Remember the drowned guy with the teens? Round 2, sorted by controversial.

26  2017-07-23 by htmlcoderexe


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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We have free speech in this country and that includes being able to record and laugh at someone dying.

Reason why Trump won.

I mean, now, there's more free speech and more people dying and more people laughing.

Make America laugh at people dying again.

Yeah Trump's fault for this person dying. (((SHOCKED)))

This is why libertarians are idiots. "B-but muh right to watch someone drown and laugh at him!!111!"

lul claiming fox news is race baiting by posting the mugshot.I dont know how you could possibly reach that conclusion

Pointing out that a criminal is black is racist. Duh.

wasn't a criminal, it was the victim

Man went into lake on his own steam, despite the teens warning him a bunch (likely suicide). As per reports, the teens were getting high at the time (might have resulted in less than clear judgment).

No idea if the teens could swim. Also, IMHO, there is at least an off chance they knew of the guy. Charging the teens with anything officially would be, IMHO, plain wrong. Although I would not be sad if they got light beat-down or similar from the guy's family. More mugshots from different arrest (he was apparently tagged by this site before his death as interesting for his number of face tats, other people's photos are tagged by the site as interesting with such descriptors as "hottie"):

Would YOU (seeing the guy was nowhere near the edge of the lake) risk being pulled under trying to save this guy?

From later photos, he got his face (and the rest of him) tatted up a bunch more between the last photo above and his death.

idk why you're posting this to me lol i don't care at all. I honestly forgot about this story like an hour after it happened, what you wrote doesn't really change that the dude in the pic was the victim in this case

/u/ penguinswin3 You assume it's a criminal because they're black, you degenerate mongrel.

Now we wait for the people who were defending them round 1 to sperg out.

The guy that drowned was a criminal. Nothing of value was lost.

You're not a criminal after you've served your time you dingus.

The world is better off without him anyway.

As a racist I'm no longer outraged since the guy who drowned ended up also being black.

something something black on black crime ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Didn't know that. So this was another case of black lives mattering?

Naw, just retards drowning.

Call me Softy McSoggy Face but if any of those kids will ever get out of their current predicament I don't envy his flashbacks to that day. The stupid shit you do can haunt you, I sometimes cringe just by remembering being a shitty brat, watching someone die and doing a commentary track?


On the side note: does not calling for help not count as a felony in US/Florida? I just checked the books (article 162 of penal law in Poland) and for not assisting person who's life is in danger you can get up to 3 year sentence.

Most states do not require that bystanders call for help.

Yeah, calling is enough over here if specialist help is needed (injury, fire, or like in this case, people not knowing how to swim/animal danger) — thanks.

wonder if he was going for suicide and regretted it at the last minute. the bright side is that these kids were not traumatized for life by watching this idiot kill himself in front of them, survivor's guilt etc. Humour is a powerful means of resilience, good for them.