The term "Hearing impaired" is apparently offensive.

149  2017-08-01 by TableBag


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And how do I refer to people who are not all the way deaf, if not h _ _ _ ing impaired?

Well I've fucking seen everything now.

Aurally challenged, obvs

/u/monandwes my above comment will help you.

/u/EllieTheVantas my below comment will help you

Please kill yourself, as soon as possible, and try to take as many deafies down with you. Us blind people don't need competition, ty.

You replied to yourself!!

Well, no shit, he's blind. Duh.

Deaf cunts.

Earing impaired

Howdy! I'm in the deaf/hard of hearing community, and studied on it for a while.

Personally I think there's too much stigma around words but the words that are mostly used are 'Deaf' and 'Hard of Hearing.'

What's your favorite deaf jam?

No clue. I'm only hard of hearing and never got into deaf culture's music and poetry.

Personally I like anything by Run DMC or the Beastie Boys.

We are hitting levels of SJW retard that shouldn't even be possible

There's no lower bound on what is possible here

I'm sure you'll be proven wrong.

I fucking hope so

hearing retarded works


Start(The Rotors)

What a shitshow has PC culture become...soon you'll have to go to law school just to learn how to speak as to avoid "offending" somebody.

What a shitshow has PC culture become.

Lol, thinking the deaf community hasn't bee shitty regressive assholes since the 80's

I'm talking about PC culture in general though. I mean come on, look how many people voted for Trump simply because of it.

I've had people tell me it's offensive to call a black They were absolutely serious and told me that I should use "melanin rich person" instead.

told me that I should use "melanin rich person" instead.


It's fine if you don't believe me. Honestly if it hadn't happened to me I probably wouldn't have believed it either.



Would probably be the first thing a drama mod has done in the past week tbh

Nah you're just a retard my man. On the off chance somebody did actually say that to you then they were fucking with you and you are to up your ass to be able to tell sarcasm.

We talked for an hour or so. They were serious. It was at pretty liberal college though, so there's that. But yeah, I'm not so socially retarded that I can't tell when somebody's fucking with me. Either way, like I said, it's fine if you don't believe me.

you are to up your ass

maximum irony

Yeah but I'm better than you people so it doesn't matter if I'm a hypocrite

They were absolutely serious and told me that I should use "melanin rich person" instead.

No they weren't and no they didn't lol.

See my reply to the person above.

look how many people voted for Trump simply because of it.

How would one do this?

I wonder how they would react to something like "a bit mutton" .

Because the term hearing impaired implies there's something wrong which Deaf people don't think. To us there's nothing wrong with us, we can't hear but we can still do almost anything a hearie can, sometimes better.

Also, I wore hearing aids because I was usually forced to, I stopped wearing them when I went to uni

/u/EllieTheVantas, please don't call us hearies you fucking bigot.

I prefer the terms "normal", "whole" or "NotACripple". Thanks.

I prefer walkie-talkie myself.


This entire thing sound like fucking satire.

Is that a new general purpose pejorative I'm going to be hearing along with cis ?

"cis" isn't a pejorative. Well, not any more than "white"or "male" anyway.

What did you call me?

Neither is hearie it's literally like cis denoting that one is not Deaf. Where cis denotes one is not trans.

Okay you can go back to your /r/Drama circlejerk

So you're retarded too?

Just as long as you don't call her "mentally impaired".


Why do you get to pick and choose how you are referred to, up to and including denying the very obvious fact that your hearing is impaired, but I don't get a say in how you refer to me?

Is that another superpower that being a deaf dumbfuck gives you:?

No, it's simply I as one person am not gonna be able to change the words used by Deaf people to refer to hearing people so unfortunately for you, hearie is here to stay even if I personally may never use it again. I just don't have that kind of power in the Deaf community and most Deaf people are extremely hostile to hearing people because of how hearing people have basically shit on them throughout history going so far as to say we have no souls (Aristotle) and are not human (Also Aristotle) but a more modern example is AGB (Alexander Graham Bell, eugenicist supreme) who basically thought Deaf people should go extinct because we were less than for being deaf.

