Hello fellow redditors! Did you know that McDonald's does delivery now? And that the recommended wine pairing for a Big Mac is a sparkling white?

166  2017-07-31 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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That's...weirdly relevant.

we're like... a dozen good shitposts in before we can just fire all the mods and leave snappy in charge.

Snappy is top comment in every thread now anyway.

snappy is love, snappy is life.

All that is left is snappy' strife

It's because snapshill is alive

Forgot to mention, the white wine has to be in the bottle of a red wine or else it doesn't properly compliment the diabetes of the Chicken SelectsTM.

I bet that basic bitch is drinking a Pinot gris too.

Hamfisted bimbo wouldnt know a bourdeuchauleux if it fell out of her cunt.

Or a Riesling that's half sugar.

You mean demi sec? Jump of a bridge, fam.

And who the fuck just chucks the bag on the table instead of immediately throwing it away?

It's also weird that the food still looks nothing like it does in commercials. wtf

And who the fuck just chucks the bag on the table instead of immediately throwing it away?

Normal people, because then you can put all the wrappers and other garbage and shit in the bag. A novel concept, I know.

And then it's like it never happened...

Usually I just have one or two things so I usually don't need to throw shit in a bag tbh

You're supposed to just chuck everything on the floor like a true McSlob. At least, that's what the patrons at my local Mickey D's do, so I assume that's also how they act at home.

This is r/heilhitler, not r/hailcorporate

Perfect placement

Nigga how is that perfect placement. You could just throw shit everywhere randomly and these people would comment on how it's perfectly placed.

Some guy was commenting on how she used both hands to eat it and that it was suspicious.

It borders on conspiracy theorists levels of self aggrandizing while being completely retarded.

when youre only used to your own fat hands its hard to fathom a sandwich that doesnt fit in just one

Fatties don't magically get longer fingers - if anything fatasses have a harder time wrapping their chubby mitts around things.

Manlet hands detected.

The people masturbating to their imaginary picture of themself as Sherlock Holmes in that thread are probably used to dual wielding Bic Macs.

Sperglock Holmes

you fucking shill.

Say what you will if you look at the ladies reflection she's not holding anything.

As per the usual Leddit is barking up the wrong tree, and chasing parked cars.

Holy fuck! three paragraphs? To /r/bestof!

You can't even say any McDonald's logo in the picture nor is it in the title

Whine with McDonald's? Disgusting looking tendies? What kind of poopoo doodoo advertising is that

Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker.

What kind of whiskey :3

Ardbog, so it hides the carboard taste of McD.

That's whisky then. Whiskey is American.

Fuck, I wasn't sure which one is the correct spelling. Who cares anyway. Drinking > spelling.

It should all be spelled with an e in it but Europoors are too stubborn to learn anything.

Smart enough to invent whisky and most other good liquors.

But weren't smart enough to mix it with fresh berries, a sprig of mint, frothed egg whites and a piece of pickled ginger root.

Why would they want to ruin it?

Because that's mixology

ew. that's just a marketing scheme to get women to drink.

Of course it is. Bars need women there so men will go there too.

But weren't smart enough to mix it with fresh berries, a sprig of mint, frothed egg whites and a piece of pickled ginger root store it in an old barrel with various rotting vegetation still stuck to the bottom of it.

Bourbon tastes like sour dog piss. And I know that from personal experience.

That's sour mash. You're getting it confused.

Hill-Billy culture is so rich and diverse.

In England we also have those who interbreed, wear each others cast-offs, shoot animals for fun and drive 40-year-old motor vehicles.

We call them the Royal Family.

Generally Irish and American is whiskey, scotch is whisky.

Whiskey is also Irish. It's only Whisky if it's Scottish.

whatever. It's all whiskey to me

Canadian, too.

Old Grand Dad bottled-in-bond

seriously, no part of that picture made the McDonald's look appetizing

They grey burger looks pretty interesting.

Advertisment often works by only making people think of the brand though.

It's the overhead lighting. Bitch should die in a fire for such a sin.

whole place looks... sickly

I'm hungry and it looks p tasty to me fam.

Is it really so difficult to believe that the kind of person who cares about karma is also the type to get fast food delivered and then eat it while getting drunk alone

Look deep into your heart and you'll see the truth

Also their name nor logo appears unobstructed anywhere in the picture so that would be a pretty shitty ad indeed

When I saw the Uber Eats sticker on a McDonalds near me, I knew where rock bottom really was.

I like how redditors see a wealthy person that has a clean house and immediately demand that it must be fake. Go forbid someone on Reddit isn't a disgusting slob living alone.

What about that picture makes you think "wealthy person"?

tbf doesn't that oculus VR cost like $1k?

It's a vive and costs around $800, ignoring the cost of having a PC that can run it.

....errr okay? This should be easy.

  • hard wood/laminate tile floors

  • HTC Vive

  • Wireless mac keyboard

  • Gaming pc that is possibly dedicated to VR based on its location

  • getting fast food delivered to you at a premium through uber

  • brand name surround sound system

  • 55 inch TV

  • dark glass dining table

  • casually drinking wine

  • white people

  • high ceilings

TIL im "wealthy"

i mean.... from a global perspective...

