Toomanychromosomes goes full red pill and jerks off over a study that attempts to provide evidence for male social hierarchies

66  2017-08-09 by aonome


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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I'm confused last week they posted that video from Adam ruins everything that there is no such thing as alpha males have they changed their minds

Yeah but this is different because it's negative about a group that they don't like

As long at it's negative towards men they'll believe it, regardless of whether or not it contradicts their other views.

Women can't decide or make up their minds....Damn, mindblown...


It's ok if it serves their interests.

You see it with a lot of online communities and circlejerks; the only "bad" science/economics/philosophy is that which does not support their worldview.

For the purposes of this study, does it make a difference between someone's actual status vs their perceived status?


Study finds [thing I want to be true] is true.

You can find a """study""" in support of anything you want. They're sometimes just glorified articles on the internet. There are even pro pedo studies (where's that copypasta pedo nowadays?).

They needed study for that?

That's what they keep saying in the thread but they miss the point of the study

srsly look at gooblegators

They don't exactly scream "I am a superior male who defends his territory and impregnates many females!"

Goobergate literally has nothing to do with women. If it was a man getting bussy for good reviews they would have reacted the same.

I honestly hope you're being ironic

Everyone knows thots are nerd bait like almost nothing else

mentions about gamers being misogynistic

unironically uses the word thots in the next post

And Brianna Wu isn't even a real womyn. Most game journos are male. It has nothing to do with womyn.

I am a misogynistic neckbeard gamer, I know my own you tard

And most game journos are thirsty numales and there is nothing sweeter than when the mob turns on them, I was hatebating when Nick Robinson got his

But come on, when Jeff Gerstmann got canned people were pissed but there wasn't a social movement created

I mean, maybe? No man's sky got a lot of backlash tho. Idk. I feel like the backlash against the retarded ""journalists"" was bound to happen.

Yah, the pimple would have popped at some point, but Eron Gjoni's "She dun me wrong" story was an excellent accelerant for the fecal firestorm

And women game journalists are the only ones they take 'ethical' issues with. Thenonly male joirnalists they half-heartedly attack are those with connections to their female targets.

It's indisputable science

LOL. No they don't. There aren't even any female game journos. They took issue with the MALE who was writing good reviews for a game dev he was fucking with.

I dont know if youre just trolling and in character, bur mt god you are one patheticly low t manlet. Id feel sorry for your father but there is no chance he isnt just as pathetic as you

Where the female game journos at

WHERE IS THE FEM GAME JORNOS /u/Karmaisforsuckers

With me havin sex 4 reviews

Fit me irl

Jenn Frank

the journalists that were originally attacked by GG were the five manlets, who had paid zoe quinn for sex.

all five of those manlets were "men" in the wider sense.

brianna wu somehow found a way to make everything herself, but she's not a journalist. she's also male in a wider sense.

the journalists that were originally attacked by GG were five manlets, who had paid zoe quinn for sex.

No part of gamergate was attackingthose jounalists. 100% of the effort was on attacking zoe Quinn personally.


I dont give a shit about Quinn or any of those people

Holy fuck bruh you give a massive overwhelming shit about all of those people

Like damn son I can smell it from ehre

In the world of psthetic gamergators, literally no ome can think theyre pathetic without simultaneously being a sjw supporter of ehomever their target of the week is.

Just another symptom of a weak, weak, boy

No part of gamergate was attacking those jounalists.

This is 100% false.

Its actuallu empirically scientifically tru. Like gravity.

I know you think being ironic makes being wrong less embarrassing, but it doesn't.

No, I think youre the maximum amount of embarrassing

you seem awfully obsessed with GG.

none of what you said is true :)

Everything I said is true. Especially about you.

wow, you should tell your mom

women game journalists are the only ones they take 'ethical' issues with.

This is embarrassingly wrong and is easily provable.






No they wouldn't. They react totally differently.

Usually if a man is getting bussy, they throw a tantrum just at the sheer mention, doesn't even need to have good reviews as payment, or be a journalist.

Imagine joining a movement that's based off a fake story. Greyson didn't review Depression Quest. Wowee

whining about gamergate in 2017

jesus, did we find a /u/prince_kropotkin alt in the wild? How pathetic are you?

Pretty fucking pathetic, though luckily not /r/kia or /r/gamerghazi pathetic.

complaining about or even bringing up gamergate automatically makes you as worse as gamerghazelle. kill yourself

Anybody who gives a shit about video games is a loser, no matter male or female, maker or player, young or old. No matter what "side" of the so-called culture one is on.

Educational video games for very young children are ok, otherwise everyone involved is a pathetic human being.

oh fuck another john ketch account, time to add to the blocklist

LUL, the time I made you so salty and embarrassed you blocked me is recorded in /r/drama history bby

> blocking /r/drama posters

blocking /r/drama posters

Basically Jewdank at that point.

Only the ones that are universally acknowledged to be stupid and boring as fuck. There's nothing redeemable about that guy whatsoever and I don't want to see their pings.

Only the ones that are universally acknowledged to be stupid and boring as fuck.

I wasn't aware self-blocking was a feature now.


