Red piller and /r/drama regular throws a tantrum here when TRP is criticised

62  2017-07-29 by aonome


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lol, making your own post, this is too pathetic. You do realise I'm more of a regular here than you too?

I'm more of a regular here than you


this has to be the shittest reaction gif ever.

That's a jpeg, Juan.

That's why it's a shitty reaction gif, duh

I just want a picture of a got-dang hot dog!

Heh, I hang out on /r/drama more than you, kid...


making a rage post after being btfo in internet fight

wew lad

jesus christ, did all of you retards emerge from the same hole? or are you just alts? accusing me of being triggered is the main motif. That's the whole point buttercup, I'm triggered and not ashamed of it. fite me irl

it's not believable.

also, two of them actually were alts, how does it feel being objectively wrong?

mmhmm, sure.

put a bit more effort in, gheeze, kids these days

nah I'm bored of you now

It's bedtime for you already? mommy must be strict.

it's pretty believable famalam

it's not believable famalam

I believe youre a retard too


your mother wishes she swallowed you

You do realise I'm more of a regular here than you too?

lol imagin being proud of being an /r/drama regular


I'm proud that I am a valiant, untiring champion of free bussy.

You're a TRP poster, that means that

A) you like gussy

B) you're a manlet

In my ideal society these two would get you the capital punishment.

Being accused of liking gussy, even ironically, makes me want to retch.

And wtf i've posted in TRP a total times of never.

Well you're defending them a lot so i just assumed, regardless my point stands.

Anyways I'm gonna need some proof, because as you know liking gussy is a pretty serious crime.

You can tell my intense love of bussy by looking at the subreddits I mod.

and i'm less defending, more mocking the autists invested in nothing but trp hate.


case closed, you just a got a new sub btw

I'm glad to have my admiration of bussy rebuffed by a fellow bussy purveyor.

haha, I can get in on the bussy thing too guys, mayocide amirite? Please don't downvote me ;_;

Can we turn off this subscription to /u/aonome's inner thoughts? Soon it's gonna start talking about his suicide attempts after his girlfriend "abused" him and it's not going to be self aware enough to realise we don't care.

also, shut up white boy

Are you a Muslim?

geez louise, you can't blame Muslims for all your troubles. You probably deserved the abuse you received from that female, you pathetic fuck.

Are you a Muslim?

white boy,shut up

You are a Muslim.

Okay, I already defended Muslims from generalisations but you thought that was racist. This explains it (not all Muslims act retardedly about it like you though). I see why you're bussyblasted about what I said.

I guess you like the Quran because it matches your redpill ideas about women


I'm not a Muslim, you braindead, racist manbaby. Cri harder about the mean red pill, if you took it, you probably wouldn't have been smacked around by a woman like the pathetic half man you really are.

That's my fetish, stop being sex-negative

You realise everyone has pity in their eyes, not sympathy when you tell them your poor tale of abuse. They're wondering how much of a cuck you must have been to be a ragtoy to a woman.

user reports:
1: sex negativity

You say that like modding subreddits doesnt just prove what a dickless manlet you are.

awww, does modding nothing make you feel upset? I can always invite you to /r/dickgirls but you probably would be too annoying.

Bitch I turned that down like 4 years ago

whatever makes you feel better babby

I'm gonna try to save face by quoting a retarded meme.

To late fam you went full reeeeeman level of agenda posting

To be fair, unlike reeeeeman, I don't give a shit what you autists think of my agenda posting. It's why it's so blatant.

Lol it's that why you tried to brag about being a regular here?


And me being a prolific regular isn't bragging. Bragging would be me admitting I have a penis large than 4 inches unlike the rest of you

Im on mobile so just pick a random popcorn gif and pretend that's what I've posted right here.

I'll give you a fitting party parrot instead.



thx sexy

I don't give a shit what you autists think of my agenda posting


wtf took you so long? I don't feel right calling anyone else an autist except you bby ;)

i was having dinner

how abjectly poor are you

You mean your nurse didn't feed you? Or were you too ashamed to let her know you mod this sub? I mean, she does wipe your ass, she's seen it all...

so really, really broke

i'm either too poor to have three meals a day

or i live in a different timezone to you

idk what you'd think the timing has to do with why i know you're poot and angry about it

i'm not poot :(

haha, if I talk about bussy I'll look less retarded, bussy amirite guise?

oh dear

are you still triggered? tbh i'd have forgotten you already except you have the blue OP mark from making your own thread because you were too salty for one.

You do realise I'm more of a regular here than you too?

You think that's a good thing?

Imagine being the sort of person who wears that as a point of pride

nigga gone full lolcow

Imagine being

Your caretaker hasn't lobotomised you yet? wtf

Nah, he's out getting me tendies.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE normies don't deserve tendies


whoa hold your horses, white boy!

You do realise I'm more of a regular here than you too?

That's probably why you got downvoted to fuck in that thread, people hate you and think you're a loser.

and the max amount of downvotes I received in that thread was -2. Wow, I sure got downvoted to fuck. Tell me, did you drop out of education when you were 7 or did you just never go to school?

tbh being hated by people who browse /r/drama is probably a good thing in society

You seem pretty riled up by all this. You just didn't win that argument because more users downvoted you then your opponent. Just deal with it and move on.

