This is your brain on estrogen : 207 comments about how trannies shouldn't "disclose", because they are women, and anyone who think different can suck their dicks!

45  2017-08-04 by IAintThatGuy


Now with added cancer!


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A trans woman sees herself as a woman

Wow shocking!

Yeah so they never have to disclose because their delusions run that deep. Too bad there are guys out there who can tell the difference and have violent tempers. Guess trannies will have to only rape virgins, retards and blind people.

Even if they get their prince in shining armor, what next? They have to then adopt a poor child, force the little thing to grow up in a household run by mentally ill suicidal parents and they then live happily ever after? What?

Mentally ill?! Fucking bigots on here, all transpeople are stunning and beautiful and everyone should gobble their cock on a daily basis along with giving them all your money

Try harder


The child is raised in a "gender neutral" household. The boy is renamed "xallum" and is forced to grow his hair out while getting creepy looks from his 12 (48) year old refugee step-brother. The tragic cycle continues as the boy starts hormone blockers and self diagnoses a string of mental illness'.

Don't forget the blackout drunks who clearly can't consent to anything. They're also popular prey.

Yes. It sucks to be a male victim in that case : people will laugh at you for fucking a tranny, won't believe a man can be raped, and if you complain you're transphobic and you're "litteraly killing transwomen".

because they are women

so this is a woman, huh?

NSFW btw

Is this what bussy looks like?




Tag it NSFL too plz.

Embrace the female penis and enjoy the bussy.

Feminine penis is fine, I'd just like to know what I'm getting into beforehand.

I shouldn't have to disclose my status as a sex offender, it's up to you to find out when you walk in on me balls deep in your kid.

tranny logic.

Tell your kid to stop yelling rape, it's triggering me because it's soooo sex-offender-phobic.

she is mute...silence is implied consent :-)

I had this discussion with a cis housemate yesterday and she does not see anything wrong with me having to tell everyone I am trans for the rest of my life.

Let's use hyperbole to deflect from the fact that a sexual partner might not be consent if they had this information, and withholding that information is, at the very least, a dick move (no pun intended).

They even have the nerve to compare it with rape. Do these people even know what rape is?

Those elastic definitions of rape are now being applied to people other than white dudebros?! The horror!

This comment by /u/craxy_kate71 was just borderline idiotic. Here's the deal, I'll just start asking the women I go out with if they're trans before the first date. If they say yes, I won't go. If they say no and get offended that I asked, I won't go because I don't need that kind of PC shit in my life. If they say no and agree that trans people should disclose the awesome, date is on.

Maybe it's not rape not to disclose that your trans, but it certainly is a violation.

This comment by /u/crazy_kate71 was just borderline idiotic. Here's the deal, I'll just start asking the women I go out with if they're trans before the first date. If they say yes, I won't go. If they say no and get offended that I asked, I won't go because I don't need that kind of PC shit in my life. If they say no and agree that trans people should disclose the awesome, date is on.

Maybe it's not rape not to disclose that your trans, but it certainly is a violation.

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

If you don't hide that you have a dick, then you won't have to disclose it.


We have a potential rapist over here, look out people!

I don't know what suicide has to do with it, but yes you're right. Everyone I date is also a potential murderer. Everyone you date is a potential rapist. So, what's your point?

If you feel sick from me mentionin your name, you didn't need to respond, crazy.

Sucks for you that I know for a fact I'm not sterile. People like you, with your shirt attitude, give the entire trans population a really bad name. I don't have issues with trans people, I have issues with trans people who have attitudes like yours. Perhaps you should get some help for your anger issues, as they are definitely abundant, sweetie.

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

Wrong alt. Try again.

You sound new.

Just a cursory glance through my history shows I am very much not this persons alt, and a very regular Drama poster and submitter.

When did this sub become so lacking in humour and unable to discern obvious satire...?

Anyone you date is a potential suicide.

