It's Hulkamania 2.0! Alamo Draft House might get sued for hosting women-only screenings of Wonder Woman

190  2017-08-10 by MasterLawlz


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I get why they wanted to do the showing like that, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The outrage against it is pathetic though, do people really believe the Alamo Drafthouse wants to prevent men from seeing the film? This showing doesn't negatively impact anyone.

> ban men from a showing

> people get upset on twitter

"lol whiny men fuck them all"

> lawyer says this might not be legal and action might be pursued

"We at the Alamo Draft House respect people of all genders and in no way intended to exclude anyone. We welcome people of all walks of life to see Wonder Woman and realize it is a film for all audiences"

That's the standard process for any business really. Before legal threat, it's "get fucked", but after legal threat, it's a lengthy, carefully worded essay on how they "didn't mean it".

Businesses usually don't publicly tell the people to go fuck themselves beforehad like Alamo did, however. I like Alamo, but their Twitter team needs to be fired.

That's literally what happens any time a lawyer gets involved, ever. How naive are you?

Lawyers are worse than gypsies

Idk I just think it's funny seeing them cave like a bunch of pussies

seeing them cave like a bunch of pussies people who have consulted their lawyer and realised they are probably fucked.

Same shit, a bunch of idiots realized that stirring the pot so much when you're a multi billion dollar company is a terrible idea, I just find it funny

Are they a multi-billion dollar company? Is there more than one or a few of these places? I've never been.

I may have overshot it but Google says there's 29 of them and idk how much money each generates

Point is it's a big company

Ahh, that's a lot. I thought there were like 3 or 4. Thanks!

Dude austin has like 6 or 8.

Is Austin really big? That's a lot of a single chain of theaters for one city. I always assumed it wasn't that big of a city. Never been there.

It's in the top 20 for sure if not top 12 big cities in the US also I think the brand started here so there is naturally a large presence


29 movie theaters? Oh come on, that is tiny.

billion dollar company

Literally a company I've never heard of before.


It's one of the bigger theater chains in Texas, but I don't think they're anywhere else

there you go again, with your "logic" and "facts" saints preserve us

Watching /u/MasterLawlz touch himself because he doesn't understand basic realities is sad to me :(

You're literally more autistic than him tbh

I'm not at all.

it's hilarious seeing a company say get fucked and then backtrack like a bunch of pussies

Ackkshually they're just listening to their lawyers who said " you're fucked and should backtrack like a buncha pussies"

Okay? That's obvious and hilarious

Literally what your comment chain with him amounts to

TIL pointing out /u/MasterLawlz doesn't know what he's talking about is odd to you. ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

You're actually so autistic that you think you pointed out something that lawlz and every one else reading didnt understand. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Lol you think I care if anyone else understood.

Mate. A novelty account is scoring points on you. This is bad.

K then:

You're actually so autistic that you think you pointed out something lawlz didnt understand

Keep yourself safe sheepshagger

TIL mocking /u/MasterLawlz is srs bznz.

Lol k

So if they did a men-only screening of Thor Ragnarok, or something like that, would you be shrieking in outrage like the rest of the dipshits or would you still say you don't get the outrage?

You already know the answer to that.

Biting commentary from Reddit user "AltRightRulesReddit"

Nice flag

No he doesn't lol, and neither do you. I couldn't care less about gender specific screenings.

The point of a question to which you already know the answer is still indirectly pursuing the eradication of ignorance.

Who cares

I don't even live in the state, but if I did I still wouldn't care. It's just trying to bring a specific audience together, but unless this one day and time was the only time I could see the movie, it wouldn't affect me at all.

Nobody gives a shit about the showing. People do give a shit about the way they promoted it and a shitshow that would happen in someone tried to do all-male showing of a movie.

I guess this feels like the kind of non-issue that bogs down actual equality progress. With real problems like false rape accusations and disadvantages in custody cases, is this stuff even worth thinking about?

What do you know, politicizing social issues isn't a good marketing advertisement.

