/u/pizzashill is #stillwithher

58  2017-07-30 by no_maps_no_plans


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Preach, Snappy, preach!

How many layers deep can we go?


With how this is still going, we can go deeper.

pizzashill drama is my favorite kind of drama

He/She is always agendaposting under a thin veil of irony, what makes this one so different?


Stop gendering people, you fucking bigot.

You'll never end my transphobic tyranny, it is futile.

Keep blaming Berniebros for Hillary losing, /u/pizzashill. Eventually they'll realize the error of not voting for the least desirable Democratic candidate in recent years.

There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house.

I don't care how much you dislike Clinton, it is not possible. To believe so borders on mental illness.

I don't blame "Berniebros" for anything, they're just dumb kids, but they're still beyond delusional if they decided to vote 3rd party in 2016.

"There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house."

Still in the denial stage I see.

Denial? The guy is a profoundly ignorant moron that speaks at a 3rd grade level and gets caught bizarre lies you'd expect a child to try to get away with on a weekly basis.

Any random person off the street would be a better president than Donald Trump.

yes i can't wait for Mike "Suck a cock you're in for a shock" Pence to take office.


GOAT nickname

"Suck a cock you're in for a shock"

I want to believe that this is an actual quote, but I just can't for some reason.

Keep yourself safe.

If you're not just b8ing and you're a self described Dem that thinks pence would be better for the country and Dem values than Trump you should truly kys.

In what universe is Pence worse than Trump?

You're not this stupid buddy

So I take it you have no valid reply? How, in the ever living hell is Pence worse than Trump, the person that's very clearly mentally ill?

Conversion therapy for gays ? Much stronger opposition to planned parenthood ? Neither of those come to mind ?

How in the living hell is an incompetent idiot with incoherent positions worse for Democrats than a competent religious conservative who would actually get shit (Dems don't like) done ?

Trump supports literally all of those things, or at the very least he's put people that support them in charge.

Here's the thing dude - Trump isn't worse for democrats, him staying in office would be better for democrats politically.

This isn't about parties, it's about the god damn country and our well being, Trump is an unhinged moron and a threat to mankind.

Lmao Jesus

Yeah, keep downplaying and underestimating how fucking unhinged Donald Trump is, we'll see how this all ends.

Yeah, keep downplaying how dangerous Pence (or Cruz even) is. The most annoying part about Trump is that parts of the democratic party have convinced themselves an unhinged theocrat would actually do less damage to our country than a fat rich prick.

I am 100% sure Pence is less dangerous than Donald Trump.

Trump does not care about reason, he does not care what experts tell him, he has no problems getting into international twitter fights.

This isn't even getting into the protectionist bullshit Trump spams, pence wouldn't do that either.

Look - I was of the opinion Pence was worse than Trump for months, as the weeks go by it's become more and more obvious Trump is just worse.

In fact, as far as I know, this "Pence is worse than Trump meme" came directly from the Donald, they spammed that bullshit for weeks in an effort to make it seem like we should all want Trump in office because the other option was "way worse."

l m a o

Trump 'supports' them like Obama 'supported' change.

Pence means it.

Goddamned, you idiot children and your ignorance of politics.

Trump is a profoundly ignorant moron and threat to mankind.

They can likely beat Pence come 2020. It will be harder to beat Trump, whose numbers are decent in rust-belt states and only soft in the south, which will never go for a Democrat.

So running against Pence is running against a candidate whose weakest ground is their stronger ground.

This is the only good argument for why pence is better than trump in the eyes of a democrat. But if you look at the comment above yours you'll see him say: "This isn't about parties, it's about the god damn country and our well being, Trump is an unhinged moron and a threat to mankind."

Trump is better because pf his mental retardation that makes him unable to hire people or govern. Pence has a brain at least.

Yeah, and that sounds good on paper, until there's an international crisis in which Trump declares war on twitter at 4 am.

the president cant unilaterally declare war

Lmao, oh boy, the next few years are gonna be glorious.

lets hope not

The US hasn't declared war since WWII. Trump's got soldiers on the ground in Syria. You're sort of right but not really. If there's an imminent threat he can do whatever he wants for 90 days.

Trump is a giant clown who will at least make token gestures toward protecting working people. Pence is a psychotic fundie who will deep fry the country so that Jesus comes back.

LOL, protecting working people.

I swear to god rural America deserves Trump and the Republican party.

  1. Pence could stop the pendulum from swinging back

don't fuck this up for us

Trump is lazy. Trump is literally the best Republican president Democrats could expect. Does he talk like he wants to be Hitler? Yeah. Is he going to do any of things he says? Fuck no. That would take effort and require him to understand things. He's going to be a do nothing president.

