P_K gets called out for being weirdly obsessed with r/neoliberal. P_K comes in to claim that r/neoliberal is, in fact, more obsessed with him than the other way around. Tables get turned and tendies get spilled.

56  2017-08-04 by Instrumental_X


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Accurate as always, Snappy.

It's a drama preventer. We filter a lot of shit sitrring words

/u/Instrumental_X why are you and your modteam such cowards?

I don't like eating my tendies off the floor

Of course. You prefer eating them off the plates of the poor and disenfranchised, like a true neoliberal.

Why do you hate the global tendies?

Too much juice.

Did a child write this?

ecks dee ecks dee

Not an argument.

This but unironically

They even deleted my comments there so people could very liberally call me mentally ill without any response. /r/neoliberal sure has great, not-at-all racist mods.

Literally no one called you mentally ill

Oh, shit, a neoliberal mod is the OP. Running to /r/drama after deleting my posts is pretty poor form, yo. It's worse than an agenda post, you're actually deleting potential drama while trying to call someone out.

Did you demod Darkace for his race realism shit yet? He's going to be promoting Charles Murray any day now.

I didn't delete your posts


Race Realism

Race realism wouldn't be real if we had gift economies

Someone deleted them and as a mod you can see that they're deleted.

Race realism wouldn't be real if we had gift economies

Total deflection. Remove your racist mod or be known as a harborage for racists.

It's great that I've probably got more people talking about gift economies with an essay I typed off in two hours than entire academic articles about them, though.

I dont think you understand what race realism is

Hello friend, please do your part to keep our community healthy by describing your own thoughts on race, how they differ from race realism, and why PK is a big homo retard.

It would if they wouldn't stop deleting my comments.

No one is deleting your comments, Automod is removing them because they are toxic.

Even the bots know lol

No one is deleting your comments, Automod is removing them

bots are people too you fucking bigot.

One of my comments:

"You have to filter my name because people were talking about me too much?

how is that toxic? What on earth is your automod filtering? Yeah, sure, I'm the obsessed one."

The problem is that every time your name was mentioned, you'd pop in, say something dumb or start an argument and things went to shit. Therefore, if we do things to keep you from showing up as much in dumb ways, we'd get less shit. Speaking as a subscriber and not a mod

So are the mods removing my comments are not? You folks gotta get your stories straight.

Also, given that this started with "We're not obsessed with you", the tons of people that are talking about me yet again, creating threads to talk about me, etc aren't exactly lining up well with that statement.

My guess is that you post comments that happen to trigger automod due to certain phrases or words.

Also, we haven't been talking about you for a while. After you did your funny gift economy essay, we memed that for a day and then that was it.

The other mod just said I was mentioned eleven times recently, lmao

11 times in a week

That's a lot for a single user isn't it?

You're talking about I_X?

Did you demod Darkace for his race realism shit yet?


His entire comment history

not-at-all racist mods.

Have you been a non-white this entire time?

If you can't tell most of that is clearly out of context joking (I mean really, the money is literally everything, that doesn't clue you in?) I really don't know what to tell you other than kys

"joaks" doesnt really work as an excuse when youre trying to present yourselves as the only political ideology sub that isnt just a bunch of edgelords circlejerking

Wait, hold on, are they actually trying to present themselves that way?

While simultaneously meming at every possible opportunity?

I'm not sure of the point of /r/neoliberal is not being edgelords circlejerking.

"We might look like racist edgelords, but unlike everyone else we make fun of, we are uniquely joking in a way that absolves us of culpability"

>he posted, on r/drama

And they were banned for this. You can't keep pulling this on us as if they were still there. They aren't

The mod was criticized by the sub for that. Are you going to ignore that his comment is negative and the rebuttal is at 21 points?

eh, I really don't see anything racist about his comment either. Different ethnicities have developed different cultures, and sometimes make different decisions because of it. Unless we accept the idea that asians are oppressing white people in america (as they have higher earnings), there's nothing wrong with his idea.

Why is what he said racist tho? I don't think anything said implies that cultural differences are biological or genetic. Obviously there a large and very real differences between cultures (and therefore ethnic groups) which can't be reduced to the effect of discrimination. Australia and Sweden have very different cultures, and that fact has nothing to do with one of them being oppressed.

Pretty much. I don't understand how what I said was even controversial. The 'Protestant Work Ethic' of Sweden and the Northern countries has been noted for centuries. It has nothing to do with Sweden being white.

What about the "Protestant Work Ethic" of Germany or the Netherlands? Do you have specifics sources about Scandinavia?