So what term do you want, princess, for us to call you for the fact that your ears don't work like a normal human?

maybbe "hearing special" rather than "hearing impaired"

Bro, I cant take credit for or be blamed for what fucking Aristotle said or did. He was a little before my time.

Seriously, I'm intentionally being a cunt, but this argument is ridiculous. Your hearing is inarguably impaired, right? Deaf means hearing impaired. I'm not calling you a porch monkey or a shylock, it's as literal as I can possibly be with zero connotations or judgments implied.

I'm a bleeding heart liberal, but I'm sick of people even further left than I am using up people's limited attention span and patience on fake ass progressivism and doing everything they can to make sure people feel justified in voting for Trump or being idiots. Of course people rebuked liberalism when it has people and causes like you to speak for it, Jesus fucking Christ bro

Please continue to try to save the left from these radical idiots by calling them out. I mean it.

You're saying that wanting deafness to be eliminated is bigotry?

I mean I understand the mentality behind wanting to pretend you've not been fucked over by life in a massive way, but how in the world do you genuinely convince yourself that being able to register sound is not objectively fucking great? Let alone hate people for recognising that.

AGB didn't just want deafness eradicated he believed deaf people were less than human and should be basically "put down" like animals, but that wasn't legal so he advocated for oralism and made it so sign language was banned from practically all public schools. Mind you his mother was Deaf!

Also I do think being Deaf is amazing. I can say without a doubt becoming Deaf has improved my quality of life over when I was a hearie (Also only reddit special snowflakes have been offended by hearie so far, no other hearie I know is and I know quite a few thanks to being mainstreamed)

I can say without a doubt becoming Deaf has improved my quality of life over when I was a hearie

Coping mechanisms truly are a remarkable thing.

Are you going to tell me all about these remarkable boons that make up for the unending joy and contentedness hearies receive every day around the world through the vital sense god gave them? (Bearing in mind they're going to have to be ones I can't buy for a couple of dollars with earplugs)

Also only reddit special snowflakes have been offended by hearie so far

More people are laughing tbh

So like how "hearing impaired" is just a fact and people shouldn't be offended over it.

get out of my subreddit you deafie scum REEEEEEEE

"cis" had a meaning before being incorporated into gender theory


/u/EllieTheVantas You are fucking deaf, that is hearing imparied. Jesus christ this has gone to far.


Deaf chicks are hot, plus they make the funniest noises during sex.


This is the really offensive thing

I know it's kind of gay but gussy > bussy

Fucking queero sexual

I always imagined they sounded like a seal.

Lol that was exactly it, a dying seal.

Well now I'm hard

Why am I not fucking surprised to find a piss trooper in /r/Drama



You're dumb lol

This is the most ridiculous example of PC i think i've ever seen

No one is saying being deaf is a bad thing

who the fuck would ever say that lmao. of course being deaf is a bad thing.

Lacking a fairly vital sense is in fact noble and shows that one is in solidarity of the struggles of the LGBBQ/Black/Latinx/Feminists! And since it's totally not a bad thing, I'm taking the initiative and starting my own business puncturing the eardrums of any white liberal folks who want to be allies.

Nobel cause.

Stop giving (((them))) ideas!

They sound like dogs when they fuck.

who the fuck wouldn't say that being deaf is a bad thing lmao. of course is it.

Given the audience they are far more likely to sign it than to say it...

There's a deaf pride thing. I read a story about a pair of deaf people who were hella butthurt that their kid wasn't deaf like they were. I was kinda disgusted when I heard about it.

Well, what do you expect from a society that is obsessed with victim status. Take away their deafness, and they can no longer compete in the victim Olympics.

Eh, I dunno. Would Beethoven have produced work of such calibre were it not for his hearing loss? A strong argument could be made that, despite the challenges his hearing loss posed for him personally, his loss of hearing was an overall net positive for society due to the way it shaped his relationship to music.