Maybe if you cry about it some more it'll flip the election in Mi Abuela's favor.

Don't really care about elections, I just enjoy laughing at morons, and Trumptards are the lowest hanging fruit there is.

Ah, the old 'I'm only pretending to be retarded' trick. Good luck with that fam.

You know, if a single person on this subreddit ever at any point managed to form a coherent argument against me, I might take someone here seriously, but considering as how you're horribly misinformed and have no idea what you're talking about, I won't.

What the fuck is this, debate club? We're just here to watch you sperg out and maybe get some new pasta.

It's hard to imagine anyone being as misinformed as someone who spends his days reeeeing on Reddit.

Arguing with you would be basically the worst way to spend anyone's time. Someone who is so deep into politics that they spend a large amount of free time invested in it, and someone who is so dismissive of their opponents when talking about them, means any actual argument presented to you would be discarded because it conflicts with your perceived reality too much.

I could site sources that talk about how political extremism is just like every extremism out there and how eventually any argument to what an extremist think is perceived as an attack, but this is drama, so I will leave you with one final piece of advice.

Post bussy.

Yeah, if you think I'm some sort of extremist you have a severe learning disability.

Take a step back, re-read what you just typed to me. I did not agree with your beliefs in my paragraph, and predicted you'd see it as an attack.

Surprise surprise it happened. Go read the rest of your stuff calling millions of people stupid based on where they live in the country, stating all of them Are stupid, forgetting for a long while they agreed with your opinions and helped democrats win elections for years.

Explain how you aren't an extremist. Extremist say things like "I'm just waiting for all of them to die" like you just said. Now imagine the people being talked about aren't rural voters, imagine instead it's "Im just waiting for all democrats to die." Or " I'm just waiting for everyone in major cities to die" how about if I said "It doesn't matter how many elections they win, all Jews are human trash" which is what you said, just about rural voters

Are those words extreme?

I'm not attacking you, the idea I'm some kind of extremist because I said I'll just wait for old people to die off is hilarious.

There's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing extreme about that, it's what every generation has done for hundreds of years, wait for the older generation to die off so they can bring in change.

Rather than fight with people that don't care about being right, that think reality is subjective, I'll just wait for demographics to erase them. That's peaceful, it's non-violent, it isn't extreme.

It's the exact opposite.

You'd rather they be dead then have to deal with a differing opinion. You called rural voters human trash. Explain to me how that is not an extreme sentiment. Saying "I don't care how many elections they have won, black people are all human trash" would mean you are a racist, saying "I don't care how many elections they have won, people who don't support Hitler are human trash" that's straight storefront.

How about "I don't care how many elections the have done, all liberals are human trash?" Pretty stupid right?

I know a lot of rural voters, I have worked with a lot of farmers. A majority of them Vote blue and have voted blue for years. They donate to charities, participate in politics. Yet apparently these voters are human trash

I wouldn't rather them dead, they are going to die though, everyone is going to die, so why waste my time trying to combat people that have no interest in facts when I can just wait for the aging demographic to die?

"I don't care how many elections they have won, black people are all human trash" would mean you are a racist, saying "I don't care how many elections they have won, people who don't support Hitler are human trash" that's straight storefront.

Lol what in the actual fuck? Is this a satire account dude?

I know a lot of rural voters, I have worked with a lot of farmers. A majority of them Vote blue and have voted blue for years. They donate to charities, participate in politics. Yet apparently these voters are human trash

Yet just like every other bat-shit political movement in modern history, the rurals are right there at the core of it. I wonder why that is.

I wonder why it's always the rurals, I wonder.

Dude I just repeated your words back to you from an earlier comment. Are you a satire account?

Also rural voters are now only a problem for people because of the last election.

You are as extremist as Isis bro, inshallah, may Allah (pbuh) help you on your quest.

rural voters have been a problem for years, actually. In fact, go look at every bat-shit crazy politician in office and look at where the base of support is.

And this isn't new.

Hitler? Rurals.

Putin? Rurals.

Turkey? Rurals.

Trump? Rurals.

Brexit? Rurals.

You didn't repeat shit, you changed the context and are trying to claim rural people are a fucking racial group you delusional loon.

Is saying " I don't care how many elections they win, all liberals are pieces of human trash." Extremist?

Well, considering republicans are provably trash, and liberals aren't really, yeah, that'd be extremist.

When one side is provably bat-shit insane and the other side is only a little bit insane it doesn't go both ways.

So saying people are human trash is extremist, I agree, completely extremist.

