You make China look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of the world.

Go fertilise the wetlands with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, cumskin, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Buffalos. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a cumskin "man" provided for a family.

Die, Mason. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Tfw sand nigger still has to live in his shit country and his people are nothing more than hotel attendants and cruise workers.

Just admit you got BTFO cumskin

man this is some pretty glorious hate i gotta admit

lol cumskins threatened by other soceities that aren't drowning in stupid cops and techie cumskin people making each other homeless

Drowning in minorities that can't even develop functioning countries without the white man.

so you admit to having whitey society fail when it can't handle some brown people around, lmao

No, we just use you for the easy, useless work that would waste our talent.

implying whitey has talent which is why they have to make all their computers in china

We have enough talent to make minorities our willing bitches for cheap wages and they're too pussy to do anything about it.

forgets about brown people killing cops and blowing up whitey

Brown people kill each other so we don't have to. Literally apes with aggressive instinct.

and yet whitey has to use guns to kill each othe

What? We use guns to kill sand niggers lol.

apparently not if they blow cumskins up before they can reach for their school shooters lel

Daily reminder that this manchild shitposter is literally the US president.

Best timeline isn't it? This tweet will be archived and your grandkids will read about it in US history.

This is like the enlightenment, except the reverse.

Best comment.



Dark enlightenment?

A Dark Enlightenment, if you will.

I'm pretty sure American kids won't be able to read, by then.

They will be extremely well versed in memery though.


TD/Pol is one of the worst hiveminds around right now and needs busting at all costs.

Does it sweetheart? Well why don't you march right out of this subreddit and start fighting these evil right wingers?

Oh you won't? Is that because you're a balding manlet beta faggot who pays attention to politics to compensate for his failings in life?

Fuck an Australian shitposter is on my thread, what's the procedure for dealing with these types again?

Hahaha Australia haha shitpost haha 4chan banter culture ecks dee ecks dee

Fucking reprobate

It makes so much sense why we exiled you lot to the other side of the world now.

Lmao convicts lmao do I fit in yet ecks dee ecks dee

Whatever mate, keep yourself safe.

How embarrassing that newfriends like you, fresh off the boat from reddit, is what constitutes an OP in r/drama nowadays. Fucking shameful if you ask me

Are you our new lolcow?

I have no idea who you are though

Australia, it's America for queers

Arkansas with a coastline

this is one of the most pathetic, tryhard comments I've read on this sub. Congrats

Oh no i'm so ashamed please delete this comment I'm trying so hard to fit in here L:

I'm trying so hard to fit in here

is it working?

your keen eyes have spotted my obvious tryhard newfriend posting so obviously not :( I thought if I abused a couple redditors everyone would think I'm cool here

You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up: The internet needs more cats. It's never enough..


Nothing screams confidence more than whining about downvotes in /r/drama.

You sound like the insecure faggot here m8

Fuck no, break them up and they'll infect the rest of reddit even more than they already do.

Do you love me as much as I love you? ;3

This. moot tried it once before but had to reinstate the quarantine zone. Too bad it ended up b coming a breeding center.

People claimed that would happen with /r/FatPeopleHate, but there was just an explosion of rage and spamming for a few days and then it was gone. You can actually see it really clearly in the use of the word "fatty" in 2015, it's pretty neat.

Do you remember that guy who had the site that calculated what other subs users from a chosen sub were most likely to also post in?

I seem to recall that t_d users most likely to also post in /r/fatpeoplehate.

I wish we still had r/koontown.

Bajo lip dindus are always so funny. You know when a nignog yells out "World Star" it is an alarm like when a sand nigger yells out "Allah Ackbar!".

What triggered you to post this comment?

U mad white boy?

I'm not sure what that means, I only speak English.

Which means that /r/politics posters are the fattest?

Or they don't spend their life trying to make themselves feel good about themselves by putting others down.

Nah, I think it's the fatty thing

Everyone still hates fat people, but they limit expression of it to people who are politically fat.

kill /pol/

Just get them to call moot a cuckold it halved their userbase last time.


Luggage lad Christopher "Moot" pool was cucked by a yid kike Jewish princess named Mallory Blair when she sucked on Chads cock and Mootles carried her luggage for her.