Well yeah because (a) how the fuck is some random dude going to stop false rape claims, and (b) raking the smarmy low level proponents of this retarded cultural phenomenon over the coals seems a useful and fun way to erode the sense of indignant righteousness that leads to the more serious stuff.

Baby steps fam, baby steps.

Yeah I thought this actually sounded like a fun idea. And it would've been 10-20 years ago. That just isn't the world we live in anymore. Nothing can happen anymore without somebody getting outraged over it.

So how long have you been against gender equality?

I've always been against it.

My point exactly

not gender equality, just men. Men are scum

They fucked up dude, the were super smug about it but they were playing with fire. Civil rights laws are serious business, which is why every big company has an HR department.

This just sounds like a ladies' night at a bar but even less serious

Ladies night have actually gotten in trouble before with the law because of civil rights issues, i think its stupid that people have issue with it but it has happened.

Yeah, according to wikipedia they're banned in several states. I never really cared about that either, it's the best time to go out drinking for guys as well.

Wrong. Best nights to go drinking are when there are turtle races at Woodrow's in Austin TX

Holy shit they have turtle races? I need to go there.

Every thursday. It's a damn shame I'm not down there right now

Fuck, wish I had access to a car right now. Soon I will see these turtle races, dammit.

Is it at all of them or nah? If it's at the one in southpark meadows, I literally live like five minutes away. How the hell have I not heard about this before.

I'm not 100% sure

Alright, I'll have to check. Thanks for letting me know about this, sounds great.

Last time I went you just drew a card and if your turtle won you got a free pint. It's a great time

Hell yeah free beer

for real i dont give a shit about ladies night or ladies gyms but i support fucking with them because have some consistency

I guess we should look forward to a strict 'no girls allowed' policy on opening screenings of films that depict young men as medical professionals, you know, to empower boys to enter a field that they are rapidly being under represented in.

You're forgetting one part: it wasn't just a showing for women only. They didn't allow any male employees to work. Read the announcement, they gloat about women only everything, from the cashier to the projectionist. That's totes illegal af fam.

Easiest place to rob ever.

I don't see the appeal. Any event that was only male sounds lame as fuck and I wouldn't want to attend, why were women excited about takijg part in a fish fest?

Trannies negatively impact everyone. Islam negatively impacts everyone.

do people really believe the Alamo Drafthouse wants to prevent men from seeing the film?

Since they said that they did, yes, I believe them.

It's amazing how feminists always pass these laws, and start screaming their heads off whenever a non-feminist uses them. If you don't want rules, don't argue for them. But you damned sure don't have a right to argue for these laws, and then declare yourselves immune to them after they get passed.

If fucking 'people' can't live with a goddamned rule, then don't fucking pass it.

What kind of "fucking people" do you think I am? I'm not even a feminist, I just think this situation is overblown

can't say I didn't see this coming. isn't gender a protected class? whoever vetted this should be fired. some COO needs to get the boot.

however, I enjoy their atmosphere and will be back at the Drafthouse to watch the new Star Wars movie when it comes out. I hope you all will join me!

I know two people who won't be joining us for the next installment of Lucas's masterwork - your wife, and her boyfriend.

I hope we can find her a new boyfriend in time because I cannot stand that woman after 3 beers

That's the only way I can stand her

After you've had three beers or she's had three beers?


Sex is a protected class in housing and employment. Men as a protected class is a more murky topic outside of those areas of law.


That depends heavily on the state. Just look at the Unruh Act in California.

In this case, I believe Austin prohibits public exhibitions (like movie screenings) from discriminating based on sex. That said, I'm not entirely clear if anyone was actually denied entry.

That said, I'm not entirely clear if anyone was actually denied entry.

Because their ad campaign had already told men not to attend.

The court system isn't some half-retarded king from an old fairytale. Being 'clever' isn't going to work. The legal system has dealt with that kind of 'Sure, I broke the law--but you can't prove it!!!!' nonsense before.

Yeah but you need to demonstrate a tort in order to have standing to sue. You can't claim theoretical harm.