In reality dude I'm not even arguing with you I'm just proving a point to anyone else who reads this. Arguing with extremist is pointless. All it does is cause frustration for everyone, and no ones minds are going to be changed because extremist logic only works in their own little distorted reality.

It's like arguing with racists, with nazis, with communists, with Al-Qaeda sympathizes. It's all extremism that only works when people distort reality and refuse outside input.

So, as /u/pizzashill has demonstrated. Arguing with extremists isn't drama, it's basically arguing with every stereotypical racist,nazi,and terrorist, which is just stupid. Drama comes from reasonable people being retarded because it's actually funny. Extremist being retarded is just their natural state.

All in all, it's time for me to Kms. Thanks /u/pizzashill for being an aide in this presentation.

You are literally retarded m8, you have no idea what you're talking about and it's just cringe.

Oh wait are you that pizzashill? Nvm I have no idea what I'm talking about in any of the rest of my posts.

Keep yourself safe.

There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house.

Indeed. It's a shame Hilldawg's cunning political strategies such as "focus on suburbanite housewives" led to such an embarrassing electoral college defeat.

Donald Trump HIMSELF made a good enough case for Hillary Clinton.

Too bad Hillary Clinton didn't make a good enough case for herself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She shouldn't have had to. Like I said, Trump made it for her.

When you have an opposing candidate that energizes their supporters, it tends to help to capitalize on your own rather than rest on your "surely everyone isn't retarded" laurels.

And here we see the real problem - again, sane people underestimating how fucking stupid rural America is.

Trump can win as many elections as he wants, that won't make him sane, it won't make him intelligent and it won't make him right. If he won 20 elections in a row he and his supporters would still be human trash and still wrong in nearly every view they hold.

And here we see the real problem - again, sane people underestimating how fucking stupid rural America is.

Keep telling them that they're retards, i'm sure that'll work in the next election.

I'm not even joking, i'd love to see it work out.

They are retards, I don't care what they think. Like I said - they could win 20 elections in a row and they'd still be human trash and wrong.

I'd rather just wait for them to die off which is happening at a rapid pace.

Disregarding your condescending attitude (the same attitude that cost you the election), this won't affect electoral voting. You're also overestimating how many people voted for Hillary because they liked her, rather than her being the lesser evil. She is universally reviled and for a very good reason.

This is hilarious. I don't give a shit about Hillary Clinton, she was just the only sane option in the race.

And guess what - yeah it will impact electoral voting, because as rural areas die off, cities increase in population, it becomes easier to win those states.

I'm not even really talking about national elections, but the house is more relevant.

Old delusional people put Trump in office, and there's a finite supply of old delusional people, and it shrinks every year.

Old delusional people put Trump in office, and there's a finite supply of old delusional people, and it shrinks every year.

Do you understand how aging and time works? Hint: they will get replaced.

Do you understand that it depends on generation, and this generation of old people will not be anywhere near as bad as the last?

That's what I said when Reagan was elected and again when W got a second term. Dont worry wisdom comes with time.

Reagan was elected by boomers, and so was bush, boomers are dying out.

Man you're in for some suprises as you get older. I would explain but you seem to have it all figured out already.

I base my views on what the data says, I'm low risk for becoming a conservative.

not caring this hard

They are retards, I don't care what they think.

The don't fucking whine when you lose elections, dumbfuck. You aren't helping, you're driving people away.

They could win 20 elections in a row and they'd still be human trash and wrong.

I'd rather just wait for them to die off which is happening at a rapid pace.

wtf I love pizzashill now?

who are you, they PC gestapo?

how fucking stupid rural America is.

But enough about Hillary's election strategy.

In fairness, rural white trash are fucking worthless.

Who isn't, when it comes down to it?

Value is a spectrum. Rural and suburban white men are clearly at the bottom.

"Value is a spectrum. Rural and suburban white men are clearly at the bottom. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz 2020"

You're acting as if lying to worthless white males is better?

Coal jobs are coming back, you just wait!

If you can't boil down complex concepts to a catchy sound-bite, you will lose. Also if you are a leftist fag, lol.

No, I don't think you understand. Manufacturing is def coming home. White trash will rise again!

That's the spirit!

Also please be aware - white males are the single most victimized group in modern America!


Oof, no. You still have much to unlearn.

White males are victims, get over it.

Sounds racist, frankly.

What, are you serious right now? Are you trying to tell me white male teens can't be victims 95% of the time?

Hillary has a 95% chance to win, but Bernie is still in this!

Omg no lol, the god emperor is going to bring prosperity to my suburb! More guns!

Hell yeah!

Yea, white trash victimhood!

You're losing me again.