He already said he is not interested in dating transgender folks. Are you implying that him asking his potential cis women dates if they are transgender will then increase their chance of suicide?

He is so repulsive is it not obvious?

They are starting to leave hate comments on everything I have posted.

Sorry lady, but saying I don't want to date a trans person isn't hate by any stretch of the imagination. Get over yourself.

You've got a lot of pent up anger. I really pity you. A lot.

Wow what a hypocritical bitch, this is priceless

He is so repulsive is it not obvious?

So the question itself is not causing suicide just his repulsive demeanor?

I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

Kinda ironic coming from a tranny.

This could be said about most posters in Drama


Agreed that you will never be an actual woman?

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.


I know right. It just rolls of the tongue.

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

Love it. We truly get the bitterest lol-cows in Drama.

I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

I'm only about the bussy, so basically yes

And on r/asktransgender

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.


Till I get bored

your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

At least we don't have to worry about that with you.

Nazi /u/Crazy_Kate71 now arguing for Eugenics, when will the racism end!?

Please consider investing in rope.

Lmao, exposed.

Wow racist as well. Kudos for being such a huge asshole.

You can't be racist if you're black from the belly button down.

I don't think trannys need any help in committing suicide, they do just fine on their own

Not enough to their taste, that's why they want to have surprise sex with straight men, to keep those murder numbers up.

your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

lol thank god trannies don't reproduce.

At that point, when a tranny like you gets murdered by a sexual partner it should count as a suicide, because you'd have to be retarded to not see how your actions could call for these consequences.

new snappy quote?

You sound like an Incel

I had to look that up to even know what it meant. Oh the irony!!! You are an asshole.

Can't have biological kids with a trans person.

This contradicts both you and calling that person "man" at the same time. Oh well. At least we're still better off than Venezuela.

That's semantics. Sure, legally they're a male, but if they're giving birth their biologically a female. As only biological females give birth, not males.

Yes, that's exactly what I was saying. If it contradicts both your statement and its own title, then one of them has to be wrong, as those are, meaning-wise, the opposites. Thanks for getting the joke.

If a woman stuffs her bra because she knows guys like big tits, and then a man is attracted by her appearance, he should have to disclose that he's only into big tits on every date, and he's an asshole if he's disappointed by what's under that shirt.

If you break out surprise penis, I am going to treat you as a rapist.

Your choice.

I didn't think I needed an /s, but I forgot where I was. Have your facilitator explain sarcasm to you.

Haha yeah me too bro I was just pretending to be retarded seem to talk about this "surprise penis" quite a bit....

Huuuuuuuge difference between not having big tits and stuffing your bra in order to do so and hiding the fact that you either currently have a penis or have a faux vagina.

ok but I don't think we disagree on this.

Not even close

It's bad, but not as bad as trannies. Let's just say women who do that to trick men should get punched, trannies who trick men should get stabbed.

Or just put your pants back on and leave like an adult. But I think most people here would be embarrassed to have people in their dorm room they're a transphobe, so they'll take it and like it.

Or just put your pants back on and leave like an adult.

Yeah, and be all like "haha good job raping me! I'll be more careful next time! fool me once, shame on me...".

Is it really so hard to just find a way to drum up a conversation about transgender people and see how they respond? Trump's military ban is a hot topic right now, for instance. Yeah it's kind of a pain to figure out people's preferences but it sure beats getting stabbed 142 times when you break out the admission in the bedroom.

Yeah it's kind of a pain to figure out people's preferences but it sure beats getting stabbed 142 times when you break out the admission in the bedroom.

This is how normal people would think. But apparently for trannies there's more "risk" in disclosing you're trans either on your online profile, or in a private message to someone you might end up dating, than : starting a relationship, having sex with the person, having them find out afterwards (potentially in a locked room with just you and them, and they're bigger than you).

