"Your dad attempted to teach a lawyer a lesson by committing felony identity theft and fraud. This was a very, very, very poor choice. " Autistic son attempts to defend his dad to legaladvice when it's Redneck dad vs. Liberal Lawyer daughter in today's episode of "Actions Have Consequences!"

102  2017-07-25 by Ardvarkeating101


Damn, I gotta make more popcorn!

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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/u/Cc_dad, I personally hope your sister fucks your bread winner's shit up in court because this kind of stupidity should be illegal to harbor.

Also, considering the shit you write your father has made AT LEAST two stupid mistakes in his life, including this credit card thing. Go guess which is the second.

Is it his views on abortion?

Random question /u/cc_dad, what is your fathers view on abortion and how it could relate to his first mistake?

/u/hstark can you give us, as a felon, your take on this scenario?

Tell her you were just borrowing it and you'll give her your laptop.

Ah, this is why I love this sub, makes your own problems seem so insignificant.

My dad is obsessed with David Icke and thinks he 'brings up a lot of good points'. When I question some of uncle David's arguments daddy calls me a Zionist apologist. University has made me arrogant, he says.

It's hard when your dad isn't quite like other dads, but unlike yours I know he means well in his own way. He might go off on a drunken anti-Semitic rant from time to time, but would never steal my money for trying to reason with him.

/u/Cc_dad I'm sorry that your dad is both retarded and mean, but your story has made me appreciate my own family that much more and for that I am truly grateful.

Icke's not so bad. He could easily be quite evil towards his cult-like followers but he seems a well intentioned enough lunatic.

I like him the same way I like Alex Jones. Their underlying message of 'free yourself from the elite' is good. But they're only warming you up for the big guns. One second he's talking sense, the next he hits you with zionist lizards. If you get used to that truth bomb and long for heavier stuff you're pretty much stuck.

I'm probably more of a conspiritard than most on this sub. Don't buy it all, but it's fun to theorize. However, some of the stuff my dad wants me to check out is downright insane.

A video of an obviously schizophrenic guy interviewed by a Polish amateur team. He's going on about travelling to Mars through a wormhole and meeting space Satan there during his MK ultra training. That's how 30 seconds to Mars got their name apparently. Now he's getting into holocaust denial and drawing parallels between Judaism and Satanism. He won't watch his favorite show Seinfeld anymore.

I get checking out Jewish over-representation in banking, media and criticizing Israel, but not that far please. If you're a bit unhinged Icke can set you off man, I'm telling you.

David Icke is like a textbook example of how to make a successful conspiracy theory. It hits every note.

The best conspiracy theories have all the trappings of a classic underdog story. The enemy is formidable. From the Elders of Zion to the New World Order, from the weapons-industrial complex to Big Pharma, the names given to the conspirators often play up their allegedly overwhelming power and influence. Like every villain, however, the conspiracy has one fatal weakness; if only their schemes can be exposed to the light, the enemy becomes powerless.

And the motive for the fight is noble. Christopher Booker notes that archetypal heroes act not to further their own interests, but on behalf of others. “David challenges Goliath because the giant is threatening his country, Israel; James Bond’s villains are threatening England, the West, all mankind; Darth Vader, in Star Wars, is threatening to impose his tyranny over the entire universe.” And according to conspiracy theories, the conspiracy is a threat to the freedom, liberty, and well-being of all mankind.

At first blush, it seems odd that someone would embrace a position of disadvantage. But as we’ve seen, there are upsides to being an underdog. Without conspiracy theories, people like Wakefield, Duesberg, Jones, and Garrison are just wrong. If there is an ongoing campaign to smear their reputations and discredit their findings, however, they become courageous heroes pushing the frontiers of science by selflessly battling a powerful, sinister foe on behalf of the unsuspecting public. Even more than making heroes out of a few renegades, though, conspiracy theories offer to make heroic underdogs of us all. A conspiracy theory is an invitation to join an enlightened but embattled minority—an elect few who bravely, selflessly speak truth to power. As Joseph Vandello notes, our understanding of underdogs is “shaped by inspirational archetypal stories of odds overcome.” In the real world, underdogs are, by definition, unlikely to prevail. In the stories we tell, however, the underdog always wins; good always triumphs over evil.


This was playfully illustrated by historian Rob MacDougall. MacDougall came up with a game he called “The Paranoid Style” (named in honor of Richard Hofstadter’s famous essay, which we talked about a few chapters ago). You can play at home. First, get a few friends together, and have everyone pick one well-known historical figure—it can be anyone they like. The object of the game is to find evidence that the figure was secretly part of a “conspiracy of vampires that has pulled the strings behind the world for hundreds of years.” There is, as far as I know, no such conspiracy; MacDougall just made it up. But that doesn’t stop people from finding evidence anyway. The first time he played with some historian colleagues, he says they quickly spun a yarn in which Henry Ford instigated the Industrial Revolution in the hope that factory smoke would blot out the sun, and Thomas Edison invented the light bulb to get humans used to living in the dark. (MacDougall notes that people got hung up on the “rules” of vampirism, like avoiding sunlight. These days he plays the game with extraterrestrial conspirators instead of vampires, since “we have fewer preconceptions about what aliens are like and what the alien conspiracy wants to achieve.”)