Damn I really thought we were on the same page here.

I'm just looking for more freedom for the white trash, and suburban losers.

Bernie can still win this.

White male teens are victims.

True, but I don't think Democrat cheeze pizza lovers discriminate on color. They love Haitian pre-teens, too!

Dude you're not understanding. White males deserve more things.

All Americans deserve better from Washington.

White males are the ones who really need it though.

This, tbh.

You can't just blame everything on rural America. They're only 15 percent of the population, and almost all of the state's are majority urban.

Yes, I can blame them, because they have seriously disproportionate political power:


That's a pretty good thing, imo. They should.

I can't comment because I've read too many NYT articles this month to read more. But urban and suburban voters no doubt hold the whip hand.

It was Her Turn.

She shouldn't have had to

Yeah but she had to

Not good enough for her to win I guess ;)

you could say the exact same thing vice versa and still be right.

This but unironically

There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house.

uhhh i beg to differ



Donald Trump got you to post this, so everybody wins.

What if they voted third party in a solidly blue state?

I think Democrats consider that a war crime.

"Man these people sure are retarded for voting for who they actually wanted to win instead of voting to minimize damage. People who try to stick by their ideals with their votes instead of acquiescing to a shitty two party voting system are surely what's wrong with America."

Genuinely thinks Trump has ideals as opposed to saying shit that he thinks will make people cheer him.

I was talking about the third party candidates fam. Don't know if that makes it better or worse.

There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house.

He won the electoral college. That is how we decide who belongs in the White House.

There is a sane and rational rationale for Donald Trump being in the White House. We are have rules, you goddamned savages, and we stick to them. If you vote Trump out come 2020, I will not be happy, but I will not sperg out like you pathetic children. Though I acknowledge, the tea-party types probably will. But those fuckers are crazy.

The electoral college was literally meant to prevent someone like Trump.

He has no business in the white house, he's low-class white trash and I wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand let alone a country.

It was created to prevent the larger states from running roughshod over all the others.

Like you folks who want two states to pick our President--two states who have interests vastly different from the rest of the rest of the country due to their reliance on the FIRE and entertainment industries. You want to go back to ignoring most of the country, like you did under Obama.

Cause most of the country is full of retards, from left-wing moonbats to right-wing jebus freaks,

This is why #ImWithHer is so fundamental. America is facing the most dangerous, the most extreme, frankly to extreme to be taking seriously, threat that it ever has. Donald Trump is a fascist National socialist with a racist, homophobic, transphobic, ect. ect. agenda that will hurt everyone who is not a straight white Christian male.

How extreme is the Donald Trump threat Consider the following

  • Donald Trump has refused to release his tax returns.
  • Donald Trump has bankrupted more companies than he has children
  • Donald Trump's family original name is actually Drumpf.
  • His extremest agenda is so extreme it will take social issues back to 1850

What is the deal with his tax returns? It will allow us to see that Drumpf is actually not rich or wealthy at all, We would haev indisputable evidence of his net worth and we will see that not only does he not pay taxes at all but he is also likely broke. How he runs his campaign, ect. is another indication. I interviewed the Field Director of Tax Law at H&R Block about the matter. I asked him: "Why doesn't Drumpf just release his tax returns once and for all?" He responded: "Simply, because he's to extreme to be taking seriously, and his tax returns would reveal that."

Later, as we were driving on Interstate 405, with the wind cruising through our hair and tokking up to some dank weed, he explained further:

Drumpf's tax returns are the holy grail. I guarantee you, that it would prove that he is lying about everything: it will show us his net worth and it's likely near 0. He doesn't donate to charity and he doesn't pay taxes. I know this because I'm in the industry and I "get it." I can't go out and make this public but trust me it's true.

So why is Drumpf so untrustworthy? This is why #ImWithHer is so valuable, it provides answers. I asked about the ancestry, and the genealogy of Drumpf. What is the significance of it?

I went to the Head of Genealogy at USC to ask the question posed. Is Drumpf an indication of extremest attitudes? She replied, "Absolutely."

As we called for the elevator, she continued:

There's nothign wrong with the Drumpf name per se. But it's an indication of dishonesty. Trump supports, you need to ask yourself: Why did he lie about this? What is he hiding? Perhaps he is a felon, a white collar criminal, or perhaps he is a peddafile. Why else would he be so dishonest? Hell, look at the tax return issues!

I brought her up to speed on the tax return issues after speaking with the Field Director at H&R Block.

I knew it! This is why #ImWithHer is so important. We've gotten to the bottom of his tax returns, and we will keep uncovering issues and exposing Drumpf for the lying fraud he is. This is empowering. We are destroying the male intittlement behind his actions and we are, finally, for the first time, holding the top white, wealthy men accountable.