You want to woo his supporters away, aww how sweet. Good luck trying to be more charismatic than Trump.

Good. Luck.

implying you or anyone else has the slightest chance of acheiving this

KEK ~ this one




taking my username this seriously

Please put your hands into the mire and you'll feel it crawl up your arms

He's not presidential -- he's MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL!!!

Omg I saw this on the colbert show XD

The correct word is "contemporary," not modern.

Do you have the best words? No, Trump does.

"Who's got the best words? Who's got the best words!? That right, you dooo!"

I legit thought this was a joke when i read it yesterday -_-



Make America Great Again!


Isn't it just great?

And we get the privilege of watching this unfold

Better than the effete, timid Steppin Fetchit you had before him

This, but seriously 100% unironically.

I wasn't being ironic either.


Greatest timeline.

Daily Reminder, your candidate lost to this man.

How much of a pussy do you have to be to vote for Hillary Clinton? Hahahahaha


I'm not a burger.

You're the Russia story?

Then why do you give a fuck lmao.

Cause its fucking hilarious you guys elected a dementia riddled meme-lord.

Might you be feeling... triggered?

Heh, what's the matter drumpkin... Need a safe space?

hey trumper, what are you? Fucking gay?

25% of the American population are retarded enough to vote for this man. 50% are even more retarded by not voting in the first place. The US is a joke of a country.

And the other 25% are illegals. Yeah that country's so weird.

Well, the US is the best country, so yours must be even worse than a joke. :-D

Also it is probably very cucked and welcomes rapefugees.

The US is a joke of a country.

dam sun, I guess we will just have to fall back on inventing nearly everything of consequence and having even our mediocre pop culture be gobbled and consumed by all the other Western countries who somehow can't top Katy Perry.

inventing nearly everything of consequence


inventing nearly everything of consequence



Fuck oldheads X is the next generation.

You have shitty tastes in rap music and politicians.

yes and you will be reminded every single day



anyone who thinks trump will get re-elected is a complete retard lol

To be fair... This is what everyone said about the first election. Hell I hated Hillary but still lost a bunch of money betting on her..... Hell I gave the other guy odds too :(..... Fuck

You seem sad :( ... Here's a picture of a cat. Hopefully it'll cheer you up: The internet needs more cats. It's never enough..

I needed that. Thanks

trump has practically proved himself retarded and incompetent. It's no longer a "maybe he's playing a character to garner media" thing, the guy is stupid. He won't win the next election unless we have one of the worst nominees in history running for president in 2020

Well I hear Chelsea Clinton might be making a run. Her turn or something?

Or maybe someone like Tammy Duckworth?

What hope does the guy have against a serious candidate like that?

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 86948

Tammy Duckworth

Ladda Tammy Duckworth (born March 12, 1968) is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party, serving as the junior United States Senator for Illinois since 2017. She was a member of the United States House of Representatives for Illinois' 8th district for two terms (2013–2017). She previously served as Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs in the United States Department of Veterans Affairs from April 24, 2009, to June 30, 2011, and the Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs from November 21, 2006, to February 8, 2009. In the November 8, 2016, election, Duckworth defeated incumbent Republican Senator Mark Kirk for the seat in the United States Senate.

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He wouldn't have had much hope against a real candidate last election either..... That's kinda the point most people are missing.

I won a couple thousand dollars but thanks for playing

Hmmmm is your name Chris by chance?lol either way grats!

Vegas has him as the heavy frontrunner to win the 2020 election and his odds have been hovering around 50% and I wouldn't exactly call them retarded.

Even when his term ends, he's still to be referred to as "President Trump"

When Trump's term ends, he'll be referred to as "24601".

You're right. Let's talk about our former histories of presidents having affairs with celebrities in the white house, or Lyndon B. Johnson picking his nose in front of the camera or talk about how well hung he was. Totally more presidential.

There are people on here who were literally not born in the clinton presidency

Their ignorance of history is no excuse. Everything Trump does is presidential because he is the president.

Everyone who has never been dicked by Bill is like a little baby.

these are scandals and embarrassing moments. Trump acts like a tactless retard unapologetically, he is by far one of the most embarrassing presidents elected, he has no self control or formal, respected image

Everyday of Trump is like all of the most embarrassing moments of each Presidency for the past 100 years wrapped into one except it is all completely intentional and unapologetic. It's the most disgraceful presidency for at least 100 yearsz

most embarrassing

for you.

