/u/the_dinks (mod making the sticky comment from that BPT thread the other day) takes his argument to /r/ShitPoliticsSays.

38  2017-07-03 by zahlman


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I blame the Jews for this. Snapshillbot was red-pilling left and right, and then the Jews and their FULLY AUTOMATED GAY SPACE COMMUNISM struck.

/u/the_dinks, we at /r/Drama support your pro-mayocide stance and would like to offer you a mod position and dank flair. Please post bussy to accept your prize, you woke motherfucker.

This but unironically. I want him as a mod.


I fully support your stance on the mayo menace. Every one of those downvotes is just another example of the mayo keeping the black man down. I'm logging every one of those nazi IPs and will make sure they are the top of the list when the mayocide begins. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT

this but ironically

Redditor for one year

Oh geez


By jove

/u/the_dinks you mod 200+ subs and spend all day on reddit whining about white people (while being white)

Know how I know your an unattractive low lest beta male with a receding hairline and an ample collection of bespoke fleshlights?

why would anybody have a "collection" of fleshlights lol

i mean, i guess if they collected fleshlights

You'd have to ask /u/the_dinks

Oral, anal and vaginal versions of fleshlights obv

I never considered bespoke ones before feeling like a real pleb with my mass market fleshlights now

ah shitpoliticssays, the only place I can think of on an equal level of stupidity as /u/the_dinks.

they have that one fashy mod who's alright, he used to be the entire sub too

but now whenever I drop by they're managing to be even more retarded than the delusional lefties they link to DAE SHARIABLUE IS ASTROTURFING THE INTERNET

Me and other mods understand that the subreddit has turned into /r/the_donald 2.0 . However so many new pro-Trump subscribers means we can't really do much to stop it outside of banning hundreds of people. Luckily we have a few liberal posters who try to even things up but it's an uphill battle. And surprisingly when stupid stuff is posted from the donald it generally gets upvoted just as much as if a liberal said it.

Nutjobs? On reddit?? In a political sub???


That mod is right. You can't be racist against dead people and all whites need to be destroyed ASAP.

Hey /u/the_dinks, "dink" is a racial epithet for Asians (usually/specifically Vietnamese).

I didn't know that

Of course you didn't because of your white privilege.

Fucking oppressor.

Oh, now you show up.

lol reported so fucking hard you racist piece of garbage.

Now do 10 hail Mary's and 25 privilege checks before I turn you in to the police for violating my heritage with your disgusting racist attitude and language. You're not woke fam.


how does it feel to be a regressive liberal? Honestly, I can't imagine the pain of it. You wake up, remember the glorious past of your ancestors, only to remember how it was taken away by not only white people, but the white people who live near you too (disgusting, I know). You look into the mirror before you sit down to start modding the most important part of american culture, BPT, and you see a perfect, melanin enriched, Nubian god staring back at you. If only, IF ONLY, that disgusting privileged white kid you saw at Starbucks the other day hadn't personally benefited and participated in the wholesale destruction of your people. A shame. You cry, but remember how mystical and powerful your skin makes you. You remember, you was kangz and shit.

I'm white tho

understandable, have a nice day

We don't like your kind, mayo.