MacDougall calls finding evidence of a nonexistent conspiracy in the real historical record “historical apophenia”; “People are creative, and good at finding patterns, and history is full of information that can be made to seem significant.” The illusion of conspiracy can be eerily convincing. “That ‘click’ when disparate facts seem to fit together is a powerful and even uncanny feeling,” he says. “The evidence starts to line up all too well with the fantasy you have just concocted, and you skate right up to the edge of believing.”

The best conspiracy theorists are playing “The Paranoid Style” without realizing it. Remember David Icke, who we met a few chapters ago? The conspirators leave subtle symbols of their plot lying around, Icke says, and “when you know what you’re looking for, it starts jumping out at you.” Of course, for Icke this isn’t evidence of an involuntary cognitive bias, it’s evidence that the conspiracy is real. Here are just a few of the things Icke looks for as evidence of the conspiracy: people covering one eye (he has a collection of photos of popular musicians covering one eye), the number thirteen, pyramids (especially pyramids with thirteen levels, like the one on every American one-dollar bill), triangles (he has more photos of celebrities gesticulating in a triangular manner), circles, crescents, squares, cubes, hexagons, the number six, six-pointed stars, crosses, pillars, columns, crowns, horns, fire, sticking one’s tongue out (cue more celebrity snapshots), the letters E and L, the planet Saturn, spiders, goats, and bearded men (including, but not limited to, Santa Claus). For David Icke, it’s practically impossible to walk down the street without seeing evidence of a conspiracy.

That's exactly what I'd expect an extradimensional reptilizard to say.

The education talk got too much

TL;DR that shit

People are way too good for their own good at discerning patterns including in meaningless noise, here's a bunch of patterns I've noticed about conspiracy theorists, supporting this theory. ;-)


The Trump administration said they were gonna protect her honor, and that was before you came up with that username.

I like when you ask for proof. It's nothing but videos of people "turning into lizards" (actually low resolution jpeg shenanigans).

I used to listen to Coast to Coast AM a lot. Don't believe most of the guests or callers but boy is it entertaining.


That's what put me off Icke. Every time he decides to prove a point it turns out to be absolute nonsense. He makes a big deal about how the reptiles try to invert everything good in our lives to something evil.

"EVIL" is "LIVE" spelled backwards, both contain "VEIL"- it is ALL an illusion- break on through to the other side!

Obviously it makes no sense. Did the reptiles invent these words and the alphabet to make it fit like this? Did they arrange it to fit the English orthography precisely? Why only in the English lanugage? Evil, live and veil don't share etymology in any way etc.

He shows that he's just looking at random shit until he finds a pattern. It's great fun, just don't get sucked in for real.

That's what put me off Icke. Every time he decides to prove a point it turns out to be absolute nonsense. He makes a big deal about how the reptiles try to invert everything good in our lives to something evil.

A certain sort of dumb but motivated person isn't going to be moved by Nietsche's discussion of inversion of values. But he can be moved if you put it in simpler terms like this.

It is the obvious of egghead smartypantses who are so careful to be nuanced about everything. The constant nuancing is ultimately paralyzing. They can't tell a good story.

I think that Nietzsche is a bad example here, because he was pretty good at telling good stories as evidenced by a certain kind of dumb but motivated persons misinterpreting them in a certain motivating way.

That's fine. I was just making the point that "how the reptiles try to invert everything good in our lives to something evil" is a mass-market comic book version of a philosophical insight.

Wrong account buddy.

"Your account has been permanently suspended from Reddit for spamming the site.

Be sure to read up on the Reddit content policy to make sure you understand the rules for participating on Reddit.

If you believe your account has been suspended in error, you can contact us by replying to this message."

Did you try to bring the joy of socksoff.com to the people or something like that?

If you really don't know what that was about, totally contact them by replying to that message, that could be fun!

I posted a sweet GENERATION IDENTITAIRE youtube video in three different subreddits.

That's pretty much what /u/GearyDigit and /u/Gallowboob do all day e'rry day so it is clearly the content that caused the triggering, but c'est la guerre!



George Noory is the fucking worst.

Well, Noory just passively lets people say what they want unquestioned because he wants the show to be an open forum. He did state that he doesn't believe everything he hears.

No. He is a terrible host, who doesn't appreciate that the only reason he has any fans at all is Art.

He actually went so far as to ban anyone who would appear on Arts short lived satellite show from appearing on CTC. Thats petty as fuck.

Yeah, I stopped listening a year or 2 ago. But Art is kind of strange now. He quit his show because he believes someone shot at him. No proof, he just heard a noise and thinks

a) it was a gunshot

b) it was meant to kill or scare him

so he hits the ground and calls the cops. Then he quits to "protect his family" from these unknown assailants who he believes don't want him broadcasting. I think he may be getting dementia.

yea Art has always had a problem with admitting he doesn't want to do the show consistently.