Actually, our spat was so insignificant, I don't think he even broke 20 upvotes. Plus, the dude is a racist who agenda posts on /r/drama so I think I can consider myself morally superior regardless.

I have to concur with an above comment- you seem really triggered right now.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

How long have you been illiterate?

just really obviously assravaged. about theredpill, of all things.

time to kill yourself, homeslice

So the answer is yes, you are actually illiterate. What a waste of my time.

he says, replying to a different person

also you're posting in/r/drama. let's not pretend your time has value.

Let's be honest, you're clearly his alt. Either that or you're both on the same autistic brainwave.

Either way, you both clearly weren't bullied enough at school.

oh my god are you actually accusing us of all being the same person?

jesus christ that level of autism is amazing.

oh my god are you actually accusing us of all being the same person?

Seeing as this has already caused you to sperg wildly out and is providing more material for my new thread, yes I am, you retarded fuck.

I aim to impress

ur confusing laughing at u with being upset m8

please god post this comment chain as a new thread lmfao

ur confusing laughing at u with being upset m8

You definitely can't distinguish between the two, especially seeing as you've spent the last half hour replying to every comment I've made throughout the thread within two minutes.

please god post this comment chain as a new thread lmfao

don't tell me what to do. i did it 10 minutes ago.


tbqh, i agree with you about trannies. I'm drunk so I don't know why I wanted to share that

they're the worst, right? rapey lil shits.

Amen. It always pisses me off when I see a tranny ask "why is it so important you know about their genitals before you date/even fuck". Stop acting obtuse, you rapey fuck, you know exactly why. Just because you say you're a girl due to your mental illness doesn't mean any straight guy/lesbian girl wants to fuck your mutilated ass.

Right? Do what you want with your body or w/e but nobody is obligated to fuck you Jesus Christ. Like legit, the lesbian community is a fucking trash heap because of this. In a surprising number of places you'll get rape/death threats for saying you wont fuck trannies as a lesbian. Because your body/sexual orientation is just forfeit for their need for validation I guess.

The number of times I've been told I'm "not a real lesbian" because I will only date/fuck real women is too damn high.

Regular straight dudes also abuse this shit to try and pressure/coerce lesbians to fuck them too.

The whole thing is abject fucking cancer

Regular straight dudes also abuse this shit to try and pressure/coerce lesbians to fuck them too.

You lost me here. Bonus story: I once fucked a "lesbian" who was adamant she was a lesbian until she ended up taking me to her house and fucking me.

alas, if only you'd stayed lost

you wanna netflix and chill?

But if you're me and I'm you....whoa dude


Gosh darn you are so booty blasted by all this.

The question was already answered bro: you are illiterate. Get with the times or get out.


You watch RPDR so I'm not surprised I've been mocking an actual autists all this time.

If this is an attempt to get me to trawl through your comments to troll you, I'm not dignifying you with that level of attention.


I'm not dignifying you with that level of attention.

You've already made 10+ comments about how triggered you think I am, you're clearly obsessed enough to have checked my post history five times already.

I'm just replying...but yes, you are #TRIGGERED

So you admit you're triggered too? Because there's no point in denying it when you've made this many comments and have literally stalked me through threads?

i admitted my state of booty blastedness hours ago

Pretty sure I'm just replying to my inbox, and this is an easy way to ease into my Sunday morning...but ok

literally no one replies 20+ times unless they're seriously booty blasted. Your excuses are weak af and everyone can tell through them.

Why are still replying then? Oh, right, you are booty blasted to buggery

you might possibly be the most illiterate, retarded sperg I've ever interacted with. It's startling really, like trying to communicate with a four year old who has Downs Syndrome and can't comprehend what you're saying, no matter how many times you say it. Perhaps my complex sentences are confusing you:

I am bootyblasted. I don't deny this. I'm doing this to create drama. Keep Yourself Safe

If you want to create drama, why are you down voting my comments instantly? Everyone knows you up vote the lol cows in drama...unless this is all super serious to you and you are in fact the lol cow.

That seems about it.

In the spirit of unrelenting constant neutrality, I downvote all lolcows as a part of my personal creed.

super serious to you

You might be getting me and you mixed up there, sweetheart. /r/drama isn't serious. Moo more.

Oh you're a pedo as well. Ew

enjoy the brain damage honey

you're clearly obsessed enough to have checked my post history five times already.

Fam I made a couple low effort comments and you stalked my post history, don't be a cuckcel

are you even bothering to switch alts now? you just baited yourself, that was /u/time_to_drink I replied to.

also, how does it feel being such a pussy you were abused by a woman? Your father should have beat you more as a child.

I am happy and proud that I have gone from the point where most would kill themselves to being better off and more successful than most in society, thanks for highlighting that

I'll still kms because I'm a /r/drama poster though

I am happy and proud that I have gone from the point where most would kill themselves to being better off and more successful than most in society, thanks for highlighting that

sorry, but men who are pathetic enough to be abused by women are automatically lower than everyone else in society. It's probably due to having evolved from non-vertebrates instead of apes.