So I wouldn't say it's necessarily a bad thing for every person per se, or at least not necessarily anywhere near as bad as your average person makes it out to be.

Most people who are HoH/Deaf get by pretty well and can do nearly all the same things. Even music can be felt and appreciated by someone with 0 hearing via vibration.

Especially with all the technology available today, tools that weren't available to someone like Beethoven, I feel like if it happened to me it'd probably suck for a while but eventually I'd just adjust to life with less or no hearing.

Honestly just seems to me like maybe this person was having a bad day and expressed themselves a tad aggressively. Happens to the best of us, especially about things that affect us daily that other people are unfamiliar with. I'd give it a pass.

Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven)

The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, also known as "the Choral", is Ludwig van Beethoven's final complete symphony. Completed in 1824, the symphony is one of the best-known works in classical music.

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Yes, being able to hear is a big plus for everyone involved in music. Kinda like being able to see what you're painting. Beethoven could have written incredible stuff without any of his senses, using a prodigy as an example you could make an argument for everything. Try listening to the angelic sound of a deaf person singing and try again.

And what's with the capitalization of the word 'deaf'?

As a matter of fact, thanks to your suggestion, I have listened to the angelic sound of a deaf person singing. She's actually a professional opera singer who has sung principal roles for every major opera theatre in the UK.

So, as per your suggestion, I will try again:

No I don't think that's a fair assessment of my argument.

I would argue that Beethoven's work was influenced by his hearing loss, and that his work would not be the same if not for his hearing loss.

In fact, his work is typically divided into three periods: the early, middle ("heroic"), and late ("transcendent") periods. The early period is frequently thought of as drawing heavily upon the works of Haydn and Mozart. These works did not have the distinct (read: brooding, moody, heroic) musical style as his later works.

It's widely held that his hearing loss precipitated the start of the middle period i.e. the period in which his music matured into the distinctive style that sets him apart from other composers. I don't think this is a coincidence.

For example, he lost his ability to hear high frequencies first, and I don't think it's a coincidence that his music (during the middle period of his career) subsequently and characteristically utilized low frequencies in ways that his musical predecessors (e.g., Haydn, Mozart) had not (e.g., Moonlight Sonata). Those low frequencies were essential for establishing his music's characteristic moody and dramatic qualities. Similarly, this period saw him eschew tradition in favour of those heavy rhythms (e.g. "fate knocking on ones door") that feel as though they physically tug at the listener's heart. Do you really believe it is a coincidence that this style came from a composer who, due to his hearing loss, was known for banging so hard on his pianos that they broke? Some have even speculated that his loss of hearing lead him to incorporate rhythms in lieu of melodic techniques (e.g. his hearing loss may have dimmed the noises around him such that rhythms — such as the rhythmic patterns of his own heart — became more salient). I think it is more likely that he stumbled upon these innovations during fits of frustration while trying to hear his own music. Take a composer, stuff ear plugs in their ears, and tell them to bang on a piano until it sounds like a symphony — the result will be a relative dominance of rhythms over melody. This period was the antithesis of e.g. the light-hearted melodies of Bach.

The start of his third period was marked by his loss of hearing entirely and his eventual coming to terms with deafness. This resulted in the return of high frequencies to his later works, and some of the most innovative works of his career (e.g. Symphony no. 9). The third period is sometimes called his "transcendent" period. He drew inspiration from, of all composers, Bach and Handel — whose works sit in stark contrast to his middle period pieces. His most popular period was the middle period, but this is almost always qualified with the caveat that his third period is often seen as the height of his musical innovation.

So no, I do not think the world of classical music would be as rich if Beethoven had not lost his hearing.

Just wanted to say thanks for being a dick about this. Whether you agree with me or not, I feel like I've gained quite a bit from this interaction.

I know more about Beethoven than I knew before thanks to the amount of fact-checking and research I did for this post. It's really been an unexpected delight that has given me a greater appreciation for his work.

Similarly, I would probably have never thought to Google deaf singers had it not been for your cheeky comments. And that would be a shame, because this Janine Roebuck has a wonderful voice!