Its worth noting that the Austin ordinance also prohibits advertising discrimination, so they are fucked regardless.

Of course it varies by state. When people ask about constitutional law without mentioning a state it's presumed the question refers to federal law and not the statutory quirks of New Hampshire.

SJWs say this because it's very clear as a constitutional matter--you have to have a VERY good reason to discriminate on matters sex, and sex as a protected class does cover all institutions that can't cross that barrier.

So they pretend that this is a state issue (it isn't, or civil rights acts wouldn't exist) or that it hasn't been adjudicated, or that somehow running an ad campaign but not physically turning anyway will protect them.

SJWs live in a feels before reals lifestyle. They aren't going to stop now.

SW sucks and actual cucks are even worse, keep your meme theater to yourself.

Remember the Alamo bud!

can't say I didn't see this coming. isn't gender a protected class? whoever vetted this should be fired. some COO needs to get the boot.

They thought publicly shaming people would magically make the legal system disappear.

The Alamo died for this shit smh.

Was this really what Davey Crockett died for?

Nah. He said traps weren't gay. Santa Anna fucked his shit up.

Wtf I love Santa Anna now.

Honestly fuck the people and their faux outrage at this screening, they think they're 'giving it back' to the sjw crowd but they're just keeping the perpetual outrage machine alive with this shit

The only way to end stupid policies is to enforce them on the people who support them. End affirmative action by forcing gender equality in sewage work and crab fishing.

Get more Mexicans into the NBA.

We already do all the house keeping in the stadiums, now you want us to get killed by 7 foot monsters for entertainment?

That's American football.

I prefer a perpetual concussion and CTE than getting postered and teabagged.

If another man put his nuts by my face, I'd have to kill him. It's a rule of machismo as old as women having to heat up the tortillas.

And she better not fucking use the microwave and dry them out like last time or I'll have to drink a bottle of brandy and cry/beat the kids

God I miss welito

The NFL should make the offensive lineman position woman only next year. That would be some entertaining shit.

I believe I ordered a torta de lengua, not a comment de complainto. Let's get on that amigo

Si seรฑor. Right-away-o

Unironically the best torta, nice to see a man of taste on this forum

people dont realise its about making them live up to their own standards so they can see how bad they are, and not, for instance, an actual desire to see women coal workers

We need more Japanese linebackers

Why don't we have sumo wrestlers do that? It seems like they'd be perfect for it.

Line backers are basically sumo wrestlers. In real life sumo wrestlers aren't like the marshmellows you see in your malasian cartoons you weab.

I absolutely agree. This is basically a bunch of people who don't live within 300 miles of a Drafthouse getting triggered

Original measurement Metric measurement
300 miles 483 km


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oh fuck off

Bad human

Bad bot fuck YOU

No you

Good bot

Ah yes, ignoring social justice fucktards and caving to their demands has worked out so well so far. Sounds like some cuck talk to me

For those about to REEEEEEE



And anyone who identifies as a woman

Then... anyone who just says that can see the movie?

Yeah, they've really put themselves on the spot with that one. The only non-women who are gonna see it will be edgelord trolls now. Identity politics will always come back to bite you in the ass.

I look forward to attending Sweden's first female only music festival next year. Just put on some make-up, throw on some earrings and claim you're a trans-dyke. It's gonna be a pussy buffet.

I want to see an Oppressed People's of Sweden Concert, including only females + Muslim men.

We already have that. It's called We are sthlm.

According to one memo, police in 2015 were told to be vigilant of young men sexually assaulting women in the crowd, as the previous year such offences had been committed, mostly by migrants, including Afghans.

That's the fun part about all of this. It's not just any men sexually assaulting women at these events. 90%+ of the perpetrators are Muslim migrants.

We Are Sthlm sexual assaults

The We are Sthlm sexual assaults allegedly took place in 2014 and 2015 at We Are Sthlm, a youth festival in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Police recorded complaints from women, but did not make them public. Dagens Nyheter, the first mainstream source to cover the story, faced allegations on social media that they had been part of a cover-up to hide the story, which the newspaper's editor denied.