If you have all that, you're either living rather comfortably or drowning in debt from irresponsible spending.

Bitch please.

Would you like proof?


Wine, big TV, and hardwood floors don't mean wealth.

Selectively ignoring the important parts of an argument doesn't mean you won.

He was being charitable, he could have picked "white" or lol "fast food delivery".

? I'm not arguing and there's nothing to win lmao, I just said those things have no correlation to wealth. I do think that persons prolly wealthy and I mostly agreed with the rest nerd

I figured you were disagreeing. I included those because they, coupled with other things, make it more obvious. Obviously those alone wouldn't imply wealthy.

K nerd

You're confusing "wealthy" with "not poor" which is where all the confusion comes from.

Let me educate you since you seem like a poor person for not understanding this (and statistically likely you have a bad education). Some people actually own things.

white people




  • hard wood/laminate tile floors

Fake-wood laminate can be cheaper than carpet. Less maintenance too.

  • HTC Vive

That's not proof they're wealthy, that's the reason they're broke.

  • Wireless mac keyboard

See "HTC Vive". Although, it's more like, that's proof this is fake.

  • Gaming pc that is possibly dedicated to VR based on its location

My gaming PC is in a similar location, and I don't have any VR setup. Also, see again "HTC Vive".

  • getting fast food delivered to you at a premium through uber

TIL paying $5 instead of $3 for a Big Mac makes you a billionaire.

  • brand name surround sound system

From 40 years ago, judging by the color scheme.

  • 55 inch TV

Actually come pretty cheap these days, if you get an off-brand or refurb one.

  • dark glass dining table

Or faux-granite breakfast bar, like the one in my first apartment.

  • casually drinking wine

...Is something hobos do.

  • white people

Wow really? In Europe? You don't say!

  • high ceilings

What would you call a low ceiling, exactly?

God forbid someone on Reddit isn't a disgusting slob living alone.

Someone on Reddit doesn't have to be a disgusting slob living alone... But ordering cheapass fast-food burgers for delivery isn't exactly something people associate with clean living.

How about the fact that his comment history shows he lives in an expensive part of London?

I knew when I read his stupid list there would be someone who would look like an autist with a quote by quote rebuttal

I can't argue with the truth.

I'm poor and offended.

If you're not making minimum wage and living in a van you're a filthy 1%er in the eyes of Reddit.

Here's how Bernie can still win.

It is obvious stealth marketing though, cleanliness has nothing to do with it.

No part of this photo is appealing. Reddit needs to hop off the train of thinking anything with a logo is an ad. Walk down one city street and tell me how many ads you see.

You need to read up on stealth marketing son. This is a perfect example of it.

What's this advertising? No visible logo, the burger looks like shit, McDonald's likely wouldn't want wine in their photo, the delivery service is unnamed, and the Vibe is unnamed.

Logos and product names are everywhere in American life, not every photo is an ad. Reddit needs to lay off /r/conspiracy.

Rofl as if that had anything to do with it. You ok there bud?

Wine. Big Mac. Invite delivery guy in. Take photo of him while he can't see. Post to interweb. Weird.

Nah. It's just the beginning of a snuff film.

A sexy snuff film.

You say that like there is any other kind...

Umm...there are many delivery platforms/services that allow you to order food from any restaurant even if it doesn't have a delivery service. Uber Eats, Postmates, etc.

McDelivery is McDonalds delivery.

I was going to say you should feel ashamed for knowing that, but then I realized I'm posting on /r/drama and should just KMS

Yeah, no one browsing . It's what gives /r/drama its quaint, homely feeling.

I like tossing out the occasional "post bussy" or "keep yourself safe" to anyone serious posting just to keep it real.

Wow the hero of r/drama right here :') Post bussy

I too was blacked, ordered $50 of popeyes, and then put it all in my mouth. And I mean all of it.

The OP is active in VR subs which is like the new bitcoin when it comes to tech evangelism.

If it was an advertisement they would have hired a woman with wrists

And used a well made burger. Nothing about this is appealing whatsoever.

That's not a sparkling white just a regular white. Who taught you wine?

My bad, the glass looked like a champagne flute.

The nearest glass is just a white wine glass, the other is a red wine glass. These people have no class.

Oh shit, you're right. The ladies man-wrists threw off the proportions, but that other one is way too wide to be a white glass. The fuck is wrong with these people?

Holy shit one of her wrists is 3x the size is the other, this is the worst ad ever.

It's a tulip glass, it can also be used for champagne, in fact champagne producers prefer it. Filthy peasant

Please, red wine pairs better with a Big Mac.

Who the fuck is ordering delivery fast food?

I really want an Oreo McFlurry right now.

Quick! Someone report this to the FTC tip line!


How many of those upvotes are paid bots though?

Why would you pay a bot?

I fucking hate redditors.

Sparkling white is just generally terrible and cant imagine it going well with something so greasy.

Maybe a strong port or shiraz or something to mask the weirdness perhapse but why not just stick to coke tbqh?