Idk didn't really think about it "Deaf" vs. "deaf". Typo probably.

Didn't read lol

Your choice. I learned quite a bit about Beethoven today so I consider it a win.

Have a nice day.

jesus christ

LOL scrolling while pooping

Epic wall bro


Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, did you write all that from scratch?

Hello my fellow hearers, I am in no way hearing impated and my hearing is in fact normal.

The worst thing to come out of modern political correctness is that disabilities aren't actually disabilities. I understand we need to be accommodating and accepting of handicapped people but I feel like more and more I see people pushing a notion that disabilities don't hinder you in any way. I see this said in regards to mental illness quite a lot

but I feel like more and more I see people pushing a notion that disabilities don't hinder you in any way.

It's something that confuses me about the disabled community so much. And it's not just mental illness. I'm physically disabled, was born this way and let me assure you that it's not society that makes me disabled, it's my fucking birth defect. Try explaining that in /r/disability though, and get banned*.

*unapologetically calling them protesting a movie 'retarded' may have contributed to the ban as well.

Lol I thought "movie" was a term to describe non disabled people like "hearie" for a moment there.

Which movie?

Which movie?

Me Before You

That is retarded.

That's what I told them! Not that they are retarded, but that this protest was retarded! What a bunch of pussies.

Doug Stanhope has the best take on this in his latest special. 23:50 if you don't want to watch it all.

Basically, retard was the PC was of saying idiot previously. If you make it offensive, the next thing will eventually become offensive.

I'm a cripple too, but if people didn't make fun of amputees it seems strange.


While she could adopt, she is luckily a lesbian so that reduces the odds that she will reproduce.

Also ups the chance she'll be abused by a partner. Win win

listen here hearie

Fucking deafies

/u/EllieTheVantas has been waiting for the day where they could be offended

That rush at telling someone off, feeling smug and superior and also getting pity from by-standards

I bet they need a cigarette to calm down after that comment

They're a fucking waiter, this is likely the first and last time in their lives they'll ever feel superior to anyone. Except maybe busboys.

You fucking hypocrite, no matter what you do there will be people who can say "you're a fucking whatever". No need to be arrogant about jobs.

Check, please.

And refill my fucking water /u/EllieTheVantas or could you not hear me

Yes, I'd like fries with that.


Do they bring you bussy because that sounds amazing


Auto correct or just intelligence impaired? Sorry that's offensive, I meant retarded.

Complains that "hearing impaired" is offensive.

But yeah, she was a bitch.


My favorite comment

I mean I think if the kid is too young then wait, it's not gonna be such a big deal that it won't have significant pros

There are no significant pros to keeping one of the five major senses that people use every waking moment

I'm not touching the rest of the thread with a 10 foot pole, but I gotta weigh in here. The CI isn't some magical hearing device. There's comparisons on YouTube between natural sound and CI "sound." The CI sounds like the ghost recordings on those ghost hunter TV shows. It's nothing close to natural and it takes a lot of work to use it correctly. For some people it doesn't work well or at all.

I'm not against CI and I totally understand why people would use it or want their kids to have it. But I understand why people wouldn't as well.

The story is very likely fake or highly embellished

To us there's nothing wrong with us, we can't hear but we can still do almost anything a hearie can, sometimes better.

Holy fuck they call normal people "hearie."

To us there's nothing wrong with us, we can't hear

So there is something wrong with them... they can't hear

/u/Elliethevantas Deaf culture is fucking stupid and regressive. They will turn on their own in an instant.

Marlee Matlin, a deaf actress, won an Academy Award for "Children of a Lesser God" which is a movie about the acceptance of being deaf and acceptance of oneself. She then accepted the academy award using her own natural voice. The deaf community turned on her instantly.

I don't hate deaf people, just deaf culture

For having dealt with deaf people, they can be the worst fucking unsufferable SJW snowflakes, even more than your black girl student at Yale feeling super-oppressed, whining over her cultural appropriation.

Deaf-SJWness is on an whole other level.

