Were you all degenerates before you began posting at drama? If not, when and how did you transition?

11  2017-08-15 by ownersinc


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I used to be a SRDine back in the day (like years ago) when it was a good sub. I found my way here via natural progression.

I did hormone therapy along with SRD. I don't recognise myself, I reee when I look into the mirror

My grades are slipping, my job is at risk. There's bussy scent on my clothes, and I spend what little money I have on hookers just to prove that I'm no incel

Did anyone manage to revert back to a normie?

same here

srd just isn't fun. they take whatever drama is being discussed, package it, then just discuss it again with their own viewpoint

IDC about being a part of the drama, I'm just here to laugh at idiots and post bussy


I'm a gay degenerate, so I was degenerate before you lot appropriated it for having moderate, chaotic neutral beliefs.

But my degeneracy has accelerate as I get increasingly sick of so call allies and tossers who speak for me be complete fucking morons.

Years and Years ago I was a liberal in SRD on a long gone account. Then I was told I'm not liberal enough. Progressed through SRDD and SRDD to just drama and being a conservative.

are you saying srd bullied you into voting republican

Hahaha. I live in Canada but basically ...... Yes.

lol u got bullied by a bunch of srdines

HEY! It still hurts!

Sshhh bby s ok

Come lick my balls . It will make it better.


not to be rude but admitting that your worldview changed because of bullies on the internet makes you look pretty retarded

probably not st you should say publicly

Nah they made me realize that liberals are just smug ass holes that think they are better then others for the pretense of virtues that they "have". They are far worse conservatives in reality.

what in the world does the quality of people who follow a political ideology have to do with the merit of the ideology itself? all that shows is that you dont vote based off of any real view of how you want the government/country to be but instead based off of srd related trauma

Maybe if you weren't fucking dense in the head you would acknowledge that the quality of people following an ideology determine the quality of the ideas produced and the quality of the implementation?

The behavior of smug liberal on srd is nothing but a reflection of how shitty liberals behave everywhere.

my grandmother is one of the sweetest ladies ive ever met, yet she voted for duterte. does that make him a good leader or her a shit person?

yet she voted for duterte.

it makes you both sub-human foreigners.

thats true i suppose the principle doesnt hold up if we arent people

Now yer gettin' it.


You don't vote for an ideology, you vote for people.

If the people of an ideology are shit, what are you supposed to do?

somehow i feel like clinton and sanders werent shitposting on srd at any point in their lives

The guy already said that it was representative.

still, if liberal policies were in your self interest before you decided you dont like liberals, its not like conservative policies are suddenly gonna be more in your self interest

it doesnt make any sense to vote for the party diametrically opposed to your actual beliefs because the people who share your beliefs are smug unless your only voting as some sort of impotent petty revenge

still, if liberal policies were in your self interest before you decided you dont like liberals, its not like conservative policies are suddenly gonna be more in your self interest

No, not necessarily, but it doesn't have to be the same policies either.

If the left starts failing you on your main priorities, then move on to the next.

The Liberals are more concerned about creating a welfare state then actually benefiting the middle-class, so why would I vote for them (when that is generally my biggest priority)?

So since neither party helps me in that regard, I vote on what's next highest on my list. For me, it's not being a fucking tard with identity politics, so I'm moving more right.

but policy is not what this conversation is about. dude decided to be conservative because liberals were smug. full stop. that was his main priority.

i cant possibly figure out how anyone could see that as not retarded

but yea im sure you have fun voting for a good christian whos a blue collar family man who isnt at all concerned with identity politics

because liberals were smug. full stop.


full stop

Once more you aren't paying attention. For one I never said the smugness was the one and only thing. I did mention the liberal purity tests in the same sentence. In the next post ,which was in reply to you, I added the liberal pretense at being virtuous.

Do you want me to add every single reason that turned me from one to the other over the course of about 2 or so years. Or all the reasons that have only entrenched my opinion over the past 2 plus years?

I could mention how I was told more then a few times that I should shut up because my opinion does not matter due to the color of my skin. I could mention how I was told my culture should die or how I don't have a culture. All the while the smug liberals high fived each other over each lie and insult. Congratulating themselves on how great they are at being good people.