/ > blocking /r/drama posters

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You're one of the retards that invokes the gibblegobble boogyman that doesn't exist when womyn are brought up

Gametegoobers are the biggest threat to women in the modern day. Look at the countless doxxings, death threats and abuse innocent female game devs like Brianna Wu have experienced for the crime of being female.

Oh right, I forgot that SJWs think women suck and dont believe that women can survive in the field of journalism with integrity, the very thing goobergaglootles by your woman-hating logic, GG is indeed a threat to women

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.

yeah we do you big fag

Manlet fag get it right

oh im sorry

Thank you

When in lack of arguments get triggerd and yell Gamergaters!

My complaint about Gamergate is more they thought saying "We're not sexists, it's about ethics" was going to matter. Feminazis are always going to win that debate.

They should have run with it, made it clear that numales, MTT and women shouldn't be allowed to play vidya.

Whereas TwoX and TrollX posters are totally winning at life.

yaaaaaaaas slaaaaaay queen

I love to munch on fast food in front of Dirty Dancing and all of a sudden MRA's care about harmful gender roles in movies? Please can I like be allowed to not be feminist for a sec omg. Stop concern trolling me!

Unironically /r/trollxchromosomes in a nutshell.

accurate, but -1 for unironic use of "in a nutshell"

He knows how to handle bitches. Testimony from Michel’le made me realize I didn't beat women enough, and that's why they never stay.

Someone, crosspost it to redpill. It deserves to be in "other discussions".

The researchers say the findings support an “evolutionary argument” that low-status men with low dominance have more to lose and are therefore more hostile to women who threaten their status in the social hierarchy.

Its like someone read my mind and then went on to prove my thoughts with research.

Lmao /u/chehelem if you believe that shit then you have to agree that women shouldn't work and are only supposed to raise children

#1 It's lol that now they're on board with hierarchical structures

#2 Yes, if you run around whining about how women don't want you and whatnot, there's a zero percent chance you're not a loser

So this is beautiful in that we get to mock both subs.

It's x-posted to TBP and they're trying to justify why it's suddenly different when they like it

Funnily enough agreeing with the study means believing that women are below "dominant" men

It's lol that now they're on board with hierarchical structures

Don't forget evolutionary psychology, which is now TwoX's hottest science.

Only /pol/ can save us.

wtf i love evopsych now

I literally had like 3 paragraphs typed but then I realized that's too much autism and serious posting for here so I'll just say this.

Shitty research(small test size, didn't account for age of players) with a huge fucking extrapolation at the end. People will still circlejerk over it.

Well you don't need a PHD or scientific study to understand that x is a loser if all they do is put others down. Who would have guessed.

Embrace your autism.

I realized that's too much autism and serious posting

Fuck you I did it anyway.

Yeah, online halo 3 seems like a real solid cross section of the human population.

While we were all studying the blade, they were studying us!

Dismantling the patriarchy one day at a time.

Press F

TwoX confirms that confirmation bias confirms their bias.

Male fragility is a thing.

SO sick of all these microaggressions against my Y chromosome.

You mean your fragilitY-Chromosome

I don't think that's a thing.

Fragile X syndrome
About a third of people have features of autism such as problems with social interactions and delayed speech.

I'm sorry to hear about your genetic disorders. In a just world you would have been institutionalized so you'd been kept safe and wouldn't bother decent folk.


Your head

From the study:

we examine how individual performance and social standing affect female-directed male behaviour using an online first-person shooter video game, Halo 3

They used Halo 3, which was released in 2007, for a study done in 2015. Who the fuck would even still be playing it apart from omega-level losers?

Not to mention, it's a FUCKING VIDEO GAME.

Halo 3 was a part of the MCC and was re released with the xbone ~2014.

/u/tums_festival confirmed for fake gamer nu-male!!

I only play real games with tons of depth and strategy.

Like Pokemon Go.

So they studied people who bought a $500 gaming system "multimedia experience" and used it to play an 8 year old game...I wouldn't say that's better.

So they studied people who bought a $500 gaming system "multimedia experience"

Lmao are you seriously trying to judge people for buying consoles?

Oh sorry, my mistake. I meant to say "people who told mommy and daddy to buy them a $500 multimedia experience."

Oh god, so smug.

In which Time takes an article from a journal with a 2.68 impact factor and give it to the masses.

Low impact factor journals aren't necessarily bad though, but that's normally for quantitative science and not shitty pop-psy garbage.


At least they're accepting biological arguments for gender behaviors

i didn't read the article because it sounds boring as fuck

so time magazine revealed that the world's third most obvious losers were actually losers, and this is funny because twoX thinks losers don't real now? how long have i been out?

Some study showed that over about 100 Halo 3 games (only about 1000 people were online at peak times when the study was done) the people that get a low score and are killed by women are mean to the women. This therefore means that people who are mean to women are losers (as in losing at Halo 3, not that the headline mentions that). It is then used to justify weird red pill logic about alpha males and twomanychromosomes likes that now apparently

w h a t

Glad to see 2XC is cool with Red Pill 101 shit. That's always nice to see.

So, is duexchromies ok with men of higher status attacking women online? It just seems like they are beating up losers. I bet it's like when /r/incels proved that women will sleep with nazis and pedos if they are cute.