/pol/ declares war on the jews over at cnn for blackmailing an innocent counter-semite

107  2017-07-05 by 4chan_pol_ambassador


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a quick rundown for the uninitiated: rando makes gif of trump bodyslamming vince on wwe wrestling, with cnn's head on vinces body. cnn takes offence after trump retweeted the gif and uses their top men to track down the random nobody from his reddit post history. they then threaten to release his personal info unless he bends the knee. now /pol/ marches to war

This is why you don't let autism go unchecked.

On the contrary, unchecked autism leads to a lot entertainment, as Chris-Chan showed us during his glory days.

What the fuck am i watching

Still gives. If you haven't checked upon him for a while I suggest doing so

I straddle the line between pure humor and outright shame when it comes to Chris-chan. 😥

Bad move CNN.

Fucking with /pol/ is like taking a shit on North Korean soil.

Apparently /u/HanAssholeSolo is only 15. CNN is threatening to doxx a teenager over a meme. Their PR people are going to be working a lot of overtime this week...

In retaliation /pol/ has already posted the personal info of everyone they can find who works at CNN. This is good drama. I give them 48 hours before they issue an apology or release the doxx out of spite.


looking up post history is not doxxing

they found enough deets to get his facebook page and phone number

to get his facebook page

yeah, from his post history

then his phone number

well yeah, just take a phonebook, such doxx


Your age is showing, grandpa.

what do you think doxxing is

doxxing is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information

maybe i'm wrong because of the identifiable point, but any info you can retrieve through publicly available means isn't private aymore

most doxxing is from researching information people have put online, either directly on reddit/twitter posts, or by connecting usernames/emails across different forums and then going through that info until they find something

think it's pretty rare that it happens from someone being hacked (for example), but i could be wrong

information people have put online

so, not private. identifiable, yes, so i might be wrong on that point.

Doxxing is not illegal. A company threatening an individual into silence by threats still fall under coercion and could be actionnable.

A company threatening an individual into silence by threats still fall under coercion and could be actionnable.

yes, it could. however, i doubt any lawyer would want to take the case of CNN forcing someone not to post racist post on the internet.

Alt righters would litteraly fund one overnight. See Daily Stormer.

It's more likely that the 15 year will go dark tho.

He was posting to /r/ImGoingToHellForThis

That should be punishable by death tbqh

Lawyers defend killers and big companies who have fucked over a lot of people, they won't mind defending a shitposter.

NEETs don't pay very much

He also said he was glad to have moved in 1990 so unless he's Benjamin Button /Pol/ just made up the age thing to win sympathy points.

He also said he was 37 and a PhD candidate and had a 12 inch dong so uh

Well we already know he was retarded. The rest of what he said like making coffee in the morning, work and not wanting to expose his family just screams late 20 early 30.

Apparently /u/HanAssholeSolo is only 15.

That was Fake News by a single /POL/ to try to make their guy look less like an asshole.

Not that the guy being an asshole justifies anything ....

but really I am just impressed how immature this whole thing is, a goddamm major news channel doxxing a ramdon internet user. Crybabies

breitbart, /r/the_donald, /POL/ Doxxed hundreds

Haha what cucks

CNN threaten to dox one of their own


yes they are mentally handicapped, whats your point?

you dont see me bitching about 8 year olds being hypocrites do you?

8 cmon they are 4 at besr

i think we are being unfair to kids

What can the possibly do in this. The establishment is basically behind CNN, they're not going to lose advertisers or audience share because /pol/ doesn't watch CNN and most people aren't nazi rp-ers or white nationalists and so don't like /pol/ when the come across that culture. I guess they could attract more people to go on their board but that seems about it unless somebody at CNN is has committed some kind of obvious crime and left a trail of evidence that internet detectives can follow, or CNN will collapse if somebody takes their flag.

This is one of the major media organisations in the country, owned by one of the three media conglomerates not some random teenager with a facebook page.

Actually no. It turns out the dude was racist and he doesn't want people knowing.

Actually no, it was more classic - if you use a word you're racist.


Yup, these are some of his posts: http://imgur.com/a/hfUAo

Taking Imgoingforhellforthis as tangible proof.

He was a wannabe edgelord who really want to be pol, but his actual opinion are just boring young right winger.

Can you drop pol's dick from your mouth for just once

There is a difference between posers and NEET socs. I also agree /pol/ is a shadow of what it used to be.