This ties in directly with the bankruptices. Let's look at it logically

  • Drumpf is a businessman
  • Drumpf has dozens of bankruptcies on his record
  • Drumpf has not repaid millions, if not billions, of dollars in loans as a result of the bankruptcies

Extreme much? Absolutely.

I wrote an essay in my Embodiments of Patriarchy class on this very subject.

It's not enough that Drumpf is an oppressive force, a testament to the white male patriarchy. He had to flaunt it with his bankruptcies. He stole money from working people and didn't return it. This is a femminnest issue because these actions affected women disproportionately.

And yes, I got an A for the paper. So where are we with this? We've exposed the damages of his bankruptcies, and his extremest attitudes.

His hatred of minorities, especially Mexicans and Blacks, as well as poor people, and frankly anyone who isn't a cis-white straight male is what makes him the most extreme. What could we expect from a Drumpf Precedency?

  • Deportation of Mexicans
  • Deportation and incarceration of Blacks
  • Expansion of #BlueLivesMatter and Dissolution of #BlackLivesMatter
  • Divisive attitudes,
  • climate change that will affect the world
  • A decrease in science and education

The last part is key.

Republicans absolutely hate Education. They know an educated people will never vote against there self interests. They know educated people "get it" and vote for candidates that offer them the most. This is why he would cut it.

Here's some more:

  • More wealth division
  • Tax breaks for the rich
  • Tax increases for the poor
  • Regressive taxes
  • Private prisons
  • Training camps and halocaust-style society

So where does this leave us?

You have to ask us: what kind of person would vote for Drumpf?

Here are some defining attributes:

  • Don't care about black people
  • Don't care about minorities
  • Don't care he lied about Drumpf
  • Don't care about climate change
  • Don't care about gay and trans rights
  • Don't care about bankruptcies
  • Don't care about wealth division
  • Don't want to redistribute wealth from the top to the bottom
  • Votes against his own self interests.

I personally don't know anyone who matches that criteria but then again I don't know anyone voting for Drumpf. I asked the Southern Poverty Law Center's Voter Rights Division about these characteristics. I asked via email: "Are these the characteristics of a Drumpf voter?" They answered: "Absolutely, yes."

Drumpf is extreme. That's the bottom line. And the people that support him are fringe alt-right fanatics who are to extreme to be taking seriously. They want to take America back to 1850, to prevent equality, unless you are a white straight cis male, ect. ect.

So who votes for Drumpf?

Very few people actually. There's no way he can win the election without some sort of fraud.

But isn't voter fraud a concenr?

Yes, absolutely. Republicans are epic at voter fraud. If Drumpf wins this is how we can do it, so that

So how do we stop this?

The power is in the top 1% who need there wealth the least. This is why the power distribution and wealth distribution is such a problem. Do they need there money? Well, no, but that doesn't matter. They'll still steal money from the workign poor who need it hte most.

Such as?

Drumpf. Drumpf wouldn't pay his workers. He routinely stiffs people and fires them.

What can be done?

This is why #ImWithHer is such an important phenomena. Hillary Clinton is the only one that can solve the issue and that is why we need to vote for her.

The email continues:

If you

  • Care about black people, minorities, and women
  • Care about Drumpf lying
  • Care about climate change
  • Care about gay and trans rights
  • Care about Drumpf and his bankruptcies
  • Want a basic income
  • Want wealth redistribution
  • ect. ect. ect.

Then the only choice is to really join the #ImWithHer movement. Support a team that is looking out for the common good, for the 99% who neeed help from the Government the most, for the minorities and gay / trans people who need there defense the most, ect. ect.

This pasta gave me cancer

melt, bitch

There is no rational, logical, or sane way to ever conclude that Donald Trump belongs anywhere near the white house.

But Hillary was even worse, since she lost to Donald fucking Trump. Imagine her as a president: "Oh Russia ITSELF makes a good case for us, why is everyone so upset, can't they see that what we are doing is not as bad as Russia, reeeee, this is so unfair!"

Donald is an honest to god retard, you know what to expect from him. Hillary is a sort of retard to act uber retarded on the premise that she is at least not completely retarded, then whine how it's all totally unfair. She is a sort of person who'd end up getting the second place in a "who's the biggest loser" competition.

You absolutely don't want that anywhere near the White House. Her losing to Trump is no freak coincidence but an indicator of what a complete disaster she'd have been as a president.

I don't blame "Berniebros" for anything, they're just dumb kids, but they're still beyond delusional if they decided to vote 3rd party in 2016.