Hes used a bunch of different excuses to leave the show in the past. This is just the newest one. Im strictly talking about their presences as radio hosts. Art blows George away, as do many of the other guest hosts.

Conspiritard theories are just the way people of average intelligence express their justified understanding that something is wrong. It is no dumber than people panicing about Russia or global warming or the patriarchy.

seems like way too many talking points to not be a troll tbh.

'My dad is real interested in politics, and she would be little him, make him feel dumb etc. I'm not saying she should have let my dad win but just don't be condescending.'

So dad's just a backwards logger. Let me guess, he's a dumb Trump voter and the educated sister destroyed him in political debate.

So he got angry and like a dumb redneck trump supporter he committed a felony to get back at her.

Oh, and she brought home someone who made him lose his shit. Let me guess, muslim or black? I'll go with Muslim since it's the hot reddit topic of today.

Too many current reddit talking points in one post usually equals troll

The last straw was two years ago. She brought home someone my parents could never except. I think she did it just to piss them off, and boy howdy did she succeed! I've never in all my 21 years seen my dad that mad.

Just so we're clear here this is code for black guy, right?

This easily could have been posted as a rant in twox wherein the woman complains about her racist white trash family not accepting her black boyfriend and commiting credit card fraud.

Actually I'm pretty sure I've read that post before.

Well, there are only three stories, ever, on TwoX..."My White Trash Family Embarrassed Me By ____", "Wow! I'm Glad I Had that Abortion!" and "What Is This Thing I Found in my Vag??"

How fucking dare you misrepresent TwoX like that?? You forgot "I stood up to a catcaller today".

She brought home someone my parents could never except.

/u/Cc_dad, you can just say nigger.

Not necessarily.. could've been a woman. Or if we're being generous it even could be a dude with a sleeve tattoo.

Or a nigger.

The grammar errors and misspellings were a beautiful touch to that totally true story.

What's the over/under on whether she brought home a black guy or a woman?

Also "talk educated" lol well that definitely narrows down which state this kid is likely from

Doesn't touch an ocean, votes very red, dental hygiene is a myth...


My first thought was Muslim.


Troll or really really dumb kid

100% troll, there is just way too much red meat in the post that no serious person would actually put in. "Daughter brought home someone unacceptable for some reason I won't name", "daughter humiliates dad with her fancy book-learning", "daughter left for the big city instead of inheriting the family farm like she was supposed to", etc.


boy howdy

fancy government job

This is like blackface for Southerners.

As opposed to blackface made for Southerners

Fake story

Fake lawyers

Fake advice

/u/cc_dad your biggest problem is not recognizing that your father is a worthless piece of white trash. He will be a source of disappointment for the rest of your life and you will be constantly doing mental gymnastics to try and justify why you keep him in your life. Unless you're redneck trash yourself, then you'll probably enjoy him

Goddamn, the delusion of some people.

This kid is supposedly 21? It reads like a 13 year old. I'm hoping it's a shitpost...then I wouldn't have to grapple with the knowledge that there really are people out there THAT dumb.

And he definitely benefitted from that CC considering parents are supporting him and older brother still. Maybe money wouldn't be so tight if he and brother were like older sister and got their own shit together. Hopefully they put daddy in a jail close enough for occasional visits.

I'm hoping it's a shitpost...then I wouldn't have to grapple with the knowledge that there really are people out there THAT dumb

Yo /u/the_reason_trump_won can I get an amen?

Holy shit that's hilarious

Is no one gonna say it? Okay I will: fake and gay.

Man, for some reason I this drama tastes depressing and sad.

they think it's not a big deal and they can just explain it away. Anf if they don't they can just say my sister gave them permission.

I can't believe this is a troll because it's too ridiculous to be a troll. This level of nonsense could only come from real life.

theses posts always read so fake, it doesnt help that they are always 1 day old accounts

This stupid story honestly sounds like a person made it up to get a reaction. I don't believe that anyone is stupid enough to not think that the dad in this story is anything other than a complete piece of shit, especially with an insinuation of his being a racist.

Oh no, racist. Whatever.

A vindictive asshole and a racist, pretty much what the post described.

Gah, have you ever seen a better description from the inside of an abusive father, a scapegoat daughter who has had enough, and a completely oblivious Golden Child?

Why, what's so unbelievable about the OP's version?

Gah, have you ever seen a better description from the inside of an abusive father, a scapegoat daughter who has had enough, and a completely oblivious Golden Child?

Fuck yeah RBN!


I am begging dad to apologize but he doesn't see that he did anything wrong. I am going to try to get my sister to apologize first and maybe then he'll apologize.

"I have a loaded gun and will shoot your thieving father in the head for stealing from me unless he grovels for forgiveness."

"That's a good point, but my father is a stubborn man. Perhaps you could grovel a little first, and then maybe he'll grovel in return?"

This common lack of awareness about simple negotiation concepts is why I will always have gainful employment.

Also, your dad better learn how to grovel and beg - if not to your sister, then to the biggest guy on Cell Block C.