And yet I spend my time not making high-effort rages against small off-hand comments on a shitposting forum. If in pathetic, what are you?

And yet I spend my time not making high-effort rages against small off-hand comments on a shitposting forum.

This is literally what you've done all night. Maybe being backhanded by your girlfriend so often has made you confused. It's certainly made you into a snivelling manbaby.

I don't have any alts

This is my only account

I'm enjoying teasing you, you really react to the smallest thing.

literally can't have been exposed any harder

sorry /u/aonome, denial won't help you now.

Weak. Don't name a bitch then proffer this weak shit. Have some dignity, fam.

spek engrish, retard.

Damn, how did you know?

Detective skills you should hope the police officers in charge of your suicide investigation have.

btw, you should really eat that gun already, everyone irl thinks your pathetic.

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booty blasted

bussy blasted*


people hate you and think you're a loser.


could you be more intensely triggered rn

I don't know, I could put in a bit more effort if you were worth it

Well put your back into it mang. Smdh kids these days got no work ethic

to be fair i hate everyone here and think they're all losers and sort of assume that's how everyone else feels too

i mean it's one of the baseline requirements for being a regular tbqhwuf

You should really Keep Yourself Safe

i mean, obviously

film it so I wank over it later ;)

wow not only are you a retarded lolcow, you're also painfully unfunny

Prime example of someone who should Keep Themselves Safe

how do you feel being so late to prime time drama? what a loser

not only did you instantly downvote my comment, you also stalked my history LMAO stay butthurt

I do that to everyone buttercup, you're not special.

oh, so you're even more butthurt than I expected

Is butthurt the only thing you can string in a sentence? damn, how guess Tyler the Creator must really be pounding your anus.

this is so funny, I can feel your seething rage through my screen, please type out another comment and make me feel more sorry for your parents

lol, you probably cringe in shame every night of when your mother caught you jerking to a picture of Kanye shirtless. how does it feel knowing you're not only unoriginal in your shit insults but in the fact that you've never even kissed a girl?

it's embarrassing how off you were with that lame psychoanalysis lol

HAHAHAHA this is honestly pathetic and I feel even worse for your parents, thanks for simply complying with my request for more bait like the gullible pansy I know u are

and for someone desperately spouting r/drama memes just a couple hours ago to win back the subs approval I'd think you'd recognize the mayocide meme, guess you're more retarded than I thought LMAO

also I was poor as fuck, you're just stating that i was suburban, my comment history has no evidence to support your lame ass shittalking. I thought this was gonna be fun but now I'm just getting secondhand embarrassment from you, I'll stop commenting before I really start to dwell on how boring your life must be


holy shit, I really triggered you, didn't I?

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this but unironically

You should both Keep Yourselves Safe

that's guranteed

[shitposts behind you]

nothing personnel... kid


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/r/drama isn't your personal army kid.

And yet he's been upvoted and you downvoted

I never said evetyone here wasn't retarded

Red piller and /r/drama regular

in the smash circuit we call that "The Unholy Combo"

You're both retarded.

I didn't say I wasn't fam

Youre not fam anymore

As a radical centrist I agree

le southpark neutral :))))))))))

Nope. Not a sperg like you two bussy-mashers.

that was ironic bumfuck

I call everyone bumfuck when I'm chill af.

i'm pretty stoned right now

that's pretty cool man

But one is more retarded than the other. That one is the TRP poster.

So no one is retarded? Because I don't post in TRP. Is this what they call gaslighting? I'm starting to form memories of my days in TRP, shitting on women and advocating to destroy the beta males

Wow that sure was a quick downvote there buddy. Have you downvoted every other comment making fun of you too? That must have been a lot of work.

Glad to see you're not butthurt tho.

blaming me for your sole downvote

you're absolutely right, I did downvote every single comment in this thread. Even the morally ambiguous ones. My butt hurts almost as hard as when Tyrone pounded it last week. I'll give you his number.

You lying sack of shit, you did the same to me and admitted to it.

I was trying to spare his feelings :(

Atta boy shooter

He did it to me, that's how I predicted a meta thread would produce lolcowery

John is a known instadownvoter and one of the most pathetic users on this sub. Gets buttmad about every little thing

ARPALT (All Red Pillers Are Like This)

So who is the red piller here?

The guy defending it to his dying, wheezing, cheeto-laced breath.

I only eat doritos, so you must be mistaken.

what a fucking loser

/u/aonome would saying I'm a Muslim make you create another thread so you can add mudslime to my list of fake titles up there? I would really unironically appreciate it

this is if your mom allows you 10 more minutes on the web

I'm pretty sure the only baby is the guy who cries about TRP because it's the only semi-interesting thing to rage against in their life. The most pathetic thing is you probably use TRP as a topic in casual conversation, not realising how much of a anti-social dickhead it makes you seem in real life.

Actually, looking at that comment history, you definitely don't go out enough to have casual conversation apart from asking your mum for tendies.

Mmm, I love the smell of fresh pasta in the evening





That picture is /r/Drama incarnate.

I love the red pill. It's the number 1 flag to stop listening to someones opinions.