wtf i hate jeff sessions now

127  2017-07-25 by grungebot5000




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That is some 1984 level doublethink.

it's kind of sad that they can't see the ramblings of a man with dementia for what they are but whatever

TD literally sees him as a genius mastermind whose every move is calculated.

It's not that difficult to impress idiots.

But this guy has been quite successful with his predictions.

which guy

donald trump?

Nah, this guy.


that means the guy's made at least fifty predictions in the last 6 months but only missed one?

/u/ProfessionalReddit69 pls tell me about the one that got away, also ten random correct predictions

Probably easier to be correct when your prediction is "something is happening"


-Trump's not a serious candidate

-Trump will be out by October

-Trump will never win a single primary

-Trump has a ceiling of 25%

-Trump has a ceiling of 30%

-Trump has a ceiling of 35%

-Trump has a ceiling of 45%

-Trump will never win the south

-Trump can't win with evangelicals

-Trump will never be the nominee

-Trump will never win the general <~~ you are now here

-Trump can't really build a wall

-Trump can't extend Hillary's prison sentence to 120 years

-Trump can't glass NK

-Trump can't expect the President of China to sign an unconditional surrender on the deck of the USS Nimitz

-Trump cannot get re-elected

-Trump can't be the fifth face on Mount Rushmore

-Trump can't be all five faces on Mount Trumpmore

-Trump can't run and win the 3rd term, can he?

Is this pasta? It's damn tasty

People stopped posting it after the arrow stopped moving 😂😂

Lol, well let's give it time, there's still seven and a half years to go

Unlikely that he'll even hit 4

-Trump has a ceiling of 35%

this one's true though

-Trump will never win the south

lol what retard thought that?

it annoys me that your faggotry is making me serious post but

this one's true though

It's not. His pop vote was 46%.

check your denominator, bro-ioche

final tally was 35.04% Trump, 36.63% Hillary, 4.33% other, 24.00% abstaining

fake news

What percentage of that was illegals? So if we assume ~6 million (even though it's probably more) than Trump won the pop vote handily. When we account for Trump actually playing the Electoral college system properly and not campaigning in California at all (because he knew he would win without Cali) it's easy to see he played the system to win the presidency and didn't give a fuck about the popular vote that liberals love to bring up. Have a nice day.

What percentage of that was illegals?


What percentage of that was illegals?

Imagine being so retarded that you're still repeating this.

The truth is funny right

So which one is it? Are the 6 million illegals a joke or worrisome rampant voter fraud that should be addressed?

At least try to stay consistent, retard.

The voter fraud option, they could potentially undermine our democracy especially if we continued to allow more illegals into our country without any fear whatsoever or deportation. Recently state voter departments were told by law that they had to turn in their voter records. There's a special panel working on Election fraud that will handle these documents and the definite numbers are to be determined. It's estimated the number of illegal aliens who voted could be upwards of 6 Million. I would expect more strict Voter ID laws by next election cycle if that number of illegal voters turns out to be true.

It's not underestimating Trump, it's underestimating American stupidity

Always remember: American stupidity is backed by American fleet power. You want to criticize Americans, there might be a time very soon when a carrier strike group shows up off the coast and starts lobbing tomahawks into your quaint country.

Now help us build this wall!

Hey man if it pays above minumum wage and helps put a dent in these student loans I'll be there to put the first brick down.

let's go bomb some tribal cultures back into the stone age!

Only if they have oil, god forbid my tax dollars go to waste

good. venezuela it is then

Nobody believed Trump couldn't take the south since the south is filled with complete wastes of humanity. Scumbags love their fellow scumbags so of course they love Trump

It was pretty common banter up until november that Trump was gonna lose the south/florida because of the blacks

Florida yes, NC maybe, only the most of delusional people thought he was going to lose GA or the rest of them

b..b..bbut I thought Texas would turn blue?!?1

in 15 more years maybe, and only if the mexicans go and vote which they don't do at the highest rates

At least they're happy lol

Their whole lives revolve around getting back at people and sticking it to people. That's not the life of a happy person no matter how big that take smile of theirs is at church