Not really, they're both pathetic

They're pathetic in different way, that was my point.

Everyone aspires to RP as a Nazi on 4chan. But /pol/ is such a selective and exclusive community with its high registration criteria.

ITT: people in a sub dedicated to genocide and gay sex act confused about the concept of shitposting and being edgy

I get the niggers one, but all the anti-religious posts are pretty lefty.

I don't see anything racist in there. Cringetastically edgelordy? Yeah


Two stupid memes in his username. ding

Any proof they threatened him? All I've seen is "A happened before B, and B = apology, so A = a reporter told him to apologize or get doxxed to the American people".

No proof, but that timeline is convincing as fuck. Why else would he go from posting racist shit 24/7 to suddenly apologising?

CNN wouldn't blackmail him. If they had his personal info they would just publish it or not depending on which would make them more money. Why would they give a shit about a bullshit non-apology from an edgelord?

Oh man, you've never seen someone who acted like hot shit with one crowd and then fold like a napkin the second when someone from another crowd comes along.

You never knew a kid growing up who was edgy as fuck until his parents found out and now he's begging to save his nintendo?

Perhaps, but CNN all but said it themselves.

They said "A happened before B", at the worst. Are you familiar with the term, 'post hoc, ergo propter hoc'?

After this, therefore because of this. Your point being?

It's a logical fallacy to assume that because one action preceded another, that they are related. "A happened before B" says nothing about a causal relationship: "I stubbed my toe before my mother got into a car accident," for example.

That means it hasn't been proven, which I said in my very first comment. But as I also said there it can be suggestive as fuck.

It's suggestive, but it's not suggestive in any single direction. Just because one of the many likely things agrees with the narrative from /pol/ doesn't mean it's the most likely.

Any proof they threatened him?

This is pretty convincing:

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

Okay, before that, they make clear that the reason they pulled back from the story was that-- assuming he's genuine-- there is no story; he's not a racist dude, he's just a guy who shitposted and regretted it when things got real. There's no meat there.

But if he came out a week from now and said something like, "LOL, RUSED AGAIN, MSM! GET TRUMPED, CUCKNN!!" Well, guess what? The story is back, and with a twist of, "He also claimed responsibility for manipulating the media."

now /pol/ marches to war throws a brief tantrum before forgetting about it

Now that's some sperging right there.

Nigga you dont even know the half of it. They have dozens, maybe hundreds of those images. The fucking cringe runs deep as fuck.

But if I can't post racist shit and also post personally identifying information on the same anonymous account without people being able to discover who I am, then what will happen next to America, another Holocaust?

cant wait until november when i can vote against cnn

CNN should run for president.

They tried already.

Lol Bernie lost to CNN

Do they have any idea what they're fucking with? We don't do this for millions of dollars cnn. We do this for free.


this affair will probably be good publicity for everyone involved, except the rando neet that got btfo

They targeted Channers.

Well, they made what was gonna be the most powerful person on earth scared about frogs. That was pretty great for ur-losers.

> implying Democrats believed that nonsense and weren't just trying to angry up the rabble to vote.

> implying Hilary Clinton feels any human emotions at all

Meanwhile, the Reality TV Star In Chief is scared to visit a foreign country where he won't get good ratings.

scared to visit a foreign country where he won't get good ratings.


Except on his golf courses. I heard he shot a 34 the other weekend!

lol 54 people think the whole alt right nazi frog outrage was just pretending

b b but trump!

Implying the left won't watch it to see someone try to stump him rebounding to have amazing ratings.

To be honest, I think the goal of any meme war should be to trick thousands of people into marching with vagina hats on again.

If this pans out to something this will be fantastic. An internet war between CNN and /pol/ would be the most entertaining thing this year.

Trump better tweet about this

I hope it's a shitpost, or a simple logo of CNN with "fuck you" caption.

The drama just from Kurt Eichenwald was fantastic, I can't wait to see what /pol/ and an entire network fighting will deliver.

how long until pol gasses the CNN offices like they did that one furry convention?

furries aren't people tho

(((CNN))) aren't people either.