I don't know about that. To judge by all the Op Ed's I've seen lately about how the Democrat's must change course, it sound like "Berniebros" sent a pretty clear message that the Democrats must choose between supporting their agenda, or the agenda of people like you. And that if they support people like you, they'll lose.

That doesn't sound delusional to me - it actually sounds like a very clear-eyed assessment of whom their real enemies are. You just don't like their choice because it means that the Democrats will kick your legislative concerns into the gutter, which is the proper place for them.

Nobody gives a shit about progressives dude, if I had it my way they'd all be removed from the party and sent to the green party (the containment party) and we'd move more to the center.

Progressives live in a nirvana fallacy and it's never worth supporting them, nothing is ever good enough, they're children.

I disagree. Having an admitted pedophile speak at the DNC (by which I mean Lena Dunham, not any of the other progressive pedophiles in the Clinton campaign) really seems like some over-the-top signalling about the progressive stack.

People who are this blind to what the voters want can't be taught to distance themselves from progressive extremism by simply talking to them. They take your vote for granted and don't give a shit about whether you hate progressives or not. The only way they can be successfully taught to value your opinion is through pain. Which brings us directly to Trump. The message they are sending seems pretty reasonable to me, as does their methodology. "Democrats must support our politics, not identity politics, or we will vote in the way that most hurts you. And just to show you that we're 100% serious, here's President Trump."

Well, I can see from your opener here you live in your own little reality.

PS: The voters chose Clinton, which is why she shit stomped Bernie in the primary by millions of votes and won over 3 million more votes than Trump.

What you really mean to say here is "The DNC doesn't care about perpetually enraged rural white people." And that's fine with me, progressives can fuck off, at no point will I ever accept these people, they're morons of the highest possible caliber.

What you really mean to say here is "The DNC doesn't care about perpetually enraged rural white people." And that's fine with me, progressives can fuck off, at no point will I ever accept these people, they're morons of the highest possible caliber.

Surely you are aware that the median Trump voter salary is $72000 (as opposed, to the average Hillary supporter's median salary of $61000).

I mean, I'm sure you would really like to dismiss them as "morons of the highest caliber," but when they also make more money, and their votes are worth more thanks to the electoral college, it sounds like you may be mistaken about whom the idiots are.

Unless... making less money and having less power is part of Democrats brilliant plan to reshape America! I get it, Democrats are playing 4d chess to manipulate everything behind the scenes while those moronic rednecks are focusing on trivial things like money and political power.

Am I getting close to understandong your worldview.

Surely you're aware the primary does not = a national election and the actual incomes were closer, right?

They're perpetually enraged morons dude, that's a fact.

The only reason Clinton's median income was 61k in the primary compared to Trump is because most minority voters are Democrats and they have higher poverty level.

In the future, I suggest you make sure you have some basic idea what the fuck you're talking about before you spout off.


They're perpetually enraged morons dude, that's a fact.

Surely you're aware that stating your subjective opinion and ending it with a declarative statement like "That's a fact," or "Period. END OF STORY," means that you've automatically won the discussion by double-locking in your opinion as fact with no-takebacksies? That's just a fact, man. Period. END OF STORY.

The only reason Clinton's median income was 61k in the primary compared to Trump is because most minority voters are Democrats and they have higher poverty level.

I don't understand this. It's like you're actively dog-whistling that minorities are mostly inner-city thugs with lower incomes. But since not everybody sees color the same way you do (ie, as a closeted racist) I'd like to disagree with your assumptions. When I was working as a consultant in the banking industry, there were some high-level stakeholder meetings where I was the only white male in the room. So I reject your racist assumption that minorities are underachievers.

In the future, I suggest you make sure you have some basic idea what the fuck you're talking about before you spout off.


It's funny you linked to fivethirtyeight since that is exactly where I got my data from. 😊


How are you this stupid dude, you don't understand the difference between a primary and national election.

How are you this stupid dude,

Well, according to you, there's an inverted correlation between median salary and intelligence. So if I seem stupid, the only rational explanation you'll accept must be that I make more money than you do, right?

...unless I'm a minority, right? Sorry, I still haven't figured out how your economic beliefs intersect with your racism.

No, I don't think there's some correlation between salary and intelligence, they aren't dumb because of money, they're dumb because the things they believe are dumb.

My argument had nothing to do with race, it was me stating the objective fact that minority voters have higher poverty levels, and overwhelmingly vote democrat.

It's why if you break down the median primary income by race, or state, the numbers change.

I can't tell if you're just incompetent or a troll.

No, I don't think there's some correlation between salary and intelligence, they aren't dumb because of money, they're dumb because the things they believe are dumb.

