All pretense of jerking dropped in /r/programmingcirclejerk when two wankers pull out their seriouspost-cocks to spearfight over the merits of Haskell

15  2017-08-07 by jajajaja21


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Even my cs degree doesnt help me enjoy this drama

This shouldn't surprise you.

implying Haskell has merits

It keeps autists busy with their toy language and not bothering decent Godfearing people, so that's one merit.

Those nerds need to stop mansplaining their creepy vowel rape simulators and start giving a fuck about not killing women

Yeah, I really don't care what a bunch of faggots that type in notepad for a living are arguing about.

Hey not notepad.

Sub is just tired go memes (lol no generics tho) and newbie commenters who aren't original these days

Maybe exaggerating but it's at least 50% trufax. MPCJGA

I think what the sub really needs is some more 4 panel cartoons.

I fucking hate programming language elitists. They are the neckbeards of the neckbeards, so to speak.

Notice how this drama sounds exactly like EvE drama, the neckbeard of neckbeard games.

Jesus, Haskell. If only gray-beards would put so much keystrokes into libraries and stdlib rather then srsposting about monads someone could consider using it.