I really wonder what was going through his mind when was posting this.

"Haha, this GIF will show those weeners at CNN! Hah!"

Probably, "Ha, this is funny, I'm going to tweet it"

There couldn't have been any better representative

Everything he does is presidential because he is the president.

This is scary to watch. Why the fuck is he tweeting MEMES?

Its how he won the election. Stick to your strong suit

It's scary. I'm literally shaking rn.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It is the current year! I CAN'T EVEN!

He's just staying ahead of the game. Kids that can only comprehend emoticons and memes will be voting age in 2020.

Every time he tweets, a thousand liberals die from cardiac arrest. Trump's just making America great again.

Wait till you are 71 years old, sitting at the toilet at 3AM trying to pee…

You know how people think politicians are slimy lizards, devoid of personality? Well it turns out that appearing human actually gets votes.

Memes are now psychological warfare.

Because CNN is literally BTFO

I fucking love this dude lmao

Yeah, I love the guy with an army and nuclear weapons and the federal police, tweeting meme wars

Don't reply to me faggot I don't give a single fuck what you think dickhead

What makes you think I care what a Trump dicksucker thinks?

I'm fucking Australian you dumb cunt I don't give a fuck about your shitty fucking politics neck yourself

posts on r/maher and r/politics

Wanna know how I know you're a short, low test, unattractive, and unsuccessful virgin?



Sucking Trump's tiny dick while acting ilke you "don't care about our politics". Nice one.

Wanna how I know you're a fat unemployed bogan?




This is clearly the bestest T I M E L I N E

The projection is strong with this one

>le projection to save face meme

Cool meme arrow bro

thanks I got it from your mom

God dammit I wanted to see his posts. What the fuck is wrong with that it doesn't undelete posts like 80% of the time?

If the post gets deleted out of shame because the author gets BTFO then it's not just "hidden" like when a moderator removes it.


BRUTAL!!! Aussies are Brutal.

wtf, i love australians now.


You keep posting about height, success, attractiveness, virginity and testosterone levels a lot ITT. Hmmm I wonder why..

Things leftists are jealous about!

It's a statistical fact that left wingers have lower test levels on average.

Despite it being a major component of their diet.

For real?

fo sho

Australians= best shit posters

Bruh this man has a family

You just brought the fucking heat

Somebody's ashamed to admit their from kentucky....

fucking tombstone'd this fag so hard he deleted his post

Kill urself my man

Shitposting in real life is a serious responsibility you disrespectful faggot.

Must be rough being a liberal. No matter how much the other side is laughing at you, you need to be outraged

It's like when someone is angry and you laugh at them and they get more and more angry. It's delicious

you're calling that guy a liberal?

what are you, a commie?

I wasnt calling them anything. I was talking in general

This but unironically. Shit's way more funny then Obama.

drops mic

He's quite literally a clown

He's doing his part to undermine the executive branch and for that I hate him.

But he is funny.

The executive branch needs to be taken down a peg or two anyway. The balance of power has corrupted it and turned congress into cowards.

I disagree but won't serious post. Although I understand that's a legit position. But i think it's probably bad as long as the country is so gerrymandered.

Look at this nuanced Nazi.

I'm a dumb faggot

Yeah but at least he isn't a filthy nigger.

Among the many things I look for in the President.. funny isn't one of them. Also not looking for mile long legs or dick sucking lips either. You know you're not going to date the president right?

Says you.

I am.

But you prefer a humorless old guy who endorsed the person who cheat him?

that wasn't quite english, but probably

Am I dead because this is how I imagined the afterlife.

You sound like a faggot, my friend.

yeah, it's nice to have a meme war instead of one that is droning record numbers of people each year.

Does the right wing love brown people now?

Of course, but only as long as they can use them for their agenda. Just like the left loves gay and trans people until they speak out against Islam.

does the left hate them now?

