Microsoft puts statistics on login screen, users cry fake news and SJW agenda. Thread locked.

52  2017-07-31 by htmlcoderexe


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Only 6.7% of Women graduate with a stem degree

"Like what you see"

Yes, yes I do

*Only 6.7% of women are smart enough to graduate with a stem degree


if stem majors are smart then explain the stem circlejerk on reddit. wannabes?

They're LARPing as STEM graduates

probably actually true

It's true

As a STEM Engineer I have to agree.

I'm same way, you can just tell

They have a dumb IT degree that anyone can get and then spend most of their lives googling solutions at work.

That's easy, there isn't one.

Comp Sci students

There's a big difference between the kind of men majoring in programming versus those in petroleum engineering.

I would argue that kind of men who major in PE right now are definitely a "different" kind of man

The petroleum engineers I know are the "rich" kind of man.

That's interesting, because the petroleum engineers I know are the "out of work" kind of men. Or hiding out trying to pass themselves off as Chemical Engineers.

Its a cyclical business.

Wtf is a gender engineer

They draw up the blueprints for social constructs.

dae memes lol

Poli.Gender majors are real, real mad about having wasted time and money on their degree.

There, explained.

Actually, the Windows10 sub (and /r/windowsphone) tends to have nice "discussions" like this, 90% of the reason I subscribe.

no one gives a fuck about you tbh

no one gives a fuck that you specifically (let's be real) don't give a fuck

Speak for yourself faggot

Alright, that's more like it, faggot.

Windows phone

keep yourself safe

I for one have a windows phone, because it's the only non rip-off phone I can afford, you're just mean.........


And yes it's not a complete turd for it's price but if I could I would still use the old 3310.

I actually had one long time ago, wanted to keep myself safe every day

well...i had a zune.

I miss my zune.

I have a Zune

SideKicks were the shit.

I had one for years. Way better than the pos iPhone I have now. Maybe I'll get the version of the Galaxy that doesn't blow up next.

Aww it's retarded.

Imagine having strong feelings about people that don't like your cell phone.

Imagine getting offended at something someone says on /r/Drama

if i could make more money posting instagram pics or streaming video games with a low cut shirt I wouldn't chose STEM either

fair enough

after all of windows 10s bullshit I'm happy to announce it was the sjws that finally ruined it for me

I totally understand and back up guys from Microsoft. The amount and quality of pussy in STEM is terrible.

How is the Bussy?


do you mean greasy as in not showering because i can attest to the fact that it does not get greasy when you don't shower uh quite the opposite actually.

Crusty buddy changed my dicc.

well thats what my husband got for thinking it'd be hot for a cool week off to try that out he pretty much reminds me to douche daily.

Really? My experience was there was some solid trim, and very little competition. May depend on the program and/or school.

Easy degrees like mechanical engineering, sure.

For theoretical physics having a nice girl in your rows is less probable than double beta decay.

and when you have one she's either smokin and leads to everyone helicoptering or ugly as fuck. The middle ground decreases as you go farther towards harder STEM

So what? It's not like you gotta date/fuck people in the same career path as you.

It's crazy people actually use the (((Windows 10))) malware spyware adware on their personal computers.

What's crazy is the majority of people that make this type of statement use a google or apple device that was spying years before. MS merely caught up with the game. Fuck them all...

tbh,with how insane targeted ads are getting soon I'm about to dump anything google related

Be sure to watch out for the water that turns the frogs gay too

Yeah who the fuck doesn't want Google knowing how your kids get to school every day and every picture you sexted when you were 15. Fucking conspiracy theorist retards LOL

tfw I'm more special than the hundreds of millions of other people using this product

There are hundreds of millions who wipe there arse with their hand too. Oh and there actually are chemicals in the water that are turning the frogs gay.

it's funny how Syngenta funded almost all of the EPA tests

apple doesnt spy on you particularly. theyre a luxury goods manufacturer, their money comes from selling fashion accessories that happen to be electronic. they dont care about your data any more than for basic market research.

google on the other hand...

Yeah, no...

Apple is fighting a class action lawsuit from ~100 million iphone users alone because they noticed them tracking their movement and serving them ads based on such. They're not as bad as google, but they're definitely not just a "luxury goods manufacturer". Your data is being sold whether you're using Apple, MS, or Google.

Wait so you can sue Apple if you didn't turn off the location based ad slider?

This is America, you could sue Chipotle because you ate too much and blew out an o-ring through your underwear. Whether or not you would win is a different story. I haven't read the full claim and I'm sure Apple has a way to get out of it either way, but it appears they were doing it regardless of the users privacy settings.

Rofl, no, you're an idiot.

With android you can get custom ROMs and programs to manage per app permissions. With windows it's constant (you can't even fully turn off telemetarty with Enterprise) and stuff will get reset to the 'share everything with Microsoft' defaults every time there is a milestone upgrade.

Just use a competent firewall, I always have so I literally didn't have to do anything extra.

First thing I do when I buy my phone is root it, then remove and/or block as much Jewgle spyware as I can ferret out and have the phone still function. And for what can't easily be removed and replaced, I install Xprivacy, which sends out false information.

Issue is, the average user doesn't know to do this, let alone how. Even worse, many go with the "I have nothing to hide" mindset and just don't care that companies know nearly everything about them and how many ways that data can be exploited.

Ok I'll bite. Google knows everything about me. My route to work, my frequented restaurants, friends and family addresses, every pic I take, my geo location 24/7 and much, much more.

How is that data being "exploited" in a way that is negatively effecting me? If it's not, why all the hullabaloo?

