An SRDine accurately captures the difference between SRD and Drama

42  2017-07-07 by JebusGobson


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,,

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Let me tell you this. /r/Drama has always been and always will be an infinitely superior sub than /r/SubredditDrama. What the fuck do you think that sub is? A community? A party? A sub that is worthy of even a kernel of respect? Fuck off back to preschool /u/tommy2014015. You people think you're so cool with you're perpetual battleground of a sub? Well you aren't. I have seen things on /r/Drama that would extract and endless amount of feces from your pantaloons. Things pertaining to the nature of space, time, Reddit, and humanity (Notice that I capitalized Reddit). You're mods are cucks from Cuckistan. You're rules are mere scribbles on sand. Your CSS is crap and your userbase is a disgusting conglomeration of SJWs, brogressives, reactionaries and Nazis. /r/Drama is home to some of the finest individuals that your inferior ass will ever have the pleasure of meeting on this blessed site. Whilst you restrict yourself to drama from reddit, we gather ours from a variety of sources both online and offline. Our mods are so glorious the admins fellate them every day. Our userbase is the creme de la fucking creme of the Reddit you despise so much. The question is not why /r/Drama exists. The question is why your ungodly child of /r/circlebroke and /r/ShitRedditSays exists. Next time think again before you spout such blasphemous stupidity lest you lower the collective inteligence of existence itself! Oh wait, you're subscribed to that shithole of a sub. You can't think.

You're mods are cucks from Cuckistan. You're rules are mere scribbles on sand


jebus how do you go from modding this SRD to this place, thats like immigrating from america to afghanistan

my main motivation for modding anything is to hound /u/oxus007 'till the end of the earth until he finally gives up and deletes his account.

My next target is r/trashy. Nowhere can he be safe.

r/trashy sounds like a good place for a serial rapist.

coming from the sub youre in thats rich

Well i do live in Sweden so it is exactly like home.

Why? Are you a big fan of the raping like?

Serial murderer*

Or the more common term "white man".

thankfully, America will never look anything like SRD. We believe in genuine freedom here! We'll never allow you dickless fucktards to arrest people for saying mean things on twitter, or for refusing to indulge in your piss-ass 'pronouns'.

Keep that shit in Europe, where it belongs.

Alright Ima keep that shit in Europe sorry bud

for refusing to indulge in your piss-ass 'pronouns'. Keep that shit in Europe, where it belongs.

Well, you know, most people in Europe never heard about these pronouns issues.

You take the red pill. Not Morpheus's red pill, just some random one you found on the bottom of grandpa's medicine cabinet.

Here's the thing. You said "/r/Drama has always been and always will be an infinitely superior sub than /r/SubredditDrama"

Are we in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As someone who is a scientist who studies subreddits, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls your sub better. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "superior family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of redditors, which includes things from Unidan, JebusGobson, and Riemann.

So your reasoning for calling yourself superior is because random people "call you superior?" Let's get The_Donald and ETS in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a cuck or a scribble? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A subreddit is a subreddit and a member of the Mensa family. But that's not what you said. You said your sub is superior to mine, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the reddit family superior to me, which means you'd call all subreddits superior, too. Which you said you don't.

It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

did you actually write this pasta ironically or copy it from somewhere

Please remember to be nice and that we're all friends


wtf since when did these fuckers mod you

mod quality on this sub has gone downhill recently tbqhwyf

I will murder your family and take down all your youtubes.

Enjoy your weekend, Jebus.

that's not v nice ಠ_ಠ

kill yourself tbh

why do you have a Carl's Jr. logo as your flair? Are you a waffle on the outside, but a burger on the inside?

I don't even know what "Carl's Jr." is. That's how very not burger I am.

post bussy

cfr. r/bussy

wrong answer

i need to see yours

r/bussy is mine

which one?

and it'd better be the lazytown one

No the entire sub is mine, and hence all the bussy's posted there are mine too. That's how capitalism works.

we gotta seize the means of bussyposting

Yeah, but we need more posts of yours.

No we're not.

That's true, you're not. The rest of us are though.

Belgians are incapable of befriending people

That's actually pretty true. We're notoriously hard to befriend...

Belgium is what is left of the people that German, France and the Netherlands just dont want any more.

white people?


user reports:
1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence
1: No


They have got a point about riemann

our adam sandler

Jesus. That has to be one of the coldest insults I've seen on this sub.

he just kinda drifts.

idk, Sandler at least had some good years in the beginning.

i sometimes watch the sanders specials on netflix drunk its fun

Please don't set yourself upon this path of inevitable suicide, you have so much yet to live for.

Dunno what is more sadder.

