Good fucking lord.

24  2017-08-11 by DeepDickedHillybilly




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Shill for big Reddit tbqh.

To be queer here?

ML's the guy who posted the greatest /r/drama link of all time, that being a video of Alex Jones dancing to Hillary Clinton music with a lightup fidget spinner. He deserves more gold.


God has deserted us

Lets be real he bought himself that gold so he can pretend people like him

That's not true, my imaginary "friends" are acquaintances at best.

I got a shitload of reddit gold when Alien Blue was dropped. Maybe that was mostly the case for him.

That's what happened. I got like four years for that, one month for trying the shitty new Reddit app for like five minutes, and a handful of my stuff has been gilded. I haven't bought any of it myself. Blame the NEETS that actually thought my shitposts were worth rewarding with actual money