TFW your Jewish mother banged a dindu in Africa and you were born in Kenya but your jew porn star mom lied and pretended she anchor babied you out in Hawaii and then white liberals have guilt sand give you a peace prize because you droned mussies after a corrupt Chicago mob boss funded your senatorial campaign.



I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.

I like people who don't kill people

Lol, what makes you think the US has stopped droning people?

accomplishing not thing but shittposting

OMG he's literally turbo hitler! Reminds me of people who called Bush a war criminal and then sat idly by while Obama trained terrorists to destabilize the middle east. We had a chance to stop war and violence but no you had to vote against Gary Johnson.

We had a chance to stop war and violence but no you had to vote against Gary Johnson.

Remember in 2020 who to vote for to turn this around. Not Hillary or Hillary's failed crony or daughter.

...Ross Perot?

where did this meme about Hilldawg's daughter come from? Did she say she was running?

She got on the cover of a couple magazines along with getting some interviews. It looked like they were trying her out.

Luckily she has the personality of wet cardboard and wouldn't even make it past the primaries. Whoever's trying to push her is wasting their time.


The Gary Johnson method of stopping war and terrorism: "What's a war and terrorism?"

Oh yeah because arming terrorists and bombing civilians have worked out very well for the last 30 years.

TIL hitler was just shitposting

Seriousposting goes to SRD, tyvm

thinking the president has the power to launch nukes willy nilly

Oh blow it out your ass. Guy just wants to golf and shit-post all day. Go cry into your cereal when you realise American exceptionalism boiled down to being the only kid at the playground after Europe spent a century beating itself up.

Oh blow it out your ass. Guy just wants to golf and shit-post all day. Go cry into your cereal when you realise American exceptionalism boiled down to being the only kid at the playground after Europe spent a century beating itself up.

Have you said that on r/neoliberal yet?

Feel free to do it for me

I don't want you to be banned and leave the sub to the SJWs who constantly whine that people who dont agree with them 100% are opening their mouths.

Holy shot idiocracy is looking more and more like a documentary every day.


Can't wait for Monday Night Rehab.

I like money.

Holy mother of fuck.

Do you love me as much as I love you? ;3

We memein now friends
















Do you mean darkest?


Can you fucking liberal reddit fedora faggots please refrain from posting here

/s teehee

Delete your account


> is obsessed over testerone levels

Sure buddy, you are a walking, chiseled piece of man-rock. Sure.


Shut the fuck up and suck start a shotgun.


Oh my god /r/politics /r/marchagainsttrump /r/esist /r/ourpresident and the other 50 anti-trump subs are going to lose their fucking minds over this.

It's already happening

/u/liquidpuzzle this is the biggest case of projection I have ever fucking seen. Yes the man posting a meme is mentally ill, not the tens of thousands of people losing their fucking minds over it.

Lmao sharing this to my 50 facebook friends XP XD take that uncle Drew!1!!

Yes the man posting a meme is mentally ill, not the tens of thousands of people losing their fucking minds over it.

i liked the guy in /r/politics making the subtle WWE jokes that the rest of them missed entirely


seriously link you link it

over at /r/squaredCricle we're just enjoying the great heel booking.

Heel booking?

Urban dictionary didn't have shit, and google gave me a website for a hotel in the netherlands

Please enlighten this poor drama pilgrim

Heel = villain in wrassling

Wow, weird pro-wrestling terminology.

I...guess I'm glad I asked

In wrestling, A villain character is called a 'heel', and booking refers to how matches and stories are planned.

Basically calling Trump a great villain character.

yeah because this is literally about a tweet and just a tweet.

This right here 1000%. Shit like this keeps happening and i think maybe Bernie still has a chance

I posted about everyone that doesn't hate him is a Nazi because he was on Twitter being dumb.


posting some shitty meme about some shitty company you shouldn't give a fuck about because you're the fucking president

How is that not at least a little questionably insane, also lmao @ the thought of trump even getting in a physical fight with anyone

All things considered I think it's worth getting a little "lost minded" over.

That's probably because you have an anxiety attack when they use half and half instead of almond milk in tor latte.

Nah I think it has more to do with a literal shitposting commander in chief and how this is an indirect attack on the first amendment. Don't care how much the news triggers you, it's literally an American standard, under siege two days away from July 4th.

You can't make this shit up.