I've been on the Trump Train since he first announced, I couldn't count on 10 hands how many times the God Emperors Wrath has proven my predictions correct. Sounds dramatic but that's just reality.

i've noticed you listed 0 specifics

Too many specifics to even begin I don't have to play by your imaginary rule book.

and yet still won't list a single thing lmaooo

Okay I predicted Trump would win, and he did, despite the literal thousands of times cable news, news magazines, polling, liberals on Facebook told me he had no chance, they told me there was absolutely no way Trump would win, they laughed at me, they ridiculed me, every time I stood true to my beliefs and fought on behalf of the God emperor. Since his victory I find myself a bit less interested in the political side of conversation when it comes to winning a presidency, but alas, here we are, with Trump in the white house. I understand how this man thinks and see the bigger picture with the amount of follow through in his actions. As I said I was Trump train from the moment he announced, tried and true faithful the entire way. I literally can't tell you the amount of times I've predicted happenings within the Trump administration but I can tell you it's been a LOT.

lmfao I cant believe people like you exist and have access to the internet

Oh sure you can there's plenty of people like me you probably know all about me and who I am as a person just from reading my Reddit comments.

we can tell a lot about you from the fact you blindly and unquestioningly support a flailing, retarded "politician" whom you refer to as God emperor (in jest, but lets b real, whens the last time you stopped guzzling daddy's cock to come up air? You probably pray to him like a good boi).

You are obviously very smart and respectable.

I love President Trump so much that his alphaness naturally overpowers me and I surrender to his pure willpower.

huh I thought "alpha" meant being fit and confident. I was unaware there was a whiny little obese bitch school of masculine thought

It's the pure power that he possesses that turns me on. The sheer determination and raw willpower make the man. He is like a god to me, the level of 4D chess he plays is amazing, his energy levels at rallies are amazing, the amount he's already accomplished within his limited time in office? - Amazing.

lol ok I get you now famalam

you are quite right. Peak masculinity. Very sexy

Look I'm all for people coming into our country, but they have to come in here LEGALLY and with the consent of and in coordination with the immigration laws. If Mexico was sending their best people I wouldn't mind letting them come into our country, but they're not sending their best people. They're sending rapists, drug dealers, gangsters, even murderers into our country and often the people who pay for these actions are innocent American men and women.

tfw you totally OWN the SHITLIBS by loving daddy no matter what he does

"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the blonde straw hair. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved orange Daddy"

this is a dank meme


Trump hasn't even set his opening moves! A single game of chess can span a lifetime.

Our Donald Trump, who makes a point of playing his cards as close to the vest as possible?

Are they seriously saying this about someone who posts his every tantrum on twitter?

I actually have to jump in on this comment.

Now, before you read, note, this is a POSSIBLE explanation.

But the whole twitter rant thing is actually a pretty classic explain of how to conduct business that he outlined in his book. AND it's a technique that comes from the CIA circa 1960's.

In short, whenever he wants to do something "behind the scenes" he'll do something loud and obnoxious so that the onlookers, both media and common people, will get all rabble rabble, while he goes over yonder and does what he wants.

Here's a classic example, I bet you didn't know that Trump quietly, and without any fanfare, brought home a female US citizen prisoner. That no, not even Obama could get home. And he did it by first saying publicly during the campaign he wouldn't bother. Saying it was the business of the capturing country. And also, right before he launched his blitz he tweeted out some nonsense that got everyone riled up. And then:

And he took zero credit for it publicly. In fact, even the mass media of the US didn't know because it was so behind the scenes. Almost no one commented on it. And not because of "liberal bias". They didn't because they literally didn't know.

In the 1960's the CIA came up with a strategy to have it's foreign spies go unnoticed. And it's the "hiding in plain sight" method.

Their spies would drink, get drunk, get arrested, bar fight, get fired from jobs.... basically be loud, obnoxious screw ups. So that literally everyone around them would be like, "Oh, Bob? He's just a loser. Barely can hold a job, and keeps bragging about all his exploits with women and drinking while at the bar."