(((pol)))) hasn't been human since ((((((((leftypol))))))))) attacked

leftypol is like 3 people

Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel

~Mark Twain

twain never saw pol in action

What are they gonna do, photoshop a Star of David over CNN executive's faces? Dox the non-secret identities of CNN writers?

i dont know what theyre gonna do. i wouldnt underestimate them though. ask eric clanton or shia la bouf or isis what they can do

Oh no! They might swipe CNN's flag!

I'm going to take a screenshot of this comment chain and post it to /pol/ on every thread complaining about all of the redditors that have infected the board.



Eric Clanton only got hit because he committed multiple felonies in while being recorded by dozens of cameras and Shia Lebeouf is a total idiot.

Pol and "le meem magick xd" only works on scum on their own level.

Oh no they might doxx CNN!

Im pretty sure they already have had those for a long while.

They know the bylines of CNN writers????


Heh, even supposing /pol/ are fangless, they probably take a PR hit, and became #1 enemy of everyone on the right. That's probably bad for the company , because they cannot maintain the veener of neutrality after that. Expect a lot of right wingers cutting the cable or stopping feeds on any restaurant and airports on red states as virtue signaling.

they probably take a PR hit, and became #1 enemy of everyone on the right.

It's CNN, they already are.

The conservadads mostly hated "the MSM" as vague term for now, and they're as addicted to TV as millenials to vidya. With that, they would be more focused and the excuse to virtue signal would motivate them.

Yeah seriously, cnn literally has zero fucks left to give, have you seen their reports?

Just like when they brought Starbucks to heel

I'm sure they'll find something unbecoming of some, or many, cnn journalists

pol loves a good shoe on the other foot situation

Agreed, they could try going through this big dump of DNC emails wikileaks posted, since CNN has such deep ties to the liberal deep state they could probably find something there.

I took a look at it a while ago and there seemed to be an unusual number of emails discussing pizza. Might be a lead worth looking into.

Right, just like how James O'keefe did exactly that and nothing happened.

Van jones got kinda fucked, tbh

Post where their kids go to school and take high resolution pictures of their families out and about and post it to stormfront for a start.

Im sure they don't mind but their six year old daughter being in the line of this well probably will touch a nerve

As if that's something journalists haven't had to deal with since the beginning of journalism.

I hope they have fun with the FBI plants.

I'm sure but remember how faggy they were when they got body slammed by the lugnenpresser. They cried that they used to have knives to stop it but didn't do shit.

we are legion fear us

pol's already a shadow of it's former self filled with wannabes

I'm predicting an armed stand off at the cnn head quarters. They need an excuse to use the discount nunchucks they bought at the mall.

LOL what kind of dumbfuck takes 4chan seriously?

lol imagine being this naive

Imagine that, a professional and reputable news agency publishes information about their writers and other employees. Shocker. it's been that way for over a century.

Retard. He is saying that they can very easily fuck with them since the info is already there.

Now KYS or post bussy.

As if journalists being harassed is a new thing. I think they'll manage.

no i mean pol got all their information and published it, they were looking at wolf blitzers house on google street view and debating how many hundreds of chickens to send there

LOL imagine being this autistic

whats autistic about being correct

everyone knows how you feel about this shit man you dont have to do this

oh noooo, they'll get free publicity from running "journalist being stalked/harassed" stories that people will gobble up. you got em

only stupid people believe stories of journalists being threatened since like 2014 dude

stupid people are what make ratings $$$$$

well yeah but it erodes credibility like a motherfucker, ask gawker

oh wait you cant anymore

cnn is doing great tho

theyre making money sure but so is breitbart

nobody trusts them and stuff like this compounds it

if they keep on this track theyre fucked and it looks like they will because theyre arrogant and loathe concession

dude i wouldnt give af if im loaded

Yes, I am sure that CNN is terrified of self-important tweens and paranoid middle-aged men.

They'll soon discover why you should never join a circle jerk with people who make ejaculate by the barrel.

Is...... is that a play on the famous Twain quote?

No it's a quote from the hacker known as 4chan


No it is a quote from the hacker known as 4chan

They'll dry, believe me.

Funny thing about this thing is that /pol/s internet shenanigans only works when people don't know where it's coming from. Now they're getting a huge lamp shown onto their shithole board and it's going to ruin most of there shit. I can see the headlines now.

Everything that Trump touches turns into drama.

He's got the Midas touch

You rang?

He said karma, not silver.

