Videogame "journalist" who flirts like a high schooler gets called out for "harassing women" on twitter. Apologizes and gets fired. Everyone still mad for some reason....

80  2017-08-11 by Dr_Octagonapus


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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There is so fucking much wrong with Twitter that I don't even know where to start. That person cramming a full essay into the Twitter format is a good start.

Would it really be wrong if everyone on twitter was forcibly sterilized?

It would be a start

I was originally thinking industrial meat-grinder but I'm trying to be more mellow these days.

Bruh, the price of low quality meat burgers would PLUMMET!

DO you even know how many patties you can make from a full grown feminist SJW?

It would destroy the market!!!

Bags of pure fat are not meat!

Very sweet of you boo

Gas the Blue Checkmarks!

Jesus who is this fucking cuck asking this dude to apologize more profusely for sliding into some DMs??

Because you can't win with Marxist. You will never be pure enough in their eyes, it's a constant atonement of sins.

From what I'm aware, he's accused of harassing women for nudes, and then shit-talking them to his fans if he refused.

I don't know what the evidence is for this, but if it's true, I could understand how they'd still be mad after the apology he gave.

How stupid do you have to be to try this in the middle of a Stalinist purge?

me, or him?


He's like the people who thought they'd never end up in the gulag because they were loyal communists.

He thought he was a member of the inner party but didn't realize that STRAIGHT WHITE CISMALES aren't allowed in the party.

he's accused of harassing women for nudes, and then shit-talking them to his fans if he refused.

lol did you make that up from thin air? What he's being accused of is "sexually harassing women" by badly flirting with them and the only proof he has is some girl has a screenshot of him sending her an optical illusion of "send nudes".

That's literally it. They're ultra butt mad because he asked for nudes after mildly flirting with a random fan.

lol did you make that up from thin air?

Like I said, I'm not aware of the evidence, only the accusations.

I can understand that a person who truly believes that accusation would not be satisfied with the apology he gave. I'm not making a statement about whether they're actually correct to believe those accusations, only that their response to the apology makes sense in light of it.

I can understand that a person who truly believes that accusation would not be satisfied with the apology he gave.

TBH, these lot believe he did that and more. No wonder they're still so rabid.

HAHAHA what a fucking pussy ass faggot. Someone should beat this dude up. Should have just burned his already burned bridges and posted a picture of tumblr/journalist women getting lynched.

There is no recovery from the ultra-hip leftist crowd, bud. Just have fun tumbling down.

True dat. Once they set their sights on you it's all over. The only way to salvage anything is the 180 flip and alt-right Nazi salute

Yeah, after they've slandered you, apologising only makes them go after you harder. You can never back down, you have to go full whatever they accuse you of. Post a picture of yourself tongue deep inside the mouth of some ambiguously underage looking girl who is wearing a fan shirt and proclaim loudly how much power being a gaming journalist gives you.

You speak hyperbolically, but I cannot think of a single instance where someone made a boo-boo and was forgiven for it.

Even Joss Whedon is still vilified.

Yeah, apologising will do you nothing with SJWs, they will rabidly bite and tear away at your repuation until nothing is left, regurgitate the half digested scraps of your dignity and feed it to their friends. They will still complain that you have "not shown enough remorse" to the victims and use that as a staging ground to further vilify and attack your character. Never apologise lol.

as soon as they have one to use as an example theyll never let up

also joss whedon still denies ever being attacked like a battered wife

Trying to appease people deeply addicted to their own righteousness is always a losing battle. He could beeleete Twatter, pick a nick name and contribute to some other blag.

Or he could find a honest job like picking shit after people's dogs. It cames with self-respect vidya journaling does not.

What should his rap sheet be?

"Serial Twitter Flirter"?

People keep hinting at something much worse than what we've seen, so he's probably a rapist, or something.

Kinda like Glenn Beck killed a girl in the 80s?

Did he?

I know he was arrested for DUI in a Delorean when he worked in Baltimore

nah, it was 1990 actually

Flirting is rape, shitlord.

these people are fucking zombies



Anything with a blue checkmark is garbage tbh

This statement is passably not awful, which is exceeding my expectations. I need to not allow that to make me think it’s GOOD. It is not.

Really productive comment there. It almost sounds like you want it to be bad more than it actually is.

This just in: being bad at flirting is an actual felony.

It is if you're friends (or even in the proximity) or SJWs.

This story came up on SRD a few days ago. I shouldn't be surprised at how shit that place is anymore.

Wow... so basically a semi famous person is only ever allowed to hit on people who've never heard of them. Better not get too famous or you can never hit on anyone ever.

i thought that if i didn't send him pictures and flirt back, he'd stop talking to me.

No duh. Cause a guy is going to keep talking to a girl that just blew him off. Thats how flirting has gone since time imemorial. Person A hits on person B and person B either reciprocates in which case the conversation continues or rejects person A in which case the two people stop talking.

so basically a semi famous person is only ever allowed to hit on people who've never heard of them.

Follow the logic through and pretty much anything can be a power imbalance. More attractive? Income disparity? Age difference either way? That's a power imbalance!

In another comment elsewhere in that thread I argued that it's not a power imbalance if someone admires another person's job, that a power imbalance in a relationship has to be something like employer/employee or student/lecturer. That got heavily downvoted too without a single response arguing against it. I'm not one to complain about downvotes, but the combination of that and no-one even willing to argue their position was annoying. Fuck discussion apparently, even asking 'how?' is wrongthink.

Singers fucking their groupies is RAPE.

Well he decides to lay with the SJWs that's the price he pays. They got him by the balls now.

SJWs don't have friends as you or I understand the term; they just have people they're not lynching... yet

If you go to the game subs and read the discussion it's like the biggest army of thirsty desperate dudes you will ever see. I'd put good money on most of them behaving in the exact same way this dude did if given his position, yet they all jack each other off about how evil he is and how you must believe women at all costs.

I always feel really bad for these people when their 'friends' turn against them. You can practically feel the panic and the desperation to allowed back into the fold.

You should have had quotes around "videogame" as well. Polygon is a lot more interested in checking the privilege of people playing games than the games themselves. The ratio of idpol in gaming articles to articles actually about games is around 1:2.

flirting is basically a crime in 2017 (only for men though), just 1 small step below actual sexual assault.

How dare this guy talk to women in a sexually suggestive manner, doesn't he know that, as a male, he is not permitted to have sexual desire! It's not appropriate.

How the fuck was he in any position of power? Dude is a video game journalist. How much power do they wield?

I also love the white people calling him out for being white.

These people on Twitter are so delusional thinking this site and its 160 character limits are the end-all be-all for their media ingestion.

I love the 21-year-old Kirby avatar she/her saying that he should have been more mature given his age. Christ, looking at that person's profile and pictures made me burst out laughing at the irony.

The dude should have doubled-down. There's no winning with these radical mobs. Even Chris Grant is getting shit thrown for being an adult about it lol.

I swear I must have missed a thread or some evidence, because all I've seen evidence of is Nick Robinson sucking at flirting.

And I guess I'm officially an old now, so can someone explain what "sliding into their DMs" means, and why it's so horrible?