"Your suffering is contrived and not at all profound," a self-professed "normie" tells /r/cripplingalcoholism. The resident drunks decide to have fun with this young visitor.

28  2017-07-03 by snallygaster


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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entire sub in comic sans

Sign of brain damage right there

Papyrus is where it's at. Classy shit, that.

Do you even wingdings bruh

Papyrus is trash, Keep Yourself Safe

You're trash, but thanks for being concerned for me.

A recurrent theme of your posting is that life is painful, full of suffering, and therefore a reason to shitpost. By itself this notion is relatively non-objectionable and I have no qualms with the conclusion. You feel a lot of pain so you shitpost to cope, fine. However, what I do object to is how you seem to have a superiority complex with respect to the 'normies'. It's as if you think that those people have never grappled with nihilism, never despaired at the futility of life, etc. To me it seems that realizing life is painful and technically pointless is not particularly profound. I think many people (perhaps not most) come upon this realization at some point in their lives. They differ in that they are able to come to terms with such realizations, to find some localized sense of context and purpose and to live fulfilling and meaningful lives regardless. By all means continue to do what you want but you need to drop this charade that you are suffering under the burden of enlightenment. tldr: What you feel is not novel, most folks just deal with it better. Give the normies some respect

The CA chatroom on ICHC actually made my drinking worse because they're fun people to get wasted and talk shit with.

They do seem like a fun bunch when they're drunk. The sub seems to have taken a turn for the miserable and hopeless since the last time I checked it, though (about a year or two ago).

Its been at least two years since I've been on, I'm sure its progeria level depressing at this point.

I used to go on the one for /r/drunk occasionally back in the day. Interesting bunch of people to chill with.

I agree with argument if the strawman he is attacking does indeed exist. I've done the same in this very subreddit: constructed a strawman based on my perception of the subreddit as if the community is one single person based on the upvote patterns and comments, and then proceeded to write a bunch of crap attacking that strawman

I think /u/[deleted] need to stop addressing entire subreddits as if they're equal to one random upvoted comment they saw saying "normies don't understand pain"

I lurk CA since forever. Keeps me from drinking (that much).

It is a great deterrent from the lifestyle, that's for sure.

Same reason I sometimes visit SRD, to prevent myself from being a dry tit.

/r/cripplingalcoholism might have the best spoken and most mentally balanced userbase. Fuck they're actually witty while telling that dude to fuck off.

Imagine getting your ass handed to you by a bunch of drunks lmao