Why are they still a mod?

Racists might get downvoted in my subs but I sure as fuck wouldn't mod one.

They make a good point though: do you believe that Ashkenazi Jews earn more than whites as a result of systematic oppression of whites or, idk, because of (((them))) benefiting from (((their))) conspiracies? Does left antisemitism no longer even pretend to hide behind the fig leaf of "antizionism"?

I'd say cultural factors can explain that. Jews for centuries have focused on literacy and education as an incredibly important virtue, in particular since they were shut out of a lot of trades etc by anti-Semitic guilds. It's not really surprising that paid off over time.

So, are you saying that that not all differences between ethnic groups are as a result of discrimination? Racist.

It's not worth bothering with because you're just going to troll like an idiot. I'd have a conversation with someone else about this, but not you. Fuck off, dipshit.

I literally quoted the comment you linked. Apparently it's 100% racist when other people say that, but you're just being reasonable here.

It's 100% racist when you ignore ongoing violent oppression and say it's cultural differences. darkace is a racist


wow so your banning people now just because they have different oponions?

Did you pass both qualifiers in the Spring? If so, nice job. If not, why are you here?


"Why yes, I am ancap that loves faggoty identity politics. Surely this is a good idea."

I'll take a neoliberal over communists and anarchists every day.

Neoliberalism is the infected semen. Communism and Islam are the diseases that you will acquire.

For all the evidence-based policy they go on about, that sub really doesn't want to address how their views lead to Islamic communism.

Also there's semen.

There's always semen.

If Islamic communism means everyone's lives getting worse but /r/neoliberal subscribers, this but unironically

I had a feeling Ben Garrison was a /r/drama regular.

Its not my best work.

It's double dumb because you don't even get STDs from swallowing semen. You get it from swishing it around in your mouth.

Yeah, its a little outside my wheelhouse. Sorry.

Let me guess: you aren't a teenager nor are you autistic

Two very good guesses.

browses /r/drama

not an autist

yeah, real likely




Sorry they dont idolize the morbidly obese degenerate mayos that you do.

That is a mistake.

tfw when i hate neolibs so much i find myself unironically upvoting yourgayopinion

YourGayOpinion did nothing wrong.

ur gey

wait what happened to /u/cloacalla_festival?

'Permanently suspended'. /u/spez surrendered.

yeah but for what?

I don't know. Sending too many cucks to rehab, I suppose.

faggoty identity politics

Says the guy who gets his entire self-worth from not being a Muslim.

That isn't a particular identity. Its just everyone in the world. Except Islams.


This but unironically.

r/neoliberal is the closest thing we have to a good political sub.

We are a long way away from a good political sub.

Political subs


/r/Lefthandedlunatic is best political sub. Gay Muslims <3

/r/geopolitics is great

Every chinese topic is spamming by pro-chinese posters who only post on chinese topics

it's merely okay

I didn't even need to read your username to tell you were 18 years old

Tbh, the lefty subs already had a huge headstart on going apeshit over P_K before he started returning the favor.

They act so tsundere, but we know the truth about their forbidden love.

PK and /r/neoliberal should just fuck already.

Mostly so people don't go around talking about Chapo or telling people to "kys" all the time.

Literally nothing wrong with reminding people to kys

Especially Chapo fans.

Would you be open to discussing these views on a podcast? Of so I know just the right one.

Love to talk about how you guys are retarded.

Go on cumtown.

How or why is that guy on reddit all the time making shitty arguments that don't matter? Flunking out of community college to spam reddit all day doesn't seem like a good idea.

Supposedly he is in a PhD program for economics. As a communist.

Oh, no, everyone just thinks I'm a liberal. If you're good enough at math you can believe whatever you want and do fine in economics.

Nah everyone thinks you just don't have any balls. Just own up to your toxicity.

/>P_K is obsessed with us

/>So I'm going to make multiple posts highlighting this and get my friends from r/drama to back me up

Salty banned users OUT OUT

Yo what was I even banned for you linked me to a deleted comment by someone else

Drone strike jokes

When was that a rule

Yeah I think you need to start doing warnings and removal of posts before going into bans. I don't know why my temp ban was extended to 3 days. I understand why I got the 1 day and accept that but I don't know why it was extended.

It would also have been reasonable, in my opinion, to trend more towards removing rule breaking comments and sending warnings before rushing to bans. Afterall we try to pride ourselves on open tent and not banning dissidents so why not try to explain why we are saying dumb shit.

Drone jokes

"n-n-no u"