Official /r/drama nice thread

32  2017-08-15 by MasterLawlz

everyone comment something nice about each other



So if I post here people have to be nice to me? What a mitzvah!

So if I post here

People have to be nice to

Me? What a mitzvah!


                  - Clopernicus

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.


Hows your day, handsome?

/u/Masterlawlz have you lost your virginity yet?

this thread was a mistake

You just need to casually slip into conversation that you mod a drama subreddit.

Worked for /u/takeittorcirclejerk.


We don't need such toxic masculinity here. This is a femmie safe space

THANK YOU that was triggering tbh

How come I'm not surprised?

In an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be hired to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from them in the first place.

As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.

The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to work with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over the software industry, such an entity can be useful. But this industry basically demands that any newcomer becomes maladjusted. That is bound to backfire.

And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground. So does Europe. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't really exist. I've worked there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in Silicon Valley: they are hiring robot-wannabe, academics-obsessed manchildren who have known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than coding/software/engineering. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, rule-of-thumbs and "deities"/idols they worship.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

Yaasds qwean preach

This is like 20% of the drunk-as-fuck sex I have with my wife. I outweigh her by like 80 pounds, but she matches me drink for drink. Once she passes out I just grab a titty and beat off.

Sounds sexy af tbqhwyf


Did you just have a stroke?


Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted "Trump Supporter".

Thank you for your understanding.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

You know what man? You know what?


I'm out there trying to make a fucking difference, ya know? I'm standing up for the little man, trying to do what's right, and fucking fat obese neckbeard virgin FAGGOTS like yourself just try to tear me down.

You know what? At least I'm doing something. I'm fucking trying. So yeah, sit there and hate, you fat sack of shit. Sit there and let the world fucking burn. I'm doing something. I'm working for the better. You're working for the worse.


Fuck me daddy 😩🍆💦👅

You probably have me on block, but in the spirit of the thread, I admire your calm, even-handedness when dealing with people on Reddit.

Hey thanks! I don't have you on block. Despite my many threats, I very rarely put people on block.

I actually remember the last guy I blocked. It was /u/CRIPPLED_NIGGER_BABY and he was sending me shock porn like four times an hour.

wtf i love crippled nigger babies now

is that porn thats shocking or porn thats of people being shocked like by electricity

im up for either

With a username like that, somehow I'm not surprised

This is why I need feminism, tits.

I tell this to literally every girl I match with on tinder


Always optimistic

Well Womyn may be a better idea.

every girl I match with on tinder

0 for 0 is still batting .000

How did she take it?

In the ass

How does it feel knowing the organs allowing you to continue your pitiful existence could have been used to save a child?

Pretty good, it means I'm keeping the population growth down to a reasonable rate

I haven't heard back from you about that fighter jet flair I wanted yet, I assume it's just because you're still trying to find the best jet. I'd be cool with an F-15, AJS-37, F-4, MiG-21, T-50, SU-35, MiG-31 or F-104.

Me 262 or nothing 💜

I had you pegged as an A-10.


It's a fairly cool CASbus but it's not as cool as things that can go faster than sound.

Child could have been white. I can't take that chance.

lol sucked in child i got mad organs

makes me better than them

I think Donald Trump is an intelligent guy. He is my hero.

I think Donald Trump

Is an intelligent guy.

He is my hero.


                  - StrongerThroughFaith

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

Nailed it.

You sometimes make half-decent haikus

I'm a great leader, sell America to me, gonna be yuge folks.

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 12826 bot$ in the jar.

how can we be sure this money is going to a good place?

Convert it to pesos.


All 👏 the 👏 bad 👏 hombres 👏 are 👏 in 👏 the 👏 US.

Fuck you, I do what I want.

/u/jasonjewnova is sexy at

/u/makeamericasageagain is a wonderful poster

/u/snallygaster is a gift to humanity


Say something nice about me too pls




You're a filthy liar friend

I guess some of you are okay.

[ Removed by reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]

Reminding everyone but /u/MasterLawlz to not attend /r/Drama at school tomorrow.


nobody here is cool what are you talking about

I would like a taste of u/mircy's bussy. There, I said it.

Who doesn't

Reserved for my fiance, sorry

Its impressive how /u/MasterLawlz hasn't committed an hero yet.

Official /r/drama nice thread

I'd drive my truck of peace into every single one of you

No u love us don't lie

Truck of peace is what I call my dick


You're a goddess and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.





Just leave it at big.

No you deserve all the 🐝s

I like to call mine 'Rod of Plenty'


BOOC has legendary gloryhole skills, based on CB chatter I've overheard on my interstate travels.

Whatever happened to him? He hasn't posted in over a year.

I think the gamergators abducted him.

some of you are ok but i dont want to be seen in public with you, probably

Mods are ok

I still think you're all a bunch of fucking nerds that I would have bullied in high school but most of you entertain the shit out of me and I appreciate those who scrape the filthy corners of Reddit to contribute content. Your efforts are noticed and enjoyed.

I've also learned a lot of internet stuff from you all and have become less of a Chad because of it. Thank you.

proof positive that incels were wrong and Chads can be rehabilitated back into useless members of society if given the chance t-too

/u/mircy has excellent taste in fetishes and is 100% certifiably mentally healthy

/u/AnnArchist is an excellent top mod and gets along famously with the rest of the mod team

/u/riemann1413 is pretty okay I guess

that last one jumped the shark

they tried, god bless them, they tried.

Post bussy daddy

Not all of you have autism.

Thanks fam.


There are some super cool folks here but also a fuck load of autistic fucks. I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

i been browsing this sub for like 4 years

i love it

this right here is a nice group of people



Everyone here who doesn't intend to:

  • bash anyone
  • surprise-penis anyone
  • allahu akbar anyone
  • refugee-rape anyone
  • illegally immigrate
  • freeze my peaches
  • kill all [anyone (trannies excepted)]

is OK by me.

If this wasnt a nice thread id tell you to jump off a bridge

Good thing you didn't say that then.

I know right?

I think you should reconsider freezing your peaches. You're going to get too many from just one tree and you won't be able to eat them all. But if you freeze them, you can still use them to make pies and smoothies and other stuff. At least can some of them ffs.

i thought you wanted to bash antifa

Only insofar as they want to bash me.

Shaming all my kinks.

I don't even know why I am posting. I think you all are a bunch of fucking idiots ... but it's like a bad train wreck and I can't look away.

Validate me Mommy!

/u/CirqueDuFuder is my favorite drama poster and the rest of you are shit cunts

There are lots of good people here but thanks for recognizing the hustle.

i like how its people that dont post usually being nice and regulars all fucking hate each other lol

Please give me attention

I'm still practicing how to be a professional retard /r/drama regular

That's weird, it seems my posts are getting filtered

This thread is GAY

What level of irony is at play here? It feels like that scene with the poison wine and the "great fool" shit sometimes.

I have a sneaking suspicion that most of the users here aren't really as retarded as they act on here.

/u/physicsismymistress has a high quality bussy


This sub is really stupid in an endearing way.

/u/annarchist has the nicest bussy around



I'd just like to say thank you to /r/drama for providing me with a community on reddit where I feel safe. Thanks to the mods for doing a great job of keeping a close eye on each and every post and making sure that no one steps out of line. This subreddit is the wholesome and inclusive space that I've been looking for basically my entire life.

Thank you, so very much, from the bottom of my heart.

There are times here when /r/Drama posters have been the nicest and most caring people on reddit, and that's saying a lot. One doesn't have to go far to see bitterness.

I think /u/spez is trying as hard as he can.