I don't understand this attitude they have. I've been on dating sites and I've seen trans people on there, fuck even a few I thought were good looking enough to look at the profile, but then, I see in the profile they're trans and move on. I'm not pissed about it, just don't want to fuck a trans person.

And if I was making out with one all night because they're a fuckin asshole, I would be livid.

And if I was making out with one all night because they're a fuckin asshole, I would be livid.

And yet they're still trying to solve the "mystery" of why so many "transwomen" get murdered.

Most would find out anyway though,unless the poor guy the tranny is dating is retarded/desperate virgin.

That's how it works. Sexual predators usually go for the most helpless victims.

Why is it MtF every time? Wew lad

Noticed that too, seem they are especially insecure and agressive

Maybe it's the estrogen.

Maybe it's Maybelline.

Ftm can pass much easier, there are scrawny guys everywhere, mtf is much harder considering they still have a manly bone structure, height, and come in 9/10 times you can tell it's a tranny from a mile away.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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Well sure there are some that can fool you for a moment but that's not the norm (not about to click around). Even people like Laverne Cox who somewhat passes visually is immediately obvious when speaking.

Well yeah, from what I understand testosterone has much more of a visual effect on features, not to mention anyone with a beard will pass.

They just get ripped, quickly. But some of the male to female are even more impressive.

if you sort by top of all time, some of them are mind blowing.

I see posts from that sub occasionally pop up in /rising. Honestly I just feel bad for a lot of the dudes trying to look like women, I think I've seen one who was actually convincing.

I've seen a ton that are crazy convincing. But yeah, it really depends, some of the guys are really lucky and some aren't.

really lucky


Well, let's not pretend the Asian trannies aren't lucky compared to other trannies.

But if they were lucky, wouldn't they have avoided gender dysphoria in the first place?

Of course. Dr. Moreau creates one work of art for every 10 abominations.

I want a full beard. All I need to do is ask my doctor for hrt?

All you need is to go buy some tren ace and slam that in your glutes for half a year

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

MtF don't try to surprise dudes with a penis. At worst they disappoint a straight woman or a gay dude with their lack of penis. Which usually doesn't end up in a murder.


and have you seen Boys Don't Cry?

Nope. Is it any good?

Its hard watching. It dramatises the case of a female to male trans character, who after he was found to be a biological women was 'correctively' raped and then murdered by his two closest friends.

Brandon Teena

Brandon Teena (December 12, 1972 – December 31, 1993) was an American trans man who was raped and murdered in Humboldt, Nebraska. His life and death were the subject of the Academy Award-winning 1999 film Boys Don't Cry, which was partially based on the 1998 documentary film The Brandon Teena Story. Both films also illustrated that legal and medical discrimination contributed to Teena's violent death.

Teena's murder, along with that of Matthew Shepard, led to increased lobbying for hate crime laws in the United States.

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Now it sounds interesting. Gonna watch it.

I think it's an even weirder case than that considering how fast it goes from zero to assault to fucking triple homicide.

Just brutal. All to cover up a previous crime, rape. It's just bizarre. Some people are so mentally defective that they don't appear to be able to stop and go "maybe this is too far and I should cut my losses?"

A masterpiece of teaching a "dude" A lesson lmao.

If you break out surprise penis, I am going to treat you as a rapist.

Your choice.

Thats what any sensible man would do

This is exactly why the Founding Fathers invented the second amendment. In their infinite wisdom, they saw that possibility and decided that's why you need guns.

Why would trannies even need to "disclose" in the first place? Every guy with at least half a brain and a set of eyes should be able to tell the difference between a real woman and a deluded boy like u/lexadeservedclarke .

Kill yourself. You really grasp at straws trying to get me, and now you're dragging other degenerates into it. Granted, they're still better people than you. You're a fucking loser with no power. You stupid slit eyed freak child


Also, I'm normal, which makes me automatically better than a tranny like you could ever be.