Don't care how much the news triggers you, it's literally an American standard, under siege two days away from July 4th.


you can't make this shit up

It's a joke. If anything I think this perfectly demonstrates how much the left has lost its sense of humor.

it's a joke

Uhhh, no. Nothing with Trump is a joke. He did not do this because he has an amazing sense of humor. He did this because he has a vendetta against any media criticism, especially CNN.

There is nothing normal about a president attacking forms of media, no matter what apologists try to say. This gif is just a cherry on the shit-cake.

Thanks for demonstrating this once again. Believe it or not, Trump is a human being and he makes jokes sometimes. Yes, there is truth to how much he doesn't like CNN, but there are far scarier ways he could have shown it than a wrestling gif. Chill out.

Jokes, like everything else he says and does, are windows into his psyche.

Holy shit, get over yourself. I hate Trump but this was hilarious.

Presidential shit-posting on twitter sure sounds like another thing the left should be offended about.

In your heads, rent-free.

Silly agendaposters can't handle the God Emperor of Mankind dropping a spicy meme or two. SAD

dank af

fw you will never reach the greater heights of shitposting while being the most powerful man in the world. why even live

As someone who isn't American - Thank you, America. This is lovely. This is my excuse to look at my PM and think "Not that bad".

I love you guys.

I can think of a solid 12345648932017483209147825913 subreddits that you can post this semen slurping comment in, please move to one of them

I've been banned from /r/askgaybros for excessive faggotry, so here's the only place I have left.


Thanks, but whatever place you live in is not a real country.

disappears in a puff of logic

So unless your elected leader is a fucking moron you're not a real country? Well I'm proud to be imaginary then.

No, you aren't a real country if your elected leader is a Swedish feminist that loves rapefugees.

Or similar.








I'm Australian and I am fucking loving this shit this is so fucking funny

Trump's gonna nuke your ass for sending your refugees to America. You should be worried.

I like how tweeters are like "THIS IS IMMATURE BULLTSHIT@!!" then all the blue check mark people are crying about a joke and posting shitty image macros involving ducks and puppies and carebears or whatever.

Like, I don't know who Michael Schwab is, but he sounds like a pretty retarded faggot who needs to get necked.

Like, no goatse? Fuck this gay ass America. We really lost our values.

Behold, the donald poster trying to write a comment.

I have a feeling your comment history is probably a r/iamverysmart best of and I only need a sample size of one.

Well, in the donald the thing you do the best is trust your feelings ;)

Why are you continuously mentioning T_D? If I need feelings or people afraid to step outside and crying about impreachment I go to ETS.

triggered ;)


Well I like, am not going to like, explain it you... either like stupid comments sound like stupid to you, like without subject or a point, telling like.. nothing, or they dont...


low effort account, aint it ;)

Yes it is sweatie ;)

age quod agis


Well he had to simplify it for liberals.

Wow, rude dude here.

Anyone who starts a paragraph with the word "Behold" should literally choke themselves out with their cape and fedora.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | state_of_imgur | ignoreme

The banter between the agenda posters vs the I totally don't have an agenda posters here is always something

My ironic "non-agenda" posting is actually ironic

As in genuine ironic or that the use of irony is itself ironic?


this but ironicly

this but with ironically ironic irony

This but Bionicly

I just want to let you know that I hate it when people on Reddit do this. The one that makes me ree the most is surprise motherfucker / supplies motherfucker / some fries motherfucker / all rise motherfucker.

I understand your frustrations and I share them most of the time. I think Reddit injokes are the most annoying things to see, especially when they push actual quality content further to the bottom.

That being said, my love of Bionicle surpasses my love of my own dignity.

Thankfully there's no quality content on drama

This, but Byronically

Yo how the FUCK do I pm you free food fucker

David Foster Wallace is hanging himself in his grave.

Man, he really would hate this sub wouldn't he?

Irony’s useful for debunking illusions, but most of the illusion-debunking in the U.S. has now been done and redone. All we seem to want to do is keep ridiculing the stuff. Postmodern irony and cynicism’s become an end in itself, a measure of hip sophistication and literary savvy. Few artists dare to try to talk about ways of working toward redeeming what’s wrong, because they’ll look sentimental and naive to all the weary ironists. Irony’s gone from liberating to enslaving. There’s some great essay somewhere that has a line about irony being the song of the prisoner who’s come to love his cage.

idk this place is pretty much Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

I'll take What Dates Say After Meeting me for 1000, Alex.

