Intellectually superior neckbeard correctly deduces that I am a white supremacist because I think /r/news mods are kinda liberal. His response is measured and mature.

17  2017-08-13 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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That's pretty cringey.

/u/no_yesterday, were you euphoric while you were stalking /u/Tums_Festival?

He's using a bot to go through people's comment history and call them Nazis, but unfortunately it's a real person.

Yeah he nailed me too.

He's turned his sights on poor /u/Poemi. I only hope our Aryan brother can withstand the righteous onslaught.

I looks like the mods of most of the subs removed /u/no_yesterday's posts. I think she's on her period or something.

Mark my words, radical centrism will rise from this mass sperg-out.

mark my words, South Park centrism will rise from this mass sperg-out

Ftfy friendorino

No, SPC is too detached and ironic. Radical centrism will take an eliminationist stance on all extremism including, eventually, itself.

u/no_yesterday, what hole does hating nazis fill for you, in your life?

Her vagina, I'd imagine.

LOL @ SRDines downvoting anything anti-leftists.

This shit is why conservatives think they're oppressed. Because you psychos actively harass them constantly.

NYPO, you cum guzzling muppet