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Oppressed People's of Sweden Concert

OPSeC - don't let the crime statistics be seen!

We are sthlm


ยฟPor quรฉ no los dos?

Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't be the only man attending. There's going to be plenty of guys there.

It's just that they'll be Muslim.

And not there for the music.

Holy shit that will be miserable.

Why even pretend to be inclusive when the very goal is to exclude a certain group of people?

For the same reason murderers rarely outright say, 'Yeah, I killed the 'em, and that bitch had it coming!' outside of Law and Order marathons?

Uh. Wrong. Didn't the courts get the mathematical definition of privilege? It's not discrimination if you exclude men. Only if you exclude women. Get๐Ÿ‘yo๐Ÿ‘shit๐Ÿ‘to๐Ÿ‘get๐Ÿ‘her, fucking misogynists pissbabies.

If Hillary had won and nominated a Supreme Court Justice, privilege would probably be enshrined in law in a few years.

Keep up your victim complex. It's amusing.

ah yes, hillary "colored people time" "superpredator" " 7/11 mahatma gandhi" clinton, the notorious SJW

colored people time, 7 eleven gandhi, superpredators

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This is a test of

The capabilities of

The haiku robot.


                  - grungebot5000

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.


Hillary wasn't the SJW candidate, that was the Bernito Bandito, they all ended up voting for her but ahe didn't pander any more than she really had to for those votes. She would have been a bad president* because she's a corrupt morally bankrupt person, not because she was a mindless SJW.

*please note that her being a bad potential president does not imply she was the worse of the two choices in the end.

If Hillary had one, I might have been treated like a black person! I'm the real victim here!


The only reason anyone cares is because liberals shit all over the carpet while doing it.

No, we don't care about some all woman whatever. We care about liberals using it to be smug and shit all over other people about it.

Discrimination is bad except sometimes it isn't then you get sued then it is again indeed bad to do so.

Thank you for teaching us this lesson Alamo

Shit like this is why most people don't take the Men's Rights movement with any kind of sincerity. They come off like a bunch of spoiled children anytime they are excluded. Bruh, you excluded women from pretty much everything for centuries, I'm sure you'll get over not being able to see Wonder Woman at one specific screening.

This is weak bait

I literally clapped


you excluded women from pretty much everything for centuries

The MRM literally travelling back in time to oppress women, lol

You're right, excluding men from one single screening of Wonder Woman is equal to years of women not being able to own property, vote, and other basic things. Alamo Drafthouse totally deserves to be sued.

Im glad you came to your senses.

If you have a population advantage and you've been oppressed since the dawn of time, you're not actually equal. You're quite a bit the lesser.

years of women not being able to own property, vote, and other basic things.

Which the modern men's right movement totally traveled back in time and did, like I said.

After all, if they hadn't traveled back in time and done those things, then you'd be blaming them for a bunch of shit that they're not in any way guilty of, due to those things not having been true for about a hundred years now.

But as we know, the mrm totally is a bunch of devious time-traveling supervillains, so keep using the situation of a bunch of dead women from the 1920s to justify yourself acting like a twat today.

If you force girls in the Boy Scouts, guess what? You can't have women only screenings.

I've been alive for centuries?

I haven't excluded women from anything. Why wasn't I allowed in?

I want to get that almost $9000 in settlement money, but I'm a fucking woman. Thanks for nothing Alamo, you goddamn shithawks

They are shiggots, and biglords!

It's fucking misogyny but I'm also drunk and I'm gonna shill for pinnacle vodka for a second fam. It's delicious. I'd spend my settlement money on and pinnacle whipped

Identify as a lawsuitgendered man!

This is easy to circumvent. Just claim you're trans.

I'm in favor of these "x"-only movies and things. I would love to attend a white only movie or perhaps a white only everything.

Mayocide when?


seems like a reasonable suit. But I like ADH from all accounts... still, they have a strong case.

Seems like a great way for no one to pay for their drinks.