Meanwhile, Bob was out stealing secrets. No one glanced in his direction and no one cared about him because "everyone knew Bob". When people think you're an open book, easy to read, no secrets, and they think they know how to get under your skin, and that you're "easy" to manipulate, then it's SUPER easy to operate in the shadows because literally no one expects anything from you expect what they "know".

And this is all stuff Trump outlined in his book in the 90's. The Art of the Deal. He literally said this is how he operates word for word in black and white.

Same thing happened to how he said he'd fund the wall. He said, "20% tarrif on Mexican goods." And HOLY SHIT! People freaked the high holy hell out! 20% would destroy this, 20% would destroy that, 20% would......

Yeah, again, literally in his book he says "I always give people a public ridiculous number so that's all they talk about and get angry about, that way, when I 'back off' and propose a number that's far more favorable, they accept because they 'beat me'." And he goes on to explain that's how he bought his plane for 50% off. Because he was originally structuring the deal to pay only 20%. Boeing got so mad and tried so hard to fight the deal, that when Trump "backed off" to 50%, Boeing was much happier.

But he still got a god damned 747 for HALF OFF! Which is all he wanted anyway.

So I know I typed a lot, but I'd ask you not put too much stock in the whole "twitter rant" thing. Because by assuming he's an open book and "can't control himself", you're literally playing into the very hand he's been dealing for decades.

IE: he's playing you like a fiddle, and you'll willingly fall for it because "nuh uh, he's too stupid, he can't play me!"

Which is exactly why he can. Because you "know".

Any of this would make a lot more sense if he'd actually got anything done. But posting this as his healthcare repeal dies a death for a third fucking time? That's some impressive denial. That's not the record of a 'dealmaker', that's the record of a fuckup who can't get the central bill of his manifesto passed with both houses under Republican control.

Also, mate. Take a moment and consider what the fuck you're saying. 'In this ghostwritten book, Trump is made out to be a genius. Therefore he's a genius!' That's the substance of what you just said.

It's kind of like when people debate religion and people respond 'god moves in mysterious ways'. Once you say something like that you can handwave anything. Earthquake kills thousands? Mysterious ways. Child dies at a month old? Part of god's plan which is not for us to know. It's the same for Trumpettes like yourself. Doesn't matter how he fucks up, doesn't matter how stupid what he does appears to everyone, you can always say 'no, you don't get it, he's playing you!' If playing us involves getting nothing done and looking stupid while he does it, it's a very fucking long game he's playing.

Aaaaaand you're triggered.

Good job.

Any of this would make a lot more sense if he'd actually got anything done.

Linked something he "got done".

But posting this as his healthcare repeal dies a death for a third fucking time? That's some impressive denial.

I detest Trump. Didn't vote for him. What exactly am I denying?

That's not the record of a 'dealmaker', that's the record of a fuckup who can't get the central bill of his manifesto passed with both houses under Republican control.

K. I don't understand your triggered point.

Also, mate. Take a moment and consider what the fuck you're saying. 'In this ghostwritten book, Trump is made out to be a genius. Therefore he's a genius!' That's the substance of what you just said.

It is not the substance of what I said. The substance of what I said is what I said. You however seemingly couldn't argue it so you built a straw man by saying, "Oh, you're basically saying this made up thing I'm going to declare now and then mock you for."

K. If strawman is all you have. Then I'm pretty confident I was right.

Trumpettes like yourself.

Man, you DO trigger easily.

See above. Detest him. Didn't vote for him. But you're so frothing at the mouth to live your life according to Identify Politics you apparently can't conceive of a world where someone can provide you with perspective without getting a tattoo of an ideology and preach from the mountaintops.

I feel sorry that's how you live your life. You've guaranteed yourself an existence of Confirmation Bias and small minded views.

Doesn't matter how he fucks up, doesn't matter how stupid what he does appears to everyone, you can always say 'no, you don't get it, he's playing you!'

