Feminism drama in /r/outoftheloop. Random comic writer posts a picture of her and her ~gurlfriends~ drinking milkshakes; Twitter users decide that even though she's an SJW that ruined comics, she's still fuckable; OOTL users declare androcide.

33  2017-08-01 by codosotopo


Surprisingly, I could only find one instance of the word "creepy" being used. You'd think there'd be more.


I hate social media. This is so obscurely retarded I can't even

Everyone wants to be outraged about something nowadays

Wow, I'm offended by your statement.

I will now work tirelessly to ruin your life over something menial.

I can't tell what's dumber, being triggered by a group of girls drinking milkshakes, or by people being triggered about that

The first one, even if it's just by a little.

The second one, by a wide margin. Fire me irl

Nah, I always lose at that game.

This is what happens when you give women rights

no one cares

/u/ManWithoutModem /u/Kijafa /u/K_Lobstah (and the whole rest of the mod team, but IIRC I'm limited to three pings)

I like how your subreddit has a rule about "civility" in comments, but apparently people are allowed to be as nasty as they like as long as the people they're targeting are nerdy white men. No wonder OOTL has become such a festering shitheap.

If you see anything you think crosses the line, please report it and we'll take a look. There's no agenda or selective moderation in OOTL, just judgment calls and a large team. Like everywhere else on Reddit.

Haven't seen you in a long time btw, how are you zahlman?

Tbh the entire thread seemed pretty tame. Average Reddit at worst, sensible discussion at best.

It honestly wasn't that bad. I don't know what this guy's deal is.

The community, in general, in OOTL is really good at policing itself and keeping its shit together. It's only when we start hitting high on /r/all that we start getting shitheels.

thank you for deleting all those harassing comments in the OOL post, they probably literally called those poor women "SJWs", what a despicable thing to say to a woman!


This just in. Nerdy white male /u/zahlman is deeply triggered and offended.

He really missed the mayocide memo.

You make hashtag movement out of 7 idiots tweenting at someone? Fragile Marvellity.

Check her twitter, bint is still harping on about it now. In a few years time, she will be an online abuse survivor, talking about how hard her life has been since "that day about 4 people (2 were trolls) said some tame things about me"

Don't forget the people making criticisms of a corporate entity that I represent. Won't somebody think of the disembodied personhoods?

Welcome to women on social media?

Yup. Remember when Ed Sheeran deleted twitter because of the hate he got for being in GoT?

Where was the hashtag for that comic nerds? Oh only females get that pleasure.

Maybe one day people will learn there's just shitty people on twitter and it doesn't matter about your genitals

I am not autistic enough to know how Twitter works, so someone link to the harassment please. I want to see if there are good bantz.

The "harrassment" is tame as fuck, no joke

Being harassed? It looks like people are simply voicing their grievances with marvel comics

People are literally calling these girls SJWs for no reason, just for drinking milkshakes. Are you stupid?

- /u/Dr_Adopted

being called SJWs = harassment

Not harassment, but "annoyment" and insults.

"annoyment and insults" just doesn't evoke the same emotions


This is why you should avoid like 85% of capeshit and read graphic novels. Avoid the drama and get comics that are actually well written.

Newsflash - 99.99 percent of graphic novels are total shit too.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

as much as i hate roasties, i hate capeshitters even more

i hope they manage to kill off that industry for good and then move on to the capeshit movie industry and kill that one off too

They keep that shit out of the movies, because those actually make money

Would 100% fuck the girl all of this was originally about, 10/10 qt.

I wouldn't say 10/10 but I'd enthusiastically disappoint her


genocide everyone who has even a passing interest in comics tbh

I am fucking done with you people. You can keep on circlejerking about your apparently imaginary harassment and how giving every "troll" (At this point, I am pretty sure the "harassment" the "victim" received was someone disagreeing with them and not even trolling) a fucking media circus will somehow, magically stop the trolls.

storms out of room leaving coat on chair, has to return one minute later to get it

I wouldn't want to read anything from people who call few tweets about "sjw" a harassment. I don't believe weak people can do any interesting content.