I think there are t_d posters who believe this is actually an extension of their hive, just as much as there are those who think drama is an anti-t_d.

When in reality, it's just a lot of shit.

What's the difference?

I don't care where anybody here leans politically. Fuck all of them. Every last one of them including my kind and their kind. I'm just here for drama because I fucking love internet drama. Internet drama is like 13 year old girl drama. It's the best kind of drama.

the only agenda i have is to convince everyone on reddit to go to /d/ and not have permanant stick up their arse and maybe just maybe realize that weird shite will continue to rain from the sky, or in other news i am completely mental and need the nice men in white coats that have actual degrees and the proper needles worst night of my life i swear.

Twitter really needs to be more strict with verifications, or remove whatever function gives them priority in replies. All of his tweets are filled with unfunny 20 post long replies by people no one has heard of.

Apparently anyone willing to dox themselves to twitter staff can get the blue tick, now.

But not Milo

I mean, he had the blue tick. He just got it taken away. For raisins.

Lyme disease is incurable

Or @dril

really? is there a link to a form because that was the hardest part last i checked.

I've never has a twitter account so I'm not sure, but here's what twitter has to say:

I've seen plenty of people that aren't celebrities with the blue tick, just send twitter proof that you're who you say you are and they'll verify you.

This was Twitter's against against "trolling", they gave everyone the ability to verify their Twitter.
By doing so they believed that the amount of shitposts would decrease because people would be posting with their real names on the platform.
This turned out to be completly false of course, something that Facebook could have told them beforehand.

Have a read of this, fucking hysterical.

some of these folks greatest achievements in their life will be having a top Trump subtweet. they've peaked.

Trump’s very predictable, so sometimes it’s just like ‘BOOM!’ Two minutes after Trump’s tweet I have a seven-part response that’s topical and engaging.


Holy shit. We'd have to pool our autism for weeks to even come close to this.

This is amazing

Double conga parrots, you're definitely excited for this one

hard to believe it's been a full 30 years since our last president with Ronald Reagan's Disease

lmao they really don't want to draw attention to the fact that trump was in WWE. that will only benefit him

Not only was he on it, he owned it!

Y'all may think this is funny because it's like a movie, but it won't be funny when we get drafted into a war he starts

he starts

(((they)))* start

Oh please, like Hillary wouldn't have you training in Alaska right now for the Russian winter. After passing the Draft our Daughters act.

That's why we have poor people.

Begun the meme war has.

>tfw my 'tism makes me unfit to serve


implying they don't put you lot up front.

it won't be funny when we get drafted into a war he starts

lol wut war - its been going on for YEARS

Greatest timeline confirmed.

I thought Trump was supposed to make new jobs, not steal mine.

Not even OC, he's just a filthy reposter

/u/GallowBoob is literally Trump.

dey terk er jerbs

Clinton News Network eternally BTFO

Is it possible for you to not be a retard?

Ily America, give more

Well, looks like we know what will the_donald and politics/ETS be jerking around for the next day or so.

And for good reason, this fat cunt's the president not a kid

Oh sweetie, you only have have to deal with this daily for the next #8 YEARS

Idc, I have superior Ashkenazi genes and I'm not an americuck :)


I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.

I like Jews. They make very good lampshades and soap. And by that I mean when they work in the factories to produce these things. They are good workers.

Arbeit macht frei

Hehe XD!!!1!1

God I hate this guy, but this shit is hilarious as hell.

It's 1000% more hilarious for the reason that this guy is LITERALLY the president of United States of America.

I feel like Dave Chappelle in NIGGAR family skit except instead of racism, this hilariousness is killing me.

Same. Except, I love him!

For what possible reason would you love an obese, socially inept, spoiled, rapacious, incoherent, illiterate, lying, thieving, cheating, manchild?

oh wait

lol so bitter

said the person(?) who voted for someone out of spite.