No. Please re-read what I said without the bias and Identity Political bullshit you obviously subscribe to. Nice try though.

In short, you're so angry and triggered that objective review is nigh impossible. I deeply apologize for trying to engage a fellow human being with thoughtful discourse. You're clearly not mature enough for it (which was obvious at: "Trumpettes like yourself").

Now get in your much needed last word.

I'm moving on from this topic. There's no intellectual conversation to be had here for me.

Have a nice day.

Wow you managed to fit a lot of buzzwords in there. Triggered, strawman, identity politics, confirmation bias. It's like a reddit argument bingo card. Must save on having to come up with an original thought. Kudos on describing what you wrote as 'thoughtful discourse' though. The funniest part of that is that you actually believe it. Small pointer for next time, if you're going to chuck in logical fallacies, make sure you're not committing them yourself. Even better, don't use them at all.


look how retarded these people are. Poor whites need to be sterilized

No need. They'd have to copulate with a female in order to reproduce, and I think we both know they're like two dry years away from /r/incels.

If you think Mooch- the communications director - would say something like that on the radio unplanned then you don't understand how smart President Trump is. Dude plays games in dimensions you can't even think in.

Fuck you racist scum

haha this mayo has some lip on him. Better control yourself unless u want the whip you cumskin cunt

Aww you're funny did you come up with that all on your own you fucking dindu nigger? Wah wah he was a good boy he dindu nuffin. This is a white country now. We are proud of our heritage and we wont let white genocide get in the way

we wont let white genocide get in the way

too late cumskin, me and the boys have already started the mayocide

The only reeason you're proud of your skin color is because you're a useless piece of trash that will never do anything in life to be proud of. You have to be such a fucking loser to have to hang your pride on other people's accomplishments. You have nothing to do with any of the accomplishments of successful white people, you are worthless trash just like your family that what you out, and just like whatever little mongrel trash you will piss out with a meth whore in a doublewide

Hey look it's that one post you write.

Still desperately in need of the internet's validation for your shitty meaningless life of consumption and office drudgery I see.

You going to lipo out the rest of your day or was getting your bitch tits taken off all mammy could afford?

Lol now i can tell you're trolling. But in case you're not tell your nigger and muslim friends thanks for ruining america

How's that best buy job going Bubba? You over $10 an hour? Sounds like you're winning! What's it like looking in the mirror knowing you're life is a joke and assistant manager at some shit retail store is your best case option?

Mayocide is happening and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Chalk nigger

Can't be racist towards white people duh this is like sociology101, get yourself educated. How deep is your dick in your sister right now, you genetic malformed gutter scum

Deeper than yours would be, babydick jenkins : )

Swap over from your baconsoup account? Good luck with that best buy job haha fucking loser

Nah I just switched over from assfucking your wife, she decided she was tired of that math nerd dick lmao.

Have fun using those dweeb dollars to raise my illegitimate kids tho!

That would take dragging your ads out the trailer park inbred, doubt that rascal scooter of yours has the best mileage

LMAO at all that trash you just talked and not even an attempt to defend that tic-tac you call a penis, no wonder your wife is stepping out on you so hard XD

That would take dragging your ass out the trailer park

Just look at this bitch nigga who thinks I'm not nutting in his wife in the dirty-ass bed of my trailer before sending her back to your $4000 a month apartment to tell you she's too tired to fuck. : )

Be pretty tough to fuck anyone if your cock doesn't stick out past your fupa. You don't have to lie, you haven't busted a nut in years, need a whole mining crew to find that fuckin acorn among your rolls

Hahaha now all of a sudden you're about the dick jokes, don't play like you haven't already been found out tic-tac boy. What's your wife attack with more lust, a trailer trash cock or a bucket of bon bons?

All you can do is just repeat yourself huh? I guess repetition is comforting to a simpleton. Enjoy your garbage life with your garbage family Cletus, I'm sure it will be a good 40 years for one of your kind

All you can do is just repeat yourself huh?

It literally took me two weeks to get over the staggering unintentional irony of this comment. Truly amazing stuff here.