He said drama, not karma

I say you are a faggot.

he has the like dramatic Midas touch, he's the most entertaining president by far

You forget Rutherford B. Hayes who famously delivered his State of the Union address from the balcony of the White House bedroom, in the nude, while guzzling whisky and being fellated by several ladies-of-the-evening, including the daughter of a Congressman from the opposing party.

I want to believe

I want to believe

Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if LBJ did that.

I rather have a competent president. If i wanna see petty behavior ill just watch the latest reality show.

Competent at invading Libya and handing the country over to illegals is no kind of competent.


He truly is a blessing.

Around 2013-2014, the way people shat their pants over inconsequential bullshit I thought that we were experiencing the Golden Age of internet drama. I simply had no idea what the future had in store.

/u/lokichilde the goyim are on to you!

Yeah no shit. Nothing scares pol more than the idea of someone doxxing their sad lives.

You can't really dox /pol/ dwellers that easily , they have no friends and thus have no facebook to face back on.

T_d idiots sure.

Most of pol is T_d kids now

hence them giving a shit about some redditer getting btfo.

in the past they would have loved it.

i think it has to do with a billionaire world-wide news network black mailing a shit poster under threat of releasing his details as well. its not a good precedent

"News network shows mercy on underaged idiot"

Yeah, that looks terrible for them.

Tweren't an underaged kid. That's just a lie being spread around by the /pol/-T_D people to manufacture sympathy.

it its not a good precedent

Trump is not a good president. Got u good lol

They still can, but now they get to attack a legitimate media organization

2016-2017 season of pol has been just one long cocaine hit at this point

Those are the same people, dude.

It's life or death for them. They'll have to kill themselves if their parents cancel the internet or take their computers away.

not sure theyre "scared" so much as doing some revenge because cnn started getting cocky

The hypocrisy on that board runs so deep that it might match the Mariana Trench.


Except CNN is not some random Tumblrite who probably don't merit infinite hate, they are supposed to be the #1 media on the US. Using mafia tactics against Pepe1488waifu is clearly out of line.

mafia tactics

jfc kys

Except CNN is not some random Tumblrite who probably don't merit infinite hate, they are supposed to be the #1 media on the US. Using mafia tactics against Pepe1488waifu is clearly out of line. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

If even Ben Shapiro talk out in favor of a e-antisemite, the CNN optics must be bad.

Imagine thinking CNN cares what Ben Shapiro says

It really depend of what big right wing media will do. A targeted campaign could hurt, considering old people vote GOP and there the only one left with cable subscriptions.

I doubt they'll do anything tho, else they won't be invited anymore.

> implying old people will go to bat for poltards

They did in the election

rofl wat

If the /pol/ vanguard makes the first strike against CNN then surely the average coal mining and factory working proles will rise up and fight to destroy the deep state. They will seize the means to make America great again and redistribute it back to the people.


/pol/ and t_d thinks Trump won because of them. They actually think the social, political and economic issues that surrounded his win don't matter. He won because they made frog picture memes.

I know, it's astounding to me that they don't realize that a vast majority of Trump's voterbase has no idea who they are or what any of their meme bullshit is.

goals aligning means they support us

Imagine being this dumb

That's what a coalition is...

Stop with that retarded shit seriously.

All those retirees voted for Trump just to trigger the cucks

You're telling me old people aren't spiteful?

If even Ben Shapiro talk out in favor of a e-antisemite, the CNN optics must be bad.

Has Ben Shapiro really been far even as decided to use even a e-antisemite want to do go more optics like?

I'll never get tired of this fucking sentence. I'll never understand this fucking sentence, but I'll never get tired of it either

--If even Ben Shapiro talk out in favor of a e-antisemite, the CNN optics must be bad.--


If even Ben Shapiro talk out in favor of a e-antisemite, the CNN optics must be bad.


"If even Ben Shapiro..." just stop right there, why should anyone care what that little twink has to say?

CNN totally went into his house and busted his kneecaps with a baseball bat under personal orders of George Soros

You prefer "Red Guard" tactics or you will claim I'm a redneck scared about commies? This is a degree of pettiness I expect from a dangerhair SJW, not from etablished 24/7 news.

This is a degree of pettiness I expect from a dangerhair SJW, not from etablished 24/7 news.

Implying theres a difference

And look, it's not about the cnn gif, it's about the other stuff he posted. If he's such a brave centipede, why doesn't he stand by his shitposts?