The only reason you're trying so hard is because you lost. It's simple, chinky chonks. You're a fucking loser. You keep reusing the same tired out insults because you're a fucking almond eyed weeb pillow fucker. You have no ammo. Just submit before your useless fucking ass commits suicide.

Calling yourself normal is a fucking stretch by any length. That's a funny joke. A weeb pillow fucker like you being normal. An Asian one no less.


Whats with these crazy trannies on this sub? Holy shit! And aren't trannies the one's who LOVE to kill themselves?You got the wrong guy

Oh. Wow another edgelord faggot deserving of suicide. Go, before you end up an even more degenerated faggot than you are.

Kill yourself, buddy before it's too late.

Trannies are the one's who kill themselves (almost like its a fetish LMAO), why dont you act more like your kind and do the world a favour? That would be great.

If you worthless little fucks could learn your lesson and die like the bullies in school told you to, that'd be an orgasm and a half. You fucking little faggots aren't shit, and you're only trying to be cool and edgy and trying to offend or trigger me because you're a self-loathing prick who never got laid in high school, and high school isn't even over for you, yet. You're a miserable little cunt and you deserve whatever beatings your drunk and/or molester father gives you, and you can contemplate why your miserable ass isn't getting pegged by some fat lesbian like your mother while you're swinging on a noose off a fan.

It sounds like you are speaking from experience with your detailed description of your molester father, not getting laid, being bullied etc.

No wonder trannies are so hated with nutjobs like you

Oh wow, blatant deflecting. That's the best you got. No wonder why I'm getting bored of your fucking loser ass. Go sit in a fucking hole and slit your wrists, you dirty cow fucker.











No doubt, this tranny is fucking crazy (why am I not surprised)

You mad?

No, more or less done. This is getting stale. Unless you find a way to keep me interested, kill yourself and have a nice day.

You try too hard tbh

lmao, you're mad. Really reinforcing the 'trannies are suicidal psychos' stereotype

wew lad

I like you, you're feisty.

Many thanks. I can and will say the same, in regards to the first part of your statement, newly acquainted friend.

being a tranny

calling other people degenerates


The only reason you're trying so hard is because you lost. It's simple, chinky chonks. You're a fucking loser. You keep reusing the same tired out insults because you're a fucking almond eyed weeb pillow fucker. You have no ammo. Just submit before your useless fucking ass commits suicide.

Calling yourself normal is a fucking stretch by any length. That's a funny joke. A weeb pillow fucker like you being normal. An Asian one no less.


Ooooh mama, breaking out the racism, maybe you would fit in here.

Gotta out edge the edgelord. I actually have lots of oriental family lmao. I'm just trying to pull out all the stops and beat this bitch down

beat this bitch down

But aren't you a granny?

but aren't you a tranny?

mfw no correlation.

Wait your turn, you piece of shit. I'm busy.

You people are honestly such sloppy attention whores.

Stop deflecting, you worthless insane faggot.

There is no such thing as a tranny who is not a bitch, so yes there is a correlation.

inb4 trannies aren't all bitches

Yes, they are. Every single tranny is a worthless, cowardly, mentally ill bitch. You know this, you worthless shitsack. The only reason you might think differently is that white liberals will pander to any minority group that's pretends to be victims.

You're not even relevant. Go back to using mean girls screenshots off Google on hopes to maybe offend a fucking child, you chinky chonk.

You're way too fucking butthurt for me. You children need to learn how to properly tie a noose.

I've seen 4Chan /pol/ users with less fragile egos than you.


accusing others of being butthurt

L M A O !





"you children need to learn how to properly tie a noose" Dude, it isn't the 19th century anymore. I'm not going to lynch you just because you're a faggot.

You still haven't given me that address, little pussy. You can set up the date and time, too. I'll give you all the advantages you want.


Yeah, keep trying. I knew you were full of shit. You offered but you never pulled through. Little fucking puke. You're not worth the 30 bucks it costs to get an abortion in PA.