Ahh you're back and in a thread about white trash doing heroin. Seems like a soft spot for your yokel ass, you watch mom and dad nod off into oblivion?

All you can do is just repeat yourself huh?

Beautifully illustrated :/)

why do you always show up in threads that are weeks old

Cause I don't live my life on Reddit you nerdy faggot :/)

You obviously so if you're searching back into weeks old threads man, shits weird

You're reviving weeks old arguments, you're a weird dude

math nerd dick

this takes me back to high school

are you that insecure about being white? Lol

Sorry son, pretty sure you meant to post this response to u/jumbledfun.

It's cool though, I know how hard it is for you brothers to figure out how to do stuff :)

no, I meant to post that response to you, the butthurt kid who can't take a racial joke cause of their racial fragility LMAO

cry me a river :(

Only one I see getting butthurt about jokes here is you hoss, maybe try to stay out of the kitchen if you can't handle the bantz : )

Lol Jeff is part of Trump's inner circle. This is all completely and 100% planned and orchestrated but you'll just have to wait until it plays out to see for yourself. I'd put my confidence in this being part of the plan at 98% and I've been quite successful with my predictions.

Trump still hasn't set up his opening moves! A single match of 4D chess can span a lifetime.


Lol this is new. Earlier they had "FBIanon" and bunch of other "anons". These retards actually believe senior federal officials with sensitive information will post damaging leaks on 4chan's pol of all places, and they would risk their career and future for it. I refuse to believe they're all retards, there seems to be too many of them. I'm starting to seriously consider proprietary AI chatbots being developed by the top PR and reputation management companies.


Lol this is new. Earlier they had "FBIanon" and bunch of other "anons". These retards actually believe senior federal officials with sensitive information will post damaging leaks on 4chan's pol of all places, and they would risk their career and future for it.

I refuse to believe they're all retards, there seems to be too many of them. I'm starting to seriously consider proprietary hard(?) AI chatbots developed and starting to be used by the top PR and reputation management companies. /u/tofur99 what do you think about this?

Well first of all, fuck you faggot.

Now that I got that out of the way, these aren't "damaging leaks" they're worded as general updates and a heads up on future happenings without being too specific. Nice hyperbole ya got there though. If lefty I.C workers are willing to commit felonies by leaking actual classified information to random journalists, why is it so hard to believe some righty I.C/WH staff are incapable/unwilling to anonymously post unclassified generalized updates on happenings to a chatboard? Also the FBIanon one ended up being right about a bunch of shit if I recall correctly...

That said, these anons are treated as LARP material until proven otherwise, us "retards" as you so kindly put it don't automatically believe them, they're just information that might or might not be accurate and only the unfolding of time will tell which it is.

This WHanon claimed the 27th as being a date to watch and we've seen a whole lot of activity going on in the last couple days and it's only ratcheting up in intensity. This has piqued our attention as it lines up with that given timeline, that is all.

You all need to relax and stop taking everything so seriously and literally.

Well first of all, fuck you faggot. Now that I got that out of the way, these aren't "damaging leaks" .

Rude. And for being mean to me, I'm going to post "damaging leaks" about you in this comment. If you're too worried about which aspect of your pathetic and degenerate life I'm going to leak more than my response to your comment, scroll down and wallow in shame.

why is it so hard to believe some righty I.C/WH staff are incapable/unwilling to anonymously post unclassified generalized updates on happenings to a chatboard

Because anyone wanting to leak damaging info would want to have their leaked info seriously. One way to not ever be taken seriously is to leak it as a larper on pol.

Also the FBIanon one ended up being right about a bunch of shit

Wow really? Source?

if I recall correctly...


This WHanon claimed the 27th as being a date to watch and we've seen a whole lot of activity going on in the last couple days

That's because "activity" happens every day 24/7 all around the world you retard.

And all this trash talk coming from someone so fat and low testosterone that you literally had to have surgery to remove your man boobs.. You even say that your mom helped you in removing the man boob removal bandages in your bathroom and consuming doritos and mountain dew as your day job.