Riiight. So you're admitting that this group of voters is really good at getting the things they value (money and power) but because they're bad at getting the things you value (moral superiority and overwhelming smugness) they must obviously be idiots, right? Have you stopped to consider that maybe they're smarter than you but just have different values? Or would this dangerous line of thinking just open you up to a massive con where they try to trade away their useless money and power in exchange for your priceless feeling of moral superiority? If that's the case, then I can see why you'd be reluctant to contemplate it. You can see past this shallow facade to truly understand the 4d chess match that is going on behind the scenes. You obviously understand that the true goal of any conservative is not to crush their enemies and leave them bleeding in the street, but rather to get a superior position on the progressive stack. /s

My argument had nothing to do with race, it was me stating the objective fact that minority voters have higher poverty levels, and overwhelmingly vote democrat.

I see. So you're saying that you're not actually a racist who thinks minorities are intellectually inferior, you're just a "race realist" who's pointing out statistics and "just asking the hard questions here?" Well played.

Mods, can we get this guy a swastika flair? Based on all of his incredibly racist assumptions about minorities, I think he's really cruising for one.

It's why if you break down the median primary income by race, or state, the numbers change.

Yes, and I pointed out that most democratic voters are far less successful than Trump voters, which strongly suggests that they're less intelligent. The fact that you immediately became obsessed with proving that most of these idiot Hillary supporters are minorities is some real bigoted shit, I'll have you know.

Me: "Actually, most Hillary supporters are less intelligent and less successful. Here's the data to prove it."

You: "But that's just because those Hillary supporters are minorities!"

I don't even know what to say. I mean, there are actual Nazis on reddit who don't get as far into the race hatred as you do.

I can't tell if you're just incompetent or a troll.

But I'm sure you'll have lots of data about the racial breakdown of both categories, am I right?

Riiight. So you're admitting that this group of voters is really good at getting the things they value (money and power) but because they're bad at getting the things you value (moral superiority and overwhelming smugness) they must obviously be idiots, right?

You sure love these absurd strawman arguments, don't you?

No, they're idiots because the things they believe make them idiots, period. There are many rural voters that do not support Trump, they aren't idiots, and they're just as good at "making money" as the Republican rurals are.

This is a common tactic with people that know their worldview can't be defended using empirical data or actual facts, this effort to downplay this to a simple disagreement, as if both sides are on equal footing in relation to facts.

Have you stopped to consider that maybe they're smarter than you but just have different values?

Have I ever considered the fact people that think climate change is a hoax and Obama was born in Kenya are smarter than me?

No, I have not, because intelligence tends to be compartmentalized, I doubt the people I'm calling stupid are actually stupid people, just highly misinformed and ignorant to such an extent they don't bother checking the validity of the things they believe.

Or would this dangerous line of thinking just open you up to a massive con where they try to trade away their useless money and power in exchange for your priceless feeling of moral superiority?

Why do you keep trying to claim this disagreement is on morality? No, this disagreement is on what the facts say. The empirical data, the things these people believe are provably false.

You can see past this shallow facade to truly understand the 4d chess match that is going on behind the scenes.

Did you just unironically try to claim this is "4dchess?"

I see. So you're saying that you're not actually a racist who thinks minorities are intellectually inferior,

Because I don't, and at no point did I ever discuss the why in relation to these poverty rates. I stated an objective fact, and again, at no point discussed the why.

you're just a "race realist" who's pointing out statistics and "just asking the hard questions here?" Well played.

See above my mentally challenged friend.

Yes, and I pointed out that most Hillary voters are far less successful than Trump voters, which strongly suggests that they're less intelligent.

Except you didn't prove that, you made a claim not supported by reality based on old data from a primary, and ignored the national election, because you know the exit polls shit all over your horrible argument.

The fact that you immediately became obsessed with proving that most of these idiot Hillary supporters are minorities is some real bigoted shit, I'll have you know.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about? At no point did I tie income to intelligence, you literally made that up.

Bernie bros aren't even the reason, she lost rust belt working class voters who were normally part of the blue wall

Bernie voters voted for Hillary in larger proportion than Hillary voters voted for Obama

I mean the opposing number was Trump the least popular president ever.

Nah, shill is right. Voting for Uh Leppo is peak autism.

literally this

why the fuck would anyone admit to voting for dumbfuck Johnson? And how the fuck would anyone think that would be some form of a legitimate defense for anything other than the elimination of democracy?

I want my weed and I want it now!

Seriously though, it doesn't even matter anymore. Would you have rather me protest voted Trump or Hillary? I didn't like any candidate this time but since I had to choose, I might as well get my dank nugs rolling.