Deaficide now

Kids can consent to sex, age of consent most places is 14-16 and this is a rather simple to explain decision. You underestimate kids.

Lol /u/EllieTheVantas, is diddling kids one of those many things that the hearing impaired do better than "hearies?"

Don't take my words out of context. Commenter before said that you couldn't consent till 18. I was correcting his stance. Albeit they can only consent to sex with minors they can still legally have sex of their own free will.

So did you start diddling kids before or after you lost your hearing?

Is calling me a pedophile the only retort you can come up with? If so I'm gonna have to say you should try harder than ad hominems if you're trying to insult me

Also I lost my hearing while technically a kid (17) and I am currently still a virgin.

am currently still a virgin.

Maybe drop the "I am very smart" smug holier than thou attitude and someone might be able to tolerate you enough to bang.

My gf actually does, I choose not to because I'm a Christian and don't believe in extramarital sex. But you probably thought gay people couldn't possibly be Christians or forgot that some Christians actually hold that value so w/e

Also a cuck, got a real goldmine here

A Christian lesbian.

😂😂 fuck sake.

Apparently somebody has never met a gay Christian before. I mean ffs there are prominent trans gay christian preachers!

So prominent that I've never heard of a single one but ok.

Enjoy being a professional victims. Got to get as many snowflake points as possible!

Just curious, if you lose your shite when someone calls you hearing impaired, what about deaf and dumb?

Nah there's loads of well adjusted gay Christians, like Milo Yiannopolous. Good company of lads there 👏

Really makes you think

TOo o o 👌 👌 👌

Hope everyone could hear my dog-whistle

Well there was Andy Warhol.

Castrating yourself is for the worship of Astarte. Not Christ.

"In Syria and in Edessa the men used to castrate themselves in honor of Astarte. But when King Abgar became a believer, he commanded that anyone who emasculated himself should have a hand cut off. And from that day to the present no one in Edessa emasculates himself anymore."

I like the poetic nature of a gay deaf Christian. Cause, just like god, you'll fuck me in the ass and then ignore me completely

No because chastity is expected of all Christians and sex is only within marriage and marriage is between a man and a woman

No it isn't. Depends on which church you go to but some will ordain a marriage making it a proper marriage in the eyes of the church. Also only Catholicism is super hard ass about marriage most times.

Wrong there is only one single Christian church not multiple.

Protestants are heretics and apostates from the faith of Jesus christ, Martin Luther and John Calvin were whores who roast in the deepest pits of hell.

Marriage is a holy sacrament and christ elevated it to being as such you call yourself a Christian then submit yourself before what christ and his church teaches.

There isn't multiple churches, christ said unity no your new age lovey dovey goodie two shoes Jesus.

Somebody's a bit butthurt and intolerant of differing religious beliefs it seems. Thanks for the laugh though

Errors have no rights or tolerance.

Enjoy the hell fire with Luther and Judas though

Judas was forgiven before he killed himself. Try again, that's like literally written in the Bible

Curious... have you been getting any PM's recently?

Yeah, since last night it's basically been RIP my inbox. Most of them extremely nice and/or agreeing with me

Surprising that most of them are agreeing with you. From these threads it looks like most people are in complete disagreement with you

These are hearing people for the most part disagreeing. 90% of my pms have been from Deaf/HoH people (you know the people of whom I was talking about when I said it was offensive to us), which the threads turned against pretty quickly, I'd have avoided it too after the fact.

Because it's easier to potentially lie about?

Judas is burning in hell he was never forgiven. What is said of him is that it would have been better if he was never born.

Protestants burn with him

All who are truly repentant shall be saved. Judas repented and so was forgiven and shall be saved. It's a simple concept! And one all Christians should hold.

lol no

That's not how it works and Judas never repented.

Go reread the Bible he did

No he didn't.

Please quote it as you are so certain his asking jesus for pardon or begging his brothers for pardon.

Remose is not pardon, sorrow for your sins is only half way to contrition for them. That and then he murdered himself a grave and mortal sin

"Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders" Matthew 27:3

King James was a sodomite and a heretic who unlawfully transcribed and changed scripture, this poor translation has misled you.