Jesus Christ.

And all this trash talk coming from someone so fat and low testosterone that you literally had to have surgery to remove your man boobs.. You even say that your mom helped you in removing the man boob bandages in your bathroom and even mentionconsuming doritos and mountain dew as your day job, can you be more a stereotypical loser?


You even say that your mom helped you in removing the man boob bandages in your bathroom

/u/tofur99 BODIED

Yeah, fuck me for taking action to improve myself and openly help others in a similar situation, right? You guys are seriously pathetic, I came here to shitpost and you guys dig through my post history looking for something to hit me with. To call you low life scum would be a compliment. Stay salty though, Trump is your President for the next 8 years.

Jfc how pathetic can one "man" be

lmao u mad as fuck, keep going lower bro let's see how far you can dive.

Ehh, i love low-t lolcows coming to /drama , pls do stay and post more 😙

lol u wish u could have me faggot

You should be modded tbqhwyf

Tits or gtfo

This was 6 months post op

U kno I meant the jigglies you slick dipper

To call you low life scum would be a compliment.

If you're looking for someone to disagree with you, I've got some bad news.

fuck me for taking action to improve myself

You mean paying a doctor to slice away the fat you were too mentally weak to lose yourself?

I didn't dig through shit, just gleefully applauded someone else who did.

Are you overly emotional because of your hormone problems or what?

It rolled right off the tongue fam, couldn't be prouder. And I was thinking you might be someone else, I don't keep track of usernames tho.

To call you low life scum would be a compliment

lmfao he really touched a nerve huh?

/u/tofur99 post tits

This was like 6 months post op, only gotten better since. contrary to popular belief most gyno is pretty mild but it still is fucking annoying to live with.

Lol looks like I hit a nerve since you resorted to digging through my post history looking for something to hit me with instead of just trash talking like a normal person. Hope your fee fees recover.

And just fyi, if I gave a shit about low lifes like you going digging I woulda used an alt to write the post intended to help other guys in the same situation I found myself in. Nobody chooses the genetics that lead to gyno, all they can do is take action to deal with it. Takes a seriously nasty human being to go after a guy for doing so, so congrats on earning that title.

Shh, no more low-t tears now

gyno has nothing to do with adulthood testosterone, it shows up when you go through puberty and your hormones are all over the place. Keep trying to attack me though, shit is hilarious.

digging through my post history

Its literally a click away, I didn't even have to scroll down for it. Took me all of 30 seconds.

Takes a seriously nasty human being to go after a guy for doing so

This is just a fraction of what you faggots do in pol. Learn to take some of what you dish out on the reg there eh? I'd say grow up, but you're already 28 and still post in /pol/, so idk.

lol I don't post on pol, I'm speaking as a t_d shitposter who sees the screencaps of these so called anons.

Lmao you're totally fine with calling people cucks and faggots, but the moment someone does it to you you get so upset.

And all this trash talk coming from someone so fat and low testosterone that you literally had to have surgery to remove your man boobs.. You even say that your mom helped you in removing the man boob bandages in your bathroom and even mentionconsuming doritos and mountain dew as your day job, can you be more a stereotypical loser? kys

Shit, that was a brutal takedown.

Holy shit, this is the pure unadulterated autistic shitposting I come here to see. Can we keep you?

Hey I tried since this is a sub called "drama" after all, but the resorting to digging through my post history and attacking me for a post made to help guys out with a tough situation some of us face in life is kinda rubbing me the wrong way though, so I'm gunna pass. Ya'll are some bitter, nasty people. Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Ya'll are some bitter, nasty people. Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Well, at least you're learning.

resorting to digging through my post history and attacking me for a post made to help guys out with a tough situation some of us face in life is kinda rubbing me the wrong way

Tell that to Amazon Bezos. Kek.

Low energy!


why am I not surprised that t_d posters are such sensitive pussies lol

You seem well adjusted.

Oh boy, fresh meat!