NEETs aren't people, and the sooner you learn that the better

I voted out of enthusiasm. Something you will never understand. :-D

Nobody cares how hard liberal tears make your dick

I can tell you have a lot of pent up emotions right now, just let it all out, you're in a safe space buddy :)


I am happy that you are happy. Spread the happiness around.

This doggo demands it.


You're /r/dramas only friend


I'm sorry about your disability.

I can't believe we actually got this timeline. Unreal.

I think I'm happy about it, if only for the memes.

What kind of nuclear superpower you want fam

Give me the one that fights the yiddish kike shill globalist culturally Marxist fourth estate deep state far leftist (((media))) agencies famaroni.

say no more fam

There is a difference between the Special Forces Bibi led badass Israelis, and the cucked leftist bolshevik culturally marxist pajama boy cucked yid kike jews in the U.S.

The same as the difference between blacks and niggers.

Or the difference between mussies that rape and stone you to death, and mussies that just stand around and watch you get stoned to death.

Same same.

I love how he proceeded to sell out as soon as he got to power. Good for drama.

Lol that fat fuck can't throw a punch

You uh, you know pro wrestling isn't real, right?

I'm talking specifically about Mantis McMicrocock here

You shut your whore mouth!

4 more years!


HIS FIRST YEAR IS HALF OVER and he is still making this the most memeorable 6 months of the past 10 years for me.

>58 discussions spawned in 4 hours


No matter what political side you are, we can agree this is some cringy shit, no?

There's no "political side" in a sense that there's this idea of political engagement for the betterment of society or whatnot.

This is simply an empire sliding a bit further down the decline of anything it once stood.

I mean, you literally have people voting against their interest en masse so hard they don't even feel his dick up their ass and this meme is simply to make them forget its his dick tickling them between the ears that's how deep it's inside.

Revenge of the White Trash should be a movie by now…

Keep Yourself Safe

people voting against their interests so hard

Liberal memes suck so much ass.

This is outstanding and some of the greatest political theater the world will likely ever witness. Stop picking sides and aligning with an agenda and just sit back and watch the left, right, the gay, and the media tear eachother apart and eat each others live children.

It's a shitty meme that would make even 9gag cringe. And that is the truth.

Quit seriousposting you fuck.

This is hilarious.

This may just be the best shitpost in modern history

So this is how Germany finally takes over? Merkel will raise a coilition of nations to liberate the American people from Hitler 2.0 in the Whitehouse?

Fuck these edibles are hitting strong

I heard Merkel hates gays, is this true?

Lol how? Germany has almost no armed forces, they had to share units with neighboring ones.

Not to mention the amount of troops we have stationed in Europe from NATO


LOL people are seriously mad over a fucking meme? But it's ok to attack people and deface property because we're #resisting.

Is this really our Presidents tweet? PLEASE don’t let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

This meme battle is not over, counter-attack launched.

That one doesn't even make sense.

It's the DOJ coming after him for collusion and money laundering.

More proof that the left can't meme

That meme was worse than 3 day old Mexican food shits

Globalist CNN BTFO!


Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed.

It's ok fam I recognize your pasta.

Reminds me of people losing their fucking minds over this.

Lmfao, everyone is losing their shit over a meme. Amazing.

Of all the shit things this pile of garbage has done, this is at the bottom of the list. Why the fuck are people pretending to be outraged?

Fuck his terrible health care plan, more intervention in Yemen and Syria, his vp being anti lgbt, him taking a week vacation every 2 hours of working, this is the reason drumpf is finally finished

This is fucking incredible no seriously this is magical. The leader of the free world reposted a reddit meme, and now news outlets are claiming he's calling for violence against the media, and people are calling for him to be impeached over this shit OH MY FUCKING SIDES THIS IS SUCH A GOOD DAY

He posted this on his personal and presidential account. This is now an official presidential document.

troll these moron Soros bots.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to try trolling bots? The entire point is they don't look at your response.

I cant wait for the over the top articles about this

>tfw my shitposts will never make the news


Hilarious? Ok, comedy is officially dead.

Seeing this makes me like Trump way more

How? I'm pretty any publicity is good publicity doesn't apply when the media has spent the last 12 months calling you an inbred, degenerate orang-utan. The entire country thinks Trump is too stupid to know what way to fling shit.