BPT literally has people white knighting for OJ's innocence in 2017

74  2017-07-23 by CirqueDuFuder


OJ did nothing wrong

Wrong meme, the current guidelines in memeing about ethnic minorities suggest the use of the DINDU NUFFIN when dealing with melanin-enriched vibrant cultured youths. In this case, the best meme would be: OJ DINDU NUFFIN.

He got away with murder and then fucked it up by not paying his taxes. He did a lot wrong.

Then fucked it up further by robbing people at gunpoint.

Killed a Jew and a coal burner, he is literally our guy.

retards really out here rn.


New sidebar photo

/u/AnnArchist, make it so.

It's OC, so I want royalties.

" Shout out to my boy O.J , we have two less to worry about"

New Jack, Smokey Mountain Wrestling, 1994.



T. - Native Buffalonian

As a native Buffalonian myself: dude did it.

Native Buffalonian

Left for fucking Pennsylvania as soon as he had a chance.

I have a Buffalo flag on my wall and you live in the capital like one of those politicians who ruined the rust belt, suck my District.

You like Gronk and Dinosaur Barbecue.

I'm pretty sure Rochester and Syracuse are like mini Buffalos so I don't see what's wrong with Dino-bbq. I like Wegmans and Dibellas too, you gonna get off my dick or is that a problem too?

Dinosaur barbecue tastes like ass and won't move to Buffalo like Wegmans did. You are fake news.


Still gross.

if BPT throws a fit, you must acquit

I'm just glad that the OJ Simpson case restored their faith in the American justice system. Surely they'll never complain again when someone they don't like gets acquitted.

"Now this is podracing".

what the fuck?! Although I am laughing, this is so stupid its great, have an upvote!

Learn ur memes.

well it's not like anything more came out on the case since the 90s.

...not counting the 2006 confession

He didn't confess you mong. You even linked the wiki page stating that he didn't.

/u/milnesand even one of the DA's on OJ's murder case doesn't buy that bullshit 'his son did it' theory. You think if there was any evidence of that, then maybe they would have gone after the son?

From Chris Darden's AMA yesterday:

What do the think of the theory that OJs son killed Nicole and Ron? Did your office explore this before the trial?

I think the theory that OJ's son was involved in the murders is defamatory and untrue.

You think if there was any evidence of that, then maybe they would have gone after the son?

You may be surprised to hear this, but prosecutors are often retarded shit-heels.

source: he's a prosecutor

I missed you.

oh a Trump supporter is hitting on me, it feels weird and dirty

snd pics

even one of the prosecutor's

Why would his prosecutors have any incentive to get behind a theory which would rend their target innocent?

The juice didn't do it, his son did.

He was not found guilty of murder, so he is innocent and should be thought of as such.

Slavery whilst it was legal, was A-OK, because legally speaking it was accepted. Blacks can only be angry at illegal slavery, not legal slavery by this line of thinking.

Is 2017 the year were we crossed over and people legitimately thought OJ is innocent?

Not even people of color back in the 90s thought he was innocent. They were just glad to see one of their own catch a fucking break from a system that never ever gives them one.

Yea, how dare the justice system not give niggers a free pass for simply being black!

Ease up on the throttle, bro.

i wonder what they have in common with him that would make them feel that way

they're fast and athletic?

obviously thats what i mean


I've never understood this phenomen that literally only blacks have

"Well you weren't there, so how do you know he's guilty"

As if the only way to prove anything is by being there literally in person when anything happens

Huh? I hear that all the time. It's not exclusive to black people. That's such a racist coment...

I started laughing when they pulled that in the linked thread.

That is literally a classic holocaust denial move.

>well were you there?

OJ was innocent. Why does that offend white people so much?

Not sure if serious