This isn't kjv, it's a translation from the original Greek. Please try again (Also, 23 other version also translate it to repented, not just KJV) but please try again

I just wanted to say that you brought sjw levels to a retarded maximum and you should not speak again.

That's just like, your opinion man.

Apparently not only mine

But I'm not wrong, it is your opinion

Then keep it to yourself.

You and people like you started the "fat=healthy and beautiful" movement, which is harmful.

Being deaf is not normal, but your hearing capabilities do not define you as a person, just like me having a cold doesnt .


Um, I never said fat=healthy and beautiful.

In fact I think that's bullshit.

Being deaf is just as normal as being hearing, why? Because what is normal? There is no normal! But OK bye!

You can look at numbers and determine what is statistically probable, or what should happen because it happened many times before and makes perfect sense.

Being born without a head is statistically rare, aka not normal.

Being born without a hand is also statistically rare, aka not normal.

Being born with hearing impairment is statistically rare, aka not normal. Not your personality or your self is not normal, but your health status, which is out of your control. There is a definition of "norm" by the way.

Being 6'8 is not normal, having size 16 shoes is not normal, but no one treats these people like their personality is not normal, its what they're born with.

The fact that you hear not as good as the majority people is not normal, denying that would be like saying "winning two lotteries in a row is normal".

But you can still be normal.

I see you still believe in the concept of normality. This conversation is over.

Ah, the radical left in its glory

"Radical left" in other words you care more about identity politics than actually making a point

P.S. I'm not a leftist either, I'm center left and a fiscal conservative

Oh wow, you're a goldmine of mentally fucked up.

How do you feel about following a religion that openenly shuns you?

Do you think sex before marriage actually applies to gay couples since you're not having traditional sex as it was used in the context of the Bible?

Do you believe that god made you gay and if so, why does the church in general have such pushback if god created you as such?

Is it in your Christian nature to demonized people who have no ill intentions in the way they talk to people?

Why are gendered slurs OK, but disabled slurs not OK?

Why don't you recognize being "Big-D Deaf" (which is offensive to "little-D deaf people because you're being exclusionary) is widely considered a negative thing?

Also, do you realize you have issues with acceptance?

What mental health experts have you seen and have you been diagnosed with anything.

How do you feel about a religion that openly shuns you?

My church and pastors are very LGBT friendly and recently ordained the marriage of two gauge men, it was a very nice wedding actually.

Do you think sex before marriage actually applies to gay couples since you're not having traditional sex as it was used in the context of the Bible?

Yes, if the marriage is ordained by a pastor then yes.

Do you believe that God made you gay and if so, why does the church in general have such pushback if God created you as such?

Yes and no. I believe being gay is both nature and nurture coming together for a sort of perfect storm (but I guess nobody knows for sure) I do feel that he caused the events that led to me being gay. I feel by the Church in general you mean Catholicism and they're rather weird, I've never met a good Catholic person who was homophobic other than not liking same sex marriage for religious reasons. But idk that's a good question. I don't feel that pushback from my church community, in fact I feel the opposite, nothing but support.

Is it in your Christian nature to demonize people who have no I'll intentions in the way they talk to people

If you're referring to my comments last night, that got out of hand and I shouldn't have allowed myself to get so defensive/hostile and with regards to the comment that started the hostility I should've worded that better, it was not meant to sound hostile. But hindsight is 20/20 to answer the question Broadly, no it isn't but I am human and as such am not perfect.

Why are gendered slurs OK, but disabled slurs not OK?

Can you clarify a bit?

Why don't you recignize being "Big-D Deaf" (which is offensive to little-d deaf people because you're being exclusion are) is widely considered a bad thing?