Dude weed ALEPPO!

TBH I should have voted Trump just to go full degenerate. Really this time I had some serious voter apathy so I just picked the under dog. I didn't even know what they guy's stances were or anything. I did however enjoy the delicious sea of salty tears from the far left as Trump memed his way into the Whitehouse. Those were fun times.

If he doesn't know where it is, he can't bomb it.

then don't vote at all you stupid tard.

You don't have to choose you twat. Or do what I do, be a neutral voter. Vote randomly. That way you dilute the voting pool with random thereby reducing the power of everyone who actually cares, thereby increasing the funny. It's like making a buffer solution which makes every addition of acid or base less and less effective the more you buffer the solution. That's how you vote effectively.

That's kinda what I did really since I didn't know anything about Johnson anyway. Since I didn't like literally anybody on my ballot I just chose the underdog to see what would happen. I heard later that he needed some % of votes to keep his funding, which he didn't get. Oh well.

for this to work it has to be completely random, every candidate needs to have equal probability, therefore you got an even distribution overall and therefore every directed vote loses a bit of its power to affect he overall percentages. Eventually, the power of the random pool will far outnumber the power of the directed pools and each vote will be randomly determined.

That's an idea. It will never happen but it's surely something.

Well, even on the small scale, it provides a minuscule reduction in power to a non-random vote. It's the worst possible kind of vote and therefore you can simply point that out to any tard who gets on your case for not voting when you simply don't want to vote for anyone. Ask them if they would prefer a random vote instead.

People say they voted for Johnson because they have enough integrity to not lie and say they voted for Clinton but are afraid of their liberal friends going ape shit by telling the truth and say they voted Trump.

I can tell you I absolutely did vote Johnson. Not that it mattered though. I regret not voting for Trump since he was far more entertaining.

I also did, and caught a lot of shit for it with the same ol "you threw your vote away".

So I started telling people I wrote in Maya Angelou and if you didn't then you're fucking racist.

People take politics too seriously sometimes, like it's a personal thing between me and them. If I tell them I voted for this guy then they'd react as if I just insulted their dead mother. I get it; politics are important but seriously tone it down a bit.

I wrote in stone cold steve austin, feelsgoodman

Ahh I see like many of us here, you don't have any actual political stances.

I would say I have no party loyalty. I either go with the candidate that appeals to me the most or go with the underdog.

well at least you're honest with yourself. Welcome home.

I voted Johnson. I was hoping the incredible amount of dissatisfaction​ with Clinton and Trump that the libertarian party would reach 5% in the popular vote, start receiving federal funding for elections and influence the Republican party's positions in ~16 years. Instead they made pathetic gains. If I was in a state that had any remote possibility of being close I would've flipped a coin for hdawg or allepo man.

I fear its only going to get worse as time goes on. The poor fella has another 3 years, and perhaps 7 years of this to go.

So, what ends first, Trumps presidency or pizzashill from an aneurysm?

I'm putting odds at 50/50 for an impeachment or 8 years of Trump.

a furry libertarian you say? ridiculous

I wouldn't say libertarian. I don't know what label to use, I just use "centrist" since I agree and disagree with things liberals, conservatives and libertarians say.

even better

I wouldn't say "furry" either, I just like the art (sometimes) and the porn (sometimes).

just say furry then

I would if I was into fursuits and fursonas, which I'm not. I just jerk it to weird shit.

i'm still a weeb even though i just jerk it to anime tiddies, even if i dont own a bodypillow waifu

That's you, I consider myself only slightly in the fandom. I don't participate in it besides the occasional visit to e621.

Is there anything you "would" say? Cause I'm hearing a lot of nothin'.

Well of course you aren't hearing anything, you are reading text

I read text in a loud voice thank you! I hear plenty, just not from You !

you might want to get that checked out

You guys haven't figured out that /u/pizzashill is an alt-right plant to make the progressive left appear retarded?

Jokes on me?

alt-right plant to make the progressive left appear retarded

I'm kind of hoping that's the case for /r/politics, Ghazi, and SRD as well.

I don't really venture into ghazi or politics but I can assure you as a former srdine that sadly the people in that sub are genuinely fucktards.

What a waste of time and money. They're doing that perfectly fine on their own.

"protest vote."

Since when is it an act of protest to support the candidate you support?

True, though I didn't support anybody so I just picked the guy at the bottom. Might as well try to get him the percents he needed to keep his party funded.

I dunno, Gary had me the minute he stuck out his tongue.

me too thank

When the people who told you to "get out there and vote" are pissed you didn't vote for their candidate.