I'm done with you, miserable shit. I didn't even ruin you. You ruined yourself. You followed me across multiple fucking platforms and deleted your accounts out of pure frustration. Have a nice life, however short it is, punk bitch.

Holy fucking shit. I knew that you were illiterate, being from West Virginia, but I never knew that you were this fucking retarded. READ MY COMMENT, you dumb fuck. I didn't delete my accounts, they were BANNED for BULLYING. Jesus Christ, can you even read?

No, can you read? I'm not even from West Virginia. You're making unfounded claims with no proof. Also, the banned part can be untrue. Again, no proof buddy. Nobody even has proof I'm transgender. 😂😂😂 All you have is that I'm a mobile user, based on the fact that I use emojis. Other than that, you're fucking lost, bro. You don't ever take what people say at face value. I can't believe you were stupid enough to go through all this, and here's the fucking kicker. I'm not even the same user as Thrawn. He and I just decided to pick some poor fuck out like you and see how far we could get you to go. 😂😂😂 the first thing you do in the day is come and attack me or him, and then you're hooked for hours on end, getting pissed off. Can't you tell that we aren't even the same person? We type completely differently. He never uses emojis. You're a fucking loser, kid. You really are. You fell for a troll so hard. You deleted two accounts over some faceless internet people saying mean things about you, which are probably true. 😂😂😂

Anyway, this is the final message/comment.

Was fun fucking with you.

I can't tell if this is copypasta or just genuine autism

Kill yourself. You're way late. You stupid pig cunt. You missed the fun, and now you're just being a loser. Go do something better with your miserable life, you puke

Same. And I'm fucking in it

You people are honestly such sloppy attention whores.

Big, if true. If true, then didn't you just give me the attention you claim I'm seeking?

I am a gracious god. What can I say? Now, kindly go fuck yourself. This was a long time over.

oriental family

You belong here

Hey, thanks. I'll try and not do what I did with this little bitch with anyone else. Unless it serves a hearty serving of keks to all

I may not be normal, and I probably should kill myself, but no matter what, at the end of the day, at least I'm not a fucking disgusting tranny like you. Also, chinks are inhuman, don't you dare compare me to one of those. But no matter how inhuman chinks are, they are still far far better than you. Look at you. A disgusting commie fag redneck. Nobody likes you. Nobody even cares about you. At most, the only person who will ever pay your retarded ass even a semblance of attention is your sister-wife, disgusting degenerate cousin fucker. Your kind will go extinct in a couple of generations, disgusting whitie. Eat shit and kill yourself.

Anyone's normal compared to you, tranny fag. Hell, even an ISIS militant is more normal than you.

Misleading someone into sexual intercourse without their consent is sexual assault. Why does being trans make that ok?

This seems more like a "you can't rape men" thing and less a case of transphobia.

Also what if the guy wants kids? Is lying to someone who want's children ok if you're trans, too?

This seems more like a "you can't rape men" thing and less a case of transphobia.

Yeah you'd think someone with half a brain would understand that raping a grown man who's bigger than you might turn bad. But nope, it's probably transphobia.

It's not even about kids, it's about refusing to respect sexual preferences and believing that you have more of a right to sex than everyone else has to refuse sex.

You can say no to sex for literally any reason because your right to not associate sexually is inalienable. If you're heterosexual, homosexual, or even bisexual and only want to have sexual relation with a particular sex, that's your absolute right. At the end of the day a tranny is still the other biological sex and if that makes you uncomfortable then you have less than zero obligation to have sex with them. Sure it's transphobic but it's also homophobic for a guy to refuse a blowjob from another guy even though a mouth is a mouth. You can't try and berate people into having sex with you and be the good guy.

I don't get why being trans overrides the simplest rules of relationships:

If there's something your partner would want to know, you should tell them.

It's that bloody simple.