Oh that's right, he's a coward who's terrified that people will think he's a loser who spends his spare time reeeing about Muslims and black people on the Internet. At least have he balls to stand by your actions.

And look, it's not about the cnn gif, it's about the other stuff he posted.

hahaha unironically believing this isn't entirely about CNN being super asshurt over that gif

Yes that was entirely it. It wasn't the fact that the world would know his power level, it was because of a gif.

no no, it was totally CNN randomly finding an average /pol/ user and just being so disgusted by what they saw that they had to do something about it. This is reality.

Yeah, CNN is pissed off about the gif, but the reason this redditor is such a scared little pussy is because of all his other edgy shitposts.

This isn't a difficult concept. It's like if you have a feud with your neighbor because they don't pick up their dog's shit, but then to your good fortune, you discover that the neighbor is also a massive outspoken internet racist.

I agree the guy is a pussy, but still, blackmailing the racist little guy when you are a billion funded money media organization is still clear ridiculous power abuse.

I'm pretty sure it's not blackmail to say "hey stop being a huge asshole or we'll tell people you're being a huge asshole".

Also I somehow doubt you're this concerned about the "ridiculous power abuse" when the President of United States puts random factory union leaders on blast.

Yeah but he doesn't fucking dox them. And he doesn't force them to make humiliating apologies.

Yeah but he doesn't fucking dox them. And he doesn't force them to make humiliating apologies.

CNN didn't dox anyone either. And they claim he apologized before even speaking to them.

He wrote that cowardly apology all on his own yellow-bellied volition.

they claim

I'm gonna believe that.

No it's using power responsibly. They should do it more often tbqh

The reason he's a scared pussy is that CNN got so fucking butthurt over that innocuous gif that they scoured through his comment history to find his identity which they mercifully decided not to release (but don't test them, that can change) because he was sufficiently apologetic over his mean Internet words. This is fucking insane. What are you doing pretending that CNN isn't clearly in the wrong here?

Why is CNN wrong? They didn't even release this idiot's name, so he's really dodged a bullet there.

Yeah, cause he's 15.

And you honestly don't see anything wrong with CNN playing the role of Internet morality police? Fuck man, you're dense.

cause he's 15.

Citation? I've seen a lot of people claiming this, no evidence, at at least one contradictory screenshot.

You really think CNN is a lot more important than it is. There are lots of news sources out there, and they publish what they want, subject to the law. If you think CNN has done something horrible, you're welcome to try and find an attorney to take them to court.

How about you release your personal info right now?

Post yer bussy and I'll think about it.

Cmon dude, it's just reddit. Post the deets. Don't be a pussy.

What if CNN comes after me?

That's the plan fuccboi, post the deets.

reee I can't say embarrassing shit behind a false sense of anonymity this is WRONG

Feel free to post your info as well. You're super brave and don't care about anonymity so I know you'll do it.

What's your real name and address?

P Sherman, no. 42 wallaby easy

I guess the question I have is: why does it matter that he made the gif at all, let alone what other (unconnected) stuff he posted? It was a viral GIF that was clearly intended to be funny, didn't reference any racist or anti-Semitic points, and was shared by a lot of people before Trump shared it.

The story here is that TRUMP disrespected the presidency by acting (again) like a fucking buffoon, NOT who made the GIF in the first place.

Do you give a shit who made a kitten GIF or some other viral bullshit that you retweet? CNN wanted to connect Trump to hate sites and went looking for a connection. What they found was just some dude, not Stormfront, not whatever other racist cabal exists (yes, I know there are a lot of them), realized there was no "there" there, but wanted to make the connection AND look like they were protecting this jackasses privacy.

It was a pretty fucking craven thing to do.

You're right. We need gas chamber tactics.

mafia tactics?

just fucking kill yourself already

They aren't pretending to be a news org while doxxing/blackmailing people, that's CNN doing that.

Right, being a shitty shitty person is fine as long as you're open about it. I go around murdering people but since I wear a big sign that says "I murder people, run if you don't wanna get murdered" that makes it okay.

Equivocate harder, daddy, I'm almost there

go back to stalking a canadian hearthstone player you fat fuck

That sellout fuck hasn't done anything worth talking about lately, but whos stalking if you have to dig in peoples history? also lol @ fat, I train and box almost daily, the only thing fat is the cock I split your mother in half with

Zumba isn't boxing

If you think about it, this is kinda like /pols/ black lives matter equivalent. I mean, just replace random murder with doxxing. Oh, and black people with white people.