In this context little-d deaf would've been more appropriate as you're referencing the physical condition of being deaf. Big-D Deaf is a culture, which some deaf people don't share, it's about a pride in being deaf and it's not exclusion are to say "these people don't share our culture even if they too are deaf" they share more in common with hearing culture than Deaf culture. If they wanted they could (and Hearing people could too btw) join Deaf culture but until then they aren't big-D Deaf. Because that's a cultural label. But I do recognize most people view being deaf as bad. I would disagree and say being deaf has made my life better not worse. And being a part of Deaf culture has made me feel less ashamed about being deaf than I used to be. I no longer feel less than, because I'm not. Society told me I was, Deaf culture proved to me otherwise. (For more info on Deaf culture there are a bunch of Deaf Youtubers much more informed on the subject than me.)

Also do you realize you have issues with acceptance?

How so? (I guess not)

What mental health experts have you seen and what have you been diagnosed with?

A few therapists back in uni but it got really expensive. Major depressive disorder and GAD are about all I was ever diagnosed with.

I've only got a few follow ups, the gendered slur was calling someone a bitch iirc (I'm not going back and looking it up)

Since most lesbian sex is considered foreplay between a man and woman, what actually defines lesbian sex to you?

What is GAD.

I usually put up a hostile front since this is /r/drama and we are all supposed to act like idiots here, but I do appreciate you actually taking the time to answer.

One quick thing I wanted to touch on, my grandmother taught signlanguage so I've had run ins with many people with different levels of deafness, and while a lot of them came to accept their deafness. What I mean when I say it seems you haven't accepted it, is that you seem more in denial that deafness is a negative thing that while considered a hindicap can result in acceptance in a new community and even opportunity that wouldn't have presented itself otherwise.
I've met people proud they were deaf, even happy, but they still generally acknowledged overall that deafness is a handicap and a negative.

Bitch is gendered? It's sort of my go to for anyone. (I do know it originally meant a female dog but I don't think it's used in that way much anymore)

That's tough to describe, idk, I feel I'll know when that line is crossed. So not for a while.

GAD is Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Maybe because I feel everything happens for a reason, if that's true, then it can't be a negative because God has decided it is how I should proceed in life. We may not understand it but we don't have to necessarily "For my ways are higher than your ways"

How can you believe extra-marital sex is bad when you believe that homosexuality is okay?

Based on the person in question being uh... Themselves, it's cause dey tarded


So how do you deal with the fact that the exact same reasoning that makes extramarital sex a violation of Gods will makes homosex a violation as well? Do you even know the theological bases for each?

Go troll the playground. The deaf kids will never hear you coming

Thats because you have a horrible personality and are so lacking in personal identity that you had to latch onto some shitty pseudoculture rather than act like a big boy and face your own shortcomings. Because that would be too real for you so instead you immersed yourself in a bunch of fake ass bullshit.

You've convinced me that deaf people are awful and deserve any horrible thing that happens to them

I am currently still a virgin.

I'll pork you for a bottle of Jameson and some ciggies.


Alright just the whiskey then.

"Uhhh ACKshually the correct term is 'ephebophile'"

You're entire view of child sexuality is gross and pedophilic. You should get help for these urges before the police come to check your computer. I've already reported you for child pornography, so reddit is tracing your IP address as we speak and forwarding the information to the internet police.

Post front gussy or gtfo

Are there actually people that are hearing impaired that don't think their is something wrong with them? Like, if they actually didn't have an issue, why were they born with ears? I was under the impression that you had to have ears to hear and if you can't hear but have ears, something is wrong.

Quit heariesplaining

I would, but I don't think they can hear me anyway.

Next a culture will be built around people with only one arm, and when medicine is introduced to reattach/grow the arm, people will say they'd rather not have an arm and it's offensive to call them physically disabled.

The deaf community is full of insane drama. It's hilarious.

Yeah, I took a seminar on "Biomedical Ethics" in college and the main topic was this shit. I got a C because I thought people should be able to hear so fuck me.

Don't take social issue seminars, kids.

Servers are literally the worst sort of people around they are so fucking entitled

Bit of a jump there

oh nevermind you post in t_d, that makes sense

what exactly does "culturally deaf" mean? i'm so confused

/u/cherobics do you have an answer to this question?