I'm all chewed up already boyo

Real talk some spooks in the FBI, CIA, MI6 or Kremlin are gonna have a field day with analysing and applying how social media and constantly spouting bullshit got so many people to brainlessly follow an actual retard

never mind the government agents, there's marketing firms that have been cumming themselves nonstop since before November over this shit


"No, we're not gonna go after the Clintons, they're nice people. We don't wanna hurt them."


Like this is gonna stop his fans from sucking his dick on t_d

what's important is that they don't know what to do with jeffy's dick atm

If you ever think you waste your time on this remember the random ticked people who instantly reply to every Trump tweet.

they don't just instantly reply, they SPAM his ass

the worst part is, they're not even dragging the level of discourse down with their bullshit

who instantly reply to every Trump tweet.

isn't that just a marketing move?

what quicker way is there to get exposed to pretty much the entire american twitter base

Definitely. Not that it makes it any less sad. Kind of like when Shoenice runs out of $ so he spams bigger YouTuber's comment sections before necking a litre of anti bacterial hand gel.

a friend of mine asked if he'd plug her book for some cash

he ate her book on camera for $30. $30!

the guy's absent of business acumen, though maybe it has something to do with eating glue, i don't know

Would you eat one book to get 5 alright sandwiches?

i'll admit, when measured in sandwiches it seems more reasonable

I hate to agree but after we work out what book and what kind of sandwiches, it still somehow sounds like a better deal.

where do you live that an alright sandwich only costs six dollars?!

isn't that just a marketing move?

until some 4channer gets butthurt and doxxes you and your family and forces you off Twitter like that one teenage kid with the giant nipples

hwat now

I think his name was Legate or something like that. I'm preferential to Jules Sydyzyzyd or whatever. His mustache makes me laugh

Jules Sydyzyzyd

now there's a serial killer name if I ever saw one

Nah, that's more like the name of a morally ambiguous interdimensional wizard that shows up from now and again to serve as a plot point.

who eventually BECOMES a serial killer

Oh. Well, shit.

Thiel fellow (whatever that is)

Rich kids that got paid to take a two year leave of absence from Stanford to pretend to start a business.

must be nice! until you forget that daddy's connections got you that opportunity and go and get verified on twitter and make it that much easier for people to find and harass you and your family when you decide to go all millennial on trump's tweets

It's funny because Peter Thiel is a libertarian retard who won the Paypal lottery and thinks that makes him a business genius, and he loves Trump.

Yeah I found it hilarious every time I'd see that kid's bio with "Thiel fellow" and think, "Man, Peter would shit on you right now". I remember watching his intro to Trump or Ivanka at the RNC and laughing because all my lib friends were howling about HOW COULD AN LGBT MAN DO THIS TO USSSS!!!"

Thiel doesn't give a shit about LGBT rights in America because he wants to start his own floating "seasted" nation where he can make whatever laws he wants and snort ketamine off the cocks of young concubines to his heart's content.

sounds like my kind of guy

He might be! You should apply for a Thiel fellowship.

I'm not even making up the floating nation bullshit. Dude literally thinks Bioshock had a pretty great idea.

Thiel killed Gawker, so he can basically do no wrong in my eyes

how many twitter followers did he get after that?

there's also the weirdos who spam bible verses to every tweet

i assume they're all just thirsty for the followers and likes and retweets



Hwat are you wearing

>there are people who literally spend all day refreshing his twitter page so they can be first


Seriously bot that shit, have some pre-written tweets or response templates, have the notification hit your phone and you pick and post

Work smart not hard

pretty sure that's what most of them do

That still includes humans in the process, if you don't have a machine learning algorithm trained on your past tweets shitposting for you then I don't know what you're doing with your life.

I'm just old fashioned that way

I offer up artisanal hand-crafted shitposts like my father and his father before him

High quality crapsmanship is a lost art.

lol Markov chaining tweets at POTUS. Left has to automate their bants.

Tweets from verified users automatically get pushed to the top.