The list is long.

do any of the reasons of that long list have anything to do with policy

Like letting a baker decide who he wants to bake a cake for or not passing a huge list of gender pronouns into law ( am in canada).

i dont particularly feel like delving into the history of business based discrimination with you and why trusting the invisible hand of the market is retarded but i am interested in the second part

as far as i can tell the only list of pronouns legislated anywhere is new york workplace harassment law, and what youre thinking of in canada is a law extending civil rights protection to gender identity. all that means is that youre as likely to be prosecuted for misgendering someone as you are and have been for your entire life for saying the n word. its theoretically POSSIBLE that you could be brought to court for it, but if canadas legal system is like the us, youd need to be convicted by a jury of your peers and a judge and that just seems unlikely

its theoretically POSSIBLE that you could be brought to court for it, but if canadas legal system is like the us, youd need to be convicted by a jury of your peers and a judge and that just seems unlikely

So just ignore the law since you find it unlikely that a jury wouldn't enforce it.. Another thing I'm highly against as a policy is the Kangaroo court called "human right tribunal".

All of these things are shitty liberal ideas made up by ultimately self interested groups that have nothing to do with equality and is far closer to revenge.

Yeah, smug idiots.

If you think people are idiots, they're not going to pass legislation that you like... they're going to pass legislation that you think is idiotic... because you think they're idiots.

so you what, vote for donald trump?

Sanders would have done quite a bit of shitposting on r/fullcommunism if it existed in his day.

I don't think you were ever a liberal my man

Sorry I didn't pass your test.

don't be upset my friend

The politics of millennials.

Well TiA mostly, but also I had like 3 comments in KiA before even knowing about gamergate ( about Horizon Zero Dawn, 'cause I ordered it and shitty rumors where flying by) and one after ( about BF1, I think). Honestly, both KiA and Ghazi should just Keep Themselves Safe by now. I could agree with about 1/5 of what both of those subreddits subcribers WHERE saying on thr topics of video games and movies ( because they REALLY shouldn't be talking about anything more), based on old posts about pixelated tits and diversity. Now..now both subs are just cesspools for imbeciles.

I had an account which made back in 2011. I posted in different subreddits, including SRD but there wasn't any debate in there, just a smugjerk.

I deleted and came back with this one. I used to seriouspost back in the day but now it consists mostly of low effort comments (why bother?) in different subs. Either way I delete all comments when I'm about to delete my account (which has happened multiple times).

I already have another account for when I become just a lurker (I paid a couple of euros for reddit sync dev lmao), since the content is usually decent but comments are utter shit.

Either way I delete all comments when I'm about to delete my account (which has happened multiple times).

but why?

Deleting your account doesn't delete your comments, it just removes the comment-author association.

Yeah but I don't see the point of deleting comments.

Nice try, NSA

Mostly lurked. Came here and saw all the sparkles and haven't left because of the shiny

I've always been pretty degenerate by normie standards but I like coming here because I'm one of the least degenerate people here

Same, I'm pretty dumb but I like coming here because I feel smarter here. Thanks y'all

I was always here

Lies. You'll never be free till you admit the truth to all of us so we can laugh along

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

i actually used to be pretty nice and normal but then i started using the internet and decided that was for fags

I used to be srdine, but then they banned userpinging after I went hoss on a redneck. Then the epic fight between jewdank and whitney wisconsin and jewdank's christmas poem floated across SRD and I realized I had found my true home

You should get a new username and go back to SRD. You suck ass.

No u

Random degeneracy and argumentative shitposting got me (under a different account) linked here a while back.

I was already a metaposter, but I didn't hit stage 4 until I started posting here

Degenerate at the age of five.

Thanks, chomo.

No, I was just a normal hateful person. I'm not racist or sexist or anything. Oh no, I hate everyone equally. 0:-) But I hate hippies a little more. Goddamn fucking hippies.

I came here to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all outta ass.

I'm just here for when notch goes crazy and starts sending everyone bitcoins

I was born this way

i was a batshit attention whore trash disaster for the past 4 years because i desperately needed attention and now drama fills the void that low cut shirts and vodka used to for me

On and off through the years. Quit using an alt to post when it got banned. Stopped for a year or so. Seeing everyone get taken down a peg is good for keeping from getting too fucking stupid. Getting to insult literal nazis without getting downvoted, banned, brigaded or doxxed is also nice. Not that I've been doxed. There was an attempt, but they half-assedly accused me of being the wrong guy.

I think I wondered here from r/trashy

i loved SRD in high school

i miss game of trolls :[