Watching a unfunny woman try being funny or being a weeb.

being an unfunny weeb prob

the sanders specials

colonel or senator?

good years but time came he was a deer with shit on his teeth. the lesson is, never fall back on cringe.

people always say this and I don't get it. Happy Gilmore/Billy Madison are equally awful to everything else he's put out.

Yeah, I was going to argue with that list, but then that Riemann thing made me go..."Huh, maybe they have a point." I mean, they don't, because they're pretty much our retarded Bizarro doppelganger, but they're right about the Riemann thing.

both subs cater to the same people. and some users frequent and comment openly on both subs, and some use alts. but certain subs play to different audiences and different rooms, so just be mindful of that before you hash the groove. from what i've seen SRD aims for a certain level of uniformity and humor within it's content boundaries. Drama aims for creativity with less restrictions but the results are much more scattershot.

Drama will upvote you if you're funny.

SRD will upvote you if you grandstand in the comments.

if you're downvoted anywhere, it's you're fault.

I didn't say anything about downvotes, friendo.

Drama will upvote you if you're dramatic.

SRD will upvote you if you're a fine moral person with strong politically correct values.

We're getting more and more accurate.

SRD will upvote you if you're accurate Drama will upvote you if you make fun of people that are accurate

Does that mean the guy I replied to wasn't accurate since I didn't make fun of him?

Or has this been SRD all along?

idk but I'll upvote you since I think you're making fun of me

Srd: fussy Drama: bussy

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

More like:

Not news: dog bites man

Femisphere: dogs biting women are never reported / under reported due to patriarchy

Manisphere: stats about dog attacks per gender and YouTube video referencing Caesar Milan talking about how 80% of his clients are women.

SRD: Caesar Milan is a men's rights activist

Drama: husbands of Caesar milan's clients are cucks

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

Not news: dog bites man

Srd: dog bites woman

Drama: dog fucks Whitney Wisconsin

(((moral))) person

Drama will upvote you if you act like you're fucking around at a party or at the bar

SRD will upvote you if you act like you're at a support group for people who were on the receiving end of "shitty" behavior

comment openly on both subs

I'm coming out as bidramatic, please accept me

srd: coke

drama: feminine bepis


"good - looking"

" level - headed"


Man, that sub has some good comedians, that's the best joke I have heard this week.

Man, that sub has some good comedians

god, stop sucking up to SRD

ill post a selfie im probably the flyest little pussy youve ever seen

Well , in my eyes you will forever be a pathetic, holier - that - thou, white american. Selfies won't help.

I'm not white or an American my dude

So you agree with hypocritical and holier - than - thou?

Ya I'm a new age Jesus

Snappy is the new age Jesus, you are but a false prophet.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ praise be the bot ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Snappy is the new age Jesus, you are but a false prophet.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ praise be the bot ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I just thought you said you weren't white though. Everyone knows jesus is white and it's white jesus who will save all us ignorant masses/

Mmmm, narcissism and heteronormativity, the two most irresistible things to man.

Dont forget being histrionic and insufferably smug, the holy pentagram of sexual attraction

sorry but you sound like a Messy Twink

Literally laughed out loud.

Amazing how delusional the smug can be, does smugness rot your brain and make you see a fictitious world? Is smugness like Syphilis? it certainly seems as contagious on reddit.

Cave trolls

No wonder I fit in here.

I find it hilarious how SRDines explicitly deny the existence of People of Drama and openly call for our extermination, and yet there are still south park neutrals on /r/drama who argue that they have a right to their opinion because freeze peach. No. History has show us what happens when you let these people organize. The time for civil discourse has long since past. You can not "debate" someone who is literally trying to ban you. Reddit is built off of SRDine supremacy, and its mods, rules, and admins exist only to protect the privilege of SRDines and smugposters, and further marginalize vulnerable shitposters. You cannot work within a system that's designed to keep you oppressed.

Just as the SRDines supported and carried out a policy of unironic smugposting and insufferable twatishness – as though they and their mods had any right to determine who should and who should not post – we find that no one, that is, no member of the human race, can be expected to want to share reddit with them. This is the reason, and the only reason, they must be canned.

This untermensch knows how to write the word, at least.

Ubermenscht[sic] Untermenscht[sic]

That kinda kills the intelligent part, don't you think u/tommy2014015?

I mean, I wanted to agree with you, but how can an intelligent person let this fly? Edit it and admit you made the mistake and Drama called you out on this and I'll concede to your points. Win-win, right?

Did r/SubredditDrama ever concern themselves with the harassment of women in video games? And did they speak out at all during Gamergate's most active harassment back in 2014?

And they even had an inkling of what went on, then they knowingly chose to ally themselves with someone who's terrorizing women in the games industry and culture.

How can any enthusiast of video games and who cares about games ever condone or support this?