It has to be different when a giant news channel is threatening it like some 15 year old counterstrike hacker, over a gif.

He's not 15

AFAIK shit like this hasn't happened before.

You're right, they didnt even ask the ephebebebephile ViolentAcrez what he wanted before they doxxed him. And they already knew who Red Sweater Guy when they posted his reddit comments. And they didn't need to dox the dozens of people who said shit on Twitter or Facebook that they wrote articles about.

lol its not hypocrisy to respond to a precedent being set

That Doxxing is okay when we do it.

nah cnn upped the ante and pol responded, it wouldnt have even happened had cnn not got all bold and decided to pull some shit

pol has had this capability the entire time but didnt do anything until reporters started acting all tough

i'm in the abyssal plain of drama fam

CNN just threatened a 15 year old (who apparently is already doxxed by people in the public) over shit he said on /r/ImGoingToHellForThis because he posted a gif that the president tweeted.

This means that CNN just put a 15 year old in the spotlight for public shaming because they didn't like his gif.

I always enjoy watching a couple career suicides from the MSM.

I wonder how many we'll get from this.

15 year old

fake news

The doxx is guaranteed to go public, so I guess we'll see.

ive been following the drama closely...

the 15/yo old thing came from this random-ass unsubstantiated /pol/ screencap that people just ran with for some reason, but his post history contradicts it

I saw the contradictory as well but on the other hand I have trouble believing someone over 30 is saying shit that dumb. Got my fingers crossed for 15 because I loathe CNN and love drama.

but on the other hand I have trouble believing someone over 30 is saying shit that dumb

Oh honey...

I have trouble believing someone over 30 is saying shit that dumb.

You're kidding right? Go read the comments section of any story that a news organization puts on Facebook.

Where can we look at his post history?

ask cnn

http://i.imgur.com/LHSVdNB.png He says here that he left Maryland in 1990 which means he isn't 15.

Ok that means he's a pussy.

I too believe what people write on the internet

Really? /r/ImGoingToHellForThis ? ffs is there a depth that sjw won't fall into?

i was only pretending...

It's not pretending, it's a fucking sub that made for saying things you know are bad and shouldn't be said.

Your honor, I only smoked that crack because I happened to be in a crack den made for smoking crack and other drugs I know are bad.

Smoking (and therefore, buying) crack has a straightforward consequence of supplying drug dealers with cash.

Shitposting does not produce victims.

Shitposting does not produce victims.

Maybe you're not shitposting hard enough then, m8.

the victim is your career and personal life when you get doxxed :^)

Yeah because fuck those shitposter subhuman scum.

This, but unironically

this but unironically

Consequences? For my actions? It's more likely than you think!

We're talking mentally, not physically.

You mean someone would do that?

Go on the internet and tell lies?

There isn't any evidence proving he's a minor, while there is evidence proving he's not. So as it stands currently, he isn't a minor. Here's another one: http://i.imgur.com/fUThlAH.png

That's a quote from monty python


ok,i'll correct it.

Nah that was hilarious, you should've left it

In any case, im inclined to believe you, but over my 50 year life, i've known people to throw out false identifiers, myself included

I don't think Nu-4chan can do anything much.

we are anomalous

we are a region

forgive and forget

expecto patronum

Holy fuck I hope the ag investigates and charges CNN the r/politics drama would be the greatest of all time

That will show them.

Okay, now we're entering "this is the best drama ever" territory and going into "this is getting out of hand"

what the fuck are all these leftists doing on my /r/drama

what the fuck are all these leftists doing on my /r/drama I don't like it when I agree with the lolcows REEEEEE

talk to me when they come for your lolcows lokichilde

Happens all the time, I just don't get my panties in a twist about it. Post bussy.


I'm not the only one who thinks you're retarded, also complaining about downvotes lol

I'm not the only one who thinks you're retarded

everyone who reads this comment chain thinks were both retarded did you forget what sub your on ? also complaining about complaining about downvotes lol

we're both retarded

this part is true

also complaining about complaining about complaining about downvotes lol

Nice completely unsubstantiated anonymous post.

it has creation dates

OP is retarded, but I'll definitely be using "counter-semite" in the future.

u r