But yeah, you probably distribute kiddy porn, so it is worth it then.

"Hey guys this feature isn't that-"


I like when people completely dismiss a factoid because apparently they wanted to read the whole research paper instead, then they don't go research it on their own.

I think they don't want factoids or to bother deconstructing gay research papers. You're welcome.

How is possible to do anything but dismiss this contextless, meaningless "factoid"? What possible research could be done when the claim is so badly formulated to start with? Can you tell me what that figure is meant to represent, because the "factoid" sure didn't.

I guess you could start with "what percentage of stem graduates are women?"

What has that got to do with this percentage though? It claims a percentage of women are stem graduates. What women? All women, all women who enter higher education, all women who start a STEM degree, is it comparing male and female participation, or male and female graduation rates, there is no context to even formulate an investigation.

Yes all women

Personally I think Microsoft should show post-op photos of MtF "vaginas" in order to put an end to -transphobia once and for all.

they should be included in email instead of "sent from win10 mail"

93% of workplace deaths are men. Checkmate feminists.

Maybe men are just really dumb. "Lol ill fix that machine while it's still running np"

Men are definetly dumb because they are still willing to listen about wage gap and women opression when they live 5 years less than women and no one gives a fuck.

Men take more risks. Some risks are dumb, some get you more money.

There, death gap and wage gap explained.

Men do take more risks, including taking the jobs that are incredibly dangerous and society would fail without. All while some fat little pig sits on twitter crying about Mu'h oppression from her air conditioned office at Jezebel.

55% of all murders are committed by less than 10% of the population in the US. Click to learn more.

Underrated comment of the thread.

where do I click to learn about black people

All the good subs are quarantined right now.

This or something like it will eventually happen by accident, the world will shit itself and Microsoft will have to do ridiculous shit to redeem itself.

I doubt they have some AI pulling random stats, most likely they have a pre-approved list of stats relevant to socjus.

You'd think corporate twitters would run the same way but then the employee running it does shit that triggers the whole site.

Why anyone is using Winshit in 2017 is beyond me, really.

But muh gaymes


I'll do you one better: I have a /r/VFIO setup, so I can still run muh gaymes, but totally sandboxed.

Oh I thought you were a normlet. Yeah definitely if you've passed the barrier of entire GPU pass through is based. But stop playing closed source proprietary games that violate your freedums

I have PTSD from trying to get Overwatch to work on a 64-bit Linux system through WINE, only for half the textures to bug out.

Never again.

I am posting from the BIOS of my washing machine.

>not using your lightbulb

fucking casual

The bigger issue is that you can't get a microsoft computer that isn't buggy as fuck after 6 months.

Idk mine works fine, but then again, I don't go poking around in stuff too much, and mine came with almost no bloatware (which is like 90% of the problems).

Unfortunately we're locking this thread due to high amount of people forgetting that they're talking to another human being.

Using Windows 10


Time to sell my microsoft shares

having Microsoft shares in the first place

I read a story a few years back that if you see tech companies virtue signalling that you should get your money out.

Yep. I'm all for ethical behaviour and conducting good business. But unless your shareholders are those kinds of people then your doing a disservice to them as well.

What I read is that the people in the company see bad shit coming down the pipe and are playing good for the "tech media" (which is just a giant regressive left mud pile now) so they'll go easy on you. iirc..

I think it's there HR. They hire inept and incompotent people, HR being one of them. Programmers not so much. For example they talk about diversity in tech, which is just more black people in tech despite a large number of Asian, and South Asian males working at huge tech companies. They could easily say hey guys look we hire a lot of non-whites, but that would go against the predominant narrative that the only people whites are allowed to fuck with are blacks.

Definitely the infection spreads from HR which is where Gender studies degrees have made their way into the industry. Once they get in there your company is just going to slowly rott.

Yep. I mean look at ever green. Some of those nutters are gonna go on to get jobs in pencil pusher backgrounds like admin and hr. You apply for a job and your not one of the oppressed to bad so sad. And don't get me wrong. I am all for treating women respectfully, equality but this shit is fucking ludicrous.

You know how this could be scarier? MS figuring out your politics from Bing searches, then delivering 'fun facts' which align with your views...

Or worse - targeted 'fun facts', engineered to align your views to theirs.

This would be a major concern, if it were actually possible to convince people of things they already disagree with simply by presenting the right factoids.

Someone posted:

Jesus that's some bullshit. When will I see '90% of workplace deaths are men' on my cute home screen of a squirrel?

To which /u/draaakje responded:

Oh come on. The stats in OP's pic are directly relevant to the sector Microsoft are involved in. As far as I'm aware, the one you quoted isn't.

Yeah, you're right, draakje: nobody uses MS Windows in "workplace"

Are you being facetious? Do you have any stats for how many of those deaths are related to tech jobs? I'd be happy to stand corrected if 90% of tech job-related deaths are men.

Seeing as women are abject cowards any risky situation has a greater than 90% chance to involve a man.

So no stats to back that claim then. Got it.

I'm not trying to back a claim, I couldn't give a shit, whereas you have utterly failed to establish anything whatsoever so I don't know why you are on a high horse.

A statistic figure including "only" in its characterization, and the wilful omission of the context for added dramatisation...

Of course it's agenda driven, it's part of the blank-slatist myth that men and women should have a perfect 50/50 ratio in every profession, and if it's not already the explanation is always (((SEXIST PATRIARCHAL OPPRESSION)))...

Disable Windows Spotlight in your Personalization settings under the "lock screen" tab. Tada! No more politicized trivia.

You will not believe how mad people get if you suggest turning off things they don't like.

It goes against the will of GOD.