Stay at home mommy blogers pay Twitter to get a verified check and then get paid to set up automatic Twitter reply spam to Trump. It's fucking bizarre.

haha look im spamming trump with my blue checkmark please notice me trumpai ;_;

I assume those people are getting those big-money shitposting dollaz though.

like 10 in a row too its never just one

im 99% sure hes blocked them all too so he cant even see what theyre writing

other discussions (14)

I wish my shitposts got this much attention


best my shitposts did was getting noticed by william shatner

Wait, who leaked secrets of the best CPU maker Intel?

because NVIDIA is growing into a threat to democracy

best CPU maker Intel

Ryzen >> Skylake

didn't he say, like right after the election,that he wasn't going to prosecute her?

But what did he mean by that?

rly makes ya think

I don't know, I'm like at least 2 dimensions away from his level

He said he'd legalize bud Federally for the States to decide too.


didn't he say, like right after the election,that he wasn't going to prosecute her?

Until his base (myself included) let it be known that wasn't good enough.

I also suspect that when he said that he didn't think the Russia thing would still be a issue 6 months later. So if the Dems are pressuring him, time to pressure the Dems...

Oh man, it's a live one

I'm surprised that hook in your mouth hasn't gone clean through your cheek yet.

Clintons politically dead, though, while Trump is the president. He has a lot more to lose by collapsing the establishment in on itself via locking up opponents Kazakhstan style.

One day he won't be president, and he won't be able to pardon himself or his family.

But I digress, Keep Yourself Safe.

Clintons politically dead

Lol if you don't think that crazy-ass bitch is gonna try again in '20.

She's done man. She has been thrown under the bus just like G. W. Anheuser-Busch was in the 2008 elections.

I mean, she can try, but she's a personal non grata in politics, now. She will forever be known as the career politician who lost to Donald Trump in the presidential election. Process that for a moment.

So if the Dems are pressuring him

You misspelt FBI.

Wait... you actually think the Russia investigation is something more than a political sideshow?

It's like pizzagate, but with evidence and credibility

evidence and credibility

I'll believe it when he gets indicted.

Lucky for him he's been asking about how to go about pardoning himself ahead of time

OJ did nothing wrong.

I also suspect that when he said that he didn't think the Russia thing would still be a issue 6 months later. So if the Dems are pressuring him

You're the one talking about it. For some reason you're assigning blame to the Democrats, when it's the FBI that's investigating. Just trying to keep you informed.

You actually think Russia didn't fuck with him?

est about the fact that they don't believe people should be covered rather than do all this charade. Doing something for real requires actual work


No, it wasn't until he needed to use her as a distraction to his own crazy bullshit. He used it as nothing but a talking point to get election and was hoping to let it go and be able to ride on the sweet sweet being magically loved and unlimited presidential power. Soon as he realized that most of the counrty does in fact think he is what he really is, an ignorant fat cheeto, he turns on the CLINTON AND OBAMA ARE TO BLAME tap to distract his dumbass base -- very much like what Joe does in Mad Max Fury Road to all those people with pans wanting water.

more WTF I love Trump now

So he is gonna fire his second AG in 7 months because Mueller is actually doing his job?

close, he's trying to get him to quit

I got Reince as the next to go, Tillerson 2nd and Sessions last.

fuck. there goes my +1200 parlay

you're good, actually. turns out his impromptu vacation put him over the edge

He's literally cyber bullying him to get him to kill himself.

g-d bless america

The first one wasn't his AG. She was a Obama holdover, acting until Sessions could be appointed.

Friendship ended with Mudasir

Military coup when

Sessions was the most retarded thing he's done so far. Except maybe Kushner. Or having Donald Trump Jr. He's done a lot of retarded stuff.

how bout that boy scout speech?

Haven't seen that. Is it really that bad? Did he at least do anything funny like yell about walls and Mexicans?

mostly he just yelled a bunch about Obama and how Obamacare is death.

reminded me of how when Obama wanted kids to watch that speech where he told them to stay in school, R's were all accusing him of trying to indoctrinate our children

Did he say "Obamacare is death" or were you too busy staring at the young boys?

he did. but all cameras were on the fat man unfortunately.