They like trying to say that being trans is no more important than having a stubbed toe as a kid. So they end up claiming that since you don't have to disclose a complete medical history, you don't have to disclose being trans.

user reports:
1: literally all OP submits is shit tier agenda posts pls banerino

I am pretty sure OP is about 30 seconds away from being another Elliot Rodger, so we cannot take that chance.

Anyone you date is a potential suicide. I feel sick you even mentioned my name you scum bag. I hope you are sterile so your rotten genes cannot infect the population.

/u/Time_to_Drink is channelling a dead hapa incel? /r/drama just became the most autistic ouija board ever.

Girl, I'm channeling /u/Crazy_Kate71

She's the star the gave the world this fabulous quote.

I've been saying it to everyone that comes within 10ft of me.

Did I miss tasty pasta? Dammit.

lol agenda posts. I post retarded drama, and because I'm lazy I stick to 2 or 3 kinds of retardation. I bet it's a zoophile who's complaining about my agenda because yes, I think most things they post and consider "normal" are insane.

user reports:
1: mayocide when?

Damn straight.

Failure to disclose pertinent information is still considered lying.

But they totally consented!!!!

Sure the guy talked to what he thought was a girl instead of the cute guys at the bar. Sure he made it clear he was interested in a woman....

But I believe that I am a woman!

So now it doesn't matter that the vast majority of people aren't comfortable with sexual relations with the same biological sex. It doesn't matter that for 99.6% of people their sex=gender and that their appearance matches their sex. I believe I am woman so it's not up to me to make sure the guy knows I'm actually a biological man.

Plus it's apparently way more dangerous to say this in public instead of behind locked doors. But that's only because I think Revenge of the Nerds is accurate and people will change their minds if they have good sex.

OP /u/IAintThatGuy flair your post so I don't have to look at /u/ComedicSans shit-tier cringy flair any longer.

Kek, I could just capriciously ban you for shits and giggles so you would not have to worry about this sub at all :^)

Kek, I could just capriciously ban you for shits and giggles so you would not have to worry about this sub at all :)

mod aboose

jesus, if you do it, we might have our own homegrown /r/whoa_dude drama

I think you are making the fatal mistake of assuming anyone would care or even notice your absence. Lol.

I'm making the fatal mistake of thinking you have any actual real power on the subreddit lol. Last time you flexed those puny internet muscles, /u/AnnArchist and the admins all laughed.

Lol nah. The admins were the ones who restored the mods, and AnnArchist did not purge the list. Sorry, friendo. You are 0/2.

lol, and who is still top mod despite the little tantrum you had? Two of your buttbuddies even lost their permission for being too booty blasted lmao

The admins were the ones who restored the mods, and AnnArchist did not purge the list

I wouldn't admit this so proudly if I were you, even more embarrassing the adults had to step in and make you share the sandpit.

It seems that you do not understand that the behaviour of other people is not my responsibility.

Sorry, if you associate with a pack of screeching autists, befriend a pack of screeching autists and act like a screeching autist, I'm not gonna think you're a banana.

Sorry, if you associate with a pack of screeching autists, befriend a pack of screeching autists and act like a screeching autist, I'm gonna assume you're a screeching autist.

Said unironically in /r/drama.

What do we call the kings of screeching autists?

Donald Trump and his Cabinet.


140 comments but score +17, this is so getting brigaded.

Also they always assume trans women are the ones who are fooling the men yet a ton of men know women are trans

... well then.

Look at chromium girls flair. It's not a valid Linux command. Why is he running a Windows executable on Linus without wine? How can you sudo "m/t/f". Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.

Because it's a "woman" pretending to know anything about sys admin. And if you point out what you did, it makes you transphobic or misogynist.

But to be fair : you can rename an executable in .exe on Linux, and it works the same way. It's just useless.

Or you could just name it something like .sh, .py... instead and make it sound like you have ever used a unix based system in your life.

But the poster is a man.

Yes, an online "woman" (IRL a linebacker with a dress and a shitty wig).