Drama on r/cuckold Who woulda thunk?

23  2017-08-13 by WeWuzKANG5


Now with added cancer!


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Look I can't control my sexual desires and preferences.


Going with the Jared Fogle defense, bold choice.


I want to put a lil pink baby in you.

This but unironically

Bold move cotton

I imagine u/lilpinkbaby97 is perfectly fine with some guy raping her, I mean, if he can't control his desires...

Okay, this is completely different than that. Thanks... Douche

u/LilPinkBaby97 do you want to know how I know you're a whore.

Woah now. Don't say that. Don't align yourself with them. She is one woman of billions. To assume that all women act the way that women you have experienced act is immensely wrong. r/incels is one of the worst subreddits on this site.

This but unironically

Probably some non negligible minority honestly. I mean they do have a lot of time for research

Look I can't control my sexual desires and preferences. -/u/LilPinkBaby97

How much for 1 hour?

If you can find /u/LilPinkBaby97 it's free. After all, look, you can't control your sexual desires and preferences.

of all the things which are fake, this is among the most fake

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies...

Would you download a doggo?


Still more legit than the endless SRD-posting this sub had engaged in for the last few weeks.

also not related to politics so I'll give it that

What a disgusting person, I'm so glad I dudn end up with a back stabbing ho.

Why are you browsing there?

All sorted by controversial.

youve opened my eyes. thanks

Can you open mine please? 😑

c'mere u

You sound like a creep. Ew


I miss the days when several of us modded /r/cuckoldpersonals

Hey look, real drama in a sea of agenda posting.

Try this sweet heart: http://mojoupgrade.com/

sweet heart

Jesus fucking christ

/u/Sharingmine you're trying to make people feel sick on purpose right?

What's the subreddit specifically tailored to goading people/women into cheating?

/u/LilPinkBaby97 what's so bad about polyamory? In my twenties all my girlfriends were going it behind my back.

She must be a troll. Or very stupid.

She's got an idiotic, potentially rage-inducing answer to every single comment. I call troll

Of course I trolled all the people that decided to just post "Whore" over and over again. I had to find humor in it. I'm not stupid.

Yes...yes you are stupid...and a cunt

She wasn't in a consensual cuckold relationship. She was cheating and wishing she could turn it into a cuckold relationship.. she's a cunt. why would you make it seem like this is normal drama for a cuckold when it's clearly just a dishonest bitch cheating on her boyfriend?

Sounds like you've got feelings.

There aren't any females on the internet. They're all just cross dressing incels.

Did you just cut and paste something thats publicly available to read as if you've outed me? lol.. oh my.

It's called kink shaming degenerate whore.

Cucks should be shot tbh

What a nasty fucking Cum dumpster that bitch is

If the aut right marched with torches protesting about cucking I'd happily cheer them on.

If the aut right marched with torches protesting about cucking I'd happily cheer them on.