SRD gets their feeling hurts over a roast and some guy takes on trans folks at the bottom of the thread.

125  2017-07-04 by Standard12


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shitting on people behind their back doesn't make you a good person. you are terrible and also a puss. it's time for some self awareness

We make fun of people for being terrible. And we don't make fun @ them.

/u/GahLant - has the body of a 65 year old obese man, but the brain of a catty shitty teenage girl. TraNs prIde <3 XoXo

And we, /u/GahLant, make fun of people for being retards with no self awareness and bitch tits, you faggot. And we ping them when we do it.

The OP of that roast seems pretty level-headed to me. The other tranny in that thread, however...

Smug levels at an all time high (for the day)

You know how you can tell someone's a tranny? They'll fucking tell you.

Sometimes you can tell right away

And sometimes there's lady boys in Phuket

all you gotta do is look at the hands or feet, you cant hide those

99% of them are fucking hideous too.

I got "tricked" by a transsexual woman once.

Had the worst hangover anxiety of my life the day after, but at least she was smoking hot.

Bangkok can be deceiving sometimes.

be honest was her dick bigger than yours

He/she had no sick, but I'm fairly sure it was a dude.

I read that there are a lot of ladyboys in Thailand who are girls though, but eat hormones to get more masculine features.

wait what

tfw no Thai ladyboy gf to destroy my virgin bussy


That would probably be the first thing I would say after, yes.

In Thailand

making out with person in random bar

even friends tell you that they're the wrong gender

Let's be honest, you were hunting for the bussy weren't you?

I was in Bangkok not too long ago. It's 100% this

I mean, if you're close enough to be kissing a ladyboy, you know they're a ladyboy. It's not like they hide it like western trannies.

You know what they say about one night in Bangkok...

"I'm trans, can't do this, did I mention I'm trans? you know transexual right?" "would you like some cake?" "Omg you bigoted why are you focusing so much on my transition and bringing it up all the time!"

It's amazing anyone is trying to frame this as anything but a small group of people wanting special treatment, and theres already been a fair bit of drama on here lately showing how special they want that treatment, they can be offensive as they like to others, just no say mean criticism to them.

tbh i think you would find a way to hate them even if some of them didnt talk about being trans too often

tbh this is pretty true for me too.

tbh I don't give a fuck what lies a bigot from SRS wants to make up about me. Their opinion on whats "hateful" is worth less then trash, they hate people for having reasoned opinions, they hate minorities for having their own voice, they hate people for not being part of their fuck off back to your toxic shit hole.

It's really sad you think I hate them for talking about themselves, thats some powerful denial there to pretend the "just massive assholes most of the time part". I don't hate trans people but I hate some individuals who happen to be trans because they are garbage humans big difference. But I know nuances like that are hard for retards of your ilk.

yeah my bad for misunderstanding your nuanced and insightful opinion on why some trans people are annoying

Damn that's a lot of generalizing. Did a tranny fuck your dog or something?

Is someone triggered by something said on a shitposting sub?

Besides I souldn't have needed to say I'm talking about a subgroup of that group, the ones specifically responsible for the kind of thing I'm talking about...stop over generalizing my shit post.

After that comment you're hardly in a position to be calling other people triggered

"is someone triggered," asks man after posting series of angsty, paragraph-length replies

The dog was the tranny.

One caveat: these are 99% of the time MtF trannies. FtM seem to be pretty cool, or non-existent. Can't tell which.

Generally pretty cool ime. And much less visible bc they usually just look like manlets.

Absolutely, no group is more overlooked and silent then FtM trans. MtF, and that subgroup that I mock, do fuck all about that, it's all about women with dicks, they don't give a fuck about FtM. You might occasionally hear how transphobic gay men are for not sleeping with men without dicks but thats usually only a background noise. Tbh I think like gay men will never be forgiven for being men, trans men will never be forgiven for the act of "betrayal" to the cult for not being women, plus they'd have to admit all these things they've been saying men can't be victims of, actually can happen to men, which would just be to hard to break that narrative to acknowledge them.

The real surprise to me is how readily feminists accept men who pretend to be women... Honestly, it just doesn't seem to jive with the rest of the rhetoric.

Well many don't but I think they like to pretend that the suffering trans women go through is because of the woman part of it, so they "accept" it only as an act to "appropriate" it, thus by the same standard rejecting (if only subtly and never an outright vocal proclaimation) trans men.

I actually find it all within the whole insidious framework of feminists today tbh.

I actually know /u/ohh_yeah, he has a lot of experience with this kind of thing, so not surprised he could identify one.


Now ain't that the truth.

And lesbians!

unless they're trying to have sex with straight men.


The manjaws? The nasally voices? The wide shoulders?

Nothing like a good punching down!

/u/tummycrunches, when someone asks to be roasted, it kinda throws all your personal feelings about what "punching down" is out. But moreover, I hate to tell you this, but no one gives a shit what you think is mean or not.

'Nobody gives a shit.'

-guy quoting and pinging me in another sub

He's just following the rules, don't take it personally

You misunderstand: I care very much about letting you know no one gives a fuck what you think is meanie poo poo head, and that if you go around whining about "punching down", I know that you're a fucking failure in life.

What I don't care about is what you consider mean.

Never change, summer Reddit.

but no one gives a shit what you think is mean or not.

How are you this dumb.

You get sexually aroused when someone pings you, don't you?

Take consolation that Trans people get to punch down (or maybe sideways) without issue, they love punching the gay community, just go to trans twitter if you want to see some good old down punching.

-guy quoting and pinging me in another sub

Mandatory /r/drama protocol, nothing to see here.

I, for one, don't really need to know where guys ping you.

Yeh people who say that are usually not comedians, shocker

I always love that the internet forums are always composed of MTF autistic tranny crybabies who nonstop have to post about the virtues of having a broken brain and being a sad ugly man in a dress.

Of course, when you post anything negative about them they launch into defensive posting claiming your a bigot... Why? Because deep down they love it and know the shitty effort they made to look like a hip crazy pixie dream girl is actually a pathetic attempt at attention and victimhood equal to what they believe minorities get. Suddenly, instead of a fat idiot who works as a third rate video game journalist or a moronic unemployed waste of life they are now "Victims" of society and thus can do no wrong.

Unemployed? I'm trans! Shitty personality? I am just cynical because everyone hates trans people? No one likes my posts? Trans!

They are the biggest losers on earth and they want to live off sympathy. Honestly, kill every tranny you see and get half off (50% off!!) your socks at! 👢👢👣

I think along with instructions on taking care of their wound it says and finally get a Reddit account and pretend you aren't mentally ill

The best I've seen is: "I didn't choose to be trans"

no way

That's not wrong is it? They were born the wrong way

Breathing you mean?

Fake and gay socksoff

Are you alright? You seem to be distressed.

I haven't even looked at SRD in a while. If the OP is representative, it seems like it has finally completed its "transition" to an even whinier version of SRS/Circlebroke/Negareddit.

Long gone are the days /r/subredditdrama makes fun of the drama. They should rename it /r/subredditvirtuesignal or /r/subredditvalidateme

Most of the blame for its demise rests solely at the feet of /u/stopscopiesme.

tbf /r/drama is now /r/virtuesignalingoversubredditdramavirtuesignaling. And then our own infighting inevitably gets posted back to /r/subredditdramavirtuesignalingoverdramavirtuesignalingoversubredditdramavirtuesignaling.

I have a theory that "trolling" doesn't exist anymore. So places like r/drama and r/subredditdrama that are supposed to be based around other criticism people just turn into irony filled circlejerks.

This sub was mostly made for off-site drama. It's unfortunate that it's become another meta circlejerk.

It doesn't matter who created this sub for what lofty purpose. It's not "unfortunate" that this sub has become a "meta circlejerk", doubly hilarious coming from you. Reddit drama is allowed for a reason. If you ban reddit drama nobody would visit this sub and it would become a ghost town with only a couple of posters.

Oh no that would be such a tragedy 😞

I'm not disappointed that Reddit drama is allowed; I encourage it. But recently people haven't been submitting drama, it's just been smugposting and agendaposting all over the place.

It has always been like that, but I get what you're saying. It's the byproduct of having a mostly hands off moderation policy. There are not many subs on reddit left where you could insult a power mod and still actively participate in that sub without being banned or automod shadowbanned. This sub is unique in that regard and attracts the type of crowd that shits on the previlages.

Don't get me wrong, I like being a mod here. It just tickles me when people here get smug about SRDines being smug.

I think the difference is that many people in srd design their comment to display how much better they are that the user(s) in a linked post. Here, folks intend only to insult the user(s). SRD has users that are very full of themselves, while drama just has people looking to shit on folks a little bit.

Gawker is gone. Off-site drama is dead except for the occasional /u/smellygussy post, and she is rapidly succumbing to depression and cat addiction. We better get used to dystopian /r/drama because it ain't gonna get better.

It's unfortunate that it's become another meta circlejerk.

/u/zachums, this better be ironic as fuck because I sure as hell wasn't the one advocating for mayocide and bussy and all those other memes 24/7

There's the occasional funny shitpost, I never said there wasn't.

/u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK sees through me once again, I was only going to bait him by asking how many trannies he fucked through his charm and charisma on Reddit.

I'm doing my part.

But the difference is that it actually is a virtue to wish death on the SRDine, and so we in /r/drama really are virtuous.

But it's not a virtue to compulsively jerk your micropenis at how much better you are than the average redditer because you watched a youtube video once critical of male power fantasies in video games. It is, on the contrary, a vice. And so the SRDines need to be canned in retribution for their sins.


lol True. it's basically a sub where smug college aged liberals go to circlejerk either how progressive they are o how oppressed they are.

SRD is basically filled with the same people that in post a Gamerghazi and Circlebroke.

IMO it used to be a lot worse.

SRD along with the other subs you mentioned have become the "euphoric neckbeards" equivalents of the past 2 years or so. If you don't literally worship Hillary Clinton's vagina and think Sanders is the next Joseph Stalin then you're just a brogressive neo-nazi 4channer by default.

For example, a clown claims that all clowns should be stuffed into a single toy VW Beetle and punted off of the Transamerica. While it must be nightmarish for a clown to be stuck in such a tiny space with all those other assholes and it's normally a war crime for anyone else to suggest this, it's funny.

SRDine humor, folks.

There's no clearer way to put it: SRDines are by and large the people in high school that you'd call dorks. Just plain dorks.

You wouldn't invite them to parties, you'd make fun of their jokes and how they dressed and how uncoordinated they were when it comes to sports. Just fucking dorks.

post a pic

post bussy (best one) (yes this is actually a dude)

Uggh this is gay as fuck. I demand compensation, show tits.

ask someone else i'd likely pick plastic fake awful looking tits i am 100% on that heinfield or whatever the fuck its called.

Yes, yes it will.

vile and disgusting

Then what does that make /r/drama posters?

Harris and Klebold tbh

Cho Sueng Hui I was leaning towards. Only a drama sperglord could write McBeef.

That'd require attending university and not being a stay-at-home-son jerking off to the bussies of their toony trap waifus.

Unabashed retards.

Unabashed retards.



elliot rodgers except instead of he can't get any girl pussy he can't get any boi pussy. but then he makes friends on the internet and they give him all the bussy he could ever want. he lives a happy life and goes on to can many SRDines.

eh. if my experince is any gay bottoms like myself are pretty desperate virgin whore complex does not even begin to describe it.

The glue-drinkers with sexy helmets.

Either the people with bad hygiene who no one talks to or the actual cool kids. All depends on how much time you spend on reddit.

hahahaha xD

Did anyone anywhere laugh at that? If so, kys.

Actually this is good.

We make fun of people for being terrible. And we don't make fun @ them.

This is what SRD users actually believe

Gotta give /u/stopscopiesme props for that one.

What the fuck did you expect on /r/roastme?

Fuck, i didn't whine after getting roasted, either.

hey guys roast me I'm a gril btw

insert insult


So SRD is the SJW version of Drama?

Srd is for people who aren't quite srs.

Now it is. The mods have banned every sane person who posted there.

I got banned but I'm not sane or a person. Am I special?

I'm still alive and getting downvoted in SRD.

But getting very close...

They haven't had their humor reassignment surgery yet.

Before they incorporated the "new" no smug/agenda-posting stuff awhile back and it was at it's all-time maximum shitty, if you clicked a random obnoxious comment (which all of them were) 8/10 times the majority of the poster's history was srs and circlebroke.

It really turned into just another clone sub of those subs for a long time, and they had a shit fit for awhile when the mods told them to stop it.

I know it's been a joke since forever that srs = srd, but at that time it really wasn't much of an exaggeration at all, just a different twist on the type of srs/cb sub ("drama" focused). This was also apparent with 9/10 posts there being smug agenda posts for like 2 years or however long that was going on.

But like I said, actually randomly checking user histories, it was ridiculous at how accurate the description was.

It's exactly the same now, just every now and again the mods slap them around a bit.


We make fun of people for being terrible. And we don't make fun @ them. Edit: condemning deplorable behavior isn't deplorable behavior

just look at that retarded bullshit from /u/gahlant

That guy you linked me.... He is one of those SJW Goon RPG haters. I didn't think I'd see one in the wild. I guess they had to go somewhere after Bioware forums died LOL.

Ding dong bannu!

/u/gahlant I actually have you tagged as an SJW. not that you'd care. i just have literally no one else tagged as anything, so it must mean something.

That's fair

Its for people who arent below the mental age of 13

What kind of disability do you need to get in with the circlebroke crowd?


If you think those subs are about empathy you definitely have some kind of mental deficiency.

If you're actually serious, this might actually be the least self aware comment I've seen in a while.

This better be ironic as fuck

My smug detector just went off the fucking charts and it led me to this comment.

Smug is the best drug

Leads to brain damage unless it was a pre-existing condition.

It's a middle ground between SRS and Drama.

/u/transgoddess does the truth hurt or something? The vast majority of straight men aren't attracted to mtf trans.

truth? vast? lol Tell me, How does one know what 90% of the population is attracted to? Your comment is so, unrealistic it's funny.

Besides, i don't get hurt over what someone finds attractive. I have much better things to care about.

90% I think it's 99% who aren't attracted to trannies. The other 1% are incels and virgins who've never seen an actual vagina.

lol kool breh

The incels would probably just think the tranny had a disgusting roastie.

Yeah they really don't like labia do they.

why is trans porn so popular? why is thailand so popular?


why is trans porn so popular?

degenerates and bots

why is thailand so popular?

child prostitutes. next?

Cause people don't jerk it to weird shit. And I don't know probably to bang bar girls. They certainly aren't dating or marrying a tranny

We aren't talking about marriage, you brought up attraction. Just because you have repressed your love for lady cock doesn't mean everyone has to.

Again jerking off to degenerate shit doesn't mean you're actually attracted to it and prostitutes in thailand. So no again 99% don't find trannies attractive it's why they prey on drunk dudes.

they prey on drunk dudes

this is beyond paranoid

There have been half a dozen posts on relationships in the past month alone about guys and girls freaking out after finding out their partner is/being exposed as transsexual

yeah the "creative" writing over at /r/relationships is a good representation of the real world

Do you want statistics? I thought this sub functioned entirely on anecdotal evidence!

yeah hit me up with some stats

Just because you have repressed your love for lady pretend you don't have a cock doesn't mean everyone has to.

why would i need to pretend to not have a cock to enjoy a woman's cock?

Why are so many trannies autistic? You know taking double doses of vaccines doesn't help, right?

ur mixing your edgy young republican talking points with ur conspiracy talking points

Good job admitting that male Democrats love cock

nothing wrong with liking a cock my dude

lol u after that D

because fags in denial

Why was Obama elected President? Fucking twice??

i dont think obama is a trans lol

Somebody's doing the voting

why is trans porn so popular?

Same reason people rubberneck when they see a car wreck.

lmao "so popular"

You mean how it gets like 1% of the clicks regular porn gets?

not a real number, what is regular porn?

Real number

As in it's just a number pulled out of your tight little ass.

Because "so popular" wasn't made up in its entirety.

why is trans porn so popular?

I bet it's not even half as popular as things like straight/lesbian/gay porn. Not sure what you mean by "so popular."

why is thailand so popular?

Sex tourism.

So that's why /r/dickgirls is filled with incels.

If you didn't get hurt over it you wouldnt be so loudly scoffing about how it's not true when it obviously is.

MtF trans really, really aren't attractive fam. It's a weird smorgasboard of male and female physical traits that most people find very offputting.

Plus, y'know, the fact that people attracted to women want to fuck actual women.

The vast majority of them are ugly men trying to dress like a mix of skanky teenage girls and anime girls they masturbate to. When you see a guy in his late 20s trying to look like the women he cums to every day, of course your brain is going to figure out it's obviously a guy because of the body build, no matter how much HRT he goes on.

The ones that "pass" do so because of the magic of good makeup application, winning the genetic lottery, and good camera angles.

Hit the nail on the head tbh.

Laughing at someone that believes 90% of the straight, male population does not find trans women attractive is "so loudly scoffing" lol oh, ok.

Also, trans women are "actual women" :)

No, you aren't. Actual women are born with vaginas. You're a man doing the gender equivalent of blackface. And everyone who hasn't been cry-bullied into faux acceptance can see it.

lol I feel sad for you.

I have no substantive response, so I'm going to passive-aggressively imply that falling short of my personal moral standards means you're suffering

The classic response of the dumbass faux-lefitst and the fundamentalist christian. GOOD response, homeslice.

I'm not the one so completely devoid of personality that I had to dress up like a woman and make my entire identity revolve around it. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut you go ahead and feel fake sympathy for me fam.

Or, I'm just getting bored of replying to... people like yourself. "i feel sad for you." (as in a ...Pathetic kinda way) is more appealing.

lmfao, I got what you meant, cringe factory.

if you're bored of replying why are you still replying 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


guys look he still doin it

So.... nothing to retort? Good conversation and I hope you learned what you did wrong

>eating this bait

want me to eat ur bussy instead?

Well, that is the definition of "straight" so, yeah.

Whoever told you that is lying to you. Did they manage to change your chromosomes and make you a vagina that isn't a flesh wound that the body wants to close up. You can put a bugatti body kit on a Volkswagen but it's still a Volkswagen dressed up as a bugatti.

Straight people are not into dicks, sorry.

Straight women don't like dicks!?

You sound like a hon.

lol. So glad i'm not.

Then why do you sound like that?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

See? That's a much better roast than "hurr durr you look like a man".

r/fatpeoplehate Is that way...oh wait it was banned for being too offensive.


These people are the kind of assholes that would order a giant bucket of KFC and while you are doing something else eat all the batter off the chicken.

Is better humor /u/Amelaclya1 ?

It's my post you dumbass. I said fuck sake because I type feeling hurts instead of feelings hurt.

thinking I pay attention to names of people in threads I visit.

lol. Sorry my cock up. Hope your feeling isn't hurt.

Even more critically, clowns aren't an oppressed minority.

If a black guy were to start going on about how black people should be stuffed into a clown car and deported, I'd be rolling my eyes not laughing.

i wanna die

I think Sardines finally lost it

Explain to me again how SRD is any different from SRS ?

They both linked that thread, and posted similar comments.

One won't ban you for posting on wrongthink subs. That's about it.

Both of them will. I'm banned in SRD and I presume I will be in SRS if I post there.

SRD is where you can behave like a SRSer without having the stigma of being labelled a SRSer. Think of it like the deformed child of SRS and Circlebroke. Smug and whiny.

Why does SRD think their opinions on what constitutes good comedy are worth literally anything? They're literally the most smug, unfunny fart-sniffers on this site.

I like how the OP even showed up to defend the joke.

These people are the kind of assholes that would order a giant bucket of KFC and while you are doing something else eat all the batter off the chicken.

See? That's a much better roast than "hurr durr you look like a man".

Holy shit, SRDines nerds have no sense of humor. Nuke them all.

"punching down" /u/TummyCrunches

Please, please, explain how, in your SRD head, it is "punching down" to insult a tranny when they have literally asked to be roasted on /r/roastme.

And by explain, I mean keep yourself safe.

Was your post just saying that trans people are mentally ill? It's not unusual to ban someone like you.

But they are mentally ill. Half of America could be called mentally ill if depression meds are included. Only a SJW would think calling someone mentally ill is a insult when its demonstrable.

The thing is you're fairly transparent. You are using it as an insult.

How? I think you are just assuming.

That's fine.

Just went to check out what's been going on there, and... really glad I left even if I didn't have a choice. It used to be about attacking everyone they can but now it's just devolved into /r/ImGoingToHellForThis tier """comedy""" where they just call trans people mentally ill and act like it's the pinnacle of comedy. Most of the submissions boil down to "FUCKIN LIBTARD SAID A THING I DISAGREE WITH DAE TRIGGERDDD"

Who wants to bet /u/IAMAGODDESSOFCATSAMA has never posted here and just saw an opportunity to virtue signal?

Looks like you've got spunk on your face or however the saying goes

Fair enough. Tbf the comment did read like it was copypasted from